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Pengembangan Media Ajar Berbasis Multimedia Di SMA Negeri 1 Talawi Nofriadi N; Herman Saputra; Adi Prijuna Lubis; Suparmadi S
Jurnal TUNAS Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Edisi April
Publisher : LPPM STIKOM Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.263 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/jtunas.v1i2.18


Community service activities titled Multimedia-Based Teaching Media Development in the State High School 1 Talawi which aims to provide knowledge to all teachers in the Talawi 1 High School environment. The method used in this activity is to conduct workshops in creating and developing teaching media using power point applications. During the activity all the teachers are guided in making each other's teaching materials in accordance with the subjects held in the Talawi 1 High School environment. The final result of this dedication is that all teachers can create and develop computerized based teaching materials by using power point applications.
Flood Detection Control System Design Based on SMS Gateway Iqbal Kamil Siregar; Jhonson Efendi Hutagalung; Bachtiar Efendi; Herman Saputra
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v4i2.1803


Flood concern everybody in every flood area. It makes the researchers interest to take the research about flood detection system, especially in rivers by using mobile phone facilities. The procedure of this tool is if the flood rise due to overflow of the river, then the river guard will receive SMS to tell the people to anticipate the flood by sounding the alarm until the entire riverbank area. This SMS delivery is via connection to telecommunications network using SMS gateway module. This tool can be used as a flood emergency which is installed at river location points where sensors and control devices are permanently installed. This research has been successful and has been well tested in its implementation.
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): JUTIF Volume 3, Number 2, April 2022
Publisher : Informatika, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jutif.2022.3.2.224


Industry Tahu Iyus is a business engaged in the industrial sector, this business makes white tofu and fried tofu. The problem that occurs in the Industry Tahu Iyus is that it is still difficult to determine the amount of tofu raw material inventory for the next month and experiencing an excess of tofu raw materials if this continues, the Industry Tahu Iyus will experience losses, one of the raw materials will be damaged and will experience a bad smell to the raw materials. The purpose of this research is to be able to build a forecasting system for the inventory of tofu raw materials in the Industry Tahu Iyus using previous data. The method that can be used in this study to predict the inventory of tofu raw materials is the Weighted Moving Average method, because this method is able to provide predictions by utilizing previous data and each data is given a different weight. This study applies the Weighted Moving Average method to obtain accurate forecasting results so as to minimize errors between forecasting and inventory reality, and is applied to a forecasting system for tofu raw material inventory per month with forecasting results for the following month, namely 4.150 Kg with a MAPE value of 6.54%.
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.189 KB) | DOI: 10.33330/jurteksi.v4i2.48


Suatu serangan ke dalam Server jaringan computer dapat terjadi kapan saja. Baik pada saat administrator sedang kerja atupun tidak. Dengan demikian dibutuhkan sistem pertahanan didalam server itu sendiri yang bisa menganalisa langsung apakah setiap paket yang masuk tersebut adalah data yang diharapkan ataupun data yang tidak diharapkan. Kalau paket tersebut merupakan data yang tidak diharapkan, diusahakan agar komputer bisa mengambil tindakan yaitu dengan mengeblok IP asal paket tersebut.Pemodelan suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk mengatasi flooding data pada suatu jaringan. Sistem didesain dengan jalan membuat suatu firewall yang aktif yang bisa mendifinisikan setiap data yang masuk kedalam server, apakah data yang datang itu merupakan sebuah data flood atau data yang diperlukan oleh user. Pemodelan dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Delphi, dan dalam lingkungan jaringan computer berbasis ip address.Kata Kunci : Flooding, Jaringan computer, blokir ip, paket data, tcp /ip
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 7, No 3 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jurteksi.v7i3.1199


Abstract:  Software Defined Network has recently become a new architecture in computer network systems that offer convenience with a centralized control system. The Software Defined Network Architecture will separate the control plane and the data plane. Where the control plane will be placed on the controller that is stored and provides all the needs that exist in the network system. In Software Define Network, it still needs a lot of research, especially security, because it is the most important part in the network. One solution that can be used as security is a firewall. With the firewall, every data traffic will be monitored and also determine the entry and exit of data. In this research, a firewall will be implemented at the data link layer which will use a tree topology in the software define network and POX as the controller. The results of this study produce a firewall program with the python programming language which is placed on the POX controller. The code modification has successfully blocked, controlled, and monitored each packet based on the rules on the firewall.            Keywords: data link; firewall; pox controller; software defined network  Abstrak: Software Defined Network belakangan ini menjadi satu arsitektur baru pada sistem jaringan komputer yang menawarkan satu kemudahan dengan sistem kontrol terpusat. Pada arsitektur Software Defined Network akan memisahkan control plane dan data plane. Dimana control plane akan ditempatkan  pada controller yang bertugas mengatur serta menyediakan segala keperluan yang ada pada sistem jaringan. Pada Software Define Network masih perlu dilakukannya banyak riset khususnya bidang keamanan, karena keamanan merupakan bagian terpenting dalam jaringan. Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan sebagai keamanan adalah firewall. Dengan adanya firewall maka setiap lalu lintas data akan dapat dimonitoring dan juga menentukan keluar masuknya suatu data. Pada penelitian ini akan diimplementasikan firewall pada data link layer yang akan menggunakan topologi tree pada software defined network dan POX sebagai Controllernya.  Hasil pada penelitian ini menghasilkan satu program firewall dengan bahasa pemrograman python yang ditempatkan pada pox controller. Modifikasi kode telah berhasil untuk memblokir, mengontrol dan memonitoring setiap paket berdasarkan rule pada firewall. Kata kunci: data link; firewall; pox controller; software defined network  
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.84 KB) | DOI: 10.33330/jurdimas.v3i2.529


Abstract : Efforts to improve the quality of health services at the Porsea health center make a medical records system to facilitate the administration and storage of data properly, Porsea health centers still use medical records or forms manually. To make it easy for patients to have a continuous medical history quickly discovered. One of the preparations is to find the right application to be used as a manual medical record system that is digitalized. A simple and easy-to-use medical record system that makes it easy for puskesmas to do patient medical records is the Android Medical Records App Application system, with this application what is expected by the puskesmas can increase the knowledge of Porsea puskesmas employees to use the medical record application, and increase the use of the computerized system, and it is also easy for people who seek treatment to be able to save their medical record data and can be seen traces of their existing medical history.Keywords: android; medical records Abstrak: Upaya meningkatakan mutu pelayanan kesehatan puskemas porsea membuat sistem catatan medis untuk mempermudah administrasi dan penyimpanan data dengan baik, puskesmas porsea masih menggunakan catatan medis atau formulir secara manual. Untuk mempermudah agar riwayat kesehatan pasien berkesinambungan dengan cepat  ditemukan. Salah satu persiapan yang dilakukan adalah mencari aplikasi yang tepat untuk digunakan menjadi sistem rekam medis yang manual menjadi digitalisasi. Sistem rekam medis yang simpel dan mudah digunakan dalam memudahkan pihak puskesmas untuk melakukan pencatatan medis pasien adalah sistem Aplikasi Android Medical Records App, dengan adanya aplikasi ini maka apa yang diharapkan pihak puskesmas dapat Meningkatkan pengetahuan pegawai puskesmas porsea untuk menggunakan aplikasi rekam medis, dan meningkatkan penggunaan sistem terkomputerisasi, dan juga mempermudah masyarakat yang berobat untuk bisa di simpan data catatan medisnya dan dapat dilihat jejak riwayat kesehatannya yang sudah ada. Kata Kunci: android; rekam medis
Lampu Jalan Otomatis Memanfaatkan Turbin Angin Sebagai Penerangan di Area Pantai Bagan Asahan Fauzy Maulana Sinaga; Herman Saputra; Elly Rahayu
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Edumatic: Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/edumatic.v6i2.6347


Bagan Asahan Beach is one of the attractions in Tanjung Balai which is visited by many visitors. At night, Bagan Asahan beach is very dark, making it prone to sexual violence or crime. The purpose of this research is to make automatic street lights utilizing wind turbines as lighting in the Bagan Asahan beach area. The method used is a prototype with the stages of collecting information by interviewing visitors and local village administrators, making and repairing prototypes and conducting prototype trials. The hardware in the tool testing consists of arduino nano, DC motor, relay, led lamp, SMD led, LDR, ultrasonic, battery and inverter. Our findings show that the tool that was built has an error if the battery is = 50% then the two sensors do not read the signal accurately. Overall, the tool can function properly although there are still some shortcomings..
Penerapan SCM Dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Stock Bahan Baku Produksi Tahu Pada Pabrik Tahu Helen Muhammad basirun; Herman Saputra; Pristiyanilicia Putri
J-Com (Journal of Computer) Vol 2, No 3 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Royal Kisaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/j-com.v2i3.1939


Abstract: This tofu business has just been initiated since January 1997 in Hesa Perlompongan, Kec. Air Batu, Kab. Asahan, North Sumatra. The basic reason for implementing supply chain management is because this program involves several related parties such as suppliers, distributors and consumers. The main activity carried out is the production of tofu within the scope of the home industry. The need for raw materials at Helen's Tofu Factory every day and this can increase depending on customer orders. Some of the obstacles experienced by Helen's Tofu Factory are that they often run out of stock of materials because sometimes there are many sudden orders from customers. The material data collection process is still done by recording manually so that errors can occur in determining the amount of material inventory. When observed in depth, there are still many obstacles that can be seen since this effort was implemented. From here, it is important to examine the scope of the application of supply chain management as a manifestation of efforts to advance business players, especially the home industry. The programming language used is PHP and MySQL database. The research method uses a qualitative research approach which is a research that only collects data and explains descriptively/narratively without having to be processed with calculations. This research will only utilize the data obtained from the research site and input it without changing anything.                                                                                Keywords : supply chain management; tofu production; helen's tofu factory  Abstrak: Usaha tahu ini baru saja mulai di rintis sejak Januari 1997 di Hesa Perlompongan, Kec.Air Batu, Kab.Asahan Sumatera Utara. Alasan mendasar penerapan supply chain management ini karena program ini melibatkan beberapa pihak yang terkait seperti suplier, distributor dan konsumen. Adapun kegiatan utama yang dilakukan yaitu produksi tahu dalam lingkup industri rumah tangga. Kebutuhan bahan baku di Pabrik Tahu Helen setiap hari dan hal ini bisa meningkat tergatung pesanan pelanggan. Beberapa kendala yang dialami oleh Pabrik Tahu Helen adalah sering mengalami kehabisan stok bahan dikarenakan terkadang banyak pesanan mendadak dari pelanggan. Proses pendataan bahan masih dilakukan dengan cara pencatatan secara manual sehingga dapat terjadi kesalahan dalam menentukan jumlah persediaan bahan. Bila diamati secara mendalam, masih banyak kendala yang terlihat sejak usaha ini dilaksanakan. Dari sini penting untuk dikaji ruang lingkup dari penerapan supply chain managemen sebagai wujud dari usaha memajukan pelaku bisnis khususnya industri rumah tangga. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dan database MySQL. Adapun metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif yang merupakan penelitian yang hanya mengumpulkan data dan menjelaskan secara deskripstif/narasi tanpa harus diolah dengan perhitungan. Penelitian ini hanya akan memanfaatkan data yang diperoleh dari tempat riset dan menginputkannya tanpa mengubah apapun. Kata Kunci : supply chain management, produksi tahu, pabrik tahu helen
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022): JUTIF Volume 3, Number 6, December 2022
Publisher : Informatika, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jutif.2022.3.6.605


Determination of majors is very important for the convenience of prospective students in the process and continuation of education so that they do not experience difficulties in the teaching and learning process in the future. SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran is one of the private vocational schools in Asahan that provides 3 majors including Audio Video Engineering (TAV), Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ), and Motorcycle Engineering and Business (TBSM). SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran does not yet have a special system for selecting majors so that prospective students are welcome to choose majors according to their own wishes, not a few students find it difficult because the students themselves do not understand their that it’s not uncommon for students to choose majors in a random way or follow their friends' choices. Therefore we need a system that can help prospective students in selecting majors that match their interests and talents and reduce mistakes in choosing majors. The technique used for the classification data mining model in this study is the Naïve Bayes Algorithm. The dataset that will be used as training data and test data is data for new students for the 2021/2022 school year, to be precise, for class X SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran obtained from the results of documentation and questionnaires. The criteria used were school origin, gender, interests, major, influence of friends, parental suggestions, math scores, English grades, and science grades. The results of the classification modeling with the Naïve Bayes Algorithm produce an accuracy value of 89%.
Internet Sehat dan Aman di Era Pandemik Bagi Masyarakat Herman Saputra; Nofriadi Nofriadi; Adi Prijuna; Bachtiar Efendi
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Smart Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.167 KB) | DOI: 10.54314/.v1i1.652


Abstract:The development of the internet that is getting faster makes it easier for humans to disseminate and receive/search for information without being bound by national borders in the international scope. Now humans have lived in practicality considering that increasingly modern means of communication to support all activities are available, even the presence of the internet is able to provide data on various kinds of information, ranging from political, economic, social, cultural and so on, simply through search engines. search engine) then the required information will be obtained. Even through the internet, information for personal life can be obtained such as health, recreation, hobbies, personal development, spiritual and others. But there is another part that needs to be understood that the presence of internet media with the offer or choice of various sites with the freedom of access is like a double-edged sword, on the one hand can have a positive impact and on the other hand a negative impact. One of them that is currently rife is hoaxes, cyberbullying and even cybercrime.            Keywords: Healthy Internet; cyberbullying; cybercrime  Abstrak:Perkembangan internet yang semakin cepat mempermudah manusia untuk menyeba-rluaskan dan menerima/mencari informasi tanpa terikat batas negara dalam lingkup internasional. Kini manusia sudah hidup dalam kepraktisan mengingat sarana komunikasi semakin modern sebagai penunjang segala kegiatan telah tersedia, bahka kehadiran internet mampu menyediakan data berbagai ragam informasi, mulai dari politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan sebagainya cukup melalui search engine (mesin pencari) maka informasi yang dibutuhkan akan didapatkan. Bahkan melalui internet, informasi untuk kehidupan pribadi bisa diperoleh seperti kesehatan, rekreasi, hobi, pengembangan pribadi, rohani dan lainnya. Tetapi ada bagian lain yang perlu dipahami bahwa kehadiran media internet dengan tawaran atau pilihan beragam situs dengan keleluasaan akses seperti pedang bermata dua, di satu sisi bisa membawa dampak positif dan di sisi lain berdampak negatif. Sala satunya yang marak saat ini adalah hoax, cyberbullying dan bahkan cybercrime. Kata kunci: Internet Sehat; cyberbullying; cybercrimeÂ