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Conservation Management of the Banggai Cardinalfish in the Banggai Kepulauan District MPA- A Genetic Approach Ndobe, Samliok; Setyohadi, Daduk; Herawati, Endang Yuli; _, Soemarno; Moore, Abigail
Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs

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The Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapohon kauderni, Koumans 1933),often refered to as BCF, is a restricted range coral reef associated fish endemic to shallow waters (0-5m) arround the Banggai Archipelago, Indonesia. Listed as Endangered un the IUCN Red-List. In 2007 a national BCF Action Plan was developed , and a Distrct MPA was established by decree of the Banggai  Kepulauan District Head, consisting of a network of 10 islands. For 2 of these P. Kauderni conservation in the main management target. We reviewed available phylogenic, genetic and biogeographical data, and examined the MPA network from the viepoint of P. Kauderni genetic diversity conservation. With no pelagic phase and high fidelity, the Banggai cardinalfish population exhibits a level of genetic structure unusual in a marine fish. Several genetically distinct sub populations have been identified. It was concluded that management units should be based  on genetically detrmined sub-populations (stocks). Critical knowledge gaps and several research pririties were identified. In particular , we conclude that a researh programme is necesary for the identification and characterisation of these genetically determined units from biological (including genetic), ecological (e.g. habitat/micro-habitat) and socio-economic (including fishing ground) aspects. We propose to provide management support through the use of the spatial analysis tool MARXAN combined with a GIS database to produce science-based zoning options with management units/targets based on genetic population structure.
KANDUNGAN LOGAM ESENSIAL TEMBAGA (Cu) DI LINGKARAN TAHUN KARANG PORITES LUTEA DARI PERAIRAN CAGAR ALAM PULAU SEMPU MALANG Luthfi, Oktiyas Muzaky; Rijatmoko, Sigit; Isdianto, Andik; Setyohadi, Daduk; Jauhari, Alfan; Lubis, Ali Arman
Dinamika Maritim Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Dinamika Maritim, Vol. 6 No. 1, August 2017 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Coastal and Marine Resources Research Center, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

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Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used for climate modelling in the future.
Stock Identification Sardinella Lemuru, Bleeker 1853 In Madura Strait, Bali Strait, and Southern-East Java Water Setyohadi, Daduk; Iranawati, Feni; Hikmah, Syarifah
Research Journal of Life Science Vol 3, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.521 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rjls.2016.003.03.1


Balinese Sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) is the main commodity in Indonesia. Despite, more research show that lemuru got the overfishing condition. In East Java region, likely Bali Strait, Southern-East Java water, and Madura Strait are the region which the most production of lemuru catch. So it needs identification stock of Sardinella lemuru on the third fisheries management east java sub-region, as it to be used as a reference to managing the sustainability of the catch sardinella lemuru for the future. Research carried out in January to May 2016 with the methods is the sample of random sampling on three different locations water representing Madura Strait, Bali Strait, and southern-East Java water. The each sample implemented were in four times during a period of months old different. Every the sample researchers get as 50-200 tail. Sardinella lemuru in accordance with the season fish. The sample which has been obtained taken to the laboratory of Marine Science University of Brawijaya to data take. The analysis used in this research was Truss morphometric and Factor analysis of the condition allometric. Based on the results of the analysis in the Madura Strait, Bali Strait, and Southern-East Java water are having a distinction of morphometric character amount 44 % with the character being very affected is PAL_FL, DFB_HL , PVL_FL, UPCL_FL, OD_HL, and PPL_FL. Around 64 % of the whole morphometric character that is 14 characters. Next, if it is seen from Allometric condition in the third these waters having b value different from each aquatic and after B-test that lemuru in the three the waters might otherwise dissimilar stock so management of Sardinella lemuru in the three waters should have been undertaken in separated.
Geochronology of Cadmium (Cd), Cuprum (Cu), and Arsenics (As) in Annual Band of Coral Porites lutea at Pantai Kondang Merak, Malang Luthfi, Oktiyas Muzaky; Rijatmoko, Sigit; Isdianto, Andik; Setyohadi, Daduk; Jauhari, Alfan; Lubis, Ali Arman
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 11, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

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Coral reef is a massive natural building block that mainly composed of hard coral. In ecological view coral reef is the center of biological activity for shelter, foraging and feeding place. Porites lutea is a common coral in reef flat area such as in Pantai Kondang Merak. This coral can form a massive with hillocky colony surface and has a slow linear extension rate, that made this coral has long longevity. The annual growth band of coral skeleton provide information of pollutants in the coastal extending back over several years ago due to ability of coral aragonite traped trace metal from environment. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of trace metals of Cd, Cu and As along with the coral annual banding. The heavy metals detection was performed using ICP-OES (iCAP 7400 Series). The concentration of Cd, Cu and As in sample 1 (KM1) were 2.236 mg/kg, 9.726 mg/kg, and 2.474 mg/kg, while sample 2 (KM2) were 1.989 mg/kg, 19.157 mg/kg, and 2,064 mg/kg respectively. Two ways mechanism of trace metals to be trapped in the coral skeleton are by direct mechanism when trace metals in a form dissolved ion that were uptaken by coral then stored into coral skeleton and by indirect mechanism when particulate metals ingested by plankton then eaten by coral through coral tissue. The tracing of heavy metal in coral is provided important information of environment condition of the sea from 2009 - 2015 that may be used for authority decision regarding pollutant ambient in the sea environment.
Jurnal Mahasiswa Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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Nelayan payang di perairan Utara Tuban menggunakan rumpon sebagai alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Rumpon umumnya dipasang pada saat kondisi perairan tenang. Diduga dengan pemasangan rumpon pada saat cuaca buruk (musim barat) produktivitas rumpon akan berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung dan membandingkan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di area rumpon yang dipasang saat musim barat dan menghitung produktivitas alat tangkap payang dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dan data primer. Untuk menghitung dan membandingkan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di daerah rumpon hasil pemasangan saat musim barat menggunakan rumus CPUE, sedangkan untuk menghitung produktivitas alat tangkap payang dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda menggunakan analisa One Way ANOVA. Perhitungan perbandingan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di area rumpon yang dipasang saat musim barat menunjukkan peningkatan CPUE dalam jangka pendek(1-3 bulan setelah pemasangan), sedangkan 4-7 bulan berikutnya terjadi penurunan CPUE secara drastis. Produktivitas dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Disarankan kepada nelayan payang untuk tidak memasang rumpon pada saat musim barat atau jika memasang rumpon saat musim barat perlu pengaturan lebih lanjut agar tidak terjadi eksploitasi berlebihan. Kata Kunci: pemasangan rumpon, musim barat, payang, perairan Tuban
HUBUNGAN PANJANG BERAT DAN TINGKAT EKSPLOITASI Sari, Wahida Kartika; Sutjipto, Darmawan Ockto; Setyohadi, Daduk; Setyawan, Fahreza Okta; Aliviyanti, Dian
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JFMR VOL 5 NO.1
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

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Selat Madura masuk dalam Sub Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia 712. Perikanan di Selat Madura memiliki karakteristik multigear dan multispecies. Cantrang merupakan salah satu alat tangkap yang masih dioperasikan di Selat Madura meskipun menurut Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor / PERMEN-KP/ 2016 melarang adanya pengoperasian alat tangkap tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman alat tangkap cantrang terutama yang berkaitan dengan panjang dan berat ikan hasil tangkapan, tingkat eksploitasi, dan fluktuasi hasil tangkapan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – Agustus tahun 2020 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Mayangan. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yaitu data Panjang ikan (cm) dan berat ikan (kg) hasil tangkapan Cantrang yaitu ikan kurisi, ikan swanggi, dan ikan eloso. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan hubungan panjang dan berat ketiga ikan sample bersifat allometris negatif. Hasil perhitungan Cacth Per Unit Effort (CPUE) paling tinggi berada pada tahun 2011 untuk semua ikan. Hasil tangkapan alat tangkap sangat fluktuatif, namun cenderung menurun beberapa tahun terakhir. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan terutama dalam pembuatan kebijakan berkaitan dengan kebijakan pengoperasian alat tangkap cantrang.
KANDUNGAN LOGAM ESENSIAL TEMBAGA (Cu) DI LINGKARAN TAHUN KARANG PORITES LUTEA DARI PERAIRAN CAGAR ALAM PULAU SEMPU MALANG Luthfi, Oktiyas Muzaky; Rijatmoko, Sigit; Isdianto, Andik; Setyohadi, Daduk; Jauhari, Alfan; Lubis, Ali Arman
Dinamika Maritim Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Dinamika Maritim, Vol. 6 No. 1, August 2017 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Indonesia

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Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used for climate modelling in the future.
PENGELOLAAN BANGGAI CARDINALFISH (Pterapogon kauderni) MELALUI KONSEP ECOSYSTEM-BASED APPROACH (Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-Based Approach) Samliok Ndobe; Abigail Moore; Al Ismi M. Salanggon; . Muslihudin; Daduk Setyohadi; Endang Y. Herawati; . Soemarno
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 4 No. 2 (2013): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.047 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.4.2.115-126


ABSTRACTThe Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an international issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000’s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management.Key words: ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, Pterapogon kauderni, stockassessment, sustainable ornamental fishery-------ABSTRAKBanggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) yang sering disingkat BCF atau capungan Banggai merupakan ikan laut endemik di perairan Banggai Kepulauan dan sekitarnya yang ditangkap dalam jumlah besar untuk diperdagangkan sebagai ikan hias. Kelestarian spesies endemik tersebut menjadi isu internasional dan pada tahun 2007 diusulkan pada CITES oleh Amerika Serikat dan didaftarkan sebagai Endangered pada Red List IUCN. Status terdaftar pada CITES ditangguhkan, namun Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menjamin kelestarian Banggai cardinalfish dengan pola sustainable ornamental fishery. Rencana Aksi Banggai Cardinalfish multi-stakeholder (2007-2012) dan beberapa inisiatif lain bertujuan mewujudkan tujuan tersebut antara lain penetapan status jenis lindung terbatas, namun upaya yang diinisiasi pada tahun 2011 tersebut gagal. Berdasarkan data kajian 2011-2012, banyak perubahan positif dalam perikanan BCF, dan jika daya dukung alam (stok dan ekosistem) masih seperti pada awal tahun 2000-an tingkat pemanfaatan resmi seharusnya sustainable. Hasil kajian menggunakan FISAT II bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan (0,5) tergolong tinggi, dan merupakan indikasi bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan telah pada atau melebihi batas maksimal lestari. Hasil survey/monitoring menunjukkan bahwa populasi endemik tidak pada kondisi steady state dan menunjukkan penurunan tajam dalam dekade terakhir. Terindikasi kuat bahwa penyebab utama penurunan tersebut adalah degradasi habitat, antara lain akibat pemanfaatan lebih mikrohabitat (bulu babi dan anemon laut). Tanpa solusi efektif untuk melestarikan ekosistem pendukung, P. kauderni akan semakin terancam punah, dengan atau tanpa adanya penangkapan. Kasus BCF menunjukkan pentingya pendekatan ecosystem-based approach terhadap kebijakan dan manajemen perikanan tangkap.Kata kunci: ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, Pterapogon kauderni,pengkajian stok, sustainable ornamental fishery
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol 2, No 2 (2018): JFMR VOL 2 NO 2
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1176.766 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2018.002.02.5


Abstrak  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan, nisbah kelamin, faktor kondisi, dan struktur ukuran ikan S. boops yang tertangkap di perairan sekitar Bitung. Penelitian dilakukan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung pada bulan Februari-Juli 2016. Sampling ikan S. boops yang dianalisis berjumlah 846 ekor terdiri dari 430 ekor (50,83%) jantan, 357 ekor (42,20%) betina serta 59 ekor (6,97%) yang tidak teridentifikasi. Kisaran panjang cagak (FL) antara 8,60-23,60 cm (rerata 16,45 ± 3,34 cm) dan bobot tubuh berkisar 10,00-257,50 g (rerata 91,71 ± 56,07 g). Hubungan panjang bobot ikan S. boops keseluruhan W=0,0115 FL3,1596 (R2 = 0,9902) dengan pola pertumbuhan allometrik positif (b>3). Persamaan hubungan panjang bobot ikan S. boops jantan dan betina masing-masing adalah W=0,0105 FL3,1922 dan W=0,0107 FL3,1816 dengan pola pertumbuhan yang sama, yakni allometrik positif (b>3). Rasio kelamin S. boops jantan dan betina dalam kondisi seimbang. Kisaran faktor kondisi relatif (Kn) ikan jantan 0,7549-1,1782 (rerata 1,0018 ± 0,0596) dan ikan betina 0,6353-1,2529 (rerata 1,0024 + 0,0692) yang menunjukkan tubuh ikan kurang pipih. Sebaran frekuensi panjang ikan S. boops jantan didominasi pada interval kelas panjang 20,0–21,0 cm dan ikan betina pada interval kelas panjang 14,0-15,0 cm..Keywords: faktor kondisi, nisbah kelamin, pola pertumbuhan, Selar boops, struktur ukuran ikan Abstract   This research aims to find the growth pattern, sex ratio, condition factor and size structure of S. boops caught from Bitung waters area. This research was conducted between February 2016 and July 2016, sampling location at Bitung Oceanic Fishing  Port. 846 of S. boops samples fish were analised consist 430 of male (50,83%), 357 of female (42,205) and 59 un-identified (6,97%) with 8,60-23,60 cm ranges of fork length (mean 16,45 ± 3,34 cm) and 10,00-257,50 g ranges of body weight (mean 91,71 ± 56,07 g). Common equation of length-weight relationship was W=0,0115 FL3,1596 (R2 = 0,9902) with positive allometric (b>3). Equations of length-weight relationship was W=0,0105 FL3,1922 for male, while female was W=0,0107 FL3,1816 with positive allometric (b>3). Sex ratio of male and female were constant. Relative condition factor (Kn) of male was 0,7549-1,1782 (rerata 1,0018 ± 0,0596), while female was 0,6353-1,2529 (rerata 1,0024 + 0,0692), in other words that the body of S. boops was fusiform. The length frequency distribution for male S. boops was 20,0–21,0 cm and female was 14,0-15,0. Keywords: condition factor, sex ratio, growth pattern, Selar boops, fish size structure 
Pemanfaatan dan Pengelolaan Kawasan Teluk Ekas Kabupaten Lombok Timur Firdausi Nuzula; Edi Susilo; Daduk Setyohadi
Wacana Journal of Social and Humanity Studies Vol. 14 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya

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Pengembangan dan penataan ruang wilayah pesisir perlu memperhatikan paradigma penataan ruang wilayah pesisir khususnya yang terkait dengan otonomi daerah serta spesifikasi wilayah pesisir itu sendiri. Penataan ruang wilayah pesisir yang memerlukan kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan antar daerah baik dengan daerah yang bersebelahan maupun dengan daerah bagian hulunya serta pelibatan masyarakat lokal dalam penataan ruangnya adalah paradigma penataan ruang wilayah pesisir yang perlu menjadi perhatian utama. Lombok Timur merupakan salah satu sentra budidaya rumput laut terbesar di NTB yaitu di Ekas dengan potensi lahan 1.808 Ha dan Serewe 625 Ha. Masyarakat nelayan Lombok Timur telah mengembangkan budidaya rumput laut sebagai pekerjaanya selain menangkap ikan. Teluk Ekas berdasarkan fakta geografis merupakan Desa Pantai (Perikanan) dan memungkinkan menjadi salah satu Desa Pariwisata. Hal ini ditunjang oleh keadaan pantai yang bagus dengan hamparan pasir putih yang bersih. Namun demikian, potensi tersebut belum dapat dioptimalkan oleh Pemda Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Tujuan dari penulisan naskah ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan tata ruang wilayah pengembangan minapolitan budidaya rummput laut di kawasan teluk ekas. Kata Kunci : Tata Ruang, Teluk Ekas