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Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 28, No 1 (2018): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v28i1.13926


There is no doubt that in the process of learning history in schools, the role of the media is very important and strategic. Many media can be developed by utilizing what is already around the community, one of which is wayang suluh. Utilizing wayang suluh as historical learning media is expected to optimize the process and the learning result of history. It also can introduce their own culture that contains the value of wisdom in learners. Based on field studies, the need for alternative media learning history is quite high (87.5%). Most (75%) of the research respondents were very enthusiastic with the concept of learning media of wayang suluh. It is believed that the concept of wayang suluh makes learning more interactive because it involves all class participants to interact. Based on the results of the feasibility test (validation) by media and material experts, with the suggested improvements and additions, the puppet as a medium of learning history, declared good or feasible to be used as a medium of learning history in high school . Tidak ada keraguan bahwa dalam proses belajar sejarah di sekolah, peran media sangat penting dan strategis. Banyak media dapat dikembangkan dengan memanfaatkan apa yang sudah ada di sekitar masyarakat, salah satunya adalah wayang suluh. Pemanfaatan wayang suluh sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah diharapkan bisa mengoptimalkan proses dan hasil belajar sejarah. Ini juga bisa mengenalkan budaya mereka sendiri yang berisi nilai kebijaksanaan pada peserta didik. Berdasarkan studi lapangan, kebutuhan akan pembelajaran media pembelajaran alternatif cukup tinggi (87,5%). Sebagian besar (75%) responden penelitian sangat antusias dengan konsep media pembelajaran wayang suluh. Diyakini bahwa konsep wayang suluh membuat belajar lebih interaktif karena melibatkan semua peserta kelas untuk berinteraksi. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan (validasi) oleh pakar media dan material, dengan saran perbaikan dan penambahan, wayang sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah, dinyatakan baik atau layak dijadikan media pembelajaran sejarah di SMA. 
Syllabus design in Business English based on the needs of Economics students Nove Ria, Tiara; Malik, Djamaludin
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 9 No 2 (2020): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v9i2.41714


Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to be achieved in learning objectives, material selection, and learning methods in this course, the syllabus design must be tailored to the needs of students and it is better to combine with the real work situation. Therefore, a need analysis is essential to use for designing the syllabus However, the recent syllabus did not match students need so that the aim of this study was to conduct need analysis to develop the Business English syllabus design for Economics students. It was based on two situations, learning needs and target situation needs. The subjects were students, lecturer, graduates and employers. The instruments to collect the data in this study were questionnaire and interviews. This study used quantitative and qualitative method. The results showed that students mostly need speaking skills to be emphasized to learn, while mastering vocabularies was the weakness that the students need to improve. Moreover, they tended to have drilling as the learning method. While the most materials of English Business used in workplace was reading instruction related work and documents. Based on the findings of this study, it can be used for designing the new syllabus.
Journal of English Education Program Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : FKIP - Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jeep.v3i1.50221


Student’s listening comprehension could be affected by several factors, one of the factors is student’s cultural intelligence. It is an ability to grasp and reason correctly any problem as education, government, business, and academic research. This study aimed to find out the correlation between students’ cultural intelligence and their listening comprehension at first semester students of English Department Universitas Riau Kepulauan in the academic year of 2020/2021. The data of the research were students’ cultural intelligence scores derived from cultural intelligence scale and student’s listening comprehension from IELTS listening tests. The population of the research were 28 students of first semester of English Department of Universitas Riau Kepulauan. Before testing the hypothesis, a normality test was conducted by using saphiro wilk to ensure that the data were in normal distribution. The data of cultural intelligence had a significance value of 0.397 and 0.372 for listening comprehension which is bigger than 0.05 with the degree of freedom 28. Therefore, it can be concluded that the data of listening comprehension and cultural intelligence were normal. After conducting the hypothesis, it was found out that rcalculated(0.217) is lower than rtable(0.374). The finding of the study concluded that there was no significant correlation between students’ cultural intelligence and students’ listening comprehension. However, the positive correlation implied that possessing higher cultural intelligence might be beneficial for student’s listening comprehension.
A Need Analysis in English for Business Material at Economic Faculty of Pandanaran University Tiara Nove Ria; Djamaludin Malik
Edulingua: Jurnal Linguistiks Terapan dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/edulingua.v7i2.1380


This article’s aim is to find out what students’ of Economic Faculty of Pandanaran University need in learning English for Business course to improve the materials design. Since in Indonesia there are so many companies have already engaged with overseas client or customer, they have already applied English as media for communication in their daily work. Then, for preparing the readiness of the graduates to work at such company, there is English for Business course that must be taken by the students of Economic Faculty. However, the materials which are taught to students, so far, do not meet the students’ interest and need. That is why this study conducted to put the students first in improving materials. This quantitative and qualitative study used Needs Analysis Theory. Questionnaire and interview were conducted to collect the data and get all information to improve the materials design of English for Business Course. The participants of this study were an English lecturer, two HRD of multinational company, and 50 students of Economic Faculty at Universitas Pandanaran. The result of this study showed several found of materials that can be taught. Furthermore, it can be implemented in English for Business teaching.
Penentuan Unit Value Hasil Pemulungan Sampah dalam upaya meningkatkan Potensi Margin usaha serta Penguatan Rantai Niaga Pemulungan di TPA Jatibarang Semarang Aziz Fathoni; Tiara Nove Ria; Heru Sri Wulan
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Kontemporer Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Kontemporer Vol 5 No. 1 Januari 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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Pada kelompok masyarakat pemulung yang kegiatan usahanya sangat rendah tingkatannya, kemampuan internal yang melekat pada pelaku usaha (pemulung) pada dasarnya belum terbentuk. Kondisi ini membentuk perilaku pemulung yang dapat saja menjadi kendala ketika mereka dihadapkan dengan kondisi-kondisi dinamis yaitu aspekaspek kelayakan yang dibutuhkan pada sebuah usaha yang maju. Untuk mengukur sektor informal seperti pemulungan ini perlu metode yang memungkinkan semua komoditas yang tidak diperdagangkan di pasar dapat diestimasi nilai ekonominya. Dengan demikian nilai ekonomi suatu benda publik dapat diukur dan dihitung nilai barang yang mendekati nilai sebenarnya, jika pasar dari barang tersebut benar-benar ada. Di dalam pendekatan estimasi nilai ini perlu informasi detail tentang benda yang dinilai, persepsi penilaian terhadap barang. Digunakannya 3 metode analisis 1) analisis RQ ( Resources Value) untuk mengetahui nilai dari sumber daya sampah: 2) analisis Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) 3) analisis faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi besaran kesediaan membayar sisa barang.Berdasarkan hasil uji signifikansi parsial pada Tabel dibawah , diperoleh bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap willingness to pay perbaikan kualitas pengelolaan sampah TPA Jatibarang adalah variabel usia, pendidikan, pendapatan, jumlah anggota keluarga, status kepemilikan rumah, dan persepsi masyarakat, sedangkan variabel yang tidak berpengaruh terhadap willingness to pay perbaikan kualitas pengelolaan sampah di TPA Jatibarang SemarangKata Kunci : Aspek Kelayakan, Resources Value, CVM
Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Vol 5, No 10 (2020): Majalah Inspiratif Vol.5 No.10 Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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Pedagang kecil atau yang biasa kita sebut ”Warung” banyak kita jumpai di perkampungan perkampungan maupun di pinggir jalan. Namun kehadiranmereka saat ini sepertinya sudah tergirus dengan kehadiran mart mart yang lebih besar dan yang memberikan fasilitas yang lebih baik dan nyaman, sepertiindomart,alfamart dll. Hal tersebut menimbulkan ketimpangan ekonomi. Hal inidisebabkan karena keberadaan mart – mart tersebut di tengah – tengahpemukiman masyarakat yang sebelumnya menjadi lahan bisnis bagi riteltradisional (warung). Di sisi lain persaingan diantara ritel modern juga semakinketat. . Segi positif yang dirasakan masyarakat dengan kehadiran ritel modern antara lain : lebih nyaman dalam berbelanja , bisa menggunakan kartu ATMsehingga tidak perlu membawa dana yang besar, beberapa mart ada yang buka24 jam dan lain-lain. Sedang sisi negatifnya adalah makin terjepitnya riteltradisional, budaya konsumtif masyarakat semakin tinggi. Kata kunci : ritel modern, pedagang kecil /warung
PENGARUH REWARD, PUNISHMENT DAN INSENTIF TERHADAP SEMANGAT KERJA (Studi Kasus PT Semarang Garment) Maria Magdalena Minarsih; Tiara Nove Ria
Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Vol 7, No 13 (2021): Majalah Inspiratif Vol.7 No.13 Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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The method used in this research is quantitative method. Data collection methods in this study use a questionnare. this study use a population of employees with of a Production Factory I in PT Semarang Garment totaling 3.241 employees, with a sample of 97 employees. The sampling technique is purposive random sampling. The data used are primary data and auxiliary data. Primary data is obtained based on the answers from the respondents to questionnare distributed by researchers to the employees of PT Semarang Garment. Based on the answer to the questionnares distributed by the researchers, the original data were obtained which were then process using the SPSS release 21.0 for windows tool. The result obtained from this study concluded that the variable Reward (X1), Punishment (X2), incentive (X3) and Employee Morale (Y)variabels were declared effective and reliable. as well as multiple linear variables. Data processing regression model result as follows: Y = 2.612 + 0,160X1 + 0,230X2 + 0,168X3 + e. For the t Test it can be seen that the independent variables consisting of Reward, Punishment, and Incentive all have a significant positive effect in the dependent variable, namely Employee Morale. While the F test shows that the significance value of 0,000 is smaller than the significant level of 5% or 0,05 which means that the independent variables of Reward, Punishment and Incentive together have a significant positive effect on the dependent variable namely Employee Morale. And to the Determinationcoefficient test R 2  Test explains that the Reward, Punishment, and Incentive have an effect of 53,3% on Employee Morale. And remaining 46,75% is explained by other variables obsutside the research.Keywords : Reward, Punishment, incentive, employee morale.
Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Vol 5, No 10 (2020): Majalah Inspiratif Vol.5 No.10 Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi kesantunan yang digunakandalam tindak tutur direktif. Karena bahasa secara khusus adalah kemampuanmanusia untuk memperoleh dan menggunakan sistem komunikasi yang kompleks,dalam berkomunikasi penting untuk menjaga perasaan seseorang sehinggapendengar dapat menghormati kita. Untuk itu, kesopanan harus dilakukan.Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, kita sering menggunakan perintah, permintaan,perintah atau bahkan saran kepada orang lain. Ekspresi semacam ini termasukdalam tindak tutur direktif. Dalam melakukan kesantunan membutuhkanbeberapa strategi. Penelitian ini mencoba mencari strategi kesantunan sepertiapa yang digunakan dalam tindak tutur direktif pada setiap dialog. Penelitian inimenggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data yang dianalisis dalam makalahini diambil dari naskah film yang berjudul “Princess Diaries 2- RoyalEngagement”. Penelitian ini dianalisis berdasarkan strategi Yule. Ada empatstrategi: off record, bald on record, kesopanan positif, dan kesopanan negatif.Kesimpulannya, strategi yang paling banyak digunakan dalam setiap dialogadalah kesopanan positif.Kata kunci: kesantunan, strategi kesantunan, tindak tutur, direktif
Decision Making In a Higher Educational Organization: a Literature Review Tiara Nove Ria; Desi Surlitasari Dewi
Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Vol 8, No 15 (2022): Majalah Inspiratif Vol.8 No.15 Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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A manager's position requires him or her to make decisions. This is a critical task, particularly for managers who are in charge of planning. Educational institutions, whether in Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School or even High School or University, are organized institutions which also need a manager as the leader. The purpose of this article is to explore the decision making in educational organization that can be applied in the higher educational environment. This conceptual article is developed based on several literature review. There are 14 articles were reviewed in order to get the notion of decision making, the elements that influence decision making, and the efficacy of decision making and problem solving so that can be implemented in higher educational institutions. As a conclusion, decision-making in the field of higher education, particularly for educational leaders in higher educational organization, must be able to choose the best option alternatives so that educational institutions' organizational goals of enhancing performance and quality of education can be met ideally.Keywords: decision making, higher education, educational organization
An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Students’ Writing of Economic Students at Universitas Pandanaran Semarang Tiara Nove Ria; Maria Magdalena Minarsih
Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Vol 7, No 13 (2021): Majalah Inspiratif Vol.7 No.13 Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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This study aimed to find out the grammatical errors made by the students in essay writing. English as a foreign language that the students learn on campus is needed to improve their skills to face their future. Therefore, writing is one of the English skills that they must master. However, writing is not easy for them to learn because they have to master grammar as one variable in writing. Therefore, a lecturer has to know the weakness, especially in the students’ grammar, so that s/he can know how to teach the students. The subject of this study were 32 students of Economic Faculty in the first semester at Universitas Pandanaran. The method of this study was descriptive qualitative. The result was concluded that the most errors did by the students are spelling and punctuation with the percentage 42.4%, then followed by word order with the error rate of 15.4%. The third error with a percentage of 13.3% is the use of the article. Then 11.2% errors of sentence pattern, preposition with error rate 5.6%, plurality 4%, verb tense and form 3.3%, pronoun 2.8%, and the last is the subject-verb agreement with the rate of error is 2%.Keywords: analysis, grammatical error, writing