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Conservation Management of the Banggai Cardinalfish in the Banggai Kepulauan District MPA- A Genetic Approach Ndobe, Samliok; Setyohadi, Daduk; Herawati, Endang Yuli; _, Soemarno; Moore, Abigail
Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Coral Reefs

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The Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapohon kauderni, Koumans 1933),often refered to as BCF, is a restricted range coral reef associated fish endemic to shallow waters (0-5m) arround the Banggai Archipelago, Indonesia. Listed as Endangered un the IUCN Red-List. In 2007 a national BCF Action Plan was developed , and a Distrct MPA was established by decree of the Banggai  Kepulauan District Head, consisting of a network of 10 islands. For 2 of these P. Kauderni conservation in the main management target. We reviewed available phylogenic, genetic and biogeographical data, and examined the MPA network from the viepoint of P. Kauderni genetic diversity conservation. With no pelagic phase and high fidelity, the Banggai cardinalfish population exhibits a level of genetic structure unusual in a marine fish. Several genetically distinct sub populations have been identified. It was concluded that management units should be based  on genetically detrmined sub-populations (stocks). Critical knowledge gaps and several research pririties were identified. In particular , we conclude that a researh programme is necesary for the identification and characterisation of these genetically determined units from biological (including genetic), ecological (e.g. habitat/micro-habitat) and socio-economic (including fishing ground) aspects. We propose to provide management support through the use of the spatial analysis tool MARXAN combined with a GIS database to produce science-based zoning options with management units/targets based on genetic population structure.
Seasonal variation in meat and liver histopathology of white snapper (Lates calcarifer) from mercury-polluted Kao Gulf Waters, North Halmahera, Indonesia Husen, Azis; Herawati, Endang Yuli; Risjani, Yenny
AQUATIC SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT Vol 4, No 1 (2016): April
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jasm.4.1.2016.14394


Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Histopatologi daging dan hati ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) pada musim berbeda dari Perairan Teluk Kao yang tercemar merkuri (Hg), Halmahera Utara, Indonesia. Fish caught in Kao Gulf waters has been contaminated by mercury in low concentration. This study aimed to identify and analyze the impact of mercury (Hg). Water, sediment and fish samples were taken using a plastic scoop, a grab, and fishing. Hg content analysis used AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). While the histopathological analysis of the fish meat and liver used automated slide stainer and microscope. Hg concentration of Kobok and Taolas river water in dry season and rainy season was not safe to consume according to Indonesian National Standard of 7387/2009 for natural mineral water. Hg concentration of the sediment also did not meet the Indonesian quality standard according to Government Regulation Numbered 82/2001. Fish were still allowed to be consumed. The meat and liver histopathology  in dry and rainy season had tissue cell change, such as edema, degeneration hydrophic, and lamellae fusion. Ikan yang tertangkap di Perairan Teluk Kao telah terkontaminasi dengan merkuri dalam jumlah rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dampak pencemaran merkuri (Hg) dengan menginformasikan keamanan konsumsi ikan Kakap Putih di perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara.  Sampel air diambil mengunakan gayung plastik, sampel sedimen dengan alat grab sampler sedangkan sampel ikan mengunakan alat pacing. Analisis kandungan Hg air, sedimen dan ikan dengan metode AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). Analisis histopatologi daging dan hati ikan dengan alat automated slide stainer dan mikroskop. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Nilai Hg air sungai Kobok dan Taolas pada musim panas dan musim hujan tidak layak dikonsumsi menurut SNI 7387/2009. Konsentrasi Hg dalam sedimen juga tidak memenuhi Standar Baku Mutu Indonesia menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82 Tahun 2001.  Ikan kakap putih masih diizinkan untuk dikonsumsi. Histopatologi daging dan hati ikan kakap putih pada musim panas dan musim hujan yang mengalami perubahan jaringan sel, seperti mengalami edema, degenerasi hidropis, dan fusi lamellae.
STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS MAKROZOOBENTOS PADA EKOSISTEM LAMUN DI PACIRAN, KABUPATEN LAMONGAN, JAWA TIMUR Diana Arfiati; Endang Yuli Herawati; Nanik Retno Buwono; Aminuddin Firdaus; Muhklas Shah Winarno; Asthervina Widyastami Puspitasari
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): JFMR VOL 3 NO.1
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2019.003.01.1


Ekosistem lamun di wilayah Paciran, Lamongan, Jawa Timur, merupakan habitat bagi komunitas makrozoobentos. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas makrozoobentos di wilayah pesisir Paciran dengan metode survei. Sampel makrozoobentos diamati dengan menggunakan transek saat air laut surut di tiga stasiun yang telah ditentukan. Stasiun 1 merupakan wilayah tempat bersandarnya kapal; stasiun 2 adalah daerah dekat pemukiman penduduk dan stasiun 3 di dekat daerah pembenihan ikan atau udang. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 3 filum organisme, yaitu Mollusca, Echinodermata, dan Annelida. Kelimpahan makrozoobentos di tiga stasiun berkisar 486-608 ind/m2, dengan indeks keanekaragaman (H’) sedang (1,68-1,71), indeks keseragaman (E) tinggi (0,70-0,73) dan indeks dominasi (C) rendah (0,23-0,25) dengan kelimpahan relatif tertinggi yaitu pada gastropoda Cerithium granosum dan tidak ditemukan makrozoobenthos yang mendominasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlu adanya pemantauan dan penyuluhan bagi warga sekitar lingkungan pantai agar ketersediaan makrozoobentos tersebut tetap lestari.
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol 3, No 2 (2019): JFMR VOL 3 NO 2
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.021 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2019.003.02.17


Microalgae as a source of nutrients, can be a good alternative to the use of high-level organisms. The abundant omega 3 content in plankton, especially phytoplankton, needs to be conducted research on the identification of the types of phytoplankton in milkfish with high omega-3 quality. The purpose of the study was to identify the types of plankton containing omega-3 and to determine the levels of omega-3 from plankton found in milkfish ponds. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang. The highest abundance of phytoplankton is from the Bachillariophyta division and the lowest division euglenophyta. Five types of plankton were determined to be tested for omega-3 fatty acids using the gas chromatography (GCMS) method, namely: Chaetoceros sp, Tetraselmis sp, Nitzchia, Chlorella and Spirulina. GCMS test results from several types of omega-3 fatty acid plankton isolates in Chaetoceros calcitrans were the highest compared to the other 4 plankton types. Conclusion of the composition of plankton in traditional pond waters consists of 4 phytoplankton divisions namely Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Cyanophyta, and Euglenophyta. GCMS test results from several types of plankton isolates omega-3 fatty acids in Chaetoceros sp, the highest compared to Tetraselmis sp, Nitzchia, Chlorella and Spirulina. Suggestion of natural feed in the water of milkfish ponds should use Chaetoceros sp because the content of omega 3 is high. Keywords: phytoplankton, omega-3 
Kesediaan Membayar Terhadap Destinasi Wisata Omah Iwak Badher Bank Dewa Gede Raka Wiadnya; Sukandar Sukandar; A.P.W Marhendra; Anik Martinah Hariati; Ating Yuniarti; Citra Satrya Utama Dewi; Happy Nursyam; C Anam; Endang Yuli Herawati; muammar Kadhafi
Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aks.v5i2.3729


Omah Iwak Badher Bank ialah salah satu destinasi wisata di Kabupaten Blitar yang dikelola oleh POKMASWAS Fajar Bengawan. Penelusuran reviewer pada mendapatkan total 77 orang pemberi ulasan dengan rata-rata rating 4.5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai rating destinasi terhadap responden terpilih, ialah mahasiswa S1 dan S3 Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu kelautan UB Malang. Total responden berjumlah 46 mahasiswa, 33 ialah mahasiswa S1 dan 13 mahasiswa S3. Kedua kelompok responden mendapat kesempatan yang sama untuk mengunjungi destinasi wisata. Rating dan penilaian terhadap destinasi dilakukan dengan memberikan 12 jenis pertanyaan kepada masing-masing resonden. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa rating responden mahasiswa S1 (3,7±0,57) dan S3 (3,7±0,48) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan penilaian publik (4,5). Hal ini menunjukkan kualitas destinasi yang menjadi perhatian mahasiswa lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan umum. Kesediaan membayar mahasiswa S1 (Rp. 150.000 Trip-1) pada destinasi wisata relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa S3 (Rp. 250.000 Trip-1). Sebagai destinasi wisata baru, Omah Iwak Badher Bank perlu melakukan peningkatan jasa untuk meningkatkan kualitas destinasi.Kata Kunci: kesediaan membayar, jasa wisata, wisata alam, POKMASWAS Willingness-To-Pay To Omah Iwak Badher Bank Tourism DestinationABSTRACT Omah Iwak Badher Bank is one of the tourist destinations in Blitar Regency which is managed by POKMASWAS Fajar Bengawan. A reviewer search on found a total of 77 reviewers with an average rating of 4.5. This study aimed to assess the destination rating of selected respondents, are undergraduate and doctoral students of the UB’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Malang. The total respondents were 46 students, 33 were S1 students and 13 were S3 students. Both groups of respondents received the same opportunity to visit tourist destinations. Rating and assessment of destinations was done by giving 12 types of questions to each respondent. The results found that the average rating of undergraduate student respondents was 3.7±0.57, and 3.7±0.48 for S3 students, respectively. These were lower than that of public assessment (4.5). This indivated that the quality of destination that are of concern to students is higher than the public. Willingness-t-pay of undergraduate students (Rp. 150,000 Trip-1) at tourist destinations was relatifly lower compared to doctoral students (Rp. 250,000 Trip-1). As a new tourist destination, Omah Iwak Badher Bank needs to improve its services to improve the quality of the destination.Keywords: willingness-to-pay, tourism services, nature tourism, POKMASWAS
Akumulasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) pada Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh di Perairan Pantai Jawa Timur Kiki Riski Arisandy; Endang Yuli Herawati; Eddy Suprayitno
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Graduate Program

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Industrialisasi menimbulkan efek negatif berupa limbah padat maupun cair yang berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan sekitar.  Jika limbah tersebut dilepaskan ke perairan bebas, akan terjadi perubahan nilai dari perairan itu baik kualitas maupun kuantitas sehingga perairan dapat dianggap tercemar.  Salah satu bahan pencemar pada perairan adalah logam berat Timbal (Pb).  Organisme perairan merupakan kelompok organisme yang pertama kali mengalami dampak secara langsung dari pengaruh limbah atau pencemaran logam berat di perairan.  Salah satu organisme perairan yang menerima dampak langsung pencemaran logam berat adalah tanaman mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan akumulasi logam berat timbal (Pb) pada perairan yang dominan Avicennia marina dan perairan yang sedikit terdapat Avicennia marina di perairan muara sungai Kebon Agung, kecamatan Gunung Anyar, kota Surabaya yang tercemar dan pantai Bama, Taman Nasional Baluran, kabupaten Situbondo yang relatif bersih. Akumulasi logam berat Timbal (Pb) pada sedimen tertinggi terdapat di perairan muara sungai Kebon Agung yaitu sebesar 13,157 ppm, sedangkan akumulasi Pb pada jaringan Avicennia marina tertinggi terdapat pada bagian batang dibandingkan akar, daun dan buah, yaitu sebesar 5,890 ppm.  Berdasarkan nilai Bioconcentration Factor (BCF; perbandingan kandungan logam berat dalam akar atau daun dengan sedimen) dan Translocation Factor (TF; perbandingan logam berat dalam daun dan akar) diketahui bahwa daerah yang dominan Avicennia marina mengakumulasi logam berat Timbal (Pb) lebih banyak dibandingkan daerah yang sedikit terdapat Avicennia marina, tertinggi nilai BCF pada daun, sebesar 0,269 dan 0,302 dan nilai TF sebesar 1,613 dan 1,471. Kata Kunci :  Avicennia marina, bioconcentration factor, timbal (Pb), translocation factor
Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Plankton di Perairan Selat Bali (Plankton Abundance and Diversity in the Bali Strait) Ruly Isfatul Khasanah; Aida Sartimbul; Endang Yuli Herawati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 18, No 4 (2013): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.832 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.18.4.193-202


Fitoplankton mempunyai peran sangat penting dalam suatu perairan, selain berada pada dasar rantai makanan sedangkan zooplankton merupakan herbivor pemangsanya. Penelitian mengenai kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman plankton di perairan Selat Bali dilakukan pada musim peralihan II (Nopember 2012) dan musim barat (Pebruari 2013). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengamati perbedaan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman plankton pada dua musim angin muson. Sampel air diambil dengan menggunakan water sampler sedangkan sampel plankton diambil secara horisontal dan vertikal  pada kedalaman 1 m dan 20 m dengan jaring plankton Kitahara bermata jaring 20 µm. Hasil pengukuran nutrien pada musim peralihan II memiliki kadar fosfat, nitrat, bahan organik, silikat dan klorofil-a lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada musim barat. Informasi tersebut memperkuat indikasi adanya perpindahan massa air dari lapisan yang lebih dalam ke lapisan yang lebih dangkal. Nutrien fosfat dan nitrat diperlukan untuk mempertahankan fungsi membran sel dan silikia dibutuhkan untuk pembentukan dinding sel terutama pada diatom. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa kelas diatom (Bacillariophyceae) mencapai 95,9 % dari total jenis dan kelimpahan fitoplankton seluruh stasiun penelitian, sisanya berasal dari genus Dinophyceae. Kelimpahan fitoplankton tertinggi terjadi pada musim peralihan II dengan Rhizosolenia stolterfothii sebesar 51.405 sel.L-1 (80,1%), sedangkan pada musim barat copepoda ditemukan melimpah sebesar 8.178 ind.L-1 (88,3 %). Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa dengan kelimpahan plankton yang ditemukan perairan Selat Bali dinilai cukup potensial untuk mendukung kehidupan biota laut pelagis. Kata kunci: plankton, selat Bali, rhizosolenia stolterfothii, muson  Abstract Phytoplankton has important role as primary producer in the sea and act as base of food chain while zooplankton act as herbivore prey on them. Research on abundance and diversity of plankton at Bali Strait was performed during transitional season in November 2012 and the west season in February 2013. This research was done to observe the differences in the abundance and diversity of plankton in the two monsoon seasons. Water sample and plankton sample were collected simultaneously at the same location. Water samples were taken using a water sampler, while plankton were taken by using a planktonnet with mesh size 20 μm. Samples were taken vertically and horizontally at a depth of 1 m and 20 m below the surface. The result of nutrient measurement at Bali Strait during transitional II season showed that the concentration of phosphate, nitrate, organic matter, sillica and chlorofill-a are higher than during west season. This result indicates that there is probably movement of water mass from deeper water column to shallower area. Phosphate and nitrate are required by phytoplankton to maintain their cell membrane and sillica are used to form cell wall, especially for diatom. The reasearch also revealed that diatom (Bacillariophyceae) are 95,9 % of total species and abundance of phytoplankton, and the rest are Dinophyceae. It was found that highest abundance occur during transitional season was Rhizosolenia stolterfothii of 51.405 sel.L-1 (80,1 %). While during the west monsoon the Copepod had dominates at 8.178 cell.L-1 (88,3 %). These results indicate that with plankton abundance the Bali Strait has the potential to support pelagic marine life. Keywords: plankton, Bali strait, rhizosolenia stolterfothii, monsoon
Saxitoxin Level Comparation in Bali Sardine (Sardinella Lemuru) in Bali Strait in Different Monsoons Endang Yuli Herawati; Mohammad Mahmudi; Fani Fariedah; Ruly Isfatul Khasanah
Research Journal of Life Science Vol 3, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.78 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rjls.2016.003.03.6


Sardinella fish (Sardinella lemuru) is a species of important pelagic fish from the family of Clupeidae found in Bali Strait. The dynamic condition of Bali Strait makes it fertile which is identical with plankton blooming. The objective of this research was to understand the potential of saxitoxin in sardinella fish because of dinoflagellates consumption in Bali Strait. The research was conducted in Southeast Monsoon (June - August 2015) and Northwest Monsoon (December 2015 – February 2016). The method used was in situ plankton sampling, counting and ELISA test to determine the level of saxitoxin in the fish. Hydro-oceanographic parameters measured were temperatures, salinity, DO (dissolved oxygen), pH level, phosphate level, nitrate level and transparency. They showed average optimum value for phytoplankton growth especially during Southeast Monsoon which its temperature lower and the nutrients (phosphate nitrate) higher than the Northwest Monsoon. This condition caused high richness of phytoplankton in the water and followed with dinoflagellates richness so they accumulated in sardinella fish. It was supported by the analysis of the fish gastric which showed positive correlation between dinoflagellates richness in the water and the fish gastric. ELISA test also showed that saxitoxin level of fish caught in Southeast Monsoon was higher than the one caught in Northwest Monsoon even though the level of saxitoxin was still in the safe range (less than 80 μg STXeq. per 100 g) but the danger of saxitoxin accumulation should be watched out for.
Assessment Of Trophic Status In Bali Strait Umi Zakiyah; Endang Yuli Herawati; Kusriani Kusriani
Research Journal of Life Science Vol 2, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1047.07 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rjls.2016.002.03.6


The nutrient content in Banyuwangi coastal environment mostly caused by human activities along the coastal area of Bali strait especially in Banyuwangi surrounding areas. The change of organic element content in waters will directly affect plankton community structure and the aquatic trophic level. The aimed of this research were to analyze the plankton community structure, and to observe the quality of aquatic and determine Bali Strait especially Banyuwangi coastal area trophic level. This research was done in October 2015 at Banyuwangi coastal area. Methods used in this research was descriptive with seawater sampling for water quality analysis of several parameter such as nitrates (NO3), phosphates (PO4), TOM (Total Organic Matter) and Chlorophyll-a, meanwhile other parameters were, temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen dan salinity from three different depth of three different stations, coastal area of Bangsring, Tandjung Wangi and Muncar. The results for water quality parameters showed that Bangsring coastal area was the most  healthy waters compared to Bangsring and Muncar. Meanwhile, there were tendency that the concentration mostly high in the surface and decrease along with the deeper depth. This condition presumed caused by the ARLINDO current that passed through Bali strait. Phytoplankton identified and calculated consisted of 3 division, namely Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, and Cyanophyta with total density ranges between 4-2888 ind/ml. The value of diversity index phytoplankton (H’) ranges between 0,3-0,7. Based on the result it can be concluded that Banyuwangi coastal areas were at throphic level of  oligotrophic tended to mesotrophic in northern part and eutrophic especially in Muncar. Thus, it was suggested for the Government to prevent this area becoming more polluted in the future.
Isolation, and Identification of Diesel Oil Degrading Bacteria in Water Contamination Site and Preliminary analysis with Potential Bacterial Gordonia terrae Ainun Ramadhani Tri Wahyuni; Endang Yuli Herawati; Andi Kurniawan; Abd. Aziz Amin
Research Journal of Life Science Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.508 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rjls.2019.006.02.7


Bioremediation is one of kind method which use of bacteria to degrade of hydrocarbon to be another compound. This study aims to get isolation of indigenous bacteria and potential test with Gordonia terrae on diesel oil bioremediation. The water sample was taken from Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya, Indonesia where contaminated with diesel oil. Analysis of in-situ water quality parameters were consist of Dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, salinity. Strain isolate bacteria were isolated by Bushnell-Hass medium. The bacterial density result shows in IN6 shows that bacterial density increased up to 9 × 108 cells/ml at day 2 incubation and decrease up to 1.79 × 108 cells/ml at final incubation, IN8 increased up to 8.6 × 108 cells/ml, then decrease up to 3.57 × 108 cells/ml. While, EX8 increased up to 9.1 × 108 cells/ml, and then decrease up to 3.06 × 108 cells/ml. While, results of degradation diesel oil hydrocarbon show treatment IN6, TPH values showed a decrease in the initial hydrocarbon concentration of 30 ppm to 16 ppm. IN8 TPH value shows a decrease in the initial hydrocarbon concentration of 30 ppm to 16 ppm. EX8 TPH value shows a decrease in the initial hydrocarbon concentration of 30 ppm to 24 ppm. In this experiment was found that Bacillus cereus was effectively degrading of diesel oil and can be agent bacterial for bioremediation.