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Journal : Indonesian Journal of Medicine

The Differences of Folliculogenesis between Treated with Letrozole and Letrozole-Electroacupuncture in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Yulyanti, Yulyanti; Budihastuti, Uki Retno; Melinawati, Eriana; Sulistyowati, Sri; Nurwati, Ida
Indonesian Journal of Medicine Vol 5, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that most often causes infertility. It occurs due to the failure of folliculogenesis, thus causing non-ovulation. Letrozole is a 3rd generation drug of non-ste­roidal aromatase inhibitors, which can increase ovulation rates. Electroacupuncture is the insert­ion and manipu­lation of needles into acupunc­ture points (acu­points) that are selected speci­fically based on the meridian system and con­nected to the electrode stimulator. This study aimed to determine the differences of the effects of letrozole and letrozoleelectroacupuncture (letrozole-EA) on the improve­ment of folliculo­genesis in women with PCOS.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a case-control design. This study was conducted at the Gynecology Polyclinic and Sekar Clinic, Dr. Moewardi Hos­pital, Surakarta. A sample of 30 infertile women aged 20-45 years was selected by fixed disease sampling. The criteria of the PCOS were deter­mined based on Rotterdam criteria. The depen­dent variable was the diameter of the follicle. The independent vari­ables were the administration of letrozole and letrozole-EA. Transvaginal ultra­sound of Voluson P6 was used to measure the folliculo­genesis. The data were analyzed by independent t-test.Results: On the second day after treatment, the diameter of the follicles in the letrozole-EA group (mean= 6.92; SD= 1.60) was bigger than the letrozole group (mean=5.66; SD=1.11), and it was statistically significant (p=0.004).Conclusion: Combination of letrozole and letrozole-EA therapy is more effective in increasing follicular diameter development than letrozole therapy only.Keywords: polycystic ovary syndrome, folli­culogenesis, Letrozole, electro-acupunctureCorrespondence: Yulyanti. Department of Obstetrics and Gyneco­logy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret/ Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Cen­tral Java, Indonesia. Email: dr.yulyanti­@gmail­.­com. Seluler: +6285264806570.Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2020), 05(03): 214-223