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Bioakumulasi dan Toksisitas Logam Timbal Terhadap Ikan Plati (Oryzias latipes) Suhendrayatna, Suhendrayatna; Muhammad Zaki, Muhammad Zaki; Hakim, Arief Rahman; Al Harist, Al Harist
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Reaksi Vol 1, No 2 (2003): Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Reaksi
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jstr.v1i2.47


Berkaitan dengan pengaruh logam timbal pada ekosistem perairan, studi tentang toksisitas dan akumulasi logam timbal ada ikan Plati (Oryzias latipes) dilakukan pada skala laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lethal concentration 50 % (LC50) logam timbal terhadap ikan Plati (Oryzias latipes) adalah sebesar 947,7 ppm. Pada saat ikan Plati (Oryzias latipes) dihidupkan pada air yang mengandung timbal, jumlah timbal yang diakumulasikan pada sel meningkat sejalan meningkatnya konsentrasi timbal pada air. Selama 3 hari pemaparan, sebanyak 80% dari timbal yang terakumulasi dalam sel tersebut diekskresikan pada air.Kata kunci : Toksisitas, Bioakumulasi, dan Ikan Plati (Oryzias latipes).
Tantangan dan Strategi Akademisi Perempuan Dalam Pencapaian Gelar Akademik Tertinggi: Studi Kasus di Universitas Syiah Kuala Andini, Rita; Safitri, Rini; T, Ade; Ikhsan Sulaiman, Muhammad; Olivia, Monita; L, Erika; Pardede, Pardede; Afifuddin, Muhammad; Suhendrayatna, Suhendrayatna; Darusman, Darusman
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan (JPK) Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jpk.v2i3.12665


niversitas Syiah Kuala atau ‘Unsyiah’ yang terletak di ujung pulau Sumatera, tergolong universitas menengah di Indonesia dengan kurang lebih 30.000 mahasiswa yang terdiri dari 132 program studi. Ini tercatat sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi (HEI) tertua dan paling mapan di provinsi ini. Sekitar 2.200 dosen dipekerjakan dan didominasi oleh akademisi perempuan, yaitu hingga 56%. Dari total jumlah dosen, 38% sudah meraih gelar Doktor. Namun demikian, jumlah Guru Besar di semua fakultas masih sangat rendah (5%) dan didominasi oleh laki-laki. Hanya 15 dari total profesor (N= 73) adalah akademisi perempuan, berhasil “memecahkan langit-langit kaca”, dan akhirnya mencapai jabatan guru besar. Kondisi seperti itu juga menyiratkan kesenjangan yang sangat besar di bidang akademik, antara kedua jenis kelamin dalam mencapai karir terpenting mereka. Kajian ini melaporkan identifikasi dan kendala yang biasanya dihadapi serta faktor pendukung yang dibutuhkan oleh sivitas akademika perempuan dalam meraih jabatan guru besar di Unsyiah, yang juga dapat diterapkan sebagai kondisi umum di HEI lainnya. Kuesioner berbasis online digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dari peserta di sepuluh fakultas. Responden perempuan berusia antara 30-70 tahun, yang sebagian besar memiliki keluarga - telah berpartisipasi dalam kuesioner. Faktor-faktor diidentifikasi, dan disajikan dalam diagram. Studi ini menyarankan beberapa strategi dan beberapa rekomendasi terkait pengarusutamaan gender yang dimiliki oleh kebijakan dan praktik universitas yang mungkin berguna untuk meningkatkan jumlah profesor perempuan di institusi untuk jangka panjang.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 1, September 2013
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Planning and building of water supply in rural areas aimed at helping rural communities who do not have access to adequate clean water especially medium to lower income people. Not all communities in the District of Reparation Nara have clean water in their homes - each, the tough get clean water every day and spend the time to get their water through the trail and winding road to get to the water source. Based on these problems, this study aimed to complement the building plan of clean water that can be distributed to neighborhood residents with community participation in the management and in maintenance. The study was conducted by calculating the water needs of the people and community participation in the management of water supply through the distribution of questionnaires (questionnaire) contains several questions relating to the need for clean water. This method is done by descriptive surveys with making analytical processing of data in terms of percentage in the form of a bar chart to make a conclusion. The results showed that through the design of the building is the public water supply already has a concept to build a clean water future. The results of the questionnaire showed people are looking forward to construction of water supply, and is ready to support the development and management. The study design of buildings generate clean water to meet the needs of clean water for the village of Paya Beke with and management by promoting community involvement in both systems management and maintenance ongoing basis.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Volume 1 Special Issue, Nomor 2, Desember 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstract : Hoarding rubbish experience will decompose to produce methane gas (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which is one of the greenhouse gases that lead to global warming. This study was conducted to assess the management of household waste by estimating and comparing the amount of carbon (CH4) and (CO2) generated by household waste in the sub-district of Ulee Kareng the existing condition, and 3R. The composition and calculation of the amount of household waste in the sub-district of Ulee Kareng performed according to the method SNI 19-3964-1994. Results of IPCC data were processed using a method to estimate the amount of carbon produced. Results and research shows that household waste generation mean for the sub-District of Ulee Kareng is 0.27 kg/ or 1.63 L/ The waste composition is wet waste (food scraps and garden waste) by 44%, 13.36% wood trash, waste paper and cardboard 11.59%. Carbon emissions on the existing condition of 143.43 MTS/year, and carbon emissions by 3R found MTCE 38.12/ year. Recommendations can be given for waste management in reducing the amount of emissions released in the sub-district of Ulee Kareng is the 3R efforts through recycling and composting.Abstrak : Sampah yang ditimbun akan terurai menghasilkan gas metana (CH4) dan karbon dioksida (CO2) yang merupakan salah satu gas rumah kaca yang mengakibatkan pemanasan global. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai pengelolaan limbah rumah tangga dengan memperkirakan dan membandingkan jumlah karbon (CH4) dan (CO2) yang dihasilkan oleh limbah rumah tangga di kecamatan Ulee Kareng pada saat ini, dan 3R. Komposisi dan perhitungan jumlah sampah rumah tangga di kecamatan Ulee Kareng dilakukan sesuai metode SNI 19-3964-1994. Hasil data IPCC diolah dengan menggunakan metode untuk memperkirakan jumlah karbon yang dihasilkan. Hasil dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pembangkitan sampah rumah tangga untuk kecamatan Ulee Kareng adalah 0,27 kg / atau 1,63 L / orang/hari. Komposisi limbahnya adalah limbah basah (sisa makanan dan limbah kebun) sebesar 44%, sampah kayu 13,36%, kertas bekas dan kardus 11,59%. Emisi karbon pada saat ini 143,43 MTS / tahun, dan emisi karbon sebesar 3R di dapat MTCE 38.12 / tahun. Rekomendasi yang bisa diberikan untuk pengelolaan limbah dalam mengurangi jumlah emisi yang dilepas di subdistrik Ulee Kareng adalah upaya 3R melalui daur ulang dan pengomposan.
Uptake of Mercury Ion in a Wetland Plant, Canna Sp. . Suhendrayatna; Henny Marlina; Muhammad Zaki; . Elvitriana
Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter Vol 5, No 1 (2015): Engineering
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

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Canna Sp. is one of the plants that can live in conditions of wetland cultivated in freshwater courses, which often serve as recipients for domestic and other sorts of wastewater. In the context of its life ability, this study deals to investigate the capacity of Canna Sp. in uptake toxic heavy metal mercury from a wetland system. Canna Sp. was cultivated in a polybag contained wastewater for a couple months to reach acclimatization. The wastewater contained mercury ions in different concentrations of 1.2; 0.96 and 0.36 mg-Hg/L. Each polybags contained five stems of Canna Sp. Control media (contain no mercury in media) were also prepared for these treatments. During 14 days of the experiment, the atmospheric air and water temperature (30+3 oC is optimum) were maintained and every five days, length of stems, concentration of mercury ion in water phase, and its tissue were analyzed. The concentration of mercury in shoots, leaves, and roots were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Shimadzu AA 6300 after destructed using TCLP method. Results showed that Canna Sp. has resistant a survival on water phase containing mercury and it inhibits the growth of Canna Sp. in the log phase. The highest mercury ion uptake by Canna Sp. occurred in the root (1.16 – 1.34 mg-Hg/kg) compared to the leaves (0.05 – 0.33 mg-Hg/kg) and the shoots (0.29-0.69 mg-Hg/kg). These results reached to the conclusion that Canna Sp. has a potential for mercury phytoremediation application in a wetland system.
Oil yield of green microalgae isolated from ponds around Banda Aceh City . Marwan; . Suhendrayatna; . Bahagia
Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter Vol 1, No 2 (2011): Engineering
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

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Study on CO2 fixation for the growth of oil-produced green microalgae by cultivating the algae in illuminated glass containers was conducted. Green algae were isolated from some water pond samples around Banda Aceh. The samples contain mixed biomasses. The types of microalgae, as the results of the isolation was identified, and then cultivated in the CO2 bubbled containers. The algae growth and oil yield were observed under different mediums (modified Detmer and modified CHU-13) and illumination (2 x 8 watts and 4 x 8 watts). Tanjong Selamat samples were used throughout this research based on initial screening stage. The two medium used led to different growths of the algae; the Detmer medium giving higher growth rate. Faster growth rates were found for cultivation using modified Detmer medium and 4 x 8 watts illumination. The oil yield was determined by solvent extraction method. Oil yield using the CHU-13 medium was 88.5%, much higher than the yield of Detmer medium sample 55.4%. It shows the potential use of local green microalgae to produce alternative bio-oil.
Mercury in sediment and freshwater organisms from Kr. Sikulat River around the artisanal gold mining plants in Sawang, Aceh Province, Indonesia . Suhendrayatna; . Elvitriana
Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Engineering
Publisher : Syiah Kuala University

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Artisanal gold miners in Sawang use mercury in gold separation process. The workers put gold ore and mercury into the tumblers to extract gold and silver by amalgamation method. After gold and silver are isolated from the ore as amalgam, mercury is vaporized by burning with an oil burner. Furthermore, wastewater containing mercury is discharged at landfills and Kr. Sikulat River stream. With the purpose of knowing the impact of small-scale gold mining plant in Sawang, the concentrations of mercury in Kr. Sikulat River sediment and the accumulation of mercury in tissues of freshwater organisms from Kr. Sikulat River were investigated. Sediments were taken from locations near the gold mining plant and freshwater organisms were caught in the estuary from Kr. Sikulat River. Samples were transported live to the laboratory and sampled dissected after death. Tissue from each organism were removed and grained after dried. Total mercury analyzed using an Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), AA-6300 Shimadzu. The results showed that the concentration of mercury in sediment found 0.0339 mg-Hg/kg, while the concentration of mercury in the water phase were found 0.005 – 0.047 mg-Hg/L. Mercury was also found in the concentration of 0.1903 mg-Hg/kg accumulated in the shellfish, but it was not found accumulated in other freshwater organisms such as fish and shrimp. Based on these results, a regular monitoring program in Kr. Sikulat River is necessary conducted in order to better elucidate the rate of bioaccumulation and biomagnification by organisms
Penurunan Kadar Amonia Dalam Limbah Cair Oleh Tanaman Air Typha Latifolia (Tanaman Obor) Heri Afriadi Aka; Suhendrayatna .; Syaubari .
Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah Vol 4, No 3: Agustus 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah

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Abstrak. Keberadaan amonia berlebih sangat berbahaya bagi kehidupan di lingkungan air. Amonia merupakan polutan yang sangat berbahaya karena dalam jumlah yang besar dapat menyebabkan kematian organisme. Untuk mencegah dan mengatasi permasalahan pencemaran air oleh limbah amonia dapat digunakan beragam metode. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah fitoremediasi. Fitoremediasi adalah upaya penggunaan tanaman dan bagian-bagiannya untuk dekontaminasi limbah dan masalah-masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Pada proses fitoremediasi tidak semua tanaman dapat digunakan dikarenakan semua tanaman tidak dapat melakukan metabolisme, volatilisasi dan akumulasi semua polutan dengan mekanisme yang sama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kemampuan tanaman air Typha latifolia menyerap amonia di dalam limbah, dan mengetahui pengaruh variabel-variabel yang divariasikan di dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman air Typha latifolia memilki kemampuan yang baik dalam menyerap amonia. Penurunan konsentrasi amonia berbanding lurus dengan tinggi tanaman dan HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time).
Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah Vol 4, No 4: November 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah

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This research is purposed to study the mixture ratio that can be used to produce mortar which meets SNI standard, by substituting a part of sand with bottom ash collected from RSUD Dr.Zainoel Abidin incinerator in the mixture. The mixture planning was done according to practical instruction ASTM C 305, and compressive strenght test on the mortar produced was performed. The mixture ratio of cement: sand: ash that was used was 1:3:1, 1:2:2, and 1:1:3. The testing materials were 63 cubes with dimension 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm. The compressive strenght test  result after 28 days of mortar curing time showed that the mortar in every mixture ratio has met SNI 03-6882-2002, which is a specification of mortar for masonry work. The highest result of compressive strenght test is 18.71 MPa, which was obtained from mixture ratio 1:3:1, with addition of incinerator bootom ash by 25% of volume of sand used, but the value was decreasing as the increasing amount of incinerator bottom ash added in the mixture. The result of compression test on mortar with incinerator bottom ash addition was bigger and characteristically seemed more compact compared to mortar without ash.
Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah Vol 3, No 2: Mei 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah

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Performance evaluation of liquid waste treatment psychiatric hospitals of Banda Aceh. The management of liquid waste is part of the hospital that serves to protect the public from the dangers of environmental pollution, so it takes a good handling and right through the installation of wastewater treatment (IPAL). This research aims to know the methods of the management and processing of liquid waste conducted by RSJ Banda Aceh, to know the management system and waste liquid waste RSJ Banda Aceh with the Raw quality of the applicable Legislation and regulations and to know the conditions of the environment around the area of RSJ Banda Aceh, before and after the existence of the management of liquid waste. The research sample is liquid waste RSJ Banda Aceh before being processed (inlet), liquid waste after being processed (outlet), drainage and wells. Parameters measured are the BOD (mg/L), COD (mg/L), pH, TSS (mg/L) and temperature (oC) compared to KEPMEN LH No. 58, in 1995 about the raw quality of liquid waste for the activities of the hospital. The analysis of the data used for the determination of the status of the quality of waste water  Pollution Index method (IP) and data analysis using SPSS version 16.0 questionnaire. The results showed that wastewater RSJ Banda Aceh is in the category of light impurities with PIj values of 2.457, so as not to endanger the population around the area of RSJ Banda Aceh.Keywords: Wastewater Management, Wastewater liquid of Hospital, Wastewater Treatment by RSJ Banda Aceh