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Salmonella population in waste water treatment installation (IPAK) at Pulo Gebang DKI Jakarta Budiarti, Sri; Rusmana, Iman
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 7 (1998): Supplement 1
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

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Peran Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Dalam Menginduksi Apoptosis Sel Kanker Lidah Manusia Sp-C1 In Vitro -, SUPRIATNO; SUSANTO, HENDRI; BUDIARTI, SRI
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 7, No 4 (2013): Oct - Dec 2013
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Sel kanker lidah mempunyai karakteristik pertumbuhan sel yang cepat, invasi, dan metastasis yang tinggi. Penatalaksanaan untuk kanker primer, metastasis, dan residif masih menunjukkan hasil yang belum memuaskan sehingga dipikirkan untuk mengombinasi dengan terapi pengobatan alternatif menggunakan bahan alam kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.). Tujuan penelitian menguji induksi apoptosis sel kanker lidah Sp-C1 menggunakan ekstrak etanol kulit manggis in vitro. Induksi apoptosis sel pasca-perlakuan ekstrak etanol kulit manggis konsentrasi 0, 2,5, 5, 7,5, 10, dan 12,5 ?g/ml dilakukan menggunakan uji kolorimetrik caspase-3 dan -9 (DVED-pNA dan LEHD-pNA). Data dianalisis menggunakan Anova satu jalur, dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-hoc LSD dengan derajat kemaknaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol kulit manggis konsentrasi 12,5 ?g/ml menginduksi apoptosis sel kanker lidah manusia Sp-C1 melalui aktivitas proteolitik caspase-3 dan caspase-9 (P=0,001). Peningkatan kelipatan aktivitas proteolitik caspase-3 dan -9 diketahui sebesar 1,39 dan 2,15 kali lipat. Kesimpulannya, ekstrak etanol kulit manggis dapat menginduksi apoptosis sel kanker lidah manusia Sp-C1.Kata Kunci: sel kanker lidah Sp-C1, kulit manggis, apoptosis, caspase-3 dan -9. 
Endophytic Actinobacteria from Rhododendron spp. as an Antibacterial Agent Fitriandini, Risa; Budiarti, Sri; Lestari, Yulin
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v9i3.10323


Rhododendron has long been known to treat various diseases including diarrhea, but diversity and potency of its endophytic actinobacteria has not been studied. The objectives of this research were to explore the existence of endophytic actinobacteria from Rododendron spp. and assesed their antibacterial activity, as an effort to control the growth of bacterial pathogen resistant to some antibiotics. The endophytes were isolated from Rhododendron spp. using HV medium, and purified in ISP2 medium. The antibacterial activity was assayed against Enteropathogenic Escerichia coli (EPEC) K1.1 resistant to ampicillin and Bacillus pumilus. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) value, macroscopic and microscopic were examined. Twenty three of endophytic actinobacteria were successfully isolated from 7 Rhododendron species. Two of them, i.e. RJkb1 and RJkb3 isolates, had high antibacterial activity, with 17.2 mm and 14.5 mm inhibition zone against EPEC K1-1, respectively; and 12.4 mm and 16.1 mm inhibition zone against B. pumilus, respectively. The highest antibacterial activity for both RJkb1 and RJkb3 isolates was achieved at day 15, at 28 oC. At 250 g/mL to 1750 g/mL either RJkb1 or RJkb3 supernatant showed no activity against EPEC K1-1. The MIC value against B. pumilus was at 1250 g/mL for both tested isolates. Under an electron microscope observation, cell morphology of the treated B. pumilus showed elongated cells and viewer in cell number, compared with the untreated one. From this work, the existence of endophytic actinobacteria from Rhododendron spp. and their antibacterial activity contribute to the understanding of their diversity and potency as antibacterial agent.
Preliminary Characterization of Protease Inhibitor from Bacteria-Associated with Sponge from Panggang Island, Seribu Islands TATI NURHAYATI; MAGGY THENAWIDJAJA SUHARTONO; LILIS NURAIDA; SRI BUDIARTI POERWANTO
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 13 No. 2 (2006): June 2006
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

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Pathogenic bacteria produced protease that involved in molecular mechanism of foodborne disease. Produced protease involved in molecular mechanisms of foodborne diseases. The purpose of this research was to screen, identify and characterize the potential microorganisms associated with sponge as producer of protease inhibitor. Among 96 isolates examined, four isolates i.e 10A6, 6A3, 9A51, and 1A12 yielded protease inhibitors which were potential to inhibit protease substrates (40-90%). One of the most potential protease inhibitor producer, the bacteria isolate 6A3, was identified as Chromohalobacter sp. Chromohalobacter sp.6A3 produced protease inhibitor with optimum temperature and pH 300 C and 5, respectively. The inhibitor activity was stable when incubated at 400 C for ten minutes or at 300 C for 8 hours. Key words: Bacteria, Chromohalobacter sp., protease inhibitor, screen, sponge
Extracellular Protease Activity of Enteropathogenic Escherechia coli on Mucin Substrate SRI BUDIARTI; NISA RACHMANIA MUBARIK
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 14 No. 1 (2007): March 2007
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes gastrointestinal infections in human. EPEC invasion was initiated by attachment and aggressive colonization on intestinal surface. Attachment of EPEC alter the intestine mucosal cells. Despite this, the pathogenic mechanism of EPEC infectior has not been fully understood. This research hypothesizes that extracellular proteolytic enzymes is necessary for EPEC colonization. The enzyme is secreted into gastrointestinal milieu and presumably destroy mucus layer cover the gastrointestinal tract. The objective of this study was to assay EPEC extracellular protease enzyme by using mucin substrate. The activity of EPEC extracellular proteolytic enzyme on 1% mucin substrate was investigated. Non-pathogenic E. coli was used as a negative control. Positive and tentative controls were Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella. Ten EPEC strains were assayed, seven of them were able to degrade mucin, and the highest activity was produced by K1.1 strain. Both positive and tentative controls also showed the ability to digest 0.20% mucin. Key words: EPEC, protease, mucin, diarrhea
Growth of body size (body height and body weight) and somatotype in 363 girls and 299 boys aged 4 to 20 years of ethnic Javanese lived in Magelang Regency Indonesia were studied cross-sectionally. Over half of them were categorized in the well-off family, therefore underweight or underfat prevalence in our subjects was low (14.3%) but overweight and obesity prevalence was also low (14%). They were shorter and lighter than reference children from U.S., Japan and Yogyakarta but they improved when TETRI WIDIYANI; BAMBANG SURYOBROTO; SRI BUDIARTI; ALEX HARTANA
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 18 No. 4 (2011): December 2011
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.18.4.182


Growth of body size (body height and body weight) and somatotype in 363 girls and 299 boys aged 4 to 20 years of ethnic Javanese lived in Magelang Regency Indonesia were studied cross-sectionally. Over half of them were categorized in the well-off family, therefore underweight or underfat prevalence in our subjects was low (14.3%) but overweight and obesity prevalence was also low (14%). They were shorter and lighter than reference children from U.S., Japan and Yogyakarta but they improved when compared with those of the same ethnic of Bantul and with the different ethnic of rural India. There was a clear age-related change of their somatotype. At age 4 years, the physique of children subjects in both sexes is found to be mesomorph-endomorph. Thereafter it is transformed into ectomorphic-endomorph in girls and to mesomorph-ectomorph in boys at the age of 20 years. In girl subjects, the onset of puberty was characterized by an acceleration of endomorphy component at age 8 years. While in our boys it was characterized by an acceleration of ectomorphy since age 9 years. The different growth pattern of somatotype components showed that the use of BMI as an indicator of fatness in children should be reassessed.
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 19 No. 3 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.56 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.19.3.124


Gonad maturation in pubertal girls and boys is accompanied with somatic growth spurt, changes in quantity and distribution of body fat (BF), development of secondary sex characters, and relevant physiological events. Menarche (first event of menstruation) and spermarche (first event of nocturnal sperm emission) are usually used as indicators of gonad maturation. We found that median age at menarche of Arfak girls in Manokwari, West Papua is 12.2 years, while median age at spermarche of boys is 13.6 years. A possible factor causing young age at menarche is due to adaptation to unstable environmental conditions because of high risk of mortality by malaria disease during childhood. The events of menarche and spermarche achieved one year after the peak body height (BH) velocity, and just before or at the same time with the time of maximum growth rate of body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), and BF. The average BMI of Arfak girls was big at 21.9 kg/m2 at the time of their menarche. Bigger average BMI might be caused by prepubertal slowing down of BH growth compare to growth of BW whichis still increasing. Girls accumulate BF before puberty to be used as an energy reserve for the occurrence of menarche. At the time of development of secondary sexual characters girls use the fat reserve so it decline sharply after puberty. In boys, growth rate of BF was stopped at 11 years old, and then growing negatively presumably because boys use fat mass for the occurence of spemarche. BF growth rate reached the lowest point at the age 16 years old, and then increase linearly with age through adolescence until adulthood at age 23 years old.
Phage FR38 Treatment on Sprague Dawley Rat Inferred from Blood Parameters and Organ Systems DEWI SARTIKA; SRI BUDIARTI; MIRNAWATI SUDARWANTO
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 19 No. 3 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

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The ability of phage FR38 to lysis indigenous Salmonella P38 from feces of diarrheal patient has been studied. However, effects of phage FR38 on organ system were not revealed as yet. This study was conducted to observe the effect of phage FR38 on blood chemistry, kidney functions, and liver functions. Twelve Sprague-Dawley rats were used as a model for this study that were divided into two groups; (i) control and (ii) treated group with phage FR38. For treated phage group, each rat was administered by 5 ml/kg bw of 1.59·107 pfu/ml of phage intragastric. The blood parameters were analysed on day 16. The results revealed that body and organs weight, erythrocyte, hematocrit, hemoglobin, leukocyte, total protein, creatinine, SGOT, and SGPT of phage treatment rats were not significantly different with the control rats on day 16 (P > 0.05). Therefore, this study showed was no effect of phage FR38 on body weight, blood chemistry, kidney and liver functions of the rat (P > 0.05).
Characterization of Bacteriophage Specific to Bacillus pumilus from Ciapus River in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia ANIK KUSMIATUN; IMAN RUSMANA; SRI BUDIARTI
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 22 No. 1 (2015): January 2015
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

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Bacillus pumilus is a spore-forming bacteria that is rod-shaped, gram positive, and aerobic. B. pumilus produced pumilacidins, known to have toxic effects on epithelial cells. Antibiotics were usually used to treat the disease caused by bacteria. Antibiotic typing test of B. pumilus indigenous from sewage water showed that this isolate was resistant to ampicillin and clindamycin. An alternative way was by application of bacteriophages as biocontrol agents to reduce B. pumilus in environment. The aim of this study were to isolate and characterize B. pumilus bacteriophage isolated from Ciapus River in Bogor, West Java. Bacteriophages infecting B. pumilus were isolated from river water using the double agar overlay method. Phages were defined by plaque morphology, structure, host range, and characteristic of molecular weight protein phage. Phage FBa1, FBa2, and FBa3 had narrow host range and they were specific for infecting B. pumilus. Electron microscope observation showed that phage FBa1 had icosahedral head without tail (166.67 nm in diameter), so it is called phage-like particles. Characterization of phage FBa1 by SDS-PAGE showed five proteins band. Molecular weight of FBa1 proteins was 70.9, 54.9, 33.8, 28.3, and 21.4 kDa.
Lipase Activity of Endophytic Actinobacteria from Medicinal Plants Yulin Lestari; Budi Wirawan; Sri Budiarti; Min Rahminiwati
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 25 No. 1 (2018): January 2018
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.91 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.25.1.1


Endophytic bacteria are known to reside within host plant tissue without giving a harmfull effect. The endophytes may play an important role, as they may produce similar bioactive compounds as produced by the host plant. Various medicinal plants have long been used to cure diseases. Traditionally, leaves extract of Guazuma ulmifolia, Psidium guajava, or the rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza can be used to treat disease, e.g. hyperlipidemic. The mechanism can be through lipase activity, where the lipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol to fatty acids and acylglycerol. The objective of this research was to assess potency of endophytic bacteria as anti-hyperlipidemic compounds producer through their lipase activity. Sixty nine endophytic bacteria which comprised of 22, 27 and 20 isolates were isolated from the leaves of G. ulmifolia, P. guajava, and the rhizome of C. xanthorrhiza, respectively. Eight out of the 69 isolates showed lipase activity, and the two selected isolates, i.e. DPG 3(2) and AJB 4(4) were considered as good lipase producers. The highest specific lipase activity of DPG 3(2) isolate was observed for 0.874 units per mg at 38 h, whereas AJB 4(4) isolates had the specific lipase activity at 1.139 units per mg after 72 h observation. These data indicate that the two selected isolates have the potency as antihyperlipidemic compounds producer through their lipase activity.