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Journal : Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi

Shift Share Analysis Shift Share analysis Indonesia masa pandemi Covid-19 Lucky Rachmawati; Hendry Cahyono; Jaka Nugraha; Ladi Watjuba; Nurul Hanifa
Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi Vol. 16 No. 3 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.191 KB) | DOI: 10.21067/jem.v16i3.5042


The Corona Virus pandemic threatens the fabric of people's lives in all fields, including in the economic field. This study aims to analyze the shift in the economic sector during the Corona Virus pandemic. This research is a descriptive type of research with a mathematical quantitative approach using the Shift Share analysis tool to analyze sectoral shifts due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Specifically related to the elements of the shift share analysis, it is found that: overall, all sectors in the five provinces, the value of the effect of national growth is negative; the value of the industrial mix, in the five provinces of Indonesia has the same sectoral characteristics. The industrial mix has a positive value in some sectors and the industrial mix is negative in other sectors; the value of Regional Shares in the five provinces varies considerably. This of course is influenced by the ability of each province to produce; the characteristics of the total effect value vary in each sector in each province. The total effect value is positive, this means that a sector in a province is classified as progressive. The total effect value is negative, this means that a sector in a province is classified as conservative. Suggestions for future researchers are that this research does not include elements of economic agglomeration. If there are researchers who are interested in further research, maybe it can be added related to the elements of economic agglomeration.
Co-Authors ABDUL AZIZ B Adryan Prasetyo Ady Soejoto ADY SOEJOTO Agus Wijanarko Ahmad Ajib Ridlwan Albrian Fiky Prakoso Aldo Muhklison Alhafiz Hamzah Amalia Azizah Andi Fahrudin Aprillia Nilasari Arina Salsabilla Haq Arisetyawan, Kukuh Atika Oktaviani Ayu Alvidianita AZIZ B, ABDUL Badriyatul Ulya Bayu Surindra Bimbi Resti Mataheurilla BURHAN SIDQI, MOCH Clarashinta Canggih Deasy Ayu Rahma Putri Della Puspitasari Dewi Prastiwi Diella Vania Amelinda Dita Putri Eka Wahyuni Faiz Naufal Al Hanani Gevana Ardrarani Ardrarani Harti Hendry Cahyono Ilham Maulana Putra Winandri Iqrok Glady Morgana Iswan Prayoga, Lucky Bima Bima Jaka Nugraha Junaedi Dwi Mulyanto Junaedi Dwi Mulyanto Khusnul Fikriyah Ladi Wajuba Perdini Fisabilillah Ladi Watjuba Ladi Watjuba Perdini Leny Yuanita LISA FEBRIANTI Lucky Bima Bima Iswan Prayoga Luqman Hakim M A Ghofur Mauren Gita Meisyaroh Catur Wulandari Merlyana Dwinda Yanthi Mia Adisty Amin Michael Firdaus MOCH BURHAN SIDQI MOCHAMAD RIZKY KURNIAWAN Mohammad Iqbal Ibrahim Muhammad Adrian MUHAMMAD IRSYAD ALIM Muhammad Rizqi Bahrul Amin Ni Nyoman Anggie Dewantari Noor Purnama Sari NORIDA CANDA SAKTI Nunki Andas Sahita Nurul Hanifa Oktavia Rizqiana Putri Prabowo, Prayudi Setiawan PRIGIONILA, RIZKY Rachma Indrarini Raden Achmad Fuad RETNO MUSTIKA DEWI Riksan Baihaqi Risa Wulandari Rizki Amalia RIZKY KURNIAWAN, MOCHAMAD RIZKY PRIGIONILA Rizqiya Fauziyah Akhmad RUSTIANA KUSUMA WARDANI Ruth Eviana Hutabarat Sahita, Nunki Andas SAYIDATI HAPSARI Shinta Lintang Siti Zuliasari Sri Abidah Suryaningsih Susanti Susanti Tasya Putri Zavida Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Tjetjep Rohendi Tony Seno Aji Tutik Tarwiyah, Tutik Vidiya Maslihatiddiniyah Wasil, Mohammad Wella Amalia Yanuarti