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Factors Affecting Psychological Dynamics of Esports Athletes Nadia Aulia Nadhirah; Azriel Arriadi Hidayat; Dodi Suryana; Ipah Saripah; Ahmad Rofi Suryahadikusumah
Journal of Education and Counseling (JECO) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/jeco.v3i1.629


Dozens of years ago, it was difficult to even consider playing video games as a career path. Following immense development in the last decade, esports has evolved into a luxurious, enjoyable, and profitable industry. It has now become an interesting, appealing industry for young people. However, despite the media’s glorification towards the industry, there is so much pressure, obligation, and factors that would turn a seemingly fun and simple occupation into a stressful line of work, contrary to how medias and the public perceives this industry. This article will dive deeply into what is going on behind the scenes, using the study case method, in which the author is directly involved in the esports industry of the Dota 2 game. Following the observations, it can be concluded that esports athletes are heavily affected by external demands, media scrutiny, their daily routine, habits, nutrition, and internal conflicts within the team’s environment.
Analysis of Fear of Missing out Phenomena in Adolescent Social Interaction in the Digital Era Khansa Meradaputhi; Nadia Aulia Nadhirah; Ipah Saripah
Journal of Education and Counseling (JECO) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/jeco.v3i1.654


This study aims to analyze the Fear of missing out on the social interactions of adolescents in the digital era. The research method used in this research is qualitative research, a literature study using and identifying books, journals, and articles. The digital era has enabled new forms of social interaction based on electronic information networks. From this social interaction,t a phenomenon called Fear of missing out (FOMO) arises. FOMO is the Fear of losing precious moments of individuals or other groups where the individual could be present. FOMO is the driving force behind the Internet, and social media use. Low life satisfaction can cause high FOMO due to frequent access to the Internet. In this case, the role of the Guidance and Counseling Teacher is very much needed, bearing in mind that teacher guidance is educational counseling that helps students become independent, develop their potential, and solve problems they experience in the school environment and outside of school. The role/efforts made by guidance and counseling teachers are to provide individual counseling to students who depend on the Internet and FOMO so that they can change their behavior for the better.
Peran Perilaku Asertif terhadap Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Remaja Alifia Hanifah; Ipah Saripah; Nadia Aulia Nadhira
Edu Consilium : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Neegri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/ec.v4i1.8039


The research aimed to know how the role of assertive behavior on adolescent communication skills. In the development of adolescent the ability to express about theirself directly and their feelings honestly is very important. Adolescents tend to prefer to follow the decisions of their peer group and put aside personal interest. This will certainly have a negative impact if it occurs continously because it can affect their future lives. The method used in this study is a literature study approach by reviewing and analyzing several national and international journals regarding the dynamics of assertive behavior and its role in adolescents’s skill of communication. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, it was found that the dynamics of assertive behavior has a role that influences each other with adolescent’s skill in communication.
Role Model Siswa Dalam Penentuan Karir Remaja Rifki Abdul Ghani; Ipah Saripah; Nadia Aulia Nadhirah
Jurnal Educatio FKIP UNMA Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): January-March
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/educatio.v9i1.4118


Remaja yang masih belum memiliki keputusan karirnya akan menghambat pada perencanaan karir yang menjadikan siswa remaja kebingungan dalam memilih arah karir setelah lulus sekolah. Siswa seringkali sulit untuk memutuskan apakah akan melanjutkan studi atau tidak. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut dibutuhkan faktor pendorong agar siswa mampu menentukan karirnya. Dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut diperlukan bekal yang harus dimiliki setiap individu, seperti penguasaan kemampuan dan aspek yang menunjang kesuksesan karir. Dalam menentukan pilihan karir tak jarang faktor eksternal menjadi pertimbangan seseorang dalam merencanakan karir mereka. Salah satu contoh dari faktor eksternal yang ikut berperan dalam perencanaan karir remaja adalah role model. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran role model siswa yang dapat membantu dalam penentuan karir remaja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Systematic Literature Review dari jurnal maupun prosiding yang membahas mengenai role model dan penentuan karir remaja. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa role model berperan dalam penentuan karir siswa, melalui role model siswa dapat langsung meneladani seorang role model dan siswa dapat mengikuti jejak yang sama dengan role model yang diteladani.
Konseling Karir Dengan Kegiatan My Collage Untuk Mendeskripsikan Career Time Perspective Mahasiswa Vira Afriyati; Ahman Ahman; Ipah Saripah
Nusantara of Research : Jurnal Hasil-hasil Penelitian Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Vol 10 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/nor.v10i1.18909


Perspective of time as one of the important determinants of behavior in one's life. Likewise, the career time perspective or career time perspective. The importance of understanding how a person views or how his perspective on time will affect how mature his career is. This article aims to describe the Career Time Perspective (CTP) of Guidance and Counseling students at the University of Bengkulu. This research is qualitative research with 8 students as research subjects. The treatment used is my collage activity. This research was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the career time perspective of each student in each time zone influences each other. The past, present and future zones are related. The results of this study can be used as a basis for developing student career development programs.
Peran Konselor Menghadapi Fenomena Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) pada Konseli di Era Society 5.0 Khoirunnissa; Syamsu Yusuf; Ipah Saripah
G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol. 7 No. 03: Agustus 2023, G-Couns: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/gcouns.v7i03.4456


Tujuan dari studi ini adalah mengkaji dan membahas peran konselor menghadapi fenomena FOMO pada konseli pada era Society 5.0. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka. Artikel dan analisis artikel yang ditentukan untuk dikaji merupakan literatur terkait FOMO. Memasuki era society 5.0 penggunaan smartphone saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Data APJII menunjukan banyak pelajar dan remaja yang terkoneksi media sosial dan internet. Salah satu dampak negatifnya adalah penggunaan smartphone yang problematik dan fear of missing out (FOMO). FOMO dan dampak negatifnya bisa mengganggu tahap perkembangan remaja. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kajian peran konselor diantaranya membuat lingkungan sekolah yang terhindar dari FOMO, membantu siswa mengaplikasikan manajemen waktu, dan membantu peralihan dari FOMO ke JOMO pada konseli era society 5.0. Kata kunci: FOMO, konselor, konseli
BUANA ILMU Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Buana Ilmu
Publisher : Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/bi.v7i2.5372


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa, (2) pengaruh disiplin belajar terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa (3) pengaruh lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa (4) pengaruh secara simultan motivasi belajar, disiplin belajar dan lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuantatif bersifat deskriptif dengan cara menyebar angket kepada mahasiswa di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang dipadukan dengan beberapa teori. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menunjukkan seberapa besar pengaruh antara motivasi belajar, lingkungan belajar, disiplin belajar dengan terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, motivasi belajar memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa sebesar 2.286 sedangkan dengan nilai t table= 1.677. Maka nilai t hitung > t table yaitu sebesar 2.286 > 1.677
Pengembangan program Adlerian group play counseling untuk meningkatkan daya tarik interpersonal siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar Ipah Saripah; Fajar Bilqis
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 2, No 3 (2019): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.23115


Research is motivated by the need for the development of the Adlerian Group Play Therapy program to increase interpersonal attractiveness. The research aims to develop the Adlerian Group Play Therapy program in increasing students' interpersonal attractiveness. The study was designed in the form of development research with a qualitative approach. Data analysis method in this research uses descriptive analysis. After receiving improvements from four expert lecturers & two homeroom teachers, this program can be used to increase the interpersonal attractiveness of elementary school students. The program consists of intervention subjects, intervention objectives, counselor competencies, implementation steps, success criteria, tools and media used, matrices, and Guidance and Counseling Service Activity Units
Resiliensi Budaya Mahasiswa Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pedagogi Kedamaian Syska Purnama Sari; Januar Eko Aryansah; Ahman Ahman; Ipah Saripah
Nusantara of Research : Jurnal Hasil-hasil Penelitian Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Vol 10 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/nor.v10i1.18081


Resilience can be developed from cultural support, so the uniqueness and the whole cultural construct are important to take into account. The ability of individuals to be able to adapt from the pressures experienced in their lives through the cultural values ​​of the surrounding environment is a personal competence that must be developed by educators. Cultural resilience can be developed through the pedagogy of peace. The purpose of this article is to describe the cultural resilience of PGRI Palembang University students and their implications for peace pedagogy. The research method is descriptive quantitative with 80 students in semester II, IV and VI 2021. The measurement of cultural resilience is based on the theory of Reivich and Shatte and ClaussEhlers, aspects of cultural resilience consist of emotion regulation, emotional control, impulse control, reaching out, adaptive coping, global coping and socio-cultural support. The results is the cultural resilience of PGRI Palembang University students was in the medium category. With the achievement of the highest aspect is emotional regulation, and the lowest is socio-cultural support. Efforts to develop cultural resilience are through guidance and peace counseling using cultural strategies.
The Hope of Indonesian Students: Current and Future Counseling Challenges Ipah Saripah; Nur Asiah
Bisma The Journal of Counseling Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Bisma The Journal of Counseling
Publisher : Department of Guidance and Counseling, FIP, Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/bisma.v7i1.55265


Hope is a component of the character strength dimension, combining goal-achieving plans (pathways thinking) and goal-achieving encouragement (agency thinking). Hope correlates with various factors in individuals' development and lives (personal, social, academic, and career), but few aspects related to the pandemic have yet to be revealed, particularly in Indonesia. Therefore, to bridge the gap, this study aims to uncover the hope of the 324 senior high school students who voluntarily participated in this research and came from several provinces and regions in Indonesia. The study used descriptive quantitative methods based on the Hope Scale. The data was provided using a Google form and analyzed using Excel and the JASP software. The results showed that 58.3% of students were in the deficient category. There is a difference in the proportion of hope between males and females based on gender. Furthermore, the Sundanese ethnicity has the lowest hopes of all the ethnic groups. The findings may assist certain parties, such as school counselors, in identifying alternative solutions to help students and emphasizing and paying attention to adolescents for them to develop hope.