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Model Pertanian Terpadu dalam Mendukung Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Desa Ampukung Kabupaten Tabalong Riza Adrianoor Saputra; Untung Santoso; Syati Irawati; Ayu Lestari
Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Swampland in Ampukung Village has great potential for the development of an integrated farming model. The area which is dominated by rice cultivation and different land typologies based on the depth of the air allows it to be planted with other agricultural systems. The purpose of this community service activity is to find out the potential of the Ampukung Village area in an effort to implement an integrated farming system in Ampukung Village. The method used to identify the problems and potentials that exist in Ampukung Village is in the form of filling out questionnaires and interviews with 30 farmers. Interviews were conducted with local farmers to understand the techniques and methods that have been carried out so far in farming activities, the weaknesses and problems that exist, as well as forms of local wisdom that live and develop in the community in responding to natural conditions, especially swampland. The results obtained are the potential for implementing an integrated farming system in the form of high interest in doing integrated farming of rice, ducks, and fish in an integrated manner so that three integrated farming models that can be developed are: (1) integrated rice-duck; (2) integrated rice-fish; and (3) integrated duck-fish.
Edukasi Budidaya Edamame Organik di Kelurahan Cempaka, Kota Banjarbaru dalam Mendukung Sistem Pertanian Berkelanjutan: Education on Organic Edamame Cultivation in Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru City in Encouraging Sustainable Agriculture Systems Akhmad Gazali; Rabiatul Wahdah; Akhmad Rizali; Hairu Suparto; Jumar Jumar; Untung Santoso; Riza Adrianoor Saputra; Noorkomala Sari; Muhammad Imam Nugraha; Munanto Munanto
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 5 (2022): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v7i5.3547


Edamame, as an essential food ingredient, has the potential to be developed with a high level of market demand every year. The ability of edamame cultivated on all types of soil has the opportunity to be introduced to the residents of Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru. The introduction of integrated pest control-based cultivation and land management using compost media from agricultural waste by considering environmental sustainability needs to be conveyed and later applied to build environmentally friendly sustainable agrarian concepts. The purpose of this Community Service Activity is to educate and train the skills of the people of Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru City, regarding organic edamame cultivation to improve the quality of edamame cultivation and production sustainably. The method used in this activity is a classical approach in the form of lectures and distributing knowledge questionnaires before and after the extension material. The results of the pre-activity questionnaire showed that 65% of participants only knew about edamame, compost, and organic fertilizers but not about integrated pest control techniques. After the activity, participants' knowledge increased by approximately 100%, hoping that the Cempaka Village community could apply it in the field.
PKM Edukasi Silase Komplit Pakan Kambing di Kelompok Sumber Jaya Gunung Kupang Kota Banjarbaru. Danang Biyatmoko; Untung Santoso; Tintin Rostini
Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ilung.v2i2.6589


Edukasi teknik ensilase komplit pakan kambing potong menjadi alternatif yang baik dalam meningkatkan produktifitas daging. Pada peternakan kambing boer  yang menyusun pakannya sendiri dengan ragam bahan pakan. Hal ini sangat penting, untuk membantu meningkatkan capaian bobot yang tinggi pada usaha peternakan kambing potong, karena silase komplit adalah pakan berkualitas dan  bernilai nutrisi tinggi . Mitra kegiatan pengabdian adalah kelompok ternak Sumber Jaya kelurahan Gunung Kupang kec. Cempaka Banjarbaru, selama 2 bulan. Metode kegiatan dilakukan dengan tahapan kegiatan berupa pelatihan dan demo pembuatan silase komplit pada mitra, serta monev keberlanjutan kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa respons anggota peternak terhadap pelatihan pembuatan silase mencapai 82% kategori tinggi. Pembuatan silase komplit dapat didesiminasikan ke peternak dan mereka dapat membuat dengan teori dan teknis yang baik.  Kualitas silase komplit yang dihasilkan berkualitas baik dengan hasil uji laboratorium mengandung kadar protein kasar (PK) sebesar 19,45 – 20,73 % dan serat sebesar 8,09 % . Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa silase ransum komplit yang dibuat dapat dijadikan sebagai pakan sumber protein tinggi karena mempunyai kandungan protein kasar di atas 20%, sehingga merupakan pakan silase yang bernutrisi tinggi. Rekomendasi kegiatan PKM ini menunjukkan edukasi teknik ensilase pakan kambing boer sangat layak di introduksi,  inovatif serta mampu memberi solusi masalah pakan berkualitas dalam penyediaan pakan bernutrisi tinggi berbasis pakan lokal, sehingga peternak diharapkan sukses dalam budidaya kambing potong dan mendapatkan marjin yang menjanjikan.
Jurnal HPT (Hama Penyakit Tumbuhan) Vol. 10 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jurnalhpt.2022.010.4.4


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian konsentrasi POC-Plus terhadap serangan hama kedelai edamame dan mengetahui konsentrasi POC-Plus terbaik yang dapat mengakibatkan serangan  hama kedelai edamame paling rendah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2021 hingga Maret 2022 di Lahan Pertanian Pondok Pesantren Nurul Muhibbin, Kecamatan Binjai Punggal, Kabupaten Balangan, Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas lima perlakuan konsentrasi POC-Plus, yakni k0 = tanpa pemberian POC-Plus (kontrol), k1 = POC-Plus 50 ml L-1 air, k2 = POC-Plus 100 ml L-1 air, k3 = POC-Plus 150 ml L-1 air dan k4 = POC-Plus 200 ml L-1 air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian berbagai konsentrasi POC-Plus berpengaruh sangat nyata, dimana pemberian POC-Plus sebanyak 100 ml L-1 air merupakan konsentrasi terbaik dengan tingkat serangan hama berkategori sedang, baik terhadap variabel intensitas serangan hama perusak daun (36,66%; 46,89%; 50,28%) dan persentase polong terserang (22,34%; 37,44%).
Teknologi Edible Coating dari Lilin Lebah (Beeswax) dan Kolang kaling (Arenga pinata Merr.);Terhadap Mutu Buah Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum L.) Syahrozy Erwin; Noor Khamidah; Untung Santoso
Agroekotek View Vol 5, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/agtview.v5i2.3118


Tomato (lycopersicum esculentum L.) is a fruit that is quite popular and has many uses. In addition to the abundant production of tomatoes, tomatoes have a relatively short shelf life and are easily damaged both mechanically and physiologically. In maintaining the quality of tomatoes so that they are durable and reach the hands of consumers, it is necessary to have good post-harvest handling. Edible coating is one of technology that can be used to maintain fruit quality. Beeswax and Kolang Kaling (Arenga pinata Merr.) are materials that can be used as edible coatings. This study aims to determine the effect of the edible coating of beeswax and kolang kaling in maintaining the quality of tomatoes. This research was conducted at the Production Laboratory and Integrated Laboratory of the Agroecotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru from November to December 2020. The method used in this study was (CRD), a completely randomized design with 1 factor namely, edible coating material used. There were 3 treatments of edible caoting material in this study, control or without coating agent (EC0), 6% beeswax emulsion (EC1) and 10% kolang kaling emulsion (EC2) and repeated 6 replications. The observations or benchmarks in this study were fruit color, fruit texture, fruit taste and weight loss of tomatoes which were observed for 12 days. The results of this study indicate that the provision of edible caoting has a effect on the quality of tomatoes. based on the organoleptic test, 6% beeswax treatment was the best treatment in this study to maintain the quality of tomatoes during the observation. Based on the analysis of various treatments, 6% beeswax had a very significant effect on the weight loss of tomatoes on the 8th and 12th days
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Kompos kiambang dan kotoran Ayam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) Muhamad Teja Perdana; Untung Santoso; Antar Sofyan
Agroekotek View Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/agtview.v5i1.4433


 Pakcoy (Brassica rapa .L) is one of the vegetable crop commodities that contains a lot of nutrients and promising economic value. Pakcoy cultivation with an organic farming system using environmentally friendly kiambang and chicken manure can have a positive impact on living things and the environment, making kiambang compost and simple chicken manure can be chopped or can use a chopper. This study aims to determine the effect of kiambang compost fertilizer and chicken manure on the growth and yield of pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.), to determine the dose that has the most effect on the growth and yield of pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.). This research was conducted at the Experimental Field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru, for two months, from January to February 2020. This study used a single factor Randomized Design (RAK) consisting of four compost treatments and one control treatment. The treatments given were kiambang fertilizer and chicken manure (K) which consisted of 5 treatments and 1 control. K0 (0 g polybag-1), K1 = (38.7 g polybag-1) K2 (58.1 g polybag-1), K3 (77.5 g polybag-1), K4 (96.9 g polybag- 1). The observed factor was the dose with four treatments and one control so that 5 treatments were obtained. Each treatment was repeated 5 times so that there were 25 experimental units with a composition of several dose levels. Each experimental unit consisted of 1 plant so that a total of 25 plants in the polybag. Provision of kiambang compost and chicken manure had a significant effect on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants. The best dose of kiambang compost and chicken manure was 40 t ha-1.Copyright ã 2021 Agroekotek View. All rights reserved.Keywords: Dayak onions, tillage, chicken manure
JURNAL ABDIKARYASAKTI Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/ja.v3i1.14267


Masyarakat di Desa Ngebrak Kabupaten Kediri, aktivitasnya membuat kerajinan dari limbah kawat pabrik seperti (Hanger kawat pakaian, Kerudung/jilbab, Tempat kue, dll) namun ada juga yang bekerja sebagai petani dan buruh pabrik. Sebelumnya masyarakat tidak ada yang membuat kerajinan dari kawat. Munculnya ide mereka dalam pembuatan hanger kawat adalah adanya limbah kawat dari pabrik Zig Zag dan Pamenang yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT. Gudang Garam. Limbah kawat dari pabrik tersebut berupa kawat gulungan dari sisa pakaging, kemudian gulungan tersebut dibeli oleh kelompok usaha/warga dan diproses menjadi produk hanger kawat. Gulungan kawat dari limbah pabrik tersebut oleh masyarakat sekitar ditampung dan dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan Hanger Pakaian. Jadi bahan baku berasal dari limbah kawat. Sehingga masih ada ketergantungan terhadap persediaan bahan baku. Pada awalnya warga desa Ngebrak hanya mampu membuat Hanger kawat secara manual dan belum pernah mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus dalam pembuatan kerajinan dari limbah kawat seperti : Tempat minum, tempat cangki, tempat gelas dan perabotan rumah tangga lainnya. Sehingga produk mereka hanya terbatas pada hanger kawat dan tataan panci saja, walaupun sebenarnya mereka ingin mengembangkan produk yang bervariasi. Dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan melakukan pendampingan, pelatihan, pembinaan dari aspek manajemen produksi, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen keuangan dan memberikan keterampilan membuat diversifikasi produk kerajinan dari limbah kawat. Masyarakat desa Ngebrak mampu dan bisa membuat kerajinan dari limbah kawat seperti : Hanger kawat (anak-anak, dewasa, jilbab/kerudung); Tempat minum, Tempat cangkir, Tempat kue, Tempat sajian makanan dan perabotan rumah tangga lainnya. Kata Kunci : Limbah Kawat , Diversifikasi Produk, Kerajinan kawat, Hanger kawat. ABSTRACT The community in Ngebrak Village, Kediri Regency, makes handicrafts from factory wire waste such as (clothing wire hangers, veils/veils, cake holders, etc.) but there are also those who work as farmers and factory workers. Previously there were no people who made crafts from wire. The emergence of their idea in the manufacture of wire hangers is the presence of wire waste from the Zig Zag and Pamenang factories which are subsidiaries of PT. Gudang Garam. Wire waste from the factory is in the form of coiled wire from the remaining packaging, then the coils are purchased by business groups/citizens and processed into wire hanger products. The coils of wire from the factory waste are accommodated by the surrounding community and used for making clothes hangers. So the raw material comes from wire waste. So there is still dependence on the supply of raw materials. At first the villagers of Ngebrak were only able to make wire hangers manually and had never received special knowledge and skills in making handicrafts from wire waste such as: drinking holder, cup holder, glass holder and other household furniture. So that their products are only limited to wire hangers and pans, even though they really want to develop a variety of products. With community service activities by providing assistance, training, coaching from aspects of production management, marketing management, financial management and providing skills to diversify handicraft products from wire waste. The people of Ngebrak village are able and able to make crafts from wire waste such as: wire hangers (children, adults, headscarves/veils); Drink holder, cup holder, cake holder, food serving place and other household furniture. Keywords: Wire Waste, Product Diversification, Wire Craft, Wire Hanger.
Publisher : Universitas Islam kalimantan MAB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/jpaiuniska.v8i3.10866


Introduksi penanaman hijauan model  Tiga Strata saat ini banyak dikembangkan pada peternakan ternak kambing, melalui penanaman kombinasi rumput unggul dan legum yaitu rumput unggul (odot) di Strata-1, legum (turi, gamal) di Strata-2, serta penanaman legum nangka di Strata-3 yang menjamin ketersediaan pakan sepanjang tahun bagi ternak. Mitra kegiatan adalah Ponpes Raudhatut Thalibbin, Tayur Kab. HSU.  Permasalahan yang muncul di unit usaha kambing ponpes adalah :  a. pakan hijauan kambing yang diberikan berkualitas rendah hanya terdiri rumput lapang, b. pertambahan bobot kambing masih rendah tidak mencapai target, c. Kurang efisien karena membutuhkan waktu pemeliharaan lebih panjang untuk mencapai target bobot panen antara 35-40 kg/ekor, dan d. Keuntungan unit usaha tidak maksimal.  Lokasi mitra ponpes berjarak 155 km dari Fakultas Pertanian ULM.  Tujuan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Menjamin sediaan hijauan ternak kambing sepanjang tahun yang mampu digunakan sebagai pakan penggemukan (feed lot) pada kambing,sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya operasional pakan konsentrat kambing yang harus dibeli ponpes dan  dapat Meningkatkan konsumsi pakan kambing karena meningkatkan palatabilitas pakan, akibat kombinasi pakan rumput dan leguminosa yang ditanam.  Metode Pelaksanaan  meliputi sosialisasi kegiatan, pelatihan, demplot kebun, pendampingan dan monitoring evaluasi.  Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan  bahwa pelatihan teknis penanaman hijauan model Tiga Strata antusia diikuti para santri, local expert dan anggota BPUP Ponpes dengan tingjkat kehadiran 100%, peningkatan pemahaman menjadi 90%, peningkatan keterampilan teknis menanam menjadi 86% dan partisipasi dalam demplot mencapai 95%. Sedangkan  kegiatan demplot diikuti  peserta santri dan BPUP mampu menyelesaikan dari tahapan awal pengolahan lahan hingga penanaman bibit tanaman di strata-1 (rumput), strata-2 (turi , gamal) dan strata-3 (nangka. Semua hijauan di tiga strata berkembang dengan subur dan baik.  Kontribusi hijauan pada ternak potong kambing boer menunjukkan hasil menggembirakan, dimana kambing mampu di panen dan dijual pada bobot pasar antara 35-40 kg dengan memperpendek masa pemeliharaan 20 bulan,  pertumbuhan harian mencapai 132 g/ekor dengan peningkatan pendapatan peternak. Disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan penanaman model Tiga Strata ini mampu memperbaiki kualitas hijauan ternak, meningkatkan bobot kambing lebih cepat dan pendapatan unit usaha Ponpes mitra kegiatan.
EnviroScienteae Vol 19, No 3 (2023): ENVIROSCIENTEAE VOLUME 19 NOMOR 3, AGUSTUS 2023
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/es.v19i3.17257


Lettuce has great potential to be cultivated because it has a short harvest period, a wide open market, and a relatively stable price. The demand for lettuce also continues to increase, but the availability of lettuce stock is still limited. This causes the use of chemical fertilizers to increase. Continuous use of chemical fertilizers can damage soil fertility and the environment. One way that can be applied to support an environmentally friendly cultivation system is the use of liquid organic fertilizer plus cow urine. This liquid fertilizer is made from cow urine and additional ingredients in the form of spices and tobacco. Utilization of cow urine can help increase the economic value of livestock waste. In addition, this organic cow urine plus liquid organic fertilizer also contains nutrients that can help increase plant growth and yields. Additives such as spices and tobacco in fertilizers also help control pests on plants. The method in this study used a one-factor Randomized Block Design with p0 (0%), P1 (5%), P2 (15%), P3 (25%), P4 (35%), and P5 (45%). The results showed that liquid organic fertilizer plus cow urine had a significant effect on plant height, leaf width, number of leaves, and fresh weight of lettuce plants. The best concentration of organic cow urine plus fertilizer on the growth and yield of lettuce was found in treatment P1 (5%) with an average plant height of 9.22 cm, number of leaves of 14.75 cm, leaf width of 7.77, and fresh weight of 30.13 g.