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Jurnal Medika : Karya Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 3 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : STIKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.383 KB) | DOI: 10.35728/jmkik.v3i1.79


Background: Contraception services are one of the types of family planning services available. Most family planning acceptors choose and pay for themselves various types of contraception available.Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of husband's support to the use of contraception in couples of childbearing age in the Air Putih Sub-District of Samarinda Ulu District.Method: The method of this research is Descriptive Correlation, with a cross sectional design. The sampling technique used in this study is Non Probability Sampling with a sample of 49 respondents data collected using a questionnaire measuring instrument.Results: Fisher test results obtained a value of P = 1,000> alpha = 0.05, it can be concluded that there was no relationship between husband's support and the use of contraception in couples of childbearing age in the Air Putih Sub-District of Samarinda Ulu District.Conclusion: There is no relationship between husband's support and the use of contraceptives in couples of childbearing age in the Air Putih Sub-District of Samarinda Ulu District
Analysis The Student Perception of Application Clinical Skills Online Learning in The Pandemic Time Covid-19 Anik Puji Rahayu; Sulistiyawati Sulistiyawati; Cicih Bhakti Purnamasari; Endang Sawitri; Ika Fikriah
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v9i2.1600


Background: Government policies that apply social distancing, work from home, and learn from home to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 corona virus have an impact on learning methods. Clinical learning methods in pre-pandemic health education are carried out in campus laboratories and direct clinical services to patients. Thus, in this condition, the provision cannot be implemented. Purpose: For this reason, it is necessary to modify the learning method from offline to online to meet the continuity of the student learning process. Methods: In the first stage, the clinical skills online learning method using online videos is supported by lecturers’ explanations in a 120-minute meeting. In the second stage, students are given the task of making videos of procedural skills that have been taught in 170 minutes, with a video duration of 10-15 minutes. At the next meeting, a review or response is carried out with students on the standard operating procedure and the theory that underlies it. The design in this study is a descriptive analysis with 511 respondents from the medical education study program and the nursing diploma 3 study program at the Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University. The research used was 44 items of statement questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability, and questionnaire items were sent to respondents via Google Forms. Results: From the results of this study, there is a significant relationship between the perceptions of students who apply clinical skills online learning seen from the effectiveness of learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era with p-value = 0.000, with a very strong relationship with the Spearman value rho of 0.791 in a positive direction. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that the application of online clinical skills learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was effective. As a suggestion, clinical learning methods with various blended learning or hybrid learning methods should be modified.
Hubungan Status Emosional dengan Derajat Dismenore pada Remaja Putri di SMKN 12 Loa Buan Samarinda Nurun Nimah; Anik Puji Rahayu; Aries Abiyoga
Jurnal Keperawatan Wiyata Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan ITKes Wiyata Husada Samarida

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.057 KB) | DOI: 10.35728/jkw.v2i1.568


ABSTRACTBackground: Dysmenorrhea is a painful sensation, cramping in the lower abdomen which is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as sweating, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and tremors, all of which occur before or during menstruation. Teenage girls who experience dysmenorrhea can interfere with social or physical activities because when they are in pain, sufferers tend to be silent and even don't want to interact with other people, they tend to be more emotional. Emotional embodiment part of what a woman feels, a reaction to a certain event or situation. Emotional status and dysmenorrhea in women is a conscious experience that influences bodily activities and is psychologically able to influence a woman's emotions. Objective: To identify emotional status and to analyze the relationship between emotional status and the degree of dysmenorrhea in young girls. Methods: Quantitative research, descriptive analytic research design with cross sectional research design with proportionate stratified random sampling technique, the sample of this study was 54 students of class X SMKN 12 Loa Buah Samarinda who experienced dysmenorrheaResults: Variable emotional status obtained positive emotional classification 33 (61, 1%) and negative emotions 21 (38.9%) respondents. Variable The degree of dysmenorrhea was classified as mild 35 (64.8%), moderate 12 (22.2%), severe 5 (9.3%) and unbearable 2 (3.7%). The test used Pearson Chi-square results obtained P value = 0.402, the significant level (α) is 0.05, then p> from α. This result means that Ho is accepted, there is no relationship between emotional status and the degree of dysmenorrhea in young girls at SMKN 12 loa buah samarinda. Conclusion: There is no relationship between emotional status and the degree of dysmenorrhea in adolescents at SMKN 12 Loa Buah Samarinda
Studi Fenomenologi Aspek Spiritualitas Pada Pejuang Kanker Serviks nuzul prima diyella; Wahyu Dewi Sulistyorini; Anik Puji Rahayu
Jurnal Keperawatan Wiyata Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Volume 2, Nomor 2, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan ITKes Wiyata Husada Samarida

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35728/jkw.v2i2.428


Latar Belakang : Kanker serviks akan mempunyai gejala yang membuatnya tidak nyaman dari segi fisik dan psikologis yang menyebabkan pejuang kanker sangat sensitif dengan berbagai perasaan cemas, takut akan kematian. Timbulnya dampak tersebut munculnya kebutuhan spuritualitas untuk menemukan tujuan dan makna kehidupan agar lebih mendekatkan dirinya pada tuhannya untuk menguatkan dirinya agar tetap iklas dan mampu mengahadapi penyakitnya. Tujuan : Untuk mengeksplor lebih dalam “Bagaimana aspek spiritualitas pada pejuang kanker serviks. Metode : Kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengambilan partisipan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 4 orang partisipan dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu seorang penderita kanker serviks, usia diatas umur 30 tahun, pejuang kanker serviks yang tidak mengalami penurunan kesadaran, pejuang kanker serviks yang tidak mengalami perburukan gejala yang tidak terkontrol, pejuang kanker serviks yang melakukan pengobatan rutin, pejuang kanker serviks yang tidak keberatan dilakukan wawancara, pejuang kanker serviks yang bisa menggunakan Handphone Hasil : Penelitian ini menghasilkan 4 tema utama yaitu keyakinan bahwa penyakit datangnya dari Tuhan, ibadah memberikan energi positif, harapan untuk keselamatan diri dan keluarga, kebermanfaatan untuk orang lain. Kesimpulan : Proses Spiritualitas akan muncul sendirinya disetiap individu dengan adanya agama, keimanan, harapan, trasedensi dengan adanya hal itu penderita kanker bisa menerima penyakitnya dengan mendekatkan diri pada Tuhan.
Jurnal Keperawatan Wiyata Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan ITKes Wiyata Husada Samarida

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.432 KB) | DOI: 10.35728/jkw.v2i1.597


Latar Belakang : Pemutusan pemberian ASI secara dini sangat mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang dan status kesehatan anak di masa depan. Ada kemungkinan proses penyapihan dini akan berpengaruh terhadap sistem cerna bayi yang belum siap, penyerapan nutrisi yang lebih sedikit, peningkatan berat badan berlebih dan resiko infeksi. Belum ada yang tahu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk mulai berhenti menyusui, namun ada baiknya dalam menekan turunnya angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi pemberian ASI eksklusif hingga usia 6 bulan dan dilanjutkan hingga usia 2 tahun dilakukan. Ibu yang berhenti memberikan ASI sebelum waktunya, dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti kesehatan fisik ibu dan bayi, psikologis, sosial dan spiritual. Hal ini membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui aspek psikososial dan spiritual ibu yang melakukan penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta Tujuan : untuk mengetahui korelasi antara aspek psikososial dan spiritual dengan penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta. Metode : penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan deskriptif analitik dan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 122 responden yang didapatkan menggunakan Simple Random Sampling dan pemberian kuesioner yang datanya di analisis dengan menggunakan uji Korelasi Pearson. Hasil : penelitian ini menunjukkan Ada korelasi yang bermakna (pvalue ­=0.000) dan sangat kuat (r=0.912) antara aspek psikososial dengan penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta, sedangkan korelasi antara aspek spiritual dengan penyapihan dini ada korelasi bermakna (pvalue ­=0.009) namun berkekuatan lemah (r=0.236). Kesimpulan : semakin baik nilai aspek psikososial dan spiritual seorang ibu saat menyusui maka akan semakin menurunkan tingkat penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta.
Korelasi antara Aspek Psikososial dan Spiritual dengan Penyapihan Dini pada Anak Usia Baduta Ayu Lestari Manullang; Sumiati Sinaga; Anik Puji Rahayu
Jurnal Keperawatan Wiyata Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan ITKes Wiyata Husada Samarida

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.6 KB)


KORELASI ANTARA ASPEK PSIKOSOSIAL DAN SPIRITUAL DENGAN PENYAPIHAN DINI PADA ANAK USIA BADUTA Ayu Lestari1, Sumiati Sinaga2, Anik Puji Rahayu3 Email : ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Pemutusan pemberian ASI secara dini sangat mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang dan status kesehatan anak di masa depan. Ada kemungkinan proses penyapihan dini akan berpengaruh terhadap sistem cerna bayi yang belum siap, penyerapan nutrisi yang lebih sedikit, peningkatan berat badan berlebih dan resiko infeksi. Belum ada yang tahu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk mulai berhenti menyusui, namun ada baiknya dalam menekan turunnya angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi pemberian ASI eksklusif hingga usia 6 bulan dan dilanjutkan hingga usia 2 tahun dilakukan. Ibu yang berhenti memberikan ASI sebelum waktunya, dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti kesehatan fisik ibu dan bayi, psikologis, sosial dan spiritual. Hal ini membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui aspek psikososial dan spiritual ibu yang melakukan penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta Tujuan : untuk mengetahui korelasi antara aspek psikososial dan spiritual dengan penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta. Metode : penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan deskriptif analitik dan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 122 responden yang didapatkan menggunakan Simple Random Sampling dan pemberian kuesioner yang datanya di analisis dengan menggunakan uji Korelasi Pearson. Hasil : penelitian ini menunjukkan Ada korelasi yang bermakna (pvalue ­=0.000) dan sangat kuat (r=0.912) antara aspek psikososial dengan penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta, sedangkan korelasi antara aspek spiritual dengan penyapihan dini ada korelasi bermakna (pvalue ­=0.009) namun berkekuatan lemah (r=0.236). Kesimpulan : semakin baik nilai aspek psikososial dan spiritual seorang ibu saat menyusui maka akan semakin menurunkan tingkat penyapihan dini pada anak usia baduta. Kata Kunci : Aspek Psikososial, Aspek Spiritual, Penyapihan Dini 1Mahasiswa Program Studi Keperawatan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda 2-3Dosen Program Studi Keperawatan ITKES Wiyata Husada Samarinda
In House Training Caring Spiritualitas Anik Puji Rahayu
Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas Medika
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Dan Sains Wiyata Husada Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.141 KB)


Kegiatan In house Training sangatlah penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan juga membangun karakter perawat. Salah satu kegiatan in house training yang dilakukan oleh Dosen Prodi Diploma III Keperawatan Universitas Mulawarman di RSIA. Moeis Samarinda adalah memberikan materi tentang manajemen membangun karakter perawat dengan konsep Caring Spiritualitas untuk meningkatkan pelayanan keperawatan. Perawat yang memiliki karakter diri yang baik, maka yakin pelayanan keperawatan dapat lebih optimal diberikan dan mampu meningkatkan kepuasan pasien selama dirawat di rumah sakit. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama satu hari, yang diawali dengan penyebaran angket dan kuisioner tentang tingkat pemahaman perawat tentang konsep caring spiritualitas dan setelah diberikan kegiatan pelatihan. Konsep caring spiritualitas adalah sebuah konsep gabungan antara teori caring dan teori kebutuhan Maslow tentang transendence need. Gabungan konsep keduanya menghasilkan sebuah konsep caring yang berlandaskan pada kebutuhan spiritualitas yang tertinggi sebagai bagian dari kebutuhan manusia. Berdasarkan mind set tersebut, maka perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan bukan hanya sekedar caring saja, tetapi perawat melaksanakan tugasnya karena ingin memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan dirinya mengharapkan keberkahan secara spiritualitas dari yang maha kuasa yaitu Allah. Semua aktiftitas untuk membantu pasien tanpa pamrih, menolong orang lain tanpa mengharap balasan, melakukan pekerjaannya dengan ikhlas dan mengharapkan ridho Allah, sehingga dengan mindset perawat yang seperti ini, pelayanan keperawatan dapat lebih baik dan memuaskan pasien. Setelah 6 bulan, dilalukan survey atau penilaian kembali kepada perawat yang telah memgikuti in house training dan bagaimana perilaku penerapan caring spiritualitasnya dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan. Harapannya semua perawat dapat mengikuti training ini, perawat memiliki karakter diri sesuai konsep caring spiritualitas dan menerapkannya pada pelayanan keperawatan
Personal Characters Management : Caring Spiritualitas Increased Nursing Practice Implementation in Aji Muhammad Parikesit Hospital Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara Anik Puji Rahayu; Ika Fikriah; Sholichin Sholichin; Ediyar Miharja; Iwan Samsugito
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): JKPBK Juni 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.094 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v3i1.3462


Background It is important for nurses to recognize and integrate the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit in their daily clinical practice (Dossey, 2005). If the client's needs are not met in one of the dimensions that can cause health and welfare problems. 94% of patients visiting hospitals in the US believe that spiritual health is as important as physical health. The need to get the attention that understanding caring alone is not enough to make a nurse can provide good service. Based on Maslow's theory that a person will do his work in accordance with the level of his needs. Understanding of a nurse who is at the level 5 stage of self-actualization, actually only wants to provide satisfaction for the achievement of personal self-actualization. If only the understanding of the concept of nurses was already at level 6. The importance of changing the mindset of nurses with the concept of caring spirituality so that nurses are fully aware of the deepest heart to get true blessing and happiness when nurses care for patients and afterward. Result The survey results from the 6-month in-house training process were able to increase the caring spirituality of nurses, which in turn was able to increase the application of services in nursing in hospitals. AM Parikesit Tenggarong. Furthermore, it is expected that nurses must increase their knowledge and understand the true concept of caring spirituality and be able to apply it in providing nursing care services to patients.Keywords: caring, spiritualis, nursing practice,
Analysis of the Implementation of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) on Nurses in Handling Follow-up of Emergency Patients through Fast Response Assessment Sholichin Sholichin; Anik Puji Rahayu; Ediyar Miharja; Mayusef Sukmana
Jurnal Kesehatan Pasak Bumi Kalimantan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JKPBK Juni 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/j.kes.pasmi.kal.v4i1.5850


Patients who come to the emergency department (ER) show good condition at the beginning of admission, but the status of the patient's condition can change to worsen. Subtle changes in parameters affect acute physiological conditions in patients, such as pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and level of consciousness. Poor clinical monitoring and inadequate interpretation of changes in physiological parameters, and failure to prescribe appropriate measures can result in serious adverse events such as cardiac arrest, intensive care unit admission, and even death (Alam, Hobbelink, Van Tienhoven). , Jansma & Nayakkara, 2014). This study aimed to see the effectiveness of the application of NEWS on the assessment of nurses' fast response. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post approach without group control, namely research that provides intervention to a group of subjects by measuring before after the intervention or without a comparison group. The population in this study were all emergency room nurses at Parikesit Hospital Tenggarong. In this study, the sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Sampling with population members is homogeneous and has the same opportunity to take as a sample. The inclusion criteria in this study were nurses who served in the ER at Abdul Moeis Hospital Samarinda. This study concludes that applying NEWS will be more effective in handling follow-up emergency patients through Fast Response assessment with a p-value < 0.05. The conclusion of this study is the quick response assessment at the Parikesit Tenggarong Hospital before the application of NEWS to patients treated in the Karang Asam and Enggang room. The result shows that 16 nurses (45.7%) were suitable to carry out treatment based on the patient's emergency. After the implementation of NEWS the nurse's response to patient care increased to 74.3%.
Hasil Penelitian Kecerdasan Adversitas dan Kemampuan adaptasi diri: Kecerdasan Adversitas dan Kemampuan Adaptasi Diri Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Anik Puji Rahayu
Pendas Mahakam : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/pm.v6i1.674


In the current Covid-19 pandemic, there is a process of major changes the result of social distancing policies for all people so that they must be able to adapt. Students must also adapt to changes in learning methods and have high morale so that they can continue to follow learning well. So students are required to have soft skills regarding the use of online learning model applications, preparing quotas, and being in an area that is sufficiently accessible to the internet network so that later there will be no obstacles when attending online lectures. Students must also adapt and have a fighting spirit to stay enthusiastic about learning. This research is a type of quantitative research, cross-sectional design with a descriptive-analytic approach. The sample was taken by random sampling technique of 200 respondents. as many as 175 people (88%). Talented respondents in the arts were 90 respondents (45%), sports were 70 respondents 35%), and other fields were 40 respondents (20%). The results of univariate analysis describe respondents with adversity quotient in the category climbers as many as 33 respondents (16.5%), the category campers obtained 163 respondents (81.5%) and the category quitters obtained 4 respondents (2%). Meanwhile, the frequency of self-adaptation ability was 193 respondents (96.5%) with the adaptive category and as many as 7 respondents (3.5%) in the maladaptive category. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the Pv value was 0.001 less than the alpha value = 0.05, which indicated that there was a significant relationship between adversity quotient and the self-adaptation ability of students during the Covid-19 pandemic with a positive relationship with sufficient strength. Further researchers are expected to research to discuss the factors and characteristics of self-adaptation that are dominant to adapt to a new environment. Keywords: Adversity Quotient, self-adaptation ability, covid-19