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Journal : ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences

The Efficacy of Bioaugmentation on Remediating Oil Contaminated Sandy Beach Using Mesocosm Approach (Efikasi Tehnik Bioaugmentasi dalam Memulihkan Pantai Berpasir Tercemar Minyak Menggunakan Pendekatan Mesokosm) Yeti Darmayati; Harpasis S. Sanusi; Tri Prartono; Dwi Andreas Santosa; Ruyitno Ruyitno
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 20, No 3 (2015): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.012 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.20.3.143-152


Bioremediation is basically consists of two approaches, biostimulation and bioaugmentation. The efficacy of bioaugmentation for combating oil pollution in field application is still argued. The purpose of study was to evaluate the efficacy of bioaugmentation and to compare the affectivity of single strain and consortium application in remediating oil polluted sandy beach. Experimental study in a field has been conducted with two (2) treatments and one (1) control in three different plots. The treatmens were introduction of a single strain (Alcanivorax sp TE-9) and a consortium (Alcanivorax sp. TE-9, Pseudomonas balearica st 101 and RCO/B/08-015) cultures into oil contaminated sediment. The experiment in mesocosm approach was taken place in Cilacap coast. Arabian light crude oil was used in the concentration of 100.000 sediment. Changes of oil concentration, bacterial density and pore water quality have been monitored periodically for 3 months. The result showed that oil degradation percentage and bacterial growth in both treatments were higher than in control. After 3 months, the percentage of oil degradation experiment in control, single strain and formulated consortium treatments were observed at 60.4%, 74.5% and 73.5%. It proves that bioaugmentation tehnique can enhance significantly oil biodegradation in sandy beach. The applications of bacteria in single or consortium culture give no different impact on their affectivity for bioremediation in Cilacap sandy beach. By data extrapolation it can be predicted that both of treatments able to reduce remediation time from 210 days into 135–137 days. Bioaugmentation can be proposed as a good solution for finalizing oil removing in Cilacap sandy beach when oil spilled occurred in this environment. Keywords: Bioremediation, bioaugmentation, oil, sandy beach, Alcanivorax, mesocosm, Cilacap   Bioremediasi pada dasarnya terdiri dari dua pendekatan yaitu biostimulasi dan bioaugmentasi. Teknik bioaugmentasi  dalam menanggulangi pencemaran minyak di lapangan masih diperdebatkan efektivitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efikasi tehnik bioaugmentasi serta membandingkan efektivitas kultur tunggal dan konsorsium  dalam memulihkan pantai berpasir tercemar minyak. Studi eksperimental di lapangan telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua perlakuan dan satu kontrol di tiga plot berbeda, Perlakuannya adalah penambahan bakteri kultur tunggal (Alcanivorax sp TE-9) dan bakteri konsorsium (Alcanivorax sp. TE-9, Pseudomonas balearica st 101 dan RCO/B/08-015) ke dalam sedimen yang tercemar minyak. Eksperimen dengan pendekatan mesokosm dilakukan di pantai Cilacap. Minyak mentah ringan Arabia dengan konsentrasi 100.000 sedimen digunakan sebagai bahan cemaran. Perubahan konsentrasi minyak, kepadatan bakteri dan parameter lingkungan diamati secara periodik selama 3 bulan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase degradasi minyak dan densitas bakteri di sedimen perlakuan lebih tinggi daripada kontrolnya. Setelah 3 bulan eksperimen, persentase degradasi minyak pada kontrol, perlakuan kultur tunggal dan konsorsium masing-masing teramati 60.4%, 74.5% and 73.5%. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa tehnik bioaugmentasi secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan biodegradasi minyak di pantai berpasir. Pemberian mikroba dalam bentuk kultur tunggal ataupun konsorsium mempunyai efektivitas yang tidak berbeda untuk proses bioremediasi di pantai berpasir Cilacap.  Dengan ekstrapolasi data dapat diduga bahwa kedua perlakuan bioaugmentasi ini mampu mempercepat waktu pemulihan lingkungan dari 210 hari ke 135-137 hari. Bioaugmentasi dapat diusulkan sebagai solusi yang cukup baik untuk menghilangkan minyak pada tahap akhir pembersihan pantai berpasir Cilacap, jika terjadi tumpahan minyak di lingkungan ini. Kata kunci: single strain, consortium, bioaugmentation, oil, bioremediation, sandy beach,  Alcanivorax, Cilacap
Characteristics of Diatoms in Strait of Rupat Riau (Karakteristik Diatom di Selat Rupat Riau) Chandrika Eka Larasati; Mujizat Kawaroe; Tri Prartono
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 20, No 4 (2015): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.631 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.20.4.223-232


Selat Rupat merupakan selat kecil yang berdekatan dengan Selat Malaka yang memiliki berbagai macam aktivitas antropogenik. Tekanan dari aktivitas tersebut dapat menyebabkan perubahan kondisi lingkungan perairan sehingga dapat berpengaruh pada organisme laut khususnya kelimpahan diatom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik lingkungan perairan yang memengaruhi kelimpahan diatom di permukaan Perairan Selat Rupat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Selat Rupat Riau dengan 5 stasiun yang berbeda karakteristik lingkungannya pada saat pasang dan surut. Parameter yang diukur, yaitu: nitrat, fosfat, silikat, ammonia, intensitas cahaya, salinitas, Pb, minyak dan lemak, serta kelimpahan jenis diatom. Analisis komponen utama (PCA) digunakan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan parameter fisika kimia perairan dengan kelimpahan diatom. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 11 jenis diatom yang ditemukan selama penelitian.  Kelimpahan diatom yang memiliki nilai tertinggi saat pasang dan surut adalah Coscinodiscus (10693-197160 sel.m-3 saat pasang dan 8020-186466 sel.m-3 saat surut) dan Skeletonema (40769-106266 selm-3 saat pasang dan 30744-145029 sel.m-3 saat surut). Kandungan NO3 (0.081-0.142 mg.L-1 saat pasang dan 0.090-0.235 mg.L-1 saat surut), SiO2 (0.054-0.075 mg.L-1 saat pasang dan 0.056-0.120 mg.L-1 saat surut), arus (0.3-0.5 m.det-1 saat pasang dan 0.4-0.6 m.det-1 saat surut), dan intensitas cahaya (37-113 lx saat pasang dan 37-233 lx saat surut). Parameter fisika kimia perairan tersebut, memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap kelimpahan diatom. Aktivitas antropogenik memengaruhi kelimpahan diatom yang berdampak pada rantai makanan di ekosistem Perairan Selat Rupat sehingga perairan tersebut perlu dikelola dengan baik agar keseimbangan ekosistem perairan tetap terjaga. Kata kunci: antropogenik, diatom, nutrien, pasang surut, Selat Rupat Rupat Strait is one of small strait in Malacca Strait, which has a wide range of anthropogenic activities. The pressure of anthropogenic activities in Rupat Strait Riau could changed the conditions of aquatic environment which was took effects on marine organisms including an abundance of diatoms. This research was aimed to analyze the factors of physic and chemical of waters that affected an abundance of diatom on surface of water in Rupat Strait Riau. This research was conducted in Rupat Strait Riau at 5 stations with different environment characteristics during high and low tide. The measured parameters, consist of nitrate, phosphate, silicate, ammonia, light intensity, salinity, Pb, oils and fats, and then the abundance of diatoms. Principal component analysis (PCA) has used to analyze relations of physic and chemical of waters with abundance of diatoms. The study found 11 genus diatoms which has the highest value at high tide and low tide is Coscinodiscus, which ranged 10.693-197.160 sel.m-3 at high tide and 8.020-186.466 sel.m-3 at low tide, and Skeletonema (40.769-106.266 sel.m-3 at high tide and 30.744-145.029 sel.m-3 at low tide). The contents of NO3 ranged among (0.081–0.142 mg.L-1 at high tide and 0.090-0.235 mgL-1 at low tide), SiO2 ranged (0.054–0.075 mg.L-1 at high tide and from 0.056–0.120 mg.L-1 at low tide, the current ranged (0.3-0.5 m.s-1 at high tide and 0.4-0.6 m.s-1 at low tide), and light intensity ranged (37-113 lx at high tide and 37-233 lx at low tide). Those parameters of physics and chemical had contributions to an abundance of diatoms, but the tidal had no big effects to an abundance of diatoms. The anthropogenic activities had the effects to an abundance of diatoms that have impact on the food chain in aquatic ecosystem at Rupat Strait, so it needs to be managed well for maintain the balancing of aquatic ecosystem.   Keywords: antropogenic, diatom, nutrient, tidal, Selat Rupat
Characteristics of Sediments Deposition in Karimata Strait Muhammad Trial Fiar Erawan; Tri Prartono; Ali Arman
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 23, No 2 (2018): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.466 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.23.2.93-98


Karimata strait connects South China Sea and Indonesia territorial seas where the strait current pattern is affected by west and east monsoon. This condition influences particles depositing sedimentation process in the strait. Lack information about sediment depositing rate at the straits dozens years ago makes this research is important to be conducted. This research was to estimate sediment depositing rate in the strait in two areas, near shore and off shore of Borneo. The research was conducted on June to September 2015 used coring sediment samples. Those samples were derived from Baruna Jaya VIII Ship Cruise on June 2015 that was collaborative research between Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs of Indonesia and National Nuclear Center of Indonesia (BATAN).Samples were analyzed in the laboratory of Chemical and Ocean, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Center of Radiation and Isotope, National Nuclear Center of Indonesia (BATAN). Estimation of sediment depositing rate used natural isotope 210Pb. The study shows that the depositing rate of the nearest to Borneo area is about 0.92 kg.m-2.y-1 (1965) and increases to be 3.31 kg.m-2.y-1 (2009). The other area is about 0.08 kg.m-2.y-1 (1840) and increases to be 1.78 kg.m-2.y-1 (2010). This result implies that the sediment depositing rate at the nearest area to Borneo is higher than the off shore. Keywords: Near shore, off shore, Natural Isotop 210Pb, CRS (Constant Rate of Supply) model
Relationship Between Light Intensity and Abundance of Dinoflagellate in Samalona Island, Makassar (Keterkaitan Intensitas Cahaya dan Kelimpahan Dinoflagellate di Pulau Samalona, Makassar) Albida Rante Tasak; Mujizat Kawaroe; Tri Prartono
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 20, No 2 (2015): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.425 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.20.2.113-120


Cahaya merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam proses fotosintesis dinoflagellate dan pertumbuhan variabilitas harian. Intensitas cahaya memengaruhi aktivitas fotosintesis dan kelimpahan dinoflagellate. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan pola kecenderungan kelimpahan dinoflagellate dan klorofil serta lama penyinaran terhadap kelimpahan dinoflagellate di Perairan Pulau Samalona. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menginkubasi sampel dinoflagellate kedalam botol sejak pagi-sore hari dengan inkubasi waktu pengamatan setiap 2 jam dengan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali. Pengambilan mencakup kelimpahan dinoflagellate, nutrient dan intensitas cahaya dalam perairan. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai intensitas cahaya berkisar antara 50–3000 lux; kelimpahan dinoflagellate berkisar antara 9–1105 sel.L-1, dan kandungan klorofil a lebih dominan dengan kisaran  0.00069–0.50321 µg.L-1. Intensitas cahaya mempengaruhi kelimpahan dinoflagellate, namun pengaruh kandungan nutrient sangat kecil terhadap kelimpahan dinoflagellate. Pola kelimpahan dinoflagellate bervariasi dari pagi hingga sore hari yang dipengaruhi oleh intensitas cahaya dalam melakukan proses fotosintesis serta kondisi lingkungan lain seperti klorofil a dan nutrient. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi variasi temporal harian kelimpahan dinoflagellate di Pulau Samalona, Makassar.
Fate of Heavy Metals Pb and Zn in the West Season at Jeneberang Estuary, Makassar Najamuddin .; Tri Prartono; Harpasis S Sanusi; I. Wayan Nurjaya
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 22, No 3 (2017): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.46 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.22.3.126-136


The pollutant quantity of heavy metals entering water environment does not give complete answer toward the generated effect and risk, however it needs thoroughly study related to the pollutant dynamic. The aim of this research was to investigate the fate of Pb and Zn in water, such as: distribution, behavior, and reactivity (case study: Jeneberang Estuary, Makassar). Pb and Zn concentrations were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The distribution of dissolved Pb and Zn showed a pattern that the lowest concentration was in the fresh water (the river zone), whereas the highest concentration was in the salt water (the marine zone). The distribution pattern of particulate Pb and Zn showed that the highest concentration was in the fresh water (the river zone) and the salt water (the marine zone), whereas the lowest concentration was in the estuary zone. The behavior of dissolved Pb and Zn tended to increase the concentration (desorption) along the increased salinity gradient. The residual fraction was the dominant component of geochemical fractions in the sediment that indicated the sources of Pb and Zn mainly derived from a natural process and the reactivity was low in the water. Keywords: distribution, behavior, reactivity, lead, zinc, pollution
Oil Spill Biodegradation by Bacteria Isolated from Jakarta Bay Marine Sediments Angga Dwinovantyo; Tri Prartono; Restya Rahmaniar; Nico Wantona Prabowo; Santi Susanti
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 21, No 1 (2016): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.69 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.21.1.29-36


A laboratory study was conducted with the aim to isolate and identify bacteria from sea sediment and test their biodegradation ability in two place where contaminated with oil spill. Five sediment samples were dissolved by using sterile sea water, and then bacteria isolated with total plate count (TPC) method. Isolates bacteria was cultivated, and adapted using the nutrient conditioned sea water medium. Biodegradation process was done by mixing the bacteria with crude oil and shaken for few days. The number of bacteria isolated varied from 2 x 102 CFU ml-1 to 6 x 106 CFU ml-1 and apparently increased after cultivation and adaptation with oily media. Bacteria identified during this study were Fundibacter sp., Alcanivorax sp., and Marinobacter sp.. The result of biodegradation process was statistically analyzed and obtained that the bacteria are effective in degrading oil in seven days with constant of biodegradation rate was 0.1766. GC-MS analysis was conducted to prove the decomposition of carbon chain by bacteria and revealed oil degradation in carbon number 11 to 27. Based on all analysis, marine sediment bacteria can degrade the oil spill. Keywords : Bacteria, Biodegradation, GC-MS, Marine Sediments, Oil spill.
Toxicity of Ammonia to Benthic Amphipod Grandidierella bonnieroides: Potential as Confounding Factor in Sediment Bioasssy (Toksisitas ammonia terhadap amphipod bentik Grandidierella bonnieroides : Potensi sebagai faktor pengganggu dalam bioassay sedimen) Dwi Hindarti; Zainal Arifin; Tri Prartono; Harpasis S. Sanusi
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 20, No 4 (2015): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.696 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.20.4.215-222


Toxicity of ammonia was evaluated using amphipod Grandidierella bonnieroides to describe its role as confounding factor in sediment quality assessment. Ammonia is a toxic compound that is found naturally in seawater and sediment. High ammonia content in the pore water sediment can be potentially toxic to benthic biota, so that it will interfere with the results of sediment toxicity tests. Laboratory production amphipod was used in this ammonia toxicity test. Water-only toxicity tests was conducted to produce new toxicity data of ammonia, and is expressed as LC50, LOEC and NOEC for benthic amphipod G.bonnieroides. The study resulted the 96-h median lethal concentration (LC50) of ammonia for G. bonnioerides was 65.5 mg.L-1. While the value LOEC (low observed effect concentration) is 56 mg.L-1 and NOEC value (no observed effect concentration) was 32 mg.L-1 . This shows that ammonia has a relatively low toxicity to amphipod and ammonia does not act as a confounding factor in the sediment toxicity test, because the ammonia content in sediment does not pose any significant effect on amphipod survival. It can be concluded that the amphipod has a potential useful as test organism in sediment bioassay for assessing the quality of marine sediment. Moreover, the high dependence of total ammonia toxicity indicates that it is necessary to measure the total ammonia and pH of the medium when testing environmental samples. Keywords: ammonia, amphipod, toxicity, confounding factor, bioasssay Toksisitas ammonia dievaluasi menggunakan amphipod Grandidierella bonnieroides untuk menggambarkan perannya sebagai faktor pengganggu dalam penilaian kualitas sedimen. Amonia merupakan senyawa beracun yang ditemukan secara alami dalam air laut dan sedimen. Kandungan amonia yang tinggi dalam air pori sedimen dapat berpotensi racun bagi biota bentik, sehingga akan mengganggu hasil uji toksisitas sedimen. Amphipod hasil produksi laboratorium digunakan dalam uji amonia. Uji toksisitas dilakukan untuk menghasilkan data toksisitas baru ammonia, dan dinyatakan sebagai LC50, LOEC dan NOEC untuk G.bonnieroides amphipod bentik. Studi ini menghasilkan nilai konsentrasi median letal 96-jam (LC50) ammonia untuk G. bonnioerides adalah 65.5 mg.L-1. Sedangkan nilai LOEC (konsentrasi terendah yang menyebabkan dampak secara signifikan) adalah 56 mg.L-1 dan nilai NOEC (konsentrasi tertinggi yang tidah menyebabkan dampak secara signifikan) 32 mg.L-1. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ammonia memiliki toksisitas relatif rendah untuk amphipod dan ammonia tidak bertindak sebagai pengganggu dalam untuk uji toksisitas sedimen, karena kandungan ammonia dalam sedimen tidak menimbulkan pengaruh yang nyata pada survival amphipod. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa amphipod memiliki potensi sebagai biota uji dalam sedimen bioassay untuk menilai kualitas sedimen laut. Selain itu, terdapat ketergantungan yang tinggi toksisitas amoniak terhadap pH, sehingga perlu untuk memantau total amonia dan pH saat melakukan pengujian sampel lingkungan. Kata kunci : ammonia, amphipod, toksisitas, faktor pengganggu, bioassay
Type and Potential Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Coastal Area of Tarakan City, North Borneo, Indonesia Ratno Achyani; Dietriech G Bengen; Tri Prartono; Etty Riani; Abdullah Hisam bin Omar
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 26, No 1 (2021): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.1.27-36


PAHs are mutagenic and carcinogenic agents that influence the coastal water of Tarakan City. This study aims to determine the concentration, type, and distribution of PAHs in waters and sediments of rivers, seawater, and brackish ponds, and their potential sources. Fourteen samples of water and sediment from selected stations obtained 14 types of PAHs priority (USEPA). Analysis using GC-MS Type Thermo Trace 1310 single quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, using Coulum melting silica column (coulumn fused silica) DB5 MS with a length of 30 m, a diameter of 0.32 mm inline. The concentration in sediments at river locations ranges from 0.72-352.84, between 1.23-606.74 in the sea, and brackish ponds 0.08-2858.88 ng.g-1. On the waters ranged from 42.46-160.25 µg.L-1, in the sea 7.95-167.55 µg.L-1 and ponds 7.63-151.60 µg.L-1. The concentration level in rivers and seas is small and in the ponds is small-very high. The concentration on water at the river site was observed to increase from upstream to downstream. Meanwhile in sediment was higher in the upstream decreased towards the middle of river and increased in downstream/estuary area. The concentration in the Tarakan coastal environment signifies the potential hazards to the environment. Components Nap, Fla, Pyr, Chr, and BaP are types that are often identified. Furthermore, two, four and five rings of PAHs were shown to dominate in water and sediment, with the major rings present in both river and brackish pond. The PAHs were both petrogenic and pyrolytic sources from land base sources that were possibly derived from the Pamusian river.
Trace Metals Distribution in Sediment Fractions of Karimata Strait, Indonesia Duaitd Kolibongso; Tri Prartono; Ali Arman
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 22, No 4 (2017): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.191 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.22.4.174-184


The profile concentration of heavy metals, organic matter and the composition of the grain sizes is determined in two sediment cores from Karimata Strait. This study aimed to estimate the distribution of sediment grain sizes and distribution of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, As, and Fe) in three sediment fractions (>250 μm, 63-250 μm and <63 m) of Karimata Strait. Sampling was conducted using box core. Graining size analysis was carried out through sieving, continue with digestion, and analyze the heavy metals using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). Results of the study show that the sediment grain size distribution is strongly influenced by the water hydrodynamic condition (currents). It can be seen by the dominance of finding coarse grain size in the research areas. The highest concentration of the heavy metals was found in the finest grain size (<63 m) due to the larger surface area and higher adsorption capacity. Distribution of heavy metals Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni in the upper layer of sediments is higher than in the bottom layer. Furthermore, the As and Fe concentration in the surface were lower than in the bottom layer. Statistical analysis shows an association and a source of heavy metals mainly coming from the surrounding areas. It is supported by the enrichment factor values of finding heavy metals generally has been undergone enrichment.Keyword: Grain sizes,Heavy metals, ICP-OES,Karimata strait, Sediment
Abundance of Phytoplankton In The Coastal Waters of South Sumatera Riris Aryawati; Dietriech G. Bengen; Tri Prartono; Hilda Zulkifli
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 22, No 1 (2017): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.479 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.22.1.31-39


Phytoplankton in the ocean has an important role in forming the base of food chain,  responsible in primary production. Its abundance and number of phytoplankton species will indirectly affect the level of water’s fertility. This study aimed to determine the presence of phytoplankton as bio-indicators of water quality in terms of abundance, diversity index, uniformity index, and saprobic coefficient in coastal waters of South Sumatera. The study was conducted on May 2013 - February 2014, at ten stations during high and low tides. Phytoplankton samples were taken vertically using plankton nets,  cone-shaped with a diameter of 30 cm, length 100 cm and mesh size 30 μm. The study found 41 genera of phytoplankton, consisted of family Bacillariophyceae (26 genera), Dinophyceae (7 genera) Cyanophyceae (7 genera) and Chlorophyceae (1 genus). The highest number of genera was recorded while low tides in November (24 genera), and the lowest was on May while high tides (16 genera). The highest abundance of phytoplankton was recorded in August during high tides (2,68 x 107 cell.m-3), and the lowest was in May during high tides (6,59 x 105cell.m-3). The diversity index (H'),  the uniformity index (E), and the dominance index (D) ranged between 0,64–3; 0,15–0,71 and 0,15–0,83 respectively.  Keywords: phytoplankton, abundance, diversity index, South Sumatera coast.
Co-Authors . Riska Abdullah Hisam bin Omar Achyani, Ratno Adriani Sunuddin Agus Atmadipoera Agus S. Atmadipoera Alan Frendy Koropitan Albida Rante Tasak Ali Arman Ali Arman Ali Arman Ali Arman Ali Arman Ali Arman Lubis Ali Arman Lubis Angga Dwinovantyo Ani Haryati Anna Ida Sunaryo Purwiyanto Anna Ida Sunaryo Purwiyanto Asmika Harnalin Simarmata Beta Susanto Barus Beta Susanto Barus Bibiana W. Lay Bintal Amin Chandrika Eka Larasati Dafit Ariyanto DAHLIA WULAN SARI Dedi Soedarma Dedi Soedarma Deni Saputra Dewi S. Ariesta Dewy Septiyanti Yolanda Dietrich G Bengen Dietriech G Bengen Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen Dina Augustine DINA AUGUSTINE DWI ANDREAS SANTOSA Dwi Hindarti Dwi Hindarti Dwiyoga Nugroho Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Enan M. Adiwilaga Etty Riani Fadli Syamsudin Fadli Syamsudin Ganjar Saefurahman Hadi Hermansyah Hadi Hermansyah Harpasis S Sanusi Harpasis S. Sanusi Harpasis S. Sanusi Harpasis S. Sanusi Harpasis s. Sanusi Harpasis Slamet Sanusi Heron Surbakti Hilda Zulkifli Hilda Zulkifli I Wayan Nurjaya Indra Jaya Indra Jaya Intan Sari Dewi Iswandi Wahab Kolibongso, Duaitd Lestari LILY MARIA GORETTI PANGGABEAN Mai Suriani Mardiansyah Mardiansyah Mohammad Agung Nugraha Mohammad Agung Nugraha Mohammad Sumiran Paputungan Mohammad Tri Hartanto Muhamad Riza Kurnia Lubis Muhammad Trial Fiar Erawan MUJIZAT KAWAROE Mujizat Kawaroe MUJIZAT KAWAROE Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mulia Purba Najamuddin N Nella Tri Agustini Neviaty P Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani Nico Wantona Prabowo Restya Rahmaniar RICHARDUS KASWADJI RIDWAN AFFANDI Rina Zuraida Rina Zuraida Riris Aryawati Ruyitno Nuchsin Ruyitno Ruyitno Santi Susanti Santi Susanti Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial Syahrial WIDIASTUTI KARIM Wike Ayu Eka Putri Yani Permanawati Yeti Darmayati Yeti Darmayati Yuanpin Chang Yunita A. Noya Yusli Wardiatno Zainal Arifin