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Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal) Vol 5 No 4 (2016)
Publisher : University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.734 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JMHU.2016.v05.i04.p10


The acceptance of corporation as the subject of criminal act brings problem to criminal law policy in corporation criminal act responsibility. There are 2 principle problems in this study : (1) How is the current criminal law policy in corporation criminal act responsibility?. (2) How is criminal law policy upon the corporation criminal act responsibility in ius constituendum perspective? The research used normative law method with legislation, comparative and law concept analysis approaches. The result of the research : (1) Criminal code has not regulates corporation as the subject of criminal act that is accountable for criminal law, nevertheless it is partial but inconsistent, (2) Criminal Code Bill 1999-2000 has clearly and completely regulated corporation as subject of criminal act and is accountable for criminal law and accept unconditional criminal responsibility as well as substitute criminal responsibility, although with the exception to solve difficult problem in order to prove mistakes made by corporation. Diterimanya korporasi sebagai subjek tindak pidana, dapat menimbulkan permasalahan kebijakan hukum pidana dalam pertanggungjawaban tindak pidana korporasi. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua permasalahan pokok, yaitu (1) Bagaimanakah kebijakan hukum pidana pada saat ini dalam pertanggungjawaban tindak pidana korporasi?. (2) Bagaimanakah kebijakan hukum pidana terhadap pertanggungjawaban tindak pidana korporasi dalam perspektif ius constituendum ? Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, perbandingan dan analisis konsep hukum. Hasil penelitian adalah : (1) KUHP tidak mengatur korporasi sebagai subjek tindak pidana yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hukum pidana sedangkan di beberapa perundang-undangan di luar KUHP telah mengatur korporasi sebagai subjek tindak pidana yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hukum pidana, namun masih bersifat parsial dan tidak konsisten, (2) Rancangan KUHP 2014-2015 telah mengatur secara lengkap dan tegas korporasi sebagai subjek tindak pidana dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hukum pidana dan menerima pertanggungjawaban pidana mutlak serta pertanggungjawaban pidana pengganti, meskipun dengan pengecualian untuk memecahkan persoalan kesulitan dalam membuktikan adanya unsur kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi.
Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal) Vol 3 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.648 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JMHU.2014.v03.i02.p04


How is the implementation of duties and authorities of supervisors andobservers judges of Denpasar District Court in founding the convict? What areobstacles that occur in implementation of duties and authorities of supervisorsand observers judges of Denpasar District Court in founding the convict? The method used in this research was empirical legal research. Itscharacteristic is descriptive.  The data sources that used are primary data,secondary data and tertiary data. The primary data / field data were obtained byinterviewing the relevant law enforcement officer that has been determined as asample. The secondary data were obtained of literature studies. The data wasanalyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis to get the vivid conclusion anddescription in discussing the problems in this research. Conclusions derived from this study include: implementation of duties andauthorities of supervisors and observers judges of Denpasar District Court infounding the convict are not running optimally in accordance with the legislationin force. The factor that obstruct are the numbers of supervisors and observersjudges of Denpasar District Court were not adequate, that was one person, therewas no special fund (Operational fund) and there were no strict sanctions forthose when they could not do the duties according to the applicable law; theycould only appeal to the law enforcement agencies / officers of Class IIADenpasar Penitentiary founding the convict.
Acta Comitas Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AC.2017.v02.i02.p08


Notary as a public official who has the authority to make an authentic notarial deed, performs the duties of his/her office in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the Notary Position. In addition to the authority to make an authentic notarial deed, a notary also has an obligation of keeping the confidentiality of the contents of the notarial deed that he or she made, pursuant to the Article 16 of paragraph (1) letter f of the Amended Law of the Law of Notary Position. Notary makes authentic notarial deed based on the provisions of the Articles 1320 and 1868 of the Indonesian Civil Code, as well as the provisions contained in the Law of Notary Position. One of their obligations is presenting instrumental witnesses in the reading of the notarial deed minimum of two (2) persons. Without the presence of the 2 (two) instrumental witnesses, then the notarial deed made by or before a notary has the privately made proofing. The problems in this study were to determine whether the instrumental witnesses have the obligation keep the confidentiality of the contents of the notarial deed, as the notaries do, and to find out the liability of the instrumental witnesses for the confidentiality of their notarial deeds that they signed. This study is a normative legal research which departed from the obscurity of the applicable norm on the provisions of the Law of the Notary Position on the instrumental witnesses related to their liability to disclosure the contents of the notarial deed. This study used the related statutory approach, literature books, and dictionaries as the legal materials. The results of this study indicated that the instrumental witnesses as one of the formal requirements in the process of making an authentic notarial deed who are also the integral parts of the notary, should have an obligation to keep the confidentiality of the contents of the notarial deed. This is to prevent the leakage of secrets related to the contents of the notarial deed that may be committed by the instrumental witnesses, as well as to protect the interests of the parties on the notarial deed. A less clearly-stated provision related to the instrumental witnesses in the Law of the Notary Position has resulted in any action taken by the instrumental witnesses to become one unity with the notary, or regarded as the own responsibility of the notary. In order to provide legal certainty and legal protection to the instrumental witnesses, as well as to protect the notaries in carrying out their office, the necessary arrangements regarding the obligations and responsibilities of the instrumental witnesses should be clearly specified in the Law of the Notary Position.
Criminal Policy Formulation on Regulation of Death Penalties for Criminal Actors I Dewa Made Suartha
Journal of Morality and Legal Culture Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Journal of Morality and Legal Culture
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jmail.v1i1.44743


This article is encouraging this problem solving with finding and analyzing the formulation of the criminal offense criteria to punishable by death in Indonesian criminal law and reformulation of setting the criminal offender measurement that sentenced to death from the perspective of ius constituendum. The article based on normative legal research by examining primary and secondary legal materials by collecting legal-materials using a card system. The analytical approach uses legislation, concepts, and comparisons. The research analysis was present in the form of descriptive analysis with evaluative, systematic, formulating, and argumentative techniques in this article. The results of this research that conducted are the Indonesian criminal law does not regulate the criminal act criteria that punishable by death so that the execution of the death penalty results in injustice to both the perpetrator, the victim, and the community. The reformulation of Indonesian criminal law shall focus on the objectives and guidelines for the punishment of perpetrators of criminal offenses punishable by death refers to the Draft Criminal Code and the involvement of the victim and the community in their interests if in the execution of capital punishment there is a change to imprisonment or life imprisonment
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.12.1.2018.1-10


ABSTRAK Diterimanya korporasi sebagai subyek tindak pidana, sehingga menimbulkan permasalahan kebijakan hukum pidana dalam pertanggungjawaban tindak pidana korporasi. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua permasalahan pokok, yaitu (1) Bagaimanakah kebijakan hukum pidana pada saat ini dalam pertanggungjawaban tindak pidana korporasi? (2) Bagaimanakah kebijakan hukum pidana terhadap pertanggungjawaban tindak pidana korporasi dalam perspektif ius constituendum ? Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, perbandingan dan analisis konsep hukum. Hasil penelitian adalah : (1) KUHP tidak mengatur korporasi sebagai subyek tindak pidana yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hukum pidana dan beberapa perundang-undangan di luar KUHP telah mengatur korporasi sebagai subyek tindak pidana yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hukum pidana, namun masih bersifat parsial dan tidak konsisten, (2) Rancangan KUHP 2014-2015 telah mengatur secara lengkap dan tegas korporasi sebagai subyek tindak pidana dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam hukum pidana dan menerima pertanggungjawaban pidana mutlak serta pertanggungjawaban pidana pengganti, meskipun dengan pengecualian untuk memecahkan persoalan kesulitan dalam membuktikan adanya unsur kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi. Kata kunci : Kebijakan korporasi, Tindak pidana, dan Pertanggungjawaban. ABSTRACT The acceptance of corporation as the subject of criminal act brings problem to criminal law policy in corporation criminal act responsibility. There are 2 principle problems in this study : (1) How is the current criminal law policy in corporation criminal act responsibility? (2) How is criminal law policy upon the corporation criminal act responsibility in ius constituendum perspective? The research used normative law method with legislation, comparative and law concept analysis approaches. The result of the research : (1) Criminal code has not regulates corporation as the subject of criminal act that is accountable for criminal law, nevertheless it is partial but inconsistent, (2) Criminal Code Bill 1999-2000 has clearly and completely regulated corporation as subject of criminal act and is accountable for criminal law and accept unconditional criminal responsibility as well as substitute criminal responsibility, although with the exception to solve difficult problem in order to prove mistakes made by corporation. Keywords: Policy on corporation, Criminal act, and Responsibility.