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Memorizing Qur’an and Mathematics Achievement Faiziyah, Nuqthy
MEJ (Mathematics Education Journal) Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Study Program of Mathematics Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.095 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/mej.v2i1.5800


The aim of this research is to know the correlation between memorizingQur‘an and mathematics learning achievement. It is a quantitative researchusing linear regression. The sample was taken by purpose sampling technicand an elementary school in Sragen was chosen. The data source was adocument of the mathematics subject mark and the number surahmemorized. The result shows that there is a correlation between memorizingQur‘an and mathematics learning achievement. The regression linear modelwas able to be built. The coefficient of regression is 1.024. This shows thatmemorizing one surah of Qur‘an more would make the mathematicslearning achievement increases at 1.024 point. The coefficient ofdetermination is 0.365. The conclusion is that memorizing Qur‘an hascontribution to mathematics learning achievement This electronic documentis a ―live‖ template and already defines the components of your paper [title,text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet.
Memorizing Qur’an and Mathematics Achievement Nuqthy Faiziyah
MEJ (Mathematics Education Journal) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/mej.v2i1.5800


The aim of this research is to know the correlation between memorizingQur‘an and mathematics learning achievement. It is a quantitative researchusing linear regression. The sample was taken by purpose sampling technicand an elementary school in Sragen was chosen. The data source was adocument of the mathematics subject mark and the number surahmemorized. The result shows that there is a correlation between memorizingQur‘an and mathematics learning achievement. The regression linear modelwas able to be built. The coefficient of regression is 1.024. This shows thatmemorizing one surah of Qur‘an more would make the mathematicslearning achievement increases at 1.024 point. The coefficient ofdetermination is 0.365. The conclusion is that memorizing Qur‘an hascontribution to mathematics learning achievement This electronic documentis a ―live‖ template and already defines the components of your paper [title,text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet.
Workshop Penyusunan Program Unggulan OSN di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Tegalampel, Klaten Muhamad Taufik Hidayat; Nuqthy Faiziyah; Vina Listiawati; Ika Fajar Rini; Surahmat Surahmat
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.508 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.201941.54


THE WORKSHOP OF COMPILATION OF SCIENCE OLYMPIAD LEADING PROGRAM IN MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH MUHAMMADIYAH TEGALAMPEL, KLATEN. The purpose of this social service activity were to provide knowledge and insights related to the science olympiad (OSN) to the headmaster and teachers of MIM Tegalampel as well as assisted the compilation of work programs and committee of MIM Tegalampel. Materials that provided were OSN, best practices, and compilation of work program and committee. The model used was a workshop model with lecture, demonstration, question and answer and hands-on practice method. Evaluation was done by disseminating information and motivation to participants and product checklists. Generally, participants claimed that the schedule training was appropriate, time sharing (lectures, group discussions, individual assignments, presentations and games) were also perceived positively by participants. Participants were satisfied with the topics presented and perceived that most of the expectations and objectives of the workshop were fulfilled. The evaluation results indicate that the material delivered can be followed well and there was an increase in knowledge and motivation. In addition, the OSN work program and committee have also been arranged quite well.
Workshop Pengayaan Materi Dan Pelatihan Penyelesaian Soal-Soal Olimpiade IPA Bagi Guru MIM Tegalampel, Klaten Muhamad Taufik Hidayat; Nuqthy Faiziyah; Hendiawan Setiyoso; Windy Cahyuningsih; Dewi Anarani; Rizki Yakaria Novandi
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)
Publisher : University of Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.142 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/jipemas.v3i1.2699


MIM Tegalampel is one of primary school in Klaten Regency which is pioneering the special program of the Science Olympiad (OSN). The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge and skills to teachers of MIM Tegalampel so they can identify the types of OSN material, apply several mastery strategies for OSN material, as well as solve OSN problems quickly and accurately. The method used is the method of enrichment, demonstration and try out. The evaluation of the implementation of this community service consisted of an initial evaluation in the form of a pre-test, the final evaluation in the form of a post-test, as well as an evaluation of the implementation. Based on the result of the workshop for teachers of MIM Tegalampel, it can be concluded that in general the participants considered the workshop scheduling to be appropriate, time sharing was appropriate, the balance between theory and practice was also appropriate. Participants considered most of the expectations and objectives of the workshop had been fulfilled. The evaluation result showed that participants had increased skills in identifying the types of OSN material. There was also an increase in the skills of participants in completing OSN problems. In addition, participants can apply several mastery strategies for OSN material.
ANALISIS BEP PETERNAKAN AYAM RAS PETELUR DI SMK N 1 TULUNG KLATEN Mudrikah Khishaaluhussaniyyati; Putri Cahyaningtyas; Risda Putri Nugrahani; Wahyu Nugroho; Muhammad Aji Antoko Ehsa Wibowo; Nuqthy Faiziyah
Jurnal Peternakan (Jurnal of Animal Science) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Peternakan ( Jurnal Of Animal Science )
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jac.v6i2.5997


Pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, demikian pula permintaan akan pangan, termasuk kebutuhan akan pangan asal hewan dan tumbuhan. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan hewani berperan penting dalam pemenuhan kecukupan gizi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani, masyarakat mencari makanan yang mengandung protein hewani dengan harga terjangkau, termasuk telur. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui analisis keuangan usaha dari BEP ayam petelur SMK N 1 Tulung. Setelah memahami siklus ayam petelur maka peternak akan memahami bahwa produksi ayam petelur lebih maju, dan sekaligus meningkatkan keuntungan kedepannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data utama kualitatif, kuantitatif dan data tambahan. Data utama berasal dari proses wawancara. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah ATR SMK N 1 Tulung mengeluarkan biaya tetap sebesar Rp. 67.063.500 selama masa produksi ayam petelur dan biaya variabel sebesar Rp. 203.834.000 terjadi selama periode produksi sebesar Rp. 203.834.000 dan pengeluaran tahunan sebesar Rp. 101.917.000. Biaya pakan dan tenaga kerja yaitu Rp. 42.600.000 atau 43,16 persen, sedangkan biaya obat dan vaksin sebesar Rp. 3.600.000, atau 3,65 persen dari seluruh biaya produksi. ATR SMK N 1 Tulung total biaya Rp 98.703.750 merupakan komponen biaya terbesar, keuntungan yang diperoleh perusahaan peternakan ATR SMK 1 Tulung adalah sebesar Rp. 74.126.500 setiap periode, penjualan telur sebanyak 137.710 butir (Rp.206.565.708). Usaha Peternakan ayam petelur ATR SMK N 1 Tulung memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp.74.126.500 setiap periode, sudah berfungsi di atas break event point.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 3 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1064.062 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v11i3.5322


This study aims to analyze students' mathematical power viewed from the students' critical thinking skills. This study was conducted at State Junior High School 3 Polokarto. The subjects of the study were determined using the snowball sampling technique. The research instrument was in the form of essay test questions and interview guidelines. The triangulation method was used as a reference to check the data. The data were analyzed using data collection, data reduction and data categorization, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that 1) students with high critical thinking skills have good mathematical reasoning abilities with deductive mathematical reasoning models and they also have good mathematical communication and mathematical connections; 2) students with moderate critical abilities have deductive mathematical reasoning abilities with poor mathematical reasoning and mathematical communication skills, but they have good mathematical connections as e students have a longer time in understanding oral questions than written questions; and 3) students with low critical thinking skills have low mathematical deductive reasoning abilities, mathematical communication, and mathematical connections. The low students' mathematical power is caused by the difficulty in understanding the problem.
Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal berbasis Etnomatematika Tipe Multiple Solutions Task Nuqthy Faiziyah; Nityana Anisah Hanan; Navia Nur Azizah
Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.659 KB) | DOI: 10.31980/mosharafa.v11i3.1335


Pentingnya kemampuan berpikir kreatif dalam pembelajaran dicanangkan pada kurikulum 2013. Salah satu tipe soal yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa yaitu Multiple Solutions Task (MST). Soal-soal berbasis etnomatematika dapat diujicobakan karena memadukan kebudayaan lokal dengan materi matematika sehingga memotivasi dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal MST yang berbasis etnomatematika. Subjek penelitian yaitu 18 siswa kelas IX A pada salah satu SMPN di Panekan. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu dokumentasi, tes tulis dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan teknik interaktif dari yang spesifik hingga yang umum, dan melibatkan berbagai tingkat analisis. Hasil penelitian yaitu Tingkat Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif (TKBK) menunjukkan terdapat 8 siswa (44%) pada TKBK 0 (tidak kreatif), 7 siswa (39%) pada TKBK 2 (cukup kreatif), 2 siswa (11%) pada TKBK 3 (kreatif) dan 1 siswa (6%) pada TKBK 4 (sangat kreatif). TKBK 0 (tidak kreatif) lebih mendominasi daripada TKBK yang lain. Tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah Multiple Solution Task (MST) berbasis etnomatematika dalam penelitian ini belum mendapatkan hasil yang cukup baik.The importance of creative thinking skills in learning was proclaimed in the 2013 curriculum. One type of question that can be used to measure students' creative thinking skills is the Multiple Solutions Task (MST). Ethnomathematical-based questions can be tested because they combine local culture with mathematics material to motivate and improve students' creative thinking skills. This study aims to describe students' creative thinking skills in solving ethnomathematical-based MST questions. The research subjects were 18 students of class IX A at one of the SMPN in Panekan. Data collection methods are documentation, written tests, and interviews. The data are analyzed by interactive techniques from the specific to the general and involve various levels of analysis. The results on the Creative Thinking Ability Level (TKBK) showed that there were 8 students (44%) at TKBK 0 (not creative), 7 students (39%) at TKBK 2 (creative enough), 2 students (11%) at TKBK 3 (creative) and 1 student (6%) in TKBK 4 (very creative). TKBK 0 (not creative) is more dominant than the other TKBK. The level of students' creative thinking skills in solving ethnomathematical-based Multiple Solution Task (MST) problems in this study has not gotten good enough for results.
Geogebra untuk Pembelajaran Matematika Nuqthy Faiziyah
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Pendidikan, Humaniora dan Agama
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.702 KB)


Seiring dengan perkembangan era, teknologi infirmasi dan komunikasi(ICT) dalam pendidikan merupakan suatu keharusan. Potensi Potensipemanfaatan ICT dalam pendidikan sangat banyak diantarana adalahuntuk meningkatkan akses pendidikan, meningkatkan efisiensi, sertakualitas pembelajaran. Di samping itu, dengan kreativitas para guru,ICT juga berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam mengajarkan berbagaimateri pembelajaran yang abstrak, dinamis, sulit serta skill melaluianimasi dan simulasi. Banyak sekolah Muhammadiyah telah memilikisarana berbasis teknologi. Namun, pemanfaatannya perlu dioptimalkanlagi. Kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untukpembelajaran perlu di tingkatkan. Saat ini banyak aplikasi komputeryang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Salahsatunya adalah Geogebra. GeoGebra adalah software pembelajaranmatematika di sekolah yang memadukan antara geometri, aljabar, dankalkulus. Pengabdian ini berupa pemberian pelatihan dengan sasaranguru -guru sekolah muhammadihah di kabupaten Sragen. Tujuanpengabdian ini adalah memberikan meningkatkan pemahaman gurutentang pemanfaatan ICT untuk pembelajaran, m emperkenalkanaplikasi Geogebra kepada guru-guru matematika, serta meningkatkanketrampilan guru dalam menggunakan Geogebra untuk pembelajaranmatematika.
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 13th University Research Colloquium 2021: Kebencanaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.206 KB)


Adanya pandemic Covid 19 mengubah pelaksanaan pembelajarandari yang awalnya tatap muka secara luring menjadi daring.Permasalahan pembelajaran yang muncul ketika pembelajarandilaksanakan secara daring diantaranya yaitu partisipasi siswa.Penggunaan Geogebra yang terintegrasi dengan Google Classroommembantu guru untuk mengatasi permasalahan partisipasi siswadalam pembelajaran. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikanpengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi guru untuk merancang mediapembelajaran interaktif berbasis Geogebra. Dalam pelaksanaannya,pelatihan ini menggunakan metode partisipatif dimana peserta bisamemperhatikan sekaligus mempraktekkan secara langsung danmengajukan pertanyaan terhadap materi yang diberikan. setelahpelatihan yang diberikan, didapat 87% guru mengetahui penggunaanGeogebra sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif, 84% guru dapatmembuat media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Geogebra, dan76% guru merencanakan untuk menerapkan soal-soal pembelajaraninteraktif berbasis Geogebra dalam kelas virtual Google Classroom.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 4 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1064.269 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v11i4.6070


Geometry instruction can help you build spatial intelligence. Numerous studies have produced instructional materials to enhance spatial intelligence in geometry learning. However, there hasn't been enough research done on student-friendly media, particularly game-based media, thus it still has to be developed. In order to promote students' mathematical spatial intelligence, this study uses Origatrid learning resources to teach geometry. Using the idea of the origami soma cube in educational media. The study employed a research and development (R&D) model, and the sign test was used to gauge its efficacy. 20 eighth grader students participated in the study at SMP 1 Pakuhaji in Tangerang Regency. Experts in media and learning materials conducted tests on Origatrid, and they concluded that it might be used for educational purposes. Additionally, after the hypothesis was tested, scores before and after utilizing Origatrid as a learning tool showed differences.