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Desain E-Commerce Wahib Collection Dengan Business Model Canvas Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Seftifin Ratna Manda; Atik Ariesta; Deni Mahdiana; Lauw Li Hin; Ratna Kusumawardani
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Ticom-Mei 2023
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Technological developments are now very rapid, one of which is the internet. The internet is the main topic in today's society, with the internet people are able to carry out various activities such as buying and selling goods online. Nowadays buying and selling are very easy with a viral business model, namely e-commerce, so customers don't have to come to the store to make a purchase transaction. Wahib Collection store is a store engaged in the sale of clothing. Products sold are various kinds of clothing such as negligees, women's clothing, t-shirts, pants, and jackets. The Wahib Collection store was founded in 2000 and is a family-owned business that has been passed down to their children. The Wahib Collection store has a problem, namely the Wahib Collection store markets its products only by opening store stalls in the market with marketing coverage only around the store, recording at the store is still done manually so the recording is not appropriate, there has been a decline in sales due to the Covid-19 pandemic implementing social distancing and people must comply with health protocols and avoid crowds so that the market is quiet. This is the background for utilizing e-commerce as a platform for selling and buying online. The purpose of this research is to make marketing reach wider, data recording will be stored correctly on the website, and sales can be made online. The methodology used is interviews, document analysis, and literature studies with the development of the system using Rapid Application Development (RAD). so that a sales information system is formed using the WordPress Content Management System (CMS). The Business Model Canvas (BMC) determines the proposed business model based on the current business model. The results of this study, customers can make purchases online using the website, they don't have to come to the store and the store records are computerized.
Pelatihan pemanfaatan marketplace tokopedia untuk peningkatan pendapatan bagi karyawan Inti Mas Motor Rizky Tahara Shita; Lauw Li Hin; Anita Diana; Dwi Achadiani
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 8, No 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v8i1.22254


AbstrakPemanfaatan marketplace Tokopedia, sudah sering digunakan untuk bertansaksi jual beli secara aman. Hal ini tentunya membutuhkan teknik tertentu agar kios daring yang dimiliki dapat beroperasi optimal dan menghasilkan pendapatan tambahan bagi para penjual. Termasuk karyawan Inti Mas Motor, untuk mendapatkan tambahan pendapatan secara mandiri. Maka perlu ada pembekalan dasar bagi karyawan untuk memanfaatkan marketplace. Pada pelatihan kali ini, dilakukan pelatihan pemanfaatan marketplace Tokopedia bagi karyawan Inti Mas Motor di wilayah Ciledug, agar dapat memanfaatkan marketplace untuk peningkatan pendapatan. Dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan, yaitu pengamatan langsung, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Metode yang digunakan antara lain penjelasan teori dan praktek langsung kepada peserta karyawan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pelatihan ini adalah karyawan dapat mengetahui teknik pemanfaatan marketplace untuk peningkatan pendapatan. Adapun tujuan dari pelatihan pemanfaatan marketplace ini, kiranya dapat membantu karyawan Inti Mas Motor untuk peningkatan pendapatan sampingan mereka, selain penghasilan utamanya. Kata kunci: pelatihan; marketplace; tokopedia AbstractUtilizing the Tokopedia marketplace has often been used to carry out buying and selling transactions safely. This of course requires certain techniques so that your online kiosk can operate optimally and generate additional income for sellers. Including Inti Mas Motor employees, to earn additional income independently. So there needs to be basic training for employees to utilize the marketplace. In this training, training was conducted on the use of the Tokopedia marketplace for Inti Mas Motor employees in the Ciledug area, so they could utilize the marketplace to increase income. In this activity, several stages were carried out, namely direct observation, interviews, and literature study. The methods used include direct theoretical and practical explanations to employee participants. The results obtained from this training are that employees can understand techniques for using the marketplace to increase income. The aim of this marketplace utilization training is to help Inti Mas Motor employees increase their side income, apart from their main income. Keywords: training; marketplace; tokopedia