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Penyuluhan Pencemaran Lingkungan dan Makanan Sehat dari Ikan di Desa Rantau Baru Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau Ridwan Manda Putra; Sukendi Sukendi; Dewita Dewita; Syahril Nedi; Elizal Elizal
CANANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/canang.v2i2.26


The Extension Activities were done in Rantau Baru Village, Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency, and was carried out on Thurs and public awareness day 8 September 2022. This community extention aimed providing  information to the public about environmental conservation and healthy food of fish. The extension team provided explanations and descriptions of: a) the importance of protecting the environment, b) types of environmental pollution, c) plastic waste and its effects, d) environmental diseases, their causes and remedies. e). Healthy food from fish, so people don't get sick. Participants in this counseling were consists of local government, women group and young in Rantau Baru Village. The participants are representatives from each dusun with a total of 35 participants. The method used in carrying out this activity is to survey the field first, then conduct counseling in the form of interactive lectures and discussions, demonstration of theoretical material through a slide projector and followed by a demonstration of making healthy food from fish, including making fish skin crackers, dinsum fish and fish nuggets. The results of the evaluation of changes in knowledge made to 35 participants in community service activities. 4 people (11.4%) have been able to absorb the material given with very good predicates, 15 people (42.9%) can absorb the material given with good predicate, and 9 people (25.7%) can absorb the material with sufficient predicate and 7 people (20.0%) can absorb the material with less predicate. Based on these data, the community service activities carried out can be said to be successful and show that the impact on the participants is still mastery of science, according to the material provided at the time the service activities are carried out. While the impact on implementation in the field, there has been a process of disseminating knowledge to mothers by the PKK Team on how to make healthy food from fish, and it is hoped that in the future it will develop as a household business which ultimately improves the family economy. Meanwhile, community leaders and village youth work together to tackle waste (especially plastic waste) in Rantau Baru Village. 
Strategi Pengelolaan Limbah Padat RSUD Provinsi X (Studi Kasus Masa Pandemi Covid-19) Phivi Andriza; Ridwan Manda Putra; Syahril Nedi
Rekayasa Hijau : Jurnal Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/jrh.v6i3.261-271


ABSTRAKRumah Sakit Umum Daerah X merupakan rumah sakit dan rujukan terbesar bagi pasien Covid-19 di salah satu Provinsi di Indonesia. Wabah Covid-19 yang terjadi sejak tahun 2020 telah menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah pasien ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah X. Meningkatnya jumlah pasien di rumah sakit menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah limbah rumah sakit yang dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi pengelolaan sampah di RSUD X yang menjadi rumah sakit rujukan pasien Covid-19. Kajian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder berupa data timbulan limbah padat medis dan non medis dari rumah sakit sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19. Data primer melalui pengisian kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam. Jumlah responden sebanyak 34 orang yang terdiri dari tim sanitarian 4 orang, perawat ruangan Pinere 12 orang, pemulung 2 orang, pemilah sampah 9 orang, pengolah sampah 6 orang, dan tim pengelola 1 orang yaitu Kasubag Rumah Tangga. Hasil penelitian selama pandemi Covid-19 terjadi peningkatan jumlah limbah padat medis dan non medis. Timbulan sampah medis terbesar terjadi pada tahun 2021 yaitu 2 kali lipat dari tahun 2020. Kendala pengelolaan sampah di RSUD Provinsi X pada masa pandemi Covid-19 adalah kurangnya SDM yang cermat dalam mengikuti SOP dan kurangnya sumber daya manusia dalam kegiatan pengumpulan sampah. Strategi pengelolaan limbah padat medis menggunakan strategi kekuatan dan peluang karena hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan keunggulan dalam kekuatan dan peluang Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah X. Strategi yang diterapkan adalah meningkatkan kualitas dan kompetensi SDM perawat dan tenaga kesehatan pengelola limbah dan meningkatkan infrastruktur pendukung pengelolaan limbah padat medis dan non medis.ABSTRACTRegional General Hospital X is the largest hospital and referral for Covid-19 patients in one of the Province in Indonesia. The Covid-19 outbreak that has occurred since 2020 has caused an increase in the number of patients to the Regional General Hospital X. The increasing number of patients in hospitals causes an increase in the amount of hospital waste generated. The purpose of this study was to formulate a solid waste management strategy at the Regional General Hospital X which became a referral hospital for Covid-19 patients. The study was conducted by collecting secondary data in the form of medical and non-medical solid waste generation data from hospitals before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Primary data through filling out questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The number of respondents was 34 people consisting of a sanitarian team of 4 people, 12 Pinere room nurses, 2 garbage collectors, 9 waste sorters, 6 waste processors, and 1 person from the management team, namely the Head of the Household Sub-department. The results of the study were that during the Covid-19 pandemic there was an increase in the amount of medical and non-medical solid waste. The biggest medical waste generation occurred in 2021 which was 2 times that of 2020. The obstacle in managing solid waste at the Regional General Hospital in X Province during the Covid-19 pandemic was the lack of careful human resources in following SOPs and the lack of human resources in waste collection activities. The medical solid waste management strategy uses the strength and opportunity strategy because the results of the SWOT analysis show advantages in the strengths and opportunities of the Regional General Hospital X. The strategy implemented is to improve the quality and competence of human resources for nurses and solid waste managers and improve the supporting infrastructure for medical and non-medical solid waste management
Analysis of the Impact of Fly Ash on Environmental Pollution (Case Study of Pulp and Paper Pangkalan Kerinci) Resfianto Resfianto; Ridwan Manda Putra; Syahril Nedi
Berkala Perikanan Terubuk Vol 51, No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/terubuk.51.1.1788-1791


The accumulation of fly ash in large quantities will cause problems for the environment, such as air and water pollution and a decrease in the quality of ecosystems containing Ni, V, As, Be, Cd, Ba, Cr, Cu, Mo, Zn, Pb, Se and Ra which can affect groundwater quality and human health. This study aims to analyze the impact of waste generated from the Pulp and Paper on the environment around the industry. The data obtained is in the form of primary data from the results of the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test and direct observation in the field to identify environmental conditions around the landfill, while TLCP laboratory analysis was carried out to determine the toxic characteristics of TLCP in  fly ash from the Pulp and Paper BaseKerinci. The TCLP test results for fly ash the analyzed waste Fly ash  produced from the pulp and paper is suitable for use with fly ash class F2+A12O3+Fe2O3 content of 75.19%. Utilization of fly ash can be an effort to reduce the impact of fly ash on environmental pollution. The waste produced by pulp and paper obtains a metal value below the quality standard so that it does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment.
Strategi pengelolaan limbah padat RSUD Provinsi X (studi kasus masa pandemi Covid-19) Phivi Andriza; Ridwan Manda Putra; Syahril Nedi
EcoNews Vol 6 No 1 (2023): EcoNews
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.187 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/econews.6.1.p.81-88


Regional General Hospital X is the largest hospital and referral for Covid-19 patients in one of the Province in Indonesia. The Covid-19 outbreak that has occurred since 2020 has caused an increase in the number of patients to the Regional General Hospital X. The increasing number of patients in hospitals causes an increase in the amount of hospital waste generated. The purpose of this study was to formulate a solid waste management strategy at the Regional General Hospital X which became a referral hospital for Covid-19 patients. The study was conducted by collecting secondary data in the form of medical and non-medical solid waste generation data from hospitals before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Primary data through filling out questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The number of respondents was 34 people consisting of a sanitarian team of 4 people, 12 Pinere room nurses, 2 garbage collectors, 9 waste sorters, 6 waste processors, and 1 person from the management team, namely the Head of the Household Sub-department. The results of the study were that during the Covid-19 pandemic there was an increase in the amount of medical and non-medical solid waste. The biggest medical waste generation occurred in 2021 which was 2 times that of 2020. The obstacle in managing solid waste at the Regional General Hospital in X Province during the Covid-19 pandemic was the lack of careful human resources in following SOPs and the lack of human resources in waste collection activities. The medical solid waste management strategy uses the strength and opportunity strategy because the results of the SWOT analysis show advantages in the strengths and opportunities of the Regional General Hospital X. The strategy implemented is to improve the quality and competence of human resources for nurses and solid waste managers and improve the supporting infrastructure for medical and non-medical solid waste management.
Strategi Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Domestik Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Kota Dumai Sri Ramadhani; Ridwan Manda Putra; Syahril Nedi
Jurnal Zona Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/zona.v7i1.79


The problem of domestic solid waste has become a national issue, including in Dumai City, as seen in the Landfill (TPA) in Dumai City (Mekar Sari Landfill, South Dumai District). Many and easy domestic solid waste are found in the landfill, which is caused by not being able to be handled considering that 3 sanitary landfills are full and limited human resources, land and tools. This study aims to determine the implementation and constraints, environmental, social and economic impacts of domestic solid waste management in West Dumai District and South Dumai District. The research was conducted in several stages, starting from an initial survey based on field observations and interviews using variables of waste types and sources in West Dumai District and South Dumai District, the volume of waste, the impact on the environment, social and economic, the form of management implementation, and the constraints possessed in the management. This study used non-probability sampling with snowball sampling method in sampling techniques. This method is used in connection with the collection of interview-based information/data, and multilevel questionnaires, ranging from waste producers, management officers to supervisors of domestic waste management in West Dumai District and South Dumai District of Dumai City. Based on the results of the study, domestic solid waste in West Dumai and South Dumai Districts of Dumai City will continue to increase along with the higher volume of waste produced compared to what can be handled by managers (60%) while the obstacles they have cannot be resolved. Suboptimal management of domestic solid waste has a negative impact on the environment in West Dumai and South Dumai Districts. Among them are triggering easy flooding when it rains, to contamination of water sources used by humans. From a social aspect, the comfort of Dumai residents is disturbed, including their daily activities. From an economic point of view, flooding has an impact on income levels (economic aspects). Flooding (tidal) is increasingly routine in West Dumai and South Dumai Districts with an increasingly tight frequency, namely 2 times / month, which is caused by the topography of the area (lower than other areas) and clogged waterways due to garbage carried by the water flow. The suggestion in this study is to propose management collaboration with companies operating in Dumai in supporting the operation of the 3R TPS, such as financing for operators, providing machines, or for facility maintenance.
Analysis of the Suitability of Pasumpahan Island Marine Tourism Based on the Tourism Suitability Index Muhammad Aditya Pradana; Rifardi Rifardi; Syahril Nedi
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 28, No 2 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jpk.28.2.160-167


 Pasumpahan Island is one of the national and international tourist destinations located in Padang City, West Sumatra Province. This island is included in the Regional Marine Protected Area (KKLD) which has a very good coral reef ecosystem, so its management must be following applicable laws and regulations. This research was conducted in March 2022 on Pasumpahan Island, Bungus District, Padang City, West Sumatra Province. The method used is a field survey with data collection using a purposive sampling method. The measured index of water quality was processed using the Storet method. Pasumpahan Island's physical environment is relatively good with a wide expanse of white sand. The suitability of marine tourism in this island area based on the tourism suitability index (IKW) is 85.71% which is included in the S1 category (very suitable). The water quality of the Pasumpahan Island tourist area based on the water quality index (IKP) is in the very good category. Based on the IKW and IKP, the tourist area of Pasumpahan Island is very feasible to be developed as a national marine tourism area
Analysis of Sediment Organic Matter Content and Macrozoobenthos Abundance in Padang and Pariaman Coastal Waters, West Sumatra Azizul Fauzan; Syahril Nedi; Dessy Yoswaty
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 28, No 3 (2023): October
Publisher : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jpk.28.3.347-354


The research was conducted in June - August 2022 in the coastal waters of Padang and Pariaman, West Sumatera. The method used in this research was a survey method. This research aims to determine the organic matter content of the sediment, the abundance of macrozoobenthos, and the relationship between sediment organic matter and the quantity of macrozoobenthos. Sampling was designed by purposive sampling by using 20x30 cm2 Ekman grab. The organic matter content of sediments in the Padang and Pariaman Coastal Waters, West Sumatra, ranged from 4.09 to 7.53%. The average abundance of macrozoobenthos at the four stations ranged from 20.37 to 90.74 ind/m2. Based on the identification results, the macrozoobenthos class found in the coastal waters of Padang and Pariaman consists of Bivalvia, Gastropods, and Malacostraca. The analysis of the sediment organic matter showed weak position relationships with macrozoobenthos abundance
The relationship of organic matter, nitrate, and phosphate content to diatom abundance in the eastern coastal waters of Rupat Island Province Semangat Riski Hasibuan; Bintal Amin; Syahril Nedi
South East Asian Marine Sciences Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): September
Publisher : Science, Technology, and Education Care

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61761/seamas.1.1.29-37


This study was conducted in March 2023 in the coastal waters of the eastern part of the island of Rupat, Riau Province. The method used in this study used the purposive sampling method at 3 station points. Water samples were used to analyze nitrate and phosphate analyzed using Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry, and analysis of water organic matter using the titrimetric method. Diatom sampling using plankton net measuring 25 µm. The results of the study found 14 species from 3 classes of diatoms namely Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, and Conjugatophyceae. Diatom abundance ranged from 472.22 - 993.05 cells/L. The regression equation for nitrate on diatoms is Y= 929.151-3194.045x. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.080 indicates that the effect of nitrate on diatom abundance has a weak close relationship. The effect of phosphate on diatom abundance has a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.105 and the effect of phosphate has weak proximity. The influence of water organic matter has a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.033 with a very weak effect. The analysis shows that the concentration of nitrate (NO3) is included in the oligotrophic fertility level, namely the low fertility rate
Co-Authors Abdullah ' Afrizal Tanjung Al Usman Andhini, Nadia Andika Lazuardi Andika Sitohang Annisa Presti Parbo Anthony Hamzah Aqil Fikar Rivai Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aritonang, Desy Novela Azhara Diana Azizul Fauzan Bambang Pramudya Barnes Silitonga Besri Nasrul Bintal Amin Brilliant Esye Lousiana Cyndy Abmi Damai S Harefa Denny B Hutagaol, Denny B Dessy Yoswaty Dewita Buchari Dewita Dewita Dianti Farhana Kamasela Edy T S Sihombing Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Elizal, Elizal ESTY KURNIAWATI Etty Riani F, Feliatra Fajri Ramayori Febri Wando Situmorang Fuad, M Anwar Herlin Margaretha Situmorang Indah Puspita Ningrum irvina Nurachmi Irvina Nurrachmi Irwan Effendi Ishlahul Fikri Islamiati, Bening Juliper Parasian Sirait Jumahat Siregar, Jumahat Lita Sari Manik, Yolanda Manuwoto Manuwoto May Sarah Silitonga Mayang Shintana, Mayang Michael Prawira, Michael Misael Gurning Muhammad Aditya Pradana Muhammad Amien Musanif Effendi Musrifin Ghalib Nababan, Sumiati Friesledi Nisa Tria Fatma Nur Aisyah Lubis Nursit Wijayanto Nursyirwani, Nursyirwani Octavia Lorensa Br Sinaga Pasaribu, Ridwan Saiful Basri Paul Rozeki Sinaga Phivi Andriza Phivi Andriza Rahmad Hidayat Rahmi Delima Putri Rasmiati, Eva Resfianto Resfianto Rica Purnama Sari Ridowan Kolif Ridwan Manda Putra Ridwan Manda Putra Rifardi ' Rifardi Rifardi Rinol Putra Utama Rio Aprialis Safitra Riska Khaironisa Riska Khaironisa Ronaldy Saputra Simamora, Ronaldy Saputra Rozalina Rukiana Safira Mutia Sakinah Rachmadani Rambe Sania Bariddah Sarah Puspita Semangat Riski Hasibuan Sihaloho, Elpon Simanjuntak, Benny Ly Sofyan Husein Siregar Sri Ramadhani Suardi ' Sukendi Sukendi Sumiati Friesledi Nababan Suriyanto Suriyanto Syafruddin Nasution Syukri Fajar Tengku Rahma Lopi Theresia Tampubolon Tomi Suhendra Wage Pranowo Yenisustri Ani Yolanda Manik Yoli Yandra Yulina Sari Yunus, Budi Andri Yusni Ikhwan Yusni Ikhwan Siregar Zulkifli ' Zulkifli Zulkifli