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DISTRIBUTION OF Hoya multiflora Blume AT GUNUNG GEDE PANGRANGO NATIONAL PARK, INDONESIA Rahayu, Sri; Kusmana, Cecep; Abdulhadi, Rochadi; Jusuf, Muhammad; Suharsono, Suharsono
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 7, No 1 (2010): Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency

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Hoya multiflora is one of the valuable germplasm in Indonesia that has been utilized as ornamental and medicinal plant. This epiphytic plant faces problems in decreasing habitat. As a means for developing a habitat framework for describing the distributions and ecological relations of H.multiflora at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, Bogor, Indonesia, ecological study of this species was established over the ranges of altitudes and characteristic vegetation structural types (primary and secondary forest, and plantation) present in the Park. Recognizing the fact that such study requires multidisciplinar y data, this paper explores the evidences from both herbarium sheets and field observations. The result of the study showed that the population of this species was only found at the Bodogol Research Station at elevation of 700 - 900 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Thus, the facts contradict with the evidence from the herbarium sheets of the Herbarium Bogoriense which have presumed that this species has a wide variation of altitudinal range from 20 to 1500 m a.s.l. (Indonesia) or 200 - 1400 m a.s.l. ( Java). The Bodogol’s population showed the clumped type of dispersion (Morisita’s Index = 1.35), which indicated such environment that was characterized by patchy resources. Direction and speed of wind coupled with the topography are ecological factors that affect to the distribution of this parachute typed seeds of the H.multiflora.
Modeling Hot Spot Motor Vehicle Theft Crime in Relation to Landuse and Settlement Patterns Marwasta, Djaka; Suharsono, Suharsono
Forum Geografi Vol 17, No 2 (2003)
Publisher : Forum Geografi

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The crowd of Yogyakarta urban has impacted its surrounding area, including Depok sub district, which is indicated by the rising of physical development, for example education facilities and settlements. The progress does not only bring positive impact, but also negative impact for instance the rising of crime number i.e. motor vehicle robbery. The aims of this research are 1) mapping motor vehicle robbery data as the distribution map and identifying motor vehicle robbery hot spot base on distrbution map; and 2) studying the correlation of motor vehicle robbery hot spot with physical environment phenomena, i.e. land use type and settlement pattern. The research method consists of two parts; they are motor vehicle robbery cluster analysis and the relation of motor vehicle robbery and physical environment analysis. Motor vehicle robbery cluster analysis is using distribution data, which analyzes the distribution into motor vehicle robbery hot spot with nearest neighbor tehnique. Contingency coefficient and frequency distribution analysis is used to analyze the correlation of motor vehicle robbery hot spot and physical environment. Contingency coefficient is used to study the relation of motor vehicle robbery hot spot polygon with physical environment condition, whereas frequency distribution is used to study the distribution of motor vehicle robbery in the hot spot with physical environment condition. Physical environment which consists of land use type, housing density, house regularity pattern, and the average of building size, are obtained from interpretation of black and white panchromatic aerial photograph year 2000, in the scale 1 : 20.000. the most motor vehicle robbery hot spot is found on the settlement area, 68,3% from 378 motor vehicle robbery cases in the hot spot. The seond level is found on the education area (16.4%). The most motor vehicle hot spot in the settlement is found on the hight density and irregular settlement, which have big size buildings. The calculation of contingency coefficient shows that there was a significant correlation between motor vehicle robbery hot spot with land use type and settlement pattern, but it has low correlation value. It means that land use type and settlement pattern have weak influence to the hot spot existence.
Prospek Varietas Toleran dalam Pengendalian Hama Kutu Kebul pada Kacang Tanah Kasno, Astanto; Suharsono, Suharsono; Trustinah, Trustinah
Buletin Iptek Tanaman Pangan Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Desember 2015
Publisher : Puslitbang Tanaman Pangan

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The status of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) as a major pest of groundnut had increased in the past few years. Severe pest attacks occurred in the hot and dry season caused significant groundnut yield loss. An effective component of whitefly control is the use of resistant varieties since it has a wide host range. Evaluation of groundnut for resistant germplasms had been carried out with resistant criteria as a basis for the assesment. So far there has been no resistant groundnut genotypes identified as indicated by the number of whiteflies observed on each of groundnut genotype (256 whiteflies per accession). The resistance was defined as the ability of plants to grow under the pest infestation and produce acceptable yield. In this study, the pod yield criteria for resistance to whitefly were set up as follow: >1.2 t/ha = resistant (R); 1.0 to 1.2 t/ha = moderately resistant (MR), and <1.0 t/ha = susceptible (S). Based on these criteria and selection limit of 50% pod yield, 15 groundnut genotypes were found resistant to whitefly with pod yields ranging from 1.2-2.0 t/ha dry pods. Three groundnut varieties that resistant to whitefly were Takar 1, Talam 1, and Landak. Among these varieties, Takar 1 was the most resistant variety to whitefly. In order to maintain the resistance and to avoid the development of new strains of whiteflies, it is suggested that the planting of resistant groundnut should be integrated with selective use of insecticides.
DISTRIBUTION OF Hoya multiflora Blume AT GUNUNG GEDE PANGRANGO NATIONAL PARK, INDONESIA Rahayu, Sri; Kusmana, Cecep; Abdulhadi, Rochadi; Jusuf, Muhammad; Suharsono, Suharsono
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 7, No 1 (2010): Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Forestry Research and Development Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2010.7.1.42-52


Hoya multiflora is one of the valuable germplasm in Indonesia that has been utilized as ornamental and medicinal plant. This epiphytic plant faces problems in decreasing habitat. As a means for developing a habitat framework for describing the distributions and ecological relations of H.multiflora at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, Bogor, Indonesia, ecological study of this species was established over the ranges of altitudes and characteristic vegetation structural types (primary and secondary forest, and plantation) present in the Park. Recognizing the fact that such study requires multidisciplinar y data, this paper explores the evidences from both herbarium sheets and field observations. The result of the study showed that the population of this species was only found at the Bodogol Research Station at elevation of 700 - 900 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Thus, the facts contradict with the evidence from the herbarium sheets of the Herbarium Bogoriense which have presumed that this species has a wide variation of altitudinal range from 20 to 1500 m a.s.l. (Indonesia) or 200 - 1400 m a.s.l. ( Java). The Bodogol’s population showed the clumped type of dispersion (Morisita’s Index = 1.35), which indicated such environment that was characterized by patchy resources. Direction and speed of wind coupled with the topography are ecological factors that affect to the distribution of this parachute typed seeds of the H.multiflora.
TUMPANGSARI SORGUM DAN KEDELAI UNTUK MENDUKUNG PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN TBM KARET (HEVEA BRASILIENSIS MUELL ARG) Tistama, Radite; Dalimunthe, Cici Indriani; Sembiring, YanRiska Venata; Fauzi, Iif Rahmat; Hastuti, Ratih Dewi; Suharsono, Suharsono
Jurnal Penelitian Karet JPK : Volume 34, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Karet - PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/ppk.jpk.v34i1.222


Penanaman sorgum (Sorghum bicolor) dan kedelai (Glycine max) sebagai tanaman tumpangsari merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk mendukung upaya pengembangan pertanian berkelanjutan dan peningkatan produksi pangan Indonesia.  Lahan karet belum menghasilkan cukup luas untuk dimanfaatkan untuk upaya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pola tanam tumpangsari yang tepat dan melihat interaksinya terhadap tanaman karet baik dalam hal penyebaran penyakit jamur akar putih dan kesuburan tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua faktor perlakuan dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu jarak tanaman tumpangsari 0,5 m, 1 m dan 1,5 m terhadap tanaman karet, dan jenis tanaman tumpangsari yaitu sorgum dan kedelai. Penelitian dilakukan di gawangan tanaman karet umur 1 tahun (TBM 1) dan umur 3 tahun (TBM 3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh jarak tanaman tumpangsari pada setiap perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman karet. Tanaman tumpangsari sorgum dan kedelai meningkatkan pH, fosfor, nitrogen, dan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) di dalam tanah, serta dapat menekan penyebaran penyakit Jamur Akar Putih (JAP). Produksi tumpangsari menunjukkan pola tanam kedelai dan sorgum terbaik pada jarak tanam 0,5 m dari tanaman karet dan tumpangsari sorgum dan kedelai (tunggal) pada TBM 1 dapat memberikan keuntungan serta nilai tambah bagi usahatani karet. Diterima : 6 Januari 2016 / Direvisi : 20 Juli 2016 / Disetujui : 30 Juli 2016 How to Cite : Tistama, R., Dalimunthe, C., Sembiring, Y., Fauzi, I., Hastuti, R., & Suharsono, S. (2016). Tumpangsari sorgum dan kedelai untuk mendukung produktivitas lahan TBM Karet (Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg). Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 0, 61-76. Retrieved from
ISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI GEN SITRAT SINTASE BAKTERI Pseudomonas aeruginosa DARI FILOSFER Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. Tistama, Radite; Widyastuti, Utut; Suharsono, Suharsono
Jurnal Penelitian Karet JPK : Volume 31, Nomor 2, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Karet - PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/ppk.jpk.v31i2.140


Pseudomonas aeruginosa merupakan bakteri utama di dalam rizosfer yang mempunyai sifat-sifat yang dapat dimanfaatkan di dalam pertanian dan lingkungan. Bakteri tersebut mensekresikan asam organik yang dapat melepaskan fosfor dan melindungi akar dari keracunan aluminium. Sitrat merupakan asam organik yang dominan disekresikan oleh Pseudomonas di dalam tanah. Sitrat menujukkan afinitas terhadap aluminium dan menyediakan fosfor yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan asam organik lainnya. Asam organik ini disintesis dai sebuah reaksi antara aksaloasetat dan asetil KoA, dikatalisis oleh sitrat sintase (CS) di dalam siklus Kreb. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi sitrat sintase dari Pseudomonas aeruginosa yang telah diisolasi dari permukaan daun tanaman karet. Primer spesifik untuk gen CCS didesain berdasarkan sekuen gen sitrat sintase beberapa bakteri yang disimpan di Genbank. Primer tersebut digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi gen CS dengan menggunakan mesin PCR. Gen CS telah berhasil diisolasi dari bakteri filosfere Pseudomonas aerugunosa. Gen CS Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PaCS) tersebut terdiri dari 1287 pb dan menyandikan 428 asam amino.  PaCS mempunyai kesamaan asam amino yang tinggi dan hidrofobisitas dengan CS bakteri lainnya dan diduga mempunyai persamaan aktivitas enzim. Diterima : 11 April 2013; Disetujui : 17 September 2013  How to Cite : Tistama, R., Widyastuti, U., & Suharsono. (2013). Isolasi dan karakterisasi gen sitrat sintase bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa dari filosfer Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 31(2), 127-138. Retrieved from  
Efikasi Cendawan Entomopatogenik Untuk Mengendalikan Ulat Bulu Prayogo, Yusmani; Marwoto, Marwoto; Suharsono, Suharsono
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v8i1.3068


The efficacy of entomopthogenic fungus for Tussock Moth Caterpillars Control. The occurrence of Tussock Moth Caterpillar (TMC) out break reported in some areas in East Java at Probolinggo, Malang, Batu and other districts were worried. The high caterpillar population not only attacking mangos, cherry, and wild watercress, but also migrating to living house before pupation. The available control of these caterpillar is chemical pesticide. However, thechemical will kill the natural enemies and other beneficial insects. A laboratory experiment to study the efficacy of five entomopathogenic fungus against TMC and pupae was conducted at the Entomology Laboratory of Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (ILETRI) in April 2011. Our experiment was arranged using completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates using five entomopthogenic fungus. The efficacy was determined by the mortality of caterpillar/larva and pupae infected by the fungus. Result showed that these five fungus had not effectively kill the caterpillar, as the dense setae in integument acted as a mechanical barrier to fungus infection. The pupal stage was more susceptible to fungus infection. It was found that Paecilomyces fumosoroseus and Lecanicillium lecanii fungus were more effective than Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and Nomuraea rileyi repectively. These two fungus could kill 90% of pupae and also were easier to be cultured in a wide range of natural media. Therefore P. fumosoroseus and L. lecanii are potentially used as a biological control agent against TMC out break.Keywords: Entomopathogenic fungus, hairy caterpillar, incubation period, colonization
Pengaruh Radiasi Sinar Gamma dan Asam Fusarat untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan Abaka (Musa textilis Nee) terhadap Fasariurn oxysporum Damayanti, Fitri; Suharsono, Suharsono; Mariska, Ika
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (707.082 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v3i4.3285


ABSTRACTEffect of gamma radiation and fusaric acid for resistance to wild Fusarium disease onabaca plant (Mum textillis Nee). The problem in abaca production is wilt disease infectioncaused by Fusarium oxysporzim. The resistant variety against the pathogen has not beenavailable yet. The disease resistance character of the species might be improved throughsomaclonal variation and in vitro selection. Different pure toxin of fusaric acid concentration(0, 15,30,45,60, and 75 mg/l) was used as component selection to get new hope numbers ofresistant abaca to wilt Fusarium disease through in vitro selection. Concentration of 45 mgllfusaric acid is lethal for abaca, so we used this concentration as dose of selection to selectshoots from irradiated calli. Gamma irradiation was used as mutagent to increase somaclonalvariation on abaca. Six levels of gamma-ray radiation (0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 Krad) were appliedto embriogenic calli. Increasing dose of radiation decreased the viability of calli. LDso wasfound between 1-1.5 Krad of radiation dose. In vitro selection was carried out in two stages.The concentration of selection of hsaric acid in stage I1 was increased one level to theconcentration in stage 1. Stage I selection of shoots from irradiated calli on mediumcontaining pure toxin 45 mg/l fusaric acid, showed that the survival capacity decreasing withthe increasing doses of gamma irradiation. In stage 11, shoots from irradiated calli (at 0.5 and1 Krad) could survive on medium containing 60 mg/l fusaric acid. In medium selectioncontaining 50% filtrate F. oxysporum, fusaric acid resistant shoots were also filtrate resistant.There was a correlation between in vitro fusaric acid and filtrate of F. oxysporum resistantplant and conidia suspension of F. oxysporum resistkt plant in the greenhouse.Keywords: Gamma radiation, in vitro selection, fusaric acid, Musa textilis, Fusariumoxysporum
Modeling Hot Spot Motor Vehicle Theft Crime in Relation to Landuse and Settlement Patterns Marwasta, Djaka; Suharsono, Suharsono
Forum Geografi Vol 17, No 2 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v17i2.533


The crowd of Yogyakarta urban has impacted its surrounding area, including Depok sub district, which is indicated by the rising of physical development, for example education facilities and settlements. The progress does not only bring positive impact, but also negative impact for instance the rising of crime number i.e. motor vehicle robbery. The aims of this research are 1) mapping motor vehicle robbery data as the distribution map and identifying motor vehicle robbery hot spot base on distrbution map; and 2) studying the correlation of motor vehicle robbery hot spot with physical environment phenomena, i.e. land use type and settlement pattern. The research method consists of two parts; they are motor vehicle robbery cluster analysis and the relation of motor vehicle robbery and physical environment analysis. Motor vehicle robbery cluster analysis is using distribution data, which analyzes the distribution into motor vehicle robbery hot spot with nearest neighbor tehnique. Contingency coefficient and frequency distribution analysis is used to analyze the correlation of motor vehicle robbery hot spot and physical environment. Contingency coefficient is used to study the relation of motor vehicle robbery hot spot polygon with physical environment condition, whereas frequency distribution is used to study the distribution of motor vehicle robbery in the hot spot with physical environment condition. Physical environment which consists of land use type, housing density, house regularity pattern, and the average of building size, are obtained from interpretation of black and white panchromatic aerial photograph year 2000, in the scale 1 : 20.000. the most motor vehicle robbery hot spot is found on the settlement area, 68,3% from 378 motor vehicle robbery cases in the hot spot. The seond level is found on the education area (16.4%). The most motor vehicle hot spot in the settlement is found on the hight density and irregular settlement, which have big size buildings. The calculation of contingency coefficient shows that there was a significant correlation between motor vehicle robbery hot spot with land use type and settlement pattern, but it has low correlation value. It means that land use type and settlement pattern have weak influence to the hot spot existence.
REKAYASA EKSPRESI GEN PEMBUNGAAN Hd3a DIBAWAH KENDALI PROMOTER ROL C PADA JARAK PAGAR (Jatropha curcas L.) Sulistyaningsih, Yohana C; Hartana, Alex; Widyastuti, Utut; Hamim, Hamim; Suharsono, Suharsono
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 10, No 6 (2011)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.374 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v10i6.1940


Flowering in jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) was considered as one of major factors that contribute to its productivity. Small number of female flowers produced in each inflorescence was believed as the main cause of low seed production.Introduction of Hd3a flowering gene driven by rol C promoter was supposed to improve total number of flowers including female flower.The objective of this research was to optimize cell proliferation and regeneration medium in Jatropha transformation method mediated by Agrobacterium, to obtain transgenic Jatropha containing Hd3a flowering gene as well as to understand the effect of this transgene on jatropha flowering character.Callus induction medium containing 0.5 mg/1 IBA added with 3 g/1 PVP produced the highest frequency of shoot formation.We obtained 26.67% to 33.33% putative transgenic plantlets that were able to grow in 40mg/l hygromycin selection medium. PCR analysis revealed that seven out of 10 putative transgenic plantlets were positively transgenic.Extremely early flowering character that was confirmed by histological analysis was also shown by some transgenic plantlets.