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Formation of High School Students' Civic Competence in the Context of Ethno-Cultural Traditions Gayane Poghosyan; Anahit Gasparyan; Nurdiana Nurdiana; Muhammad Ridwan; Bakhrul Khair Amal
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education, August
Publisher : BIRCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birle.v3i3.1225


The goal of the research is to increase the civic competence of students in educational institutions by involving ethno-cultural traditions. All over the world, national problems have aggravated, conflicts have arisen, for the solution of which new forms of intercultural and interethnic interactions are needed. Within the framework of the study, the situation was analyzed, the cultural traditions and values of the Armenian, as well as of peoples’ living in Armenia were studied, a two-stage sociological study was carried out, its results were analyzed and relevant recommendations were made. From the analysis of the results it became clear that the study of the traditions and habits leads to the development of the culture of one's own people և other nations and love, responsibility and an attitude towards the Motherland and the Country is formed. Society has an objective need to form a competent citizen, who will be able to implement civil rights and obligationsin the best way, who will have civil position and participation in the processes taking place in the country. The ethnocultural habits directly contribute to the formation of students' civic competence, and the incusion of them into educational institutions will create potential opportunities for that. In order to build civic competence, first it is need to deveop skills among learners and educators who, in different life conditions (including crisis and risk), in various educational situations (as well as self-educational), will be able to make decisions, identify problems and propose solutions, as well as take targeted and responsible actions, developing creative and critical thinking.
Development of Eco-Responsible Thermal Comfort Designs for the Valorization of the Traditional Malagasy House Miliarison Andrianiaina Josoa; Razafindrakoto Ny Riana Fanoina; RANAIVOSON Sahondra Lalao Olga; Randrianoelina Benjamin; Muhammad Ridwan; Koto-Te-Nyiwa Ngbolua; Robijaona Rahelivololoniaina Baholy
Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences (BirEx) Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences, April
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birex.v4i2.4593


This study aims to provide any assistance in the design of a green thermal comfort solution that is aware of the current climate change and considers sustainable development. This concept is helpful to the environment and offers a possibility of popular use. The process results are reproducible to a maximum of eventuality in the thermal building field, but in this article, we discussed the cases of Malagasy thatched cottage with envelope in mud and roof in thatch and the case of an ordinary house of the popular Malagasy mass, with fired clay brick envelope, cement coating, galvanized corrugated iron roof. The approach is as follows: locate the study area, analyze the scenarios of ecological thermal solutions, carry out the heat balances according to the scenarios, and classify the optimal solution. To do this, METEONORM is used for geographical location, the heat balance is carried out using the THERMEXCEL tool, and the multi-criteria analysis is made by the PROMETHEE tool in the educational version.
Determinan Generasi Z Menerapkan Gaya Hidup Halal Di Kota Padangsidimpuan Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap; Nurul Izzah; Muhammad Ridwan
J-EBIS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/j-ebis.v7i1.3761


Indonesia's great potential in developing the halal industry has not been optimally utilized. This can be seen from the low output of the halal industry, halal certificates that have not been applied globally and low halal awareness. This study aims to determine the factors that influence Generation Z in Padangdidimpuan City to adopt a halal lifestyle. This research is a quantitative research using primary data. The research sample is Generation Z in Padangsidimpuan City as many as 200 respondents. Data analysis was performed using Smart PLS. The results of the study show that experience and family influence Generation Z in implementing a halal lifestyle in Padangsidimpuan City. Meanwhile, perception, culture and demographics do not affect Generation Z in implementing a halal lifestyle. Generation Z with families who instill Islamic values ​​tend to adopt a halal lifestyle that is in accordance with Islamic teachings. A good understanding of the benefits of a halal lifestyle will motivate Generation Z to adopt a halal lifestyle.
A Literary and Cultural Stare of the Red Thread Eka Kurniawan Herdi Sahrasad; Muhammad Ridwan
Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi dan Perubahan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Konfrontasi, July
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.423 KB) | DOI: 10.33258/konfrontasi2.v8i2.1


This study is a literary and cultural stare of the red thread Eka Kurniawan. As a young writer, Eka Kurniawan successfully spawned three novels that brought her name increasingly known in international literature. His works are also considered capable of inheriting a 'moving' literary tradition, in which the literary notions of socialist realism are echoed. As a results The language of Eka in Beauty, an elegant wound, and the wealth of his imagination provided excitement, like joy when he saw the snow falling for the first time. Ben Anderson even mentioned Eka as Pramoedya's replacement. He also mentioned Eka as the novel writer and the most original short story in Indonesia. Eka claimed to imitate Pram's discipline in making story details. Eka's comment? "I'm still far from Pram," Eka said in response to her comparison with Pramoedya. But it was precisely there that was the challenge for Eka to continue working as Ben Anderson and Pramudya had hoped for him.
ANALISIS DAMPAK PEMANFAATAN SUMBER DAYA INSANI DALAM MENDUKUNG GREEN ECONOMY (Studi Kasus Wisata Waduk Jeulikat Kota Lhokseumawe) Cindy Silfana; Muhammad Ridwan; Annio Indah Lestari Nasution
EKSYA : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL EKSYA: JURNAL EKONOMI SYARIAH
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal

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This study examines, 1) how is the impact of the use of human resources on the community in Jeulikat Reservoir tourism and 2) what is the perception of Acehnese Muslims in supporting the Green Economy in Jeulikat Reservoir tourism, Lhokseumawe City?. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research type. The type of method used in this research is a case study, by analyzing and describing the data in the form of questions related to the use of human resources as a green economy in the city of Lhokseumawe. The informants who became the research subjects in this study were 2 people, namely tourism managers and the community. The results showed that the impact of the use of human resources on the community in Jeulikat Reservoir tourism, Lhokseumawe City had a positive or negative impact. Positive impacts: 1) provide a large enough job opportunity for the local community, 2) increase in community income, 3) since the existence of this tourist attraction, the gampong has a Gampong Original Income (PAG) which increases every year. The negative impact is that part of the community's land that was previously used for farming activities for the residents, has now been used as land for reservoir expansion, as a result, some community activities have stopped because the reservoir no longer functions as an irrigation channel. Meanwhile, the perception of Acehnese Muslims in supporting the Green Economy in Jeulikat Reservoir tourism in Lhokseumawe City is actually reflected in the opinions, desires, hopes and responses of the community on development activities in the area they live in.
el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies EL BUHUTH: BORNEO JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES VOL 5 NO 1, 2022
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/el-buhuth.v5i01.5635


The motivation to pay zakat is to be willing to pay zakat by demanding incentives to pay it. Zakat is an obligation for Muslims to eradicate poverty and poverty in society and the ummah. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the variables of transparency, trust, knowledge, and religiosity on the motivation to pay zakat and the effect of the moderating variable of digital technology, as well as to determine the effect of the variables of transparency, trustworthiness, knowledge, and religiosity on motivation for the moderating variable of digital technology. on Zakat Payments at LAZ Nurul Hayat Medan. Significant effect on credibility, knowledge, religiosity, and motivation to pay zakat, up to 76.2%. Transparency, trustworthiness, knowledge, religiosity, and the level of moderation of digital technology have a huge impact on motivation to pay zakat up to 85.5%. The results of the significance test show that the variables of transparency, trust, knowledge, and religiosity have a significant and significant effect on the motivation to pay zakat. The moderating variable of digital technology can moderate religiosity about the motivation to pay zakat, but the moderating variable of digital technology is not able to moderate transparency, credibility, knowledge on motivation to pay zakat at LAZ Nurul Hayat Medan
Menentukan Rute Terpendek dari BNNP-SU ke KEJATISU Menggunakan Metode Dynamic Programming Muhammad Ridwan; Roshihan Mawazzi Lubis; Zakaria Alfikri Sirait; Machrani Adi Putri Siregar
Jurnal IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat Vol 2 No 3 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Ali Institute of Research and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/jibm.v2i3.540


Kerja praktek (KP) merupakan kegiatan akademik yang ditujukan pada cara-cara belajar mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan tenaga kerja yang berkualitas. Selama penulis melakukan kerja praktek di Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Sumatera Utara (BNNP SUMUT), untuk mengantarkan surat menyurat ke Pengadilan Tinggi Negara Bagian Sumatera Utara (KEJATISU) mengalami keterlambatan pengiriman. Maka penulis memberikan masukan untuk mencari rute terpendek menggunakan program dinamis. Pemrograman dinamis adalah tugas metode solusi, membagi solusi menjadi satu set (fase). Penelitian diawali dengan menentukan titik-titik yang akan dilalui dan mencari jarak menggunakan peta Google. setelah didapatkan kemudian dicari jalur terpendek dengan metode program dinamis dan jalur terpendek yang didapatkan dengan metode dinamis adalah BNNP - Stadion Teladan - Samsat Medan Selatan - Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Utara. Total nilai 13,6 km.
KNOWLEDGE AND PERCEPTION OF ECONOMICS STUDENTS ON IMPLEMENTING FINTECH IN THE DIGITAL ERA (Case Study of Islamic Economics Students at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra) Rizka Adlia Yuannisa; Muhammad Ridwan; muhammad Arif
Al-Muhtarifin: Islamic Banking and Islamic Economic Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

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Rizka Adlia Yuannisa's research (2022) entitled, "Knowledge and Perceptions of Economics Students on the Implementation of Fintech in the Digital Era (Case Study of Islamic Economics Students at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra)" under the guidance of Thesis Advisor I, Mr. Dr. Muhammad Ridwan, MA and Dr. Muhammad Arif, MA as the supervisor of Thesis II Technological developments in Indonesia go hand in hand with technological developments in various fields, including in the economic field. This increasingly advanced and rapid technology can participate in developing the economy in Indonesia. Fintech as one of the results of technological developments in the digital financial transaction sector makes it easier for people to operate. Society itself has an important influence in developing the wheels of Islamic economics. Everything was started by young people who are used to running technology in their daily lives. Students as members of the Z generation or commonly referred to as the Alpha generation certainly play an active role in the progress of the current digital era, including advancing the Islamic economy in the digital era. Because researchers are interested in examining how student knowledge about fintech is developing at this time and also how their perceptions of Keywords: Fintech, Digital Economy, Technology Development *Corresponding author fintech developments are in developing the Islamic economy in the digital era. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using primary data where the data is directly from the respondent or the object being studied. This study used 11 respondents regarding their knowledge and perceptions of implementing fintech. According to the results of the research, some of the implementation of fintech have started to be used by generation Z, but only within the scope of E-money and are used only a few times, but in the use of sharia fintech, it is very rare for anyone to use or know about it. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using primary data where the data is directly from the respondent or the object being studied. This study used 11 respondents regarding their knowledge and perceptions of implementing fintech. According to the results of the research, some of the implementation of fintech have started to be used by generation Z, but only within the scope of E-money and are used only a few times, but in the use of sharia fintech, it is very rare for anyone to use or know about it. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using primary data where the data is directly from the respondent or the object being studied. This study used 11 respondents regarding their knowledge and perceptions of implementing fintech. According to the results of the research, some of the implementation of fintech have started to be used by generation Z, but only within the scope of E-money and are used only a few times, but in the use of sharia fintech, it is very rare for anyone to use or know about it.
Analysis of The Selection of The Best Arabica Coffee Beans Using Apriori Algorithms Muhammad Ridwan; Fibri Rakhmawati
Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Mathline: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/mathline.v8i2.437


One of the coffee producers in North Sumatra is Karo Regency. Currently, the growth of coffee production in Indonesia is still hampered by the low quality of the coffee beans produced, which affects the development of the final coffee production. coffee, both in terms of selecting the best coffee beans and in terms of processing and benefits. To overcome this problem requires a system that can assist in making decisions regarding the selection of the best Arabica coffee beans with association pattern rules. As for applying associative rules to the selection of the best Arabica coffee beans in Tanah Karo between item combinations so as to form an itemset combination pattern and the Apriori Algorithm. Important association rules can be known with 2 parameters, namely, minimum support (the percentage of item combinations in the database) and minimum confidence (the strength of the relationship between items in the associative rules), both of which are determined by the user. The results of data mining calculations using the Apriori algorithm, data on the assessment of Mr. RM's coffee beans with a minimum support of 25% and a minimum confidence of 75%, form seven rules for Mr. RM's coffee beans. One of the best rules is that if the selection of Normal Bean Presentation is on the Andungsari 1, Andungsari 2, and Komasti coffee varieties, then with a 100% probability the selection on Leaf Rust Resistance will also be good for the selection of Andungsari 1, Andungsari 2, and Komasti coffee varieties. The best selection combination is {BN,B,KD,A} with a 100% confidence level and has the highest lift value, namely, 3.70.
Analisis Pengaruh Perkembangan IPTEK dalam Sosial Ekonomi Nelayan di Belawan: Analysis of the Impact of Technological Advancements on the Socio-economic Status of Fishermen in Belawan Alwi Ridho; Aguansyah Maulana Siregar; Akmal Fiqhi Ranu Mahendra; Fauzan Asyqarullah Ginting; Muhammad Ridwan; Muhammad Sahputra; Natasya Putri Lika; Sri Wahdina Tanjung; Tengku Armita Chairiyah; Delfriana Ayu
Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Vol. 6 No. 7: JULI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/jks.v6i7.3677


Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) merupakan bidang studi yang berfokus pada perkembangan teknologi berdasarkan pengetahuan ilmiah. Seiring dengan berlalunya waktu, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat signifikan, dan perkembangan tersebut telah memberikan dampak yang luas terhadap kehidupan manusia. Dalam konteks kemajuan IPTEK, beberapa nelayan telah mengalami peningkatan ekonomi karena mereka menggunakan alat-alat modern dan teknologi canggih untuk meningkatkan hasil tangkapan ikan. Namun, di sisi lain, masih ada sebagian menggunakan alat-alat modern dan teknologi canggih untuk meningkatkan hasil tangkapan ikan. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana pengaruh perkembangan Ilmu pengetahuan dalam sosial Ekonomi nelayan di daerah belawan, dan Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan cara memahami bagaimana perilaku masyarakat nelayan di wilayah pesisir yang ada di Belawan. Dilakukan pada Juni 2023, di Gudang Arang, Jalan Hiu Medan Belawan,Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk memilih informan yang mewakili berbagai kelompok nelayan di Desa Belawan, termasuk nelayan yang menggunakan alat tangkap tradisional dan nelayan yang menggunakan teknologi modern, Dari penelitian ini kami mendapatkan 2 karakteristik nelayan, yaitu nelayan tradisional dan nelayan modern. Serta hasil penelitian rata – rata nelayan beranggapan bahwasannya perkembangan iptek sangat berpengaruh kepada hasil nelayan, mulai dari kapal yang lebih besar, alat tangkap yang lebih modern, akan menghasilkan tangkapan yang lebih besar serta lebih Menguntungkan, Namun permasalahan utama dalam perkembangan iptek ini bagi nelayan adalah biaya yang dikeluarkan lebih mahal. Oleh sebab itu banyak nelayan yang ada di daerah Belawan lebih banyak yang ikut kapal dibandingkan memiliki kapal sendiri.