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Detection of Heavy Metal Pb in Cosmetics at Traditional Market of Banjarmasin: Deteksi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) dalam Kosmetik yang Beredar di Pasar Tradisional Banjarmasin Rahmadani; Alawiyah, Tuti; Herowati, Rina
Journal of Pharmacy and Science Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Pharmacy and Science
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53342/pharmasci.v6i2.220


Background: Impurities produced from the basic ingredients of making cosmetics, one of which is lead (Pb). Lead is a substance that is harmful and toxic to the human body. Lead can affect the hematopoetic system, nervous system, reproductive system, endocrine system and is carcinogenic. Objective: To determine the presence of lead (Pb) heavy metal contamination in mascara products circulating in the Banjarmasin traditional market. Methods: This study used a descriptive observational method. Testing qualitatively using KI, NaOH, and HCl reagents. Results: The test results obtained from the sample after being reacted with the three reagents showed a positive presence of lead (Pb) heavy metal. With KI solution shows a yellow-black precipitate, with NaOH solution shows a white precipitate and with HCl solution shows a white precipitate. Conclusion: Qualitative tests on mascara cosmetic products taken at different points of sale in the Banjarmasin traditional market using color reagents in KI solution, NaOH solution, and HCl solution, it can be concluded that the qualitative test results show a positive presence of heavy metal lead (Pb). on mascara products.
Social Status and Oral Hygiene with Quality of Life in Patients with Primary Hypertension Masriadi; Muhammad Fajrin Wijaya; Maqh irah Amiruddin; Tuti Alawiyah; Nur Rahmayani
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 16 No. 2 (2022): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v16i2.17968


Background:The main problem in primary hypertension is that most people who have been diagnosed with primary hypertension do not know the etiology clearly.To find out the the relation between social status and oral hygiene with quality of life in primary hypertension. Methods:The type of research used was an observational in a cross-sectional study design.The study was conducted in February-May 2021. The number of sampling was 61 people. The sampling method uses purposive sampling technique. The results of data collection were tested by using the Path Analysis test.Results: Research conducted at Padongko Public Health Center in Barru Regency. Based on the results of the analysis of the path analysis of social status tests on primary hypertension, the results obtained p value 0.188> α 0.05, oral hygiene against primary hypertension results obtained p value0.914> α 0.05, this Ha obtained means that there is a the relation but not significant, while social status on quality of life results are obtained p value 0.837> α 0.05, oral hygiene against quality of life results obtained pvalue0.227> α 0.05, this Ha obtained means there is the relation but not significant, while the the relation of primary hypertension to quality of life has a significant the relation where the results of p value 0.012 <α 0.05.Conclusion: There is the relation between social status and oral hygiene with quality of life in patients with primary hypertension but does not appear significantly.
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/logista.4.2.305-312.2020


Wabah virus corona belakangan ini telah menyebar ke berbagai penjuru dunia. World Health Organization (WHO) telah menyatakan bahwa COVID-19 sebagai pandemi global. Penyebaran covid-19 di Kalimantan Selatan berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan pada tanggal 12 April 2020 terdapat 1.184 Orang Dalam Pemantauan (ODP), 15 Pasien Dalam Pengawasan (PDP), dan 34 pasien positif covid-19 diantaranya ada 28 PDP, 4 pasien yang meninggal dan 2 pasien yang dinyatakan sembuh. Berdasarkan data tersebut kota Banjarmasin melaporkan ada sebanyak 232 ODP, 7 PDP, 14 pasien positif covid-19 sedang dalam perawatan dan 3 pasien meninggal. Hand Sanitizer digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif jika tidak ditemukannya air untuk melakukan cuci tangan dalam rangka pencegahan dari virus corona. Produk hand sanitizer juga sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat untuk bagian upaya dari menghindarkan paparan virus corona. Kurangnya ketersediaan hand sanitizer di pasaran dan meningkatnya harga jual hand sanitizer membuat masyarakat kesulitan mendapatkan dan sulit untuk membeli. Maka atas dasar tersebut, membuat produk inovaso hand sanitizer menggunakan bahan aktif dari bahan alam khas Kalimantan berupa akar bajakah (Littoralis hask) yang berfungsi untuk menghambat pertumbuhan virus dan bakteri. Serta pembagian produk dan langkah edukasi kepada masyarakat di tengah terjadinya pandemi virus corona. Kata kunci: Produk inovasi, Hand sanitizer, Akar bajakah, Covid-19 ABSTRACT The corona virus outbreak has recently spread to various parts of the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The infection number in South Kalimantan on April 12nd, 2020 were 1,184 people under monitoring (ODP), 15 patients under surveillance (PDP), and 34 positive patients for Covid-19, of whom 28 were PDP, 4 patients who died and 2 patients who were declared cured. Based on these data, the city of Banjarmasin reported that there were 232 ODP, 7 PDP, 14 positive patients with Covid-19 were being treated and 3 patients died. Hand Sanitizer is used as an alternative if water is not found for washing hands in order to prevent the corona virus. Hand sanitizer products are also very much needed by the community as part of the effort to avoid exposure to the corona virus. Lack of availability of hand sanitizers on the market and the increasing selling price of hand sanitizers have made it difficult for people to find and buy. So on this basis, making innovative hand sanitizer products uses active ingredients from natural ingredients typical of Kalimantan in the form of Bajakah roots (Littoralis hask) which functions to inhibit the growth of viruses and bacteria. As well as the distribution of products and educational steps to the public in the midst of the corona virus pandemic. Keywords: Innovation product, Hand sanitizer, Bajakah’s root, Covid-19
Pembagian Obat Gratis di Masyarakat Sungai Tabuk 3 dan Desa Pemangkih Tengah Pasca Banjir Melviani Melviani; Rahmadani Rahmadani; Tuti Alawiyah
JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia) Vol 3, No 1: Februari (2022)
Publisher : ICSE (Institute of Computer Science and Engineering)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jpkmi.v3i1.201


Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan wilayah dengan potensi bencana banjir yang sangat besar dilihat dari topografi dataran rendah, cekungan dan sebagian besar wilayahnya adalah lautan. Berdasarkan data dan informasi bencana Indonesia yang dikelola Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana menunjukan bahwa bencana banjir merupakan kejadian terbanyak. Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dari bencana ini tidak hanya berupa kerusakan materi seperti kerusakan rumah penduduk dan fasilitas umum, tetapi juga menimbulkan wabah penyakit. Penyakit yang dikeluhkan masyarakat pasca terdampak banjir di Sungai Tabuk 3 dan Desa Pemangkih Tengah adalah penyakit-penyakit yang biasa timbul akibat banjir seperti diare, demam, dan gatal-gatal pada kulit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri, virus dan patogen lainnya. Berdasarkan keluhan masyarakat tersebut dilakukan pembagian obat-obatan gratis, edukasi dan pembagian kuesioner untuk mengetahui pengetahuan masyarakat terkait DAGUSIBU. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan dari 77 orang masyarakat mengetahui DAGUSIBU 91% dan 9% tidak tau terkait DAGUSIBU, masyarakat setempat sangat antusias mengenai obat –obatan yang mereka dapatkan dan edukasi memberikan Pengetahuan DAGUSIBU bagi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan rasionalitas penggunaan obat. Dampak yang terjadi adalah masyarakat dapat mengetahui penggunaan obat yang tepat dan benar berdasarkan kondisi klinisnya dan mendapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan terkait DAGUSIBU.   Abstract: Indonesia is an area with a very large potential for flooding, seen from the topography of the lowlands, basins and most of the area is the ocean.  Based on data and information on Indonesian disasters managed by the National Disaster Management Agency, it shows that floods are the most common occurrence.  The damage caused by this disaster is not only in the form of material damage such as damage to houses and public facilities, but also causes disease outbreaks.  The diseases that the community complained about after being affected by the flood in Tabuk 3 River and Pemangkih Tengah Village were diseases that usually arise due to floods such as diarrhea, fever, and itching of the skin caused by bacterial, viral and other pathogenic infections.  Based on the community's complaints, free medicines were distributed, education and questionnaires were distributed to determine public knowledge regarding DAGUSIBU.  The results of the service showed that from 77 people who knew 91% of DAGUSIBU and 9% did not know about DAGUSIBU, the local community was very enthusiastic about the medicines they received and education provided DAGUSIBU knowledge for the community to increase the rationality of drug use.  The impact that occurs is that the community can find out the right and correct use of drugs based on their clinical conditions and gain increased knowledge regarding DAGUSIBU.
Potential of Hyacinth Activated in Lowering Levels of Lead Heavy Metals by Method of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Dita Kusuma Wardani; Tuti Alawiyah; Madschen Sia Mei Ol Siska Selvija Tambun
International Journal of Education, Science, Technology, and Engineering (IJESTE) Vol 4 No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Lamintang Education and Training Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Educators, Scientists, Technologists, and Engineers (IA-ESTE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0402.319


The Barito River as the largest and longest river in South Kalimantan has been convicted as the most polluted river on an international level. Where one of the most commonly found compounds is the heavy metal lead (Pb) with a high enough levels that alternatives are needed to reduce the levels of the metal. One way to reduce the levels of such heavy metals is to use activated carbon hyacinth. So the activated carbon from hyacinth is made in accordance with SII No.0258-79 and knows the effect of variations in the administration of activated carbon hyacinth at a time of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes in lowering the levels of lead heavy metals (Pb). The research method used to determine the effect of variations in the administration of activated carbon hyacinth is by quantitative testing using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry tool. The results showed that activated carbon hyacinth has met SII No.0258-79 with a randemen test result of 15%, water content of 3%, and absorption of iodine of 241.16 mg / gram. Significant value produced 0.742 with regression value (r) 0.999 and resulted in decreased lead metal levels in the variation of 15 minutes activated carbon administration of -0.030 mg / l with an absorption of 120%, 30 minutes of 0.073 mg / l with an absorption of 48% and 45 minutes of -0.097 mg / l with an absorption of 167%. Hyacinth activated carbon can be used to lower the levels of lead heavy metals (Pb) with a maximum contact time of 45 minutes by 167%.
Literature Review: Psychosocial Care Perawat Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Yunina Elasari; Annida Hasanah; Tuti Alawiyah
JURNAL KEPERAWATAN SUAKA INSAN (JKSI) Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Suaka Insan (JKSI)
Publisher : STIKES Suaka Insan Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51143/jksi.v6i1.245


Psychosocial care merupakan komponen yang penting dalam memberikan perawatan dengan berfokus kepadapasien yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis dan emosional seperti harga diri, penyesuaianpenyakit, komunikasi, fungsi sosial dan hubungan interpersonal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasidefinisi, hambatan dan upaya dalam meningkatkan psychosocial care perawat di ruang rawat inap berdasarkan studiempiris lima tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan study literature review dengan menggunakanbeberapa sumber yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan peneliti. Dari 10 jurnal yang dilakukankajian literature didapatkan definisi psychosocial care adalah perawatan psikologis, sosial dan spiritual melaluikomunikasi terapeutik dan pendekatan holistik. Hambatan psychosocial care: kurangnya waktu, hambatan bahasa,kurang pengetahuan dan keterampilan, kurang keterlibatan keluarga serta dokumentasi berlebihan. Upaya untukmeningkatkan psychosocial care: pelatihan, dukungan tim profesional dan melibatkan keluarga dalam perawatan.Psychosocial care adalah perawatan yang holistik dan memiliki tantangan tersendiri bagi perawat dalammengaplikasikannya sehingga perlunya upaya untuk mengatasi hambatan dan meningkatkan psychosocial careperawat dengan cara pelatihan psychosocial care, kolaborasi interprofesional dan melibatkan keluarga dalamperawatan
Jurnal Pelayanan Kefarmasian dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Journal Of Pharmaceutical Care and Science
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.697 KB)


ABSTRACT Background Alum is an aluminum sulfate compound consisting of sulfate double salts which has metal ions. Has the chemical formula [Al2(SO4)3.18H2O]. The maximum level of sulfate that is allowed to be contained in drinking water is regulated by the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No.492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 of 250 mg/l. Objective To find out sulfate levels in drinking water samples consumed by Lok Buntar Village community. Method The study used an Analytical Observational Prospective Cohort Design. The population of the Lok Buntar Village research population is alum use as a water purifier that is used as drinking water. The research sample is boiled drinking water containing sulfate (alum) in Lok Buntar Village. Taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis using linear regression to determine levels. Results SO42- sulfate levels at volume of 150 L obtained 53.184 mg/l, at a volume of 100 L that is 42.162 mg/l, at a volume of 50 L obtained levels of 40.266 mg/. Ha ≠ 0 there are SO42- levels in drinking water at the sampling point at volumes of 150 L, 100 L and 50 L. Conclusion: The presence of SO42- sulfate levels at the sampling point at a volume of 150 L is 53.184 mg/l, 100 L is 42.162 mg/l and 50 L is 40.266 mg/l. Keywords Drinking Water, SO42- Sulfate Levels, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry.
Analisis Kadar Surfaktan Anionik Pada Air Sungai Barito Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri Visible Nurul Fajriah; Tuti Alawiyah; Ikna Urwatul Wusko
Jurnal Pelayanan Kefarmasian dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Journal Of Pharmaceutical Care and Science
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.585 KB)


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Water is one of the resources that contains the main needs including humans, animals and plants. Indonesia is a country that has a lot of air resources and is known as a maritime country consisting of thousands of islands. Indonesia also has more than 500 rivers. One of them is the Barito River located in Ulu Benteng Village RT.11 Barito Kuala Regency is still used by the community for daily needs. One of them is used for clothing and drinking water sources. OBJECTIVE: To determine and compare the levels of anionic surfactants in the Barito river with different time intervals, namely the 1st, 4th and 7th days. METHODS: This research uses descriptive research with group design. The population and sample used were all of the Barito River water with inclusion and exclusion criteria using the Visible Spectrophotometer method. RESULTS: Significant value of the results of calculations using SPSS of 0.593 with the results of the value of the relationship coefficient (r) 0.997 and the results of the first day level of 4 mg/L, day 4 of 2 mg/L and day 7 of 2, 8 mg/L which determines levels exceeding the normal threshold that has been determined by Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 which is 0.2 mg/L. CONCLUSION: Anionic surfactant content in the Barito River water has a value that exceeds the threshold of Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2001, namely on day 1 of 4 mg/L, day 4 of 2 mg/L and day 7 of 2,8 mg/L. The significance value is 0.593 which means that there is no time difference and the hypothesis is rejected. Keywords: Visible Spectrophotometer, Barito River, Anionic Surfactant
Jurnal Pelayanan Kefarmasian dan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Journal Of Pharmaceutical Care and Science
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.427 KB)


Cholesterol is an essential material to synthesize important substances in the body. Cholesterol is transported to various body tissues with the help of lipoprotein, which contain particles of fats, proteins and other substances. Hyperlipidemia is an increased level of lipids in the blood. Increased cholesterol levels occur mainly because of bad lifestyle; the habit of eating fast food or instant food which increasing cholesterol levels in the blood. Non-pharmacogical managements can be given by administering extracts of natural ingredients such as flavonoids contained in Ketepeng Cina. The aim of this study is to know the potential of ethanolic extract Ketepeng Cina Leaves to reduce plasma cholesterol in hyperlipidemic male mice. Analyzing through the database, Pubmed, Google Scholar from 2010 to 2020 with the keyword of Chinese patty, and flavonoids. 3 database search methods found 205 articles consisting of 24 google scholar, pubmed 169, and obtained 9 articles that filled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The potential of ethanolic extract Ketepeng Cina Leaves (Cassia Alata L.) is proven to contain flavonoids that can reduce high number of cholesterol values in the blood of test animals such as mice
Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Pada Krim Pemutih di Kota Banjarmasin I Ketut Gunawan Kusuma; Nur Hidayah; Tuti Alawiyah
Jurnal Pelayanan Kefarmasian dan Sains Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Journal Pharmaceutical Care and Sciences
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.104 KB) | DOI: 10.33859/jpcs.v2i1.66


Background Whitening cream is a mixture of chemicals or other material which is able to whiten the skin. The presence of heavy metals such as Hg and Cd in the whitening cream products are very dangerous, because if the heavy metal ions adsorbed into tissue and organs, it will cause health problems. Objective This study aims was to find out the properties and levels of heavy metals mercuri and cadmium in the sample of the bleach cream in Banjarmasin. And to find out whether heavy metals in mercury and cadmium exceed the statute limit by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia BPOM RI No. 12 tahun 2019. Method The study USES a method of analytic observation with a cross sectional design. The sample of the bleach cream used was a cream-bleach product with no license of The food and drug administration. As many as five samples of bleach cream were purchased at random in three markets that were on Banjarmasin analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results Research shows the highest hg concentration of metal showing on a sample of bleaching cream with a code E 0.675 µ /kg, the highest cd-metal content showing on the sample of the bleach code C 0.994 mg/kg. Conclusion: The result is under the limit set by the terms by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia BPOM RI No. 12 tahun 2019. Keyword: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Heavy Metal, Whitening Cream