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Telematika MKOM Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Telematika MKOM Vol. 9 No. 2 Juli 2017
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

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Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), merupakan sebuah rencana dalam mengambil tindakan disaat terjadinya bencana, terutama pada sisi server yang menampung data untuk keperluan perusahaan. Dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini yang dibantu dengan telekomunikasi, maka sebuah server dapat dilakukan pemantauan (monitoring) jarak jauh, sehingga penanganan terhadap DRP ini dapat dilakukan tanpa harus berada dekat dengan server tersebut. Dibantu dengan Arduino Uno, maka proses monitoring dapat dilakukan agar otomatisasi sistem terhadap server dapat diketahui; dan dengan adanya sensor DHT11, maka dapat diketahui mengenai kelembaban dan suhu yang ada pada server yang dipantau. PT. MNC Media adalah salah satu perusahaan yang memiliki server dengan penyimpanan data dalam melangsungkan proses bisnisnya dan pada perusahaan inilah riset dilakukan dalam menerapkan sistem pemantauan tersebut, sehingga dengan memantau suhu ruangan server yang dilakukan secara remote (jarak jauh), diharapkan dapat membantu PT. MNC Media (terutama pada sisi operator) dalam memantau suhu pada ruangan server dan mencegah kenaikan suhu yang signifikan dengan adanya notifikasi otomatis dari sistem.
Telematika MKOM Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Telematika MKOM Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

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Global Positioning System (GPS); sistem naviagasi yang memanfaatkan satelit yang mengorbit bumi dalam menentukan suatu lokasi. Teknologi GPS sudah semakin berkembang, dimana teknologi tersebut dapat disematkan pada smartphone. Smartphone Android; merupakan smartphone yang memiliki fitur GPS dan Broadcast Receiver, sehingga dapat melakukan monitoring smartphone Android lain dengan mendapatkan koordinat lokasi smartphone tersebut serta melakukan monitoring terhadap Short Message Service (SMS) yang masuk agar dapat diolah menjadi informasi yang lebih baik.Penerapan fitur ini adalah dengan membuat sebuah aplikasi yang dapat memantau keberadaan seorang anak dan memberikan informasi tersebut kepada orang tua nya. Secara sembunyi, aplikasi akan mengirimkan data lokasi dan SMS yang ada pada smartphone Android anak kepada sebuah server untuk dapat diolah menjadi informasi yang penting bagi orang tua nya. Hal ini sangat dimungkinkan, karena adanya teknologi web service untuk mengirimkan data melalui protokol HTTP dan pemanfaatan teknologi Google API dalam menentukan lokasi dan mendapatkan SMS. Analisa dengan menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language) menjadi pilihan dalam merancang aplikasi dan pada sisi server; digunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, database MySQL serta format JSON dalam menyajikan data untuk keperluan web service. Diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu orang tua dalam memantau lokasi dan SMS anak nya; berdasarkan data yang ada pada smartphone Android.
Kajian Penerimaan Sistem Aplikasi Webdosen Berdasarkan Pendekatan TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Studi Kasus: Universitas Budi Luhur Lauw Li Hin
Telematika MKOM Vol 3, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Telematika MKOM Vol. 3 No. 1 Maret 2011
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

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Salah satu kunci awal bagi keberhasilan implementasi sebuah sistem informasi adalah kemauan pengguna untuk menerima sistem informasi tersebut. Aplikasi Webdosen adalah Aplikasi berbasis web yang bertujuan untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan fakultas di Universitas Budi Luhur yang menyediakan menu layanan administrasi online untuk Dosen, dan menginformasikan secara detail mengenai informasi personal yang mungkin dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas para Dosen. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan untuk memahami sikap pengguna terhadap aplikasi disebuah institusi pendidikan adalah technology acceptance model (TAM). Technology acceptance model mendefinisikan dua hal yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna terhadap aplikasi yaitu persepsi pengguna terhadap manfaat dari aplikasi tersebut dan kemudahan dalam menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi model penerimaan Aplikasi Webdosen di Universitas Budi Luhur sebagai salah satu teknologi perangkat lunak yang menggunakan layanan web, dengan pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Untuk pengujian statistik akan dilakukan dengan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) yang diolah melalui software AMOS versi 7.
A Checkers Game based on Negamax Algorithm with Aplha Beta Pruning: Game Catur berdasarkan Algoritma Negamax dengan Pemangkasan Alpha Beta Fatmasari; Rizky Tahara Shita; Lauw Li Hin
SYSTEMATICS Vol 5 No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/sys.v5i1.8783


Permainan Checkers merupakan salah satu permainan strategi dengan basis permainan papan (board game) dengan ukuran 8x8, dimainkan oleh dua pemain, dengan visualisasi kepingan bulatan, berjalan diagonal dan sebagai tujuannya, menghabiskan kepingan lawan. Walaupun Checkers terlihat seperti permainan logika sederhana jika dibandingkan dengan permainan strategi papan lainnya seperti catur, namun tetap memerlukan strategi logika. Permainan ini memang tidak terlalu dikenal dan tidak sering dimainkan di Indonesia, oleh karena itu harus dikemas dan dikembangkan dengan menarik agar lebih disukai. Rancangan aplikasi permainan ini dibuat pada intinya adalah mengasah logika murid – murid di SD Islam Al-Barkah. Jika sejak dini kemampuan logika juga diasah, maka bisa meningkatkan cara berfikir yang berujung pada peningkatan mutu. Algoritma yang digunakan dalam pembuatan permainan Checkers ini adalah algoritma Negamax With Alpha Beta Pruning sebagai algoritma pencarian langkah terbaik; dimana objektif dari algoritma ini adalah mencari masing – masing score dari node value yang dimikiki lalu dioptimasi dengan alpha beta Pruning untuk mempersingkat pohon pencarian dan menghasilkan bestscore sebagai keputusan langkah terbaik.
Meningkatkan Pelayanan Informasi Orang Tua Siswa SMAN 1 Ciwaru Dengan Menerapkan Framework Dynamic CRM Inri Purwaningrum; Hendri Irawan; Humisar Hasugian; Lauw Li Hin
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Maintaining good relations with parents of students is important for the school. SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru is a public school that requires the contribution of student parents to support the school administration process. in this case SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru has problems in maintaining relationships with student guardians, such as the absence of information services that can be accessed directly by student guardians so that misscommunication often occurs with the school. In addition, there is no information on student progress in academic or non-academic, and there are no facilities to submit criticism and suggestions for schools so it is difficult for schools to improve services. Based on the existing problems, this study uses a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach strategy which includes one CRM stage, namely Enhance by implementing a dynamic CRM framework which contains a series of stages in implementing a CRM. Data collection methods in this study using direct observation, interviews and documentation. This research produces an e-CRM system that can improve information services that is built using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming as the programming language and the MySQL database as the database. The final product of this system is an information service for parents of SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru students which includes announcement features, circulars, academic information, lists of grades, making grade reports, information reports, reports of criticism and suggestions, as well as other needs that help smooth business processes and communication for both parties
Implementasi E-Commerce Menggunakan Content Management System Untuk Mendukung Proses Penjualan Pada Family Gold Delivery Naufal Noor Hibatulloh; Bima Cahya Putra; Lauw Li Hin; Agus Umar Hamdani
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Family Gold Delivery is an online business that sells various brands of precious metals and also sells frame designs for precious metals that can be customized with greeting words according to the customer's wishes. In running its business, Family Gold Delivery only utilizes Instagram, Whatsapp and Marketplace media to sell its products. However, due to the high percentage of additional costs and insurance charged by the marketplace, it affects product prices, which must adjust to these costs, making buyers not want to transact through the marketplace. In the absence of a system to support the sales process, buyers still have to contact the seller directly via chat. Based on the existing problems, the solution provided is to apply the e-commerce model to the Family Gold Delivery business which aims to facilitate business processes, especially product sales activities. By using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) method to develop new business ideas to develop business strategies quickly and Fishbone Diagrams to analyze problems. Then the Wordpress Content Management System (CMS) as a tool for building websites so that the website can be implemented immediately and can meet all business needs. Accompanied by the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and marketing strategies to expand marketing so as to produce an e-commerce website prototype that can support the sales process on Family Gold Delivery from sales to product marketing. The conclusion from the implementation of this e-commerce model can overcome the main problems faced by Family Gold Delivery namely, buyers will not be charged additional fees if transacting through e-commerce websites, and the sales process no longer needs to be done via chat.
Desain E-Commerce Wahib Collection Dengan Business Model Canvas Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Seftifin Ratna Manda; Atik Ariesta; Deni Mahdiana; Lauw Li Hin; Ratna Kusumawardani
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Technological developments are now very rapid, one of which is the internet. The internet is the main topic in today's society, with the internet people are able to carry out various activities such as buying and selling goods online. Nowadays buying and selling are very easy with a viral business model, namely e-commerce, so customers don't have to come to the store to make a purchase transaction. Wahib Collection store is a store engaged in the sale of clothing. Products sold are various kinds of clothing such as negligees, women's clothing, t-shirts, pants, and jackets. The Wahib Collection store was founded in 2000 and is a family-owned business that has been passed down to their children. The Wahib Collection store has a problem, namely the Wahib Collection store markets its products only by opening store stalls in the market with marketing coverage only around the store, recording at the store is still done manually so the recording is not appropriate, there has been a decline in sales due to the Covid-19 pandemic implementing social distancing and people must comply with health protocols and avoid crowds so that the market is quiet. This is the background for utilizing e-commerce as a platform for selling and buying online. The purpose of this research is to make marketing reach wider, data recording will be stored correctly on the website, and sales can be made online. The methodology used is interviews, document analysis, and literature studies with the development of the system using Rapid Application Development (RAD). so that a sales information system is formed using the WordPress Content Management System (CMS). The Business Model Canvas (BMC) determines the proposed business model based on the current business model. The results of this study, customers can make purchases online using the website, they don't have to come to the store and the store records are computerized.
PELATIHAN E-MAIL MARKETING BAGI UMKM WILAYAH KELURAHAN PANINGGILAN UTARA Rizky Tahara Shita; Lauw Li Hin; Anita Diana; Dwi Achadiani; Fatmasari Tarigan
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 4 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i4.19256


ABSTRAKSaat ini  internet menjadi kebutuhan utama dari setiap masyarakat. Salah satu fasilitas yang memanfaatkan internet adalah electronic mail (e-mail) untuk berkirim pesan dengan lebih cepat dibandingkan cara biasa. Pengiriman e-mail, dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memasarkan produk agar usaha dapat lebih berkembang yaitu dengan menggunakan teknik e-mail marketing. Pada pelatihan kali ini, dilakukan pelatihan e-mail marketing bagi masyarakat di wilayah kelurahan Paninggilan Utara, agar memanfaatkan e-mail untuk pengembangan usaha. Dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan, yaitu pengamatan langsung, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Metode yang digunakan antara lain penjelasan teori dan praktek langsung kepada peserta. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pelatihan ini adalah masyarakat dapat mengetahui pemanfaatan internet dan e-mail untuk pengembangan usaha melalui teknik e-mail marketing, serta terwujudnya misi Kelurahan Paninggilan Utara  sebagai mitra pelatihan. Pemanfaatan internet dan e-mail melalui pelatihan ini, diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat untuk melakukan pemasaran dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Kata kunci: internet; e-mail; marketing. ABSTRACTCurrently, the internet is the main need of every society. One of the facilities that utilizes the internet is electronic mail (e-mail) to send messages faster than normal methods. Sending e-mail can be used to market products so that the business can develop further, namely by using e-mail marketing techniques. In this training, e-mail marketing training was carried out for people in the Paninggilan Utara sub-district area, so that they could use e-mail for business development. In this activity, several stages were carried out, namely direct observation, interviews, and literature study. The methods used include direct theoretical and practical explanations to participants. The results obtained from this training are that the public can understand the use of the internet and e-mail for business development through e-mail marketing techniques, as well as realizing the mission of North Paninggilan Village as a training partner. It is hoped that the use of the internet and e-mail through this training can help people carry out marketing in developing their businesses. Keywords: internet; e-mail; marketing.
Meningkatkan Pelayanan Informasi Orang Tua Siswa SMAN 1 Ciwaru Dengan Menerapkan Framework Dynamic CRM Inri Purwaningrum; Hendri Irawan; Humisar Hasugian; Lauw Li Hin
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ticom-Mei 2023
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Maintaining good relations with parents of students is important for the school. SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru is a public school that requires the contribution of student parents to support the school administration process. in this case SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru has problems in maintaining relationships with student guardians, such as the absence of information services that can be accessed directly by student guardians so that misscommunication often occurs with the school. In addition, there is no information on student progress in academic or non-academic, and there are no facilities to submit criticism and suggestions for schools so it is difficult for schools to improve services. Based on the existing problems, this study uses a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach strategy which includes one CRM stage, namely Enhance by implementing a dynamic CRM framework which contains a series of stages in implementing a CRM. Data collection methods in this study using direct observation, interviews and documentation. This research produces an e-CRM system that can improve information services that is built using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming as the programming language and the MySQL database as the database. The final product of this system is an information service for parents of SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru students which includes announcement features, circulars, academic information, lists of grades, making grade reports, information reports, reports of criticism and suggestions, as well as other needs that help smooth business processes and communication for both parties
Implementasi E-Commerce Menggunakan Content Management System Untuk Mendukung Proses Penjualan Pada Family Gold Delivery Naufal Noor Hibatulloh; Bima Cahya Putra; Lauw Li Hin; Agus Umar Hamdani
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ticom-Mei 2023
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Family Gold Delivery is an online business that sells various brands of precious metals and also sells frame designs for precious metals that can be customized with greeting words according to the customer's wishes. In running its business, Family Gold Delivery only utilizes Instagram, Whatsapp and Marketplace media to sell its products. However, due to the high percentage of additional costs and insurance charged by the marketplace, it affects product prices, which must adjust to these costs, making buyers not want to transact through the marketplace. In the absence of a system to support the sales process, buyers still have to contact the seller directly via chat. Based on the existing problems, the solution provided is to apply the e-commerce model to the Family Gold Delivery business which aims to facilitate business processes, especially product sales activities. By using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) method to develop new business ideas to develop business strategies quickly and Fishbone Diagrams to analyze problems. Then the Wordpress Content Management System (CMS) as a tool for building websites so that the website can be implemented immediately and can meet all business needs. Accompanied by the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and marketing strategies to expand marketing so as to produce an e-commerce website prototype that can support the sales process on Family Gold Delivery from sales to product marketing. The conclusion from the implementation of this e-commerce model can overcome the main problems faced by Family Gold Delivery namely, buyers will not be charged additional fees if transacting through e-commerce websites, and the sales process no longer needs to be done via chat.