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Jurnal Biotek Vol 8 No 2 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Department of Biology Education of Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jb.v8i2.17670


This research discusses the exploration of bird species diversity in the mangrove ecotourism area of Lakawali Village, Malili District, East Luwu Regency. The aim of this research is to explore the diversity of bird species and their distribution in several mangrove and pond ecosystems in Malili District, East Luwu Regency. The research was conducted at four observation stations in the mangrove ecosystem, namely the mangrove ecosystem in Lakawali Pantai Village, Usu Village, Pinrang Malili Village, and PasiPasi Village. The object of this research was the bird species (avifauna) which found at four observation stations in the mangrove ecosystem and aquaculture ponds in Malili District. Data were collected using the IPA method (Index Puncuald'Abondence), observation, and documentation. Data analysis was done by counting the number of bird species from each order found, while the conservation status was determined based on Permen LHK No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018 and the IUCN’s red list. The results of the research showed that the number of bird species found in mangrove ecosystems and aquaculture ponds around mangroves in the Malili district consisted of 48 species of 13 orders, dominated by Passeriformes and Ciconiiformes. The distribution of the highest number of bird species was found in the KampungPinrangMalili area, followed by Ussu Village, LakawaliPantai Village, and the lowest was in PasiPasi Village. There are two types of birds with NT conservation status (Near Threatened = almost threatened), namely the white belly albatross or Spizaetuscirrhatus (Gmelin, 1788) and the Sulawesi snake eagle or Spilornisrufipectus (Gould, 1858), most of which have the least concern (low risk) LC conservation status and are not protected.
Analisis Tingkat Kedisiplinan Tutor Terhadap Pedoman Pemberian dan Penilaian Tugas Tutorial Tatap Muka di UPBJJ-UT Makassar Husnaeni Husnaeni; Ranak Lince; Jalil Jalil
Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Januari - April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/jsgp.5.1.2022.1472


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis persiapan tutor dalam pemberian tugas sesuai pedoman pemberian tugas TTM/Tuweb-UT; (2) menganalisis pemberian tugas sesuai pedoman pemberian tugas TTM/Tuweb-UT; (3) menganalisis tindak lanjut dari pemberian tugas sesuai pedoman pemberian tugas TTM/Tuweb-UT; dan (4) menganalisis tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap pemberian dan penilaian tugas TTM/Tuweb. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ex post facto yang dilaksanakan bulan Maret – Desember 2020. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif yang diolah dengan statistik non parametrik. Sampel penelitian ada 63 dari 364 tutor yang bertugas di UPBJJ-UT Makassar masa registrasi 2020/2020.1. Pada era pandemi Covid-19 tahun 2020 ini, pengambilan data secara langsung dilakukan di pokjar kabupaten Luwu Timur, Pinrang, dan Toraja Utara sedangkan pokjar lain diberikan angket via google form. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan skala Likert dengan 4 skala yaitu Sangat Tidak Setuju; Tidak setuju; Setuju; dan sangat setuju terhadap 15 item pernyataan pada instrumen penelitian ini. Data hasil angket diolah dengan statistik deskriptif dengan bantuan software SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari hasil verifikasi dokumen tugas tutorial sebanyak 63 tutor ada sebanyak 54% yang lengkap, sedangkan 46% tutor yang tidak lengkap dokumen tugas tutorialnya dan menjadi pertimbangan untuk penugasan berikutnya. Hasil perhitungan descriptive dengan SPSS 23 diperoleh nilai skor total tertinggi dari seluruh item yaitu 3.412. Berdasarkan tabel kriteria kedisiplinan, tutor yang bertugas di UPBJJ-UT Makassar tergolong = sangat disiplin.
Training of the Making of Jawawut Diamonds and Its Packaging in Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar: Pelatihan Pembuatan Wajik Jawawut Beserta Pengemasannya Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Husnaeni Husnaeni; Rustam Rustam; Djalil Djalil; Makkatenni Makkatenni; Ranak Lince; Kusmaladewi Kusmaladewi
Mattawang: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.388 KB) | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.mattawang1282


The training on making diamonds from raw materials of Jawawut is based on the abundant production of Jawawut in this area and is used as bird feed. A small portion is traditionally processed as a snack that cannot last long. This training aims to provide knowledge, understanding and skills to the people of the Selayar Islands to process Jawawut raw materials become diamond-jawawut that last a long time so that they become people's food and can support the community's economy. This training was carried out for 3 (three) consecutive months, starting from June – August 2020, the participants of this training were 22 people, consisting of the Village Head, and staff, PKK members, entrepreneurs in the Selayar Islands Regency. Participants are very enthusiastic about participating in the training, the results obtained by participants have understood, mastered and skilled in processing millet raw materials into diamonds that can last a long time as a source of additional income, can also be consumed by the local community and used as gifts for tourists both locally and abroad. Abstrak Pelatihan pembuatan wajik dari bahan baku jawawut dilandasi oleh produksi jawawut di daerah ini melimpah dan dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan burung, Sebagian kecil diolah secara tradisonal sebagai penganan yang tidak dapat bertahan lama. Olehnya itu pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat kepulauan selayar mengolah bahan baku jawawut menjadi wajik-jawawut yang bertahan lama sehingga menjadi bahan pangan masyarakat dan dapat menjadi penopang perekonomian masyarakat. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan selama 3 (tiga) bulan berturut-turut, dimulai Juni – Agustus 2020, peserta pelatihan ini sebanyak 22 orang, yang terdiri dari Kepala Desa, dan staf, anggota PKK, pengusaha di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Peserta sangat antusias mengikuti pelatihan, hasil yang diperoleh peserta telah memahami, menguasai serta terampil mengolah bahan baku jawawut menjadi wajik yang dapat bertahan lama sebagai sumber penghasilan tambahan, juga dapat dikomsumsi oleh masyarakat setempat dan dijadikan oleh-oleh bagi wisatawan baik lokal maupun manca negara.
Development of Website-Based Digital Mathematics Teaching Materials for Junior High School in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 Ranak Lince; Husnaeni Husnaeni; Rustam Rustam; Kusmaladewi Kusmaladewi
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Vol 6, No 1.2 (2022)
Publisher : International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29099/ijair.v6i1.2.469


This research aims to develop website-based digital teaching materials for junior high school mathematics in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The current teaching materials are still manual although some are already in digital form. This type of research is development research or known as Research and Development (R & D). To achieve this goal, the process of developing this device will use the Plomp Development Model consisting of the preliminary investigation phase; design phase; realization/construction phase; test, evaluation and revision phase; and implementation. The implementation of this research was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Barru, South Sulawesi Province. The validation results obtained are the level of media feasibility in terms of usability (82.5%); functionality (83.3%); and Visual Communication (73.3%) with an average feasibility level of 80% or in other words the feasibility level of this media is in the "FEASIBLE" category. The results of the media expert assessment show that SchooLearn in terms of all aspects can be declared valid, but there are still suggestions for improvement that need to be considered for the perfection of the developed device.
The Influence of Teacher’s Personality Competence, Curriculum, and School Climate on Student’s Morals Ruslan Ruslan; Saparuddin Saparuddin; Husnaeni Husnaeni; Muhammad Alqadri Burga
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v7i2.3920


Modernization is a threat that can co-opt Islamic boarding schools from moral development to a formalistic orientation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of teacher’s personality competencies, the curriculum, and the climate of Islamic boarding school on the students’ morals both partially and simultaneously. This type of research is a survey with a quantitative approach. The population of this study was 234 students, with 70 samples selected using the Yamane formula. Data collection methods using questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis using descriptive statistical and inferential statistical analysis techniques. The results showed that the teacher's personality competence, the curriculum, and climate of the Islamic boarding school had a positive and significant effect both partially and simultaneously on the students’ morals. This research has implications for the need for all members of Islamic boarding schools to be synergistically responsible for creating a conducive boarding school climate and culture. This conduciveness will develop moral values through various educational programs, especially curriculum and teacher competence developments.
Research Data Processing Training for Teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Parepare: Pelatihan Pengolahan Data Penelitian Bagi Guru-Guru SMP Negeri 3 Parepare Ranak Lince; Husnaeni Husnaeni; Rustam Rustam; Kartini Kartini; Patmawati Halim
Mattawang: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.mattawang2162


Community Service activities were carried out in Parepare City, Bacukiki District, South Sulawesi Province, precisely at the First High School of Negeri 3 Parepare. The objectives of this activity are to: (1) Increase teachers' knowledge in processing and analyzing research data; (2) Increase awareness and knowledge in teachers about the importance of data management in research data analysis; (3) Increase teachers' insights, abilities, and skills in utilizing data to be more informative with data analysis using excel software; and (4) Reduce the number of teachers who do data processing and analysis intuitively and manually in the computing era. The method used was counseling and teaching, discussion, and training in collaboration between the implementer and the first partner. This method was implemented for all teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, who were trained for 2 to 4 days and then gradual evaluation and monitoring were carried out periodically for 2 months. The resulting outputs are: (1) increased teacher knowledge in processing and analyzing research data; (2) increased awareness and knowledge of teachers about the importance of processing and analyzing research data; (3) increased teachers' insights, abilities, and skills in utilizing data to be more informative with proper data processing and analysis; and (4) reduced the number of teachers who carry out data processing and analysis intuitively and manually in the computing era, (5) increased competence of trainees in processing research data after training. Abstrak Kegiatan Ipteks bagi Masyarakat dilaksanakan di Kota Parepare Kecamatan Bacukiki, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan tepatnya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Parepare Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk: (1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dalam pengolahan dan menganalisis data penelitian; (2) Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan pada guru tentang pentingnya pengelolaan data dalam analisis data penelitian; (3) Meningkatkan wawasan, kemampuan, dan keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan data menjadi lebih informatif dengan analisis data menggunakan perangkat lunak excel; dan (4) Mengurangi jumlah guru yang melakukan pengolahan dan analisis data secara intuisi dan manual di era komputasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pengajaran, diskusi, dan pelatihan secara kolaborasi antara pelaksana dengan mitra pertama. Metode ini dilaksanakan kepada semua guru SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, yang dilatih selama 2 s/d 4 hari dan selanjutnya evaluasi bertahap dan monitoring dilakukan secara berkala selama 2 bulan. Luaran yang dihasilkan adalah: (1) pengetahuan guru bertambah dalam pengolahan dan dalam menganalisis data penelitian; (2) Meningkatnya kesadaran dan pengetahuan pada guru tentang pentingnya pengolahan dan analisis data penelitian; (3) Meningkatnya wawasan, kemampuan, dan keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan data menjadi lebih informatif dengan pengolahan dan analisis data yang tepat; dan (4) berkurangnya jumlah guru yang melakukan pengolahan dan analisis data secara intuisi dan manual di era komputasi, (5) Bertambahnya kompetensi peserta pelatihan dalam mengolah data penelitian setelah dilaksanakan pelatihan.