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ANALISIS PEMASARAN BUAH LOKAL DI KALIMANTAN BARAT Ekawati, Ekawati; Ellyta, Ellyta; Rizieq, Rahmatullah
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2014): JAI Vol 2 No 1 Juni 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia

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The final objective of this research is the completion of a local fruit marketing model to maintain local fruit products in the domestic market. Hence, the local fruit products always be a favorite product of West Kalimantan community. The specific objective of this research are (1) to identify the local fruit consumer profile, (2) to elaborate the local fruit consumer profile, (3) to identify and elaborate the local fruit consumer behavior, (4) to analyze the factors influencing consumer decision to buy local fruit. This study used descriptive survey method with 400 respondents by random selected method. The data would be analyzed by using multi-attribute models, while the relationship between factors to the consumption decision of local fruit would use rank Spearman correlation. The results stated that the decision to consume both local and imported fruit was more determined by their own decisions than determined by other people opinions. Consumers in Pontianak prefer to choose imported fruit rather than local fruit. In local fruit marketing, sellers had to consider four factors that correlate with the desire of consumers to buy the local fruits, namely: (a) taste, (b) quality/durability; (c) price and (d) packaging.
SEMAR (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni bagi Masyarakat) Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : LPPM UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/semar.v2i2.45156


In general, the aims of the service to the community program is to provide the training of the wastewater treatment in making nata de coco to the  coconut traders in  Dahlia traditional markets that can provide them an additional income. The specific aims are : (1) To give the grated coconut trader and their partner knowledge about the processing of nata de coco, (2) To give the coconut traders and their partners knowledge  of processing nata de coco into  various flavors, (3) To share the  coconut traders and their partners the knowledge about how  to package  so that it will become more attractive,  Finally (4) To improve their management and to expand their marketing network.Methods are used: (1) Dissemination  knowledge of nata de coco, (2) Counseling and training wastewater treatment of the coconut into nata de coco for the coconut trader and their partners in the Dahlia,  traditional market town in Pontianak, (3) Improving the quality of human resources, And (4) Training Product Promotion of SMEs through the Internet.The results show that the interest of participants to the activities of is very large. This is demonstrated by the sight of people exiting to follow and pay attention in any of the material presented, as well as their desire to know more about the process of nata de coco. Based on the  aggregate information that is collected by the team that one of the key success of the implementation of this activity is their desire to earn more income,  furthemore due to the abundant of the raw material for making nata de coco in their environment.
ANALISIS PEMASARAN BUAH LOKAL DI KALIMANTAN BARAT Ekawati Ekawati; Ellyta Ellyta; Rahmatullah Rizieq
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Juni 2014 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)
Publisher : Departmen of Agribusiness, Economics and Management Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jai.2014.2.1.11-20


The final objective of this research is the completion of a local fruit marketing model to maintain local fruit products in the domestic market. Hence, the local fruit products always be a favorite product of West Kalimantan community. The specific objective of this research are (1) to identify the local fruit consumer profile, (2) to elaborate the local fruit consumer profile, (3) to identify and elaborate the local fruit consumer behavior, (4) to analyze the factors influencing consumer decision to buy local fruit. This study used descriptive survey method with 400 respondents by random selected method. The data would be analyzed by using multi-attribute models, while the relationship between factors to the consumption decision of local fruit would use rank Spearman correlation. The results stated that the decision to consume both local and imported fruit was more determined by their own decisions than determined by other people opinions. Consumers in Pontianak prefer to choose imported fruit rather than local fruit. In local fruit marketing, sellers had to consider four factors that correlate with the desire of consumers to buy the local fruits, namely: (a) taste, (b) quality/durability; (c) price and (d) packaging.
INOTEKS : Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Seni Vol 21, No 2: Agustus 2017
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.289 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/ino.v21i2.15650


Pertambahan jumlah penduduk menyebabkan meningkatnya aktivitas sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang banyak menghasilkan sampah. Pasar tradisional merupakan salah satu sumber dari sejumlah sampah organik dan sampah anorganik, sehingga menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap dan semakin menambah kesan kotor serta kumuhnya pasar tradisional contohnya pasar Dahlia di kota Pontianak. Sampah juga merupakan sumber beberapa jenis penyakit menular, keracunan dan lain-lain. Jika sampah yang bertumpuk tersebut tidak segera ditanggulangi maka dapat menimbulkan masalah dan dampak pada masyarakat yang bermukim disekitar pasar tersebut. Kegiatan IbM ini bekerjasama dengan dua mitra, yaitu mitra 1 adalah kelompok santri dari pondok pesantren Al Jihad RT 003/RW 005 dan mitra 2 adalah kelompok masyarakat (ibu-ibu rumah tangga) RT 003/RW 005. Kedua kelompok mitra tersebut merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang berdiam disekitar pasar dahlia yang merasakan dampak langsung dari sampah tersebut. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana mengurangi masalah tumpukan sampah di pasar tradisional dahlia yang berasal dari sampah pedagang dan sampah warga masyarakat sekitar menjadi sampah organic dan aneka kerajinan yang bernilai ekonomis. Alternatif yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra 1 adalah pengolahan sampah organik menjadi pupuk organik padat maupun cair dan aplikasi pupuk organik pada tanaman sayuran, sedangkan solusi permasalahan mitra 2 adalah usaha pengelolaan sampah anorganik menjadi aneka kerajinan tangan bernilai ekonomis sehingga masalah mitra yang berkaitan  dengan sampah dapat diatasi dan disisi lain dapat memberikan sumber pemasukan bagi mitra. 
Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi Vol 13 No 2 (2006): VOL. 13 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2006
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Stikubank

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The debate between De Long and Summerrs (1991) and Blomstrom, Lipsey and Zejan (1996) who reported conflicting results on the relationship between fixed capital formation and economic growth raised doubts onwhether changes in a country’s capital formation shares in GDP have an influence on its futer growth rate. This paper addresses the issue again by examining the causal patterns between the share of fixed investment in GDP and the growth rate of per capita real GDP on an individual country basis, using time series on each of four countries of ASEAN. The empirical results suggest that the causal relationship between these variables may vary significantly across that countries. Most importantly, no consistent evidence is found that causality is running in only one direction. Rather, causality between fixed investment and growth seems to have a country-specific nature and may run in either direction.Keywords : Fixed capital, economic growth
Dampak Subsidi Pupuk Terhadap Kesejahteraan Petani Rahmatullah Rizieq
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 10, No. 2 Juli 2010
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Financial Analysis of Coconut Sugar Production: A Case Study in Mempawah Regency, Indonesia Ekawati Ekawati; Rahmatullah Rizieq; Ellyta Ellyta
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Vol 37, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/carakatani.v37i1.51866


Coconut is one of the key plantation commodities in the Mempawah Regency that needs to be developed. This is necessary in order to increase the income of coconut sugar craftsmen and also allow them gain knowledge of the industrial scale through feasibility studies on the agro-industry. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the structure of production cost and operating income as well as the feasibility of the coconut sugar agro-industry. This analysis is important for craftsmen in the regency that engage in the continuous production of coconut sugar. Furthermore, this study was conducted in Mempawah Regency with 34 coconut farmers. The analysis of the R/C ratio and Break-Even Point (BEP) was used to determine the indicator of financial feasibility. The result revealed that the average production cost needed by the agro-industry was 7,659,868 IDR month-1 and the generated income was 3,483,132 IDR month-1. Additionally, the coconut sugar agro-industry was financially feasible as the obtained R/C ratio was 1.45. The BEP of production volume and Cost of Good Solds (COGS) was 346 kg and 9,814.92 IDR which is less than the actual production volume and price. It was suggested that craftsmen of coconut sugar produce more than 346 kg of sugar per month with a selling price above 9,814.92 IDR kg-1 in order to obtain profit.
The Analysis Of The Development Strategy Of Chilli Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens L.) For The Improvement Of The Economy Of Farmers 'Society In Sub District Of Sungai Kakap Kubu Raya District Rahmatullah Rizieq; Donna Youlla; Maskuri Maskuri
International Journal of Multi Discipline Science Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Volume 1 Number 2 August 2018
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/ij-mds.v1i1.438


production and productivity. The condition of land in Kakap subdistrict of Kubu Raya District is swamp furthermore the land is affected by tidal area so that it becomes the limiting factor to get high production and productivity. This study aims to determine the condition of chili pepper business in the village of Kalimas in Sungai Kakap District of Kubu Raya. And also to formulate alternative strategy of development of chili pepper farming. In this study it is known that chili pepper farming in the village of Kalimas has internal factors that become the main strength of the ease of marketing factors of production. While the main weakness is the capital factor of farming. The external factor that becomes the main opportunity is the demand factor of chili pepper and the main threat is the attacking factor of plant disturbing organism. Through SWOT matrix analysis, it is known that internal factors that become strength and weakness are combined with external factors into opportunities and threats so that there are several alternative strategies for the development of chili pepper farming. SO strategies obtained are: Increased production through intensification and extensification, application of agribusiness farming system by partnering to subsystems of input providers and production facilities and marketing subsystems. For the WO strategy gained are: Strengthening of stakeholders through improvement of cooperation relationship with all related parties, improvement of training and socialization and optimization of production. While for strategy of ST and WT that is obtained is: efficiency of use of means of production and diversification of farming without leaving chili pepper farming.
Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Melalui Metode Vertikultur Ekawati; Rahmatullah Rizieq; Hery Medianto Kurniawan
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 3 (2020): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v4i3.4133


One of the alternatives to mitigate the limitations of agricultural land in urban areas in an effort to produce family food is the use of yard with verticulture method. However, the partners of this community service activity were housewives in Permata Griya RT Residence 03/RW 019; most of them have not utilized their home yard for any productive and economically valuable activities through plant cultivation. This is caused by the limited land and partners’ knowledge about plant cultivation techniques. This community service activity aims to provide training and practice of narrow land utilization with verticulture method, arranging plants vertically using used tins and plastic bottles.. The service activity was conducted through lecture, discussion, and demonstration approach. The result of the activity impacted on the participants’ knowledge and insight: all participants knew cultivation techniques and make the growing media of verticulture mainly by using used goods
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi Jurnal Universitas Islam Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/zmip.v44i1.1667


Acceleration of innovation adoption can be done if the communication network patterns in farmer groups are known. The research was conducted at The Citrus Production Center in Sambas District, West Kalimantan. Farmer group samples were taken 15 groups randomly while farmer sampling was done with the Representative Sample of Intact System. The structure and role of farmers in communication networks were analyzed by communication network analysis from Rogers and Kincaid and relationship analysis with Rank Spearman method. The results showed the structure of communication, in terms of the level of connectedness of farmers in the group was low while the openness of farmer groups was high. The higher the involvement and openness of farmers in the communication network, the better behavior of farmers in marketing. In addition, the pattern of communication networks that are formed is the pattern of wheels, namely the role of leaders in groups (star) plays an important role in the distribution of information in farmer groups. The other results were efforts to overcome the marketing problems that occur in farmers, namely by delaying the harvest and delay selling.