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Peran Asam Klorogenat Terhadap Ekspresi Gen; miRNA 146 A, Caspase 3, Cyclin D1, dan Kematian Sel Kanker Hepatoseluler Model Cell Lines Hep-G2 SUKOHAR, ASEP; HERAWATTI, HENING; WITARTO, ARIEF B
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Jan - Mar 2014
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Chlorogenic acid (CA) is the active compound isolated from medicinal plants, can be used as a chemopreventive agents of hepatocellular cancer (HCC). It works as an exogenous antioxidant and inhibit growth of cancer cells through the inhibition of free radicals. The purpose of this study is to know mechanism of CA in inhibition to growth of Hep-G2 through apoptosis stimulation. In vitro study was performed Hep-G2 cells. The samples were divided into the control group treatment and experiment group expose to 727, 500 and 250 ?M and 3 times repetition. Expression of miRNA 146 A, caspase 3 and cyclin D1 examined by RT-PCR CFX-96. Samples were analysed at 0, 8, 18, and 24 hours after exposure CA. The data were statistically tested by repeated measurement, pearson, and multivariate regression. The results showed that cell death of Hep-G2 were increase as the dose increase and time, at 8 hours after exposure CA cell death of Hep-G2 increased as much as 35,68, 37,75, 40,86%. At 18 hours cell death of Hep-G2 increased as much as 54,56, 56,48, and 59,73%. At 24 hours cell death of Hep-G2 increased as much as 67,73, 69,37, and 72,16%. The lowest expression miRNA 146 A in group 24 hours after exposure at doses of 727 ?M CA (0,85), followed by 500 ?M (1,28) and the highest expression at a dose of 250 ?M (1,61). The result of repeated measurement test: miRNA 146 A and caspase 3 at 8th and 18th hours was significantly different to the 24th with p<0.05. The expression of caspase 3 increase from 0-24 hours, the highest expression of caspase 3 in group 18 hours after exposure at doses CA at 750 ?M (3,86). After 18 hours, expression caspase 3 decreased and the lowest in group 24 hours after exposure: at a dose of 250 ?M (1,52). Expression of cyclin D1 decrease from 0-24 hours with the highest expression at 0 hours (4,35) at a dose of 250 ?M and the lowest expression at 24 hours after exposure to CA (0,32) at a dose of 727 AK ?M.
Peran Asam Klorogenat Terhadap Ekspresi Gen; miRNA 146 A, Caspase 3, Cyclin D1, dan Kematian Sel Kanker Hepatoseluler Model Cell Lines Hep-G2 SUKOHAR, ASEP; HERAWATTI, HENING; WITARTO, ARIEF B
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Jan - Mar 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Cancer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (636.82 KB)


Chlorogenic acid (CA) is the active compound isolated from medicinal plants, can be used as a chemopreventive agents of hepatocellular cancer (HCC). It works as an exogenous antioxidant and inhibit growth of cancer cells through the inhibition of free radicals. The purpose of this study is to know mechanism of CA in inhibition to growth of Hep-G2 through apoptosis stimulation. In vitro study was performed Hep-G2 cells. The samples were divided into the control group treatment and experiment group expose to 727, 500 and 250 ?M and 3 times repetition. Expression of miRNA 146 A, caspase 3 and cyclin D1 examined by RT-PCR CFX-96. Samples were analysed at 0, 8, 18, and 24 hours after exposure CA. The data were statistically tested by repeated measurement, pearson, and multivariate regression. The results showed that cell death of Hep-G2 were increase as the dose increase and time, at 8 hours after exposure CA cell death of Hep-G2 increased as much as 35,68, 37,75, 40,86%. At 18 hours cell death of Hep-G2 increased as much as 54,56, 56,48, and 59,73%. At 24 hours cell death of Hep-G2 increased as much as 67,73, 69,37, and 72,16%. The lowest expression miRNA 146 A in group 24 hours after exposure at doses of 727 ?M CA (0,85), followed by 500 ?M (1,28) and the highest expression at a dose of 250 ?M (1,61). The result of repeated measurement test: miRNA 146 A and caspase 3 at 8th and 18th hours was significantly different to the 24th with p<0.05. The expression of caspase 3 increase from 0-24 hours, the highest expression of caspase 3 in group 18 hours after exposure at doses CA at 750 ?M (3,86). After 18 hours, expression caspase 3 decreased and the lowest in group 24 hours after exposure: at a dose of 250 ?M (1,52). Expression of cyclin D1 decrease from 0-24 hours with the highest expression at 0 hours (4,35) at a dose of 250 ?M and the lowest expression at 24 hours after exposure to CA (0,32) at a dose of 727 AK ?M.
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 44, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Hati berperan penting dalam mempertahankan homeostasis dan sangat dibutuhkan untuk fungsi fisiologis organ lain. Perubahan morfologi hati akan berdampak pada perubahan fungsi dan dapat muncul sebagai manifestasi klinisnya. Hepatitis merupakan gangguan serius yang menyebabkan inflamasi sel hati disebabkan oleh virus, kimia, dan toksin. Reaksi yang terjadi berupa stres oksidatif serta meningkatnya radikal bebas yang dapat dinetralisir dengan senyawa antioksidan. Secara tradisional kopi digunakan sebagai minuman sehari-hari dan dikenal sebagai antioksidan karena mengandung flavonoid (asam klorogenat). Tujuan penelitian untuk menentukan efek hepatoprotektif/antioksidan kopi yang tumbuh di kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung, terhadap gambaran kerusakan sel hepatosit pada tikus Wistar model hepatitis yang diinduksi karbon tetraklorida (CCL4). Telah dilakukan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik di Departemen Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung dan pemeriksaan patologi anatomi dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Abdoel Moeloek Lampung pada Desember 2008?Juli 2009 dengan menggunakan 15 ekor tikus Wistar jantan yang terbagi dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kontrol positif sebagai model hepatitis, dan perlakuan yaitu model hepatitis yang mendapat ekstrak air biji kopi robusta 25 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari dan mendapat induksi CCl4. Hasilnya dianalisis dengan uji analysis of variance dan uji independen t. Pemberian ekstrak air biji kopi robusta dapat mencegah kerusakan gambaran degenerasi sel hati dari 58,4±7,09 menjadi 34,4±5,85. Hasil ini berbeda bermakna (p?0,05) bila dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif dan negatif. Simpulan, ekstrak air biji kopi robusta berpotensi mencegah gangguan fungsi hati dengan efek sebagai antioksidan pada tikus model hepatitis yang diinduksi CCL4. [MKB. 2012;44(3):127?32].Kata kunci: Antioksidan, gambaran degenerasi sel hati, kopi Antioxidant of Lampung Robusta Coffee Beans Water Extract in Inhibiting Liver Cell Degeneration in CCl4 Induced Hepatitis Rats ModelLiver plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis and is critical for physiological functions of other organs. Morphological changes of the liver will have an impact on changes in liver function and may appear as clinical manifestations. Hepatitis is a serious disorder that causes inflammation of the liver cells and is caused by viruses, chemicals and toxins. Reactions that occur in the form of oxidative stress, free radicals dominant condition of antioxidants. Traditionally coffee is used as an everyday beverage and known as antioxidants because it contains flavonoids (chlorogenic acid). This study aim was to determine the hepatoprotective/antioxidant effect of coffee growing in Pesawaran Lampung, on the description of hepatocyte cell damage in Wistar rats hepatitis model induced with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Laboratory experimental research has been conducted in Pharmacology >Department, Faculty Medicine Padjadjaran University Bandung and pathology examinations was performed at the Hospital Abdoel Moeloek Lampung in December 2008?July 2009, using 15 male Wistar rats divided in three groups, the negative control group, positive control as a model of hepatitis, and hepatitis model that received the water extract of robusta coffee beans 25 mg/kgBW/days for 7 days and then received CCl4 induction. The results were analyzed by analysis of variance and independent t test. Administration of water extract of robusta coffee beans can prevented damage to the liver cell degeneration picture from 58.4±7.09 to 34.4±5.85, these results differed significantly (p?0.05) compared with positive and negative control. In conclusion, water extract of robusta coffee beans has the potential to prevent interference with the effects of liver function as antioxidants in the ra model of hepatitis which has been inducted with CCL4. [MKB. 2012;44(3):127?32].Key words: Antioxidants, coffee, degeneration of liver cells preview DOI:
daun Daun Salam (Syzygium Polyanthum) Sebagai Penurun Kadar Kolesterol Dalam Darah Aditya Ramadhon Islami Sakaganta; Asep Sukohar
Medula Vol 10 No 4 (2021): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v10i4.146


Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a major health problem in developed or developing countries. CHD is classified as a degenerative disease related to lifestyle, and socio-economic community. In 2008 it was estimated that 17.3 million deaths were caused by cardiovascular disease. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in Indonesia according to riset kesehatan dasar (riskesdas) in 2013 was obtained by Indonesians with higher than normal cholesterol levels higher in women by 39.6% when used with men by 30%. The full scientific bay leaf plant has the Latin name Eugenia polyantha Wight and has another scientific name, namely syzygium polyantha wight and eugenia lucidula miq. This plant belongs to the myrtaceae tribe. Bay leaf contains essential oils of 0.17%, citral, eugenol, tannin, flavonoids, and metal cavikol. Substances that are significant in lowering cholesterol are flavonoids and tannins. How flavonoids work in reducing cholesterol occurs when the hydroxyl group on cholesterol is considered with the ketone group on flavonoids forming hemiasetal. The carbonyl group in flavonoids will choose the hydroxyl group in cholesterol to determine the hydrogen bond. Tannins work quickly in binding and shrinking proteins. Tannin works as an antioxidant, astringent, and hypocholesterolemic. Tanninakan with mucous protein and intestinal epithelial cells so it needs to prevent fat.
Hubungan Antara CT Value pada Test RT-PCR Terhadap Parameter Klinis Pasien COVID-19 Josi Jeremia Manurung; Asep Sukohar
Medula Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v11i1.190


Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) test on nasopharyngeal swab specimens is the main diagnostic method for COVID-19, usually reported qualitatively as positive or negative using a defined cut-off, either based on the CT value. or integrated with an automated algorithm that interprets different parameters of the potential amplification. The CT value was inversely related to the number of viruses in the sample. Consequently, the CT value could indirectly indicate the level of viral replication activity, which affects SAR-CoV-2 infectivity in patients, but this does not differentiate between infectious and non-infectious viruses. Several studies stated that there was no correlation between CT values and severity, in the pneumonia and non-pneumonia groups, symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, the presence or absence of olfactory or tasting dysfunction, as well as on leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, platelets and C-reactive protein. Many factors that influence the CT value such as the timing of sample collection, method of collection of the sample, the kit used, and the skills of the health worker are biased which can affect the CT value. Further research is needed on the correlation of CT values in COVID-19 patients.
Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga: Laporan Kasus Winda Trijayanthi Utama; Asep Sukohar
JUKE Unila Vol 5, No 9 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lampung

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Keutuhan dan kerukunan rumah tangga yang bahagia, aman, tenteram, dan damai merupakan dambaan setiap orang dalam rumah tangga. Keutuhan dan kerukunan rumah tangga dapat terganggu apabila kualitas pengendalian diri orang-orang yang ada dalam lingkup rumah tangga tidak dapat dikontrol yang pada akhirnya dapat terjadi tindak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah setiap perbuatan terhadap seseorang terutama perempuan, yang berakibat timbulnya kesengsaraan atau penderitaan secara fisik, seksual, psikologis, dan penelantaran rumah tangga termasuk ancaman untuk melakukan perbuatan, pemaksaan, atau perampasan kemerdekaan secara melawan hukum dalam lingkup rumah tangga. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan masalah global yang menyebabkan morbiditas, mortalitas, dan gangguan kesehatan mental. Kasus KDRT harus ditangani secara tuntas agar tidak terjadi “lingkaran kekerasan”. Untuk mencegah, melindungi korban serta menindak pelaku kekerasan dalam rumah tangga maka negara dan masyarakat berkewajiban memberikan perlindungan kepada korban KDRT sebagaimana kemudian diatur di dalam UU No.23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan KDRT. Pembuktian terhadap kasus KDRT dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan KDRT dapat dilakukan dengan hanya mendengarkan keterangan saksi korban, atau dapat juga ditambah dengan alat bukti yang lain. Salah satu cara untuk membuktikan tindak pidana KDRT ini adalah dengan menggunakan Visum et Repertum (VeR). Kasus, seorang perempuan, 44 tahun, datang ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan dibuatkan VeR atas tindak KDRT yang dialaminya. Simpulan, VeR merupakan salah satu alat bukti yang diatur dalam Pasal 184 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP), meskipun mengenai VeR ini tidak diatur secara khusus dalam KUHAP namun VeR ini termasuk dalam kategori alat bukti surat dan alat bukti keterangan ahli. [JuKe Unila 2015; 5(9):54-60]
The Ethanolic Extract of Annonaceous sp. to Inhibit Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) as Anticancer Modalities Muhartono Muhartono; Asep Sukohar; Khairun Nisa; Ratna Dewi Puspita Sari; Suharyani; Arli Suryawinata
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 5 No. 7 (2021): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32539/bsm.v5i7.331


Introduction: Cancer has become a major public health problem worldwide, with breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and one of the most important causes of death among them. Management of breast cancer have some adverse effects, with many factorx=s shiouln be considered to ordered the therapy. Use of chemotherapy will suppress cell proliferation and trigger apoptosis, but it cannot just focus on cancer cells only, but also would affected on other cells and cause. Objective: This study aim to analyze the inhibition effect of the Annonanceous sp. ethanolic extract to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) on MCF-7 cells line Material and Methods: This study is an analytic experimental study used Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three repetitions. The extract was dissolved in 1 ml of DMSO with a concentration of 0.1%. Furthermore, dilution was made with a dose of 0 µg / ml (K); 25 µg / ml (P1); 50 µg / ml (P2); 100 µg / ml (P3); 200 µg / ml (P4). MCF-7 cells line were cultured used RPMI 1640 Medium with 80 – 90% confluent. The ethanolic extract of Annonaceous sp. were exposed to MCF-7 cells for 48 hours. Analyze of VEGF level use ELISA Methods with λ=405 nm. Results: The results of ELISA analyze shows that the ethanolic extract of Annonaceous sp. have potential effect to decreased of VEGF expression on sample with treatment on some concentration (p< 0,05). Conclusion: The ethanolic extract of Annonaceous sp. has shows the potential effect to decreased of VEGF level on MCF-7 cells line
Quality of Health Services in the First Level Health Facilities and the Role of Quality and Cost Control Team in Lampung Province Asep Sukohar; Arli Suryawinata; Aulian Mediansyah
Review of Primary Care Practice and Education (Kajian Praktik dan Pendidikan Layanan Primer) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/rpcpe.54162


Background: The National Health Insurance/Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) program is a public health protection guarantee held by the Social Securite Management Agency/Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS) to ensure that all Indonesians receive comprehensive, fair, and equitable health care benefits. The health services are provided using a tiered service system with the first stage in the First Level Health Facilities/Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP) acting as a gatekeeper. In conducting these duties, they must always be maintained with good cost-efficiency to be able to provide optimal health service quality. The audit function is imposed by the Quality and Cost Control Team/Tim Kendali Mutu Kendali Biaya (TKMKB) which partners with BPJS. Until now, various efforts to improve the quality of services continue to be developed, one of which is the capitation-based service commitment/Kapitasi Berbasis Komitmen Pelayanan (KBK) payment method. Quality of health services in FKTP can be seen through the high number of FKTP that are affected by the capitation-based service commitment (FKTP KBK-K) payment. Additionally, the high number of FKTP KBK-K can also be a measure of the success of the quality and cost control program implemented by the regional TKMKB. Objective: To assess the quality of health services in FKTP and the TKMKB performance of Lampung Province. Methods: This research was a descriptive-analytic study using data from the BPJS report of Lampung Province and TKMKB in the first and second quarters of 2019. Results: There was an increase in the number of FKTP KBK-K in Lampung Province in the second quarter of 2019, not achieving the minimum contact number, with a low ratio of Prolanis Routine Participants Visiting/Rasio Peserta Prolanis Rutin Berkunjung (RPPRB) especially at the FKTP non-Primary Health Care Centers (non-Puskesmas) in Lampung Province. Conclusion: An increase in the number of FKTP KBK-K that is not accompanied by an increase in the clinical ability of primary health care providers (such as family doctors/primary care doctors) can reflect suboptimal health services in FKTP. Also, this can further serve as a benchmark that the performance of the provincial TKMKB is not yet optimal.
Respon Glikemik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Nasi Yang Dimasak Menggunakan Campuran Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn.) dan kayu Manis (Cinnammum sp) Samsu Udayana Nurdin; Yofita Sulfiana Sundari; Novita Herdiana; Fibra Nurainy; Asep Sukohar
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.25 KB) | DOI: 10.17728/jatp.2681


Penurunan daya cerna pati nasi merupakan cara yang menjanjikan untuk menurunkan efek hiperglikemia nasi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn)  dan kayu manis (Cinnamomum sp) dapat menurunkan daya cerna pati karena kandungan senyawa penoliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah kunyit, kayu manis atau kombinasinya memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan daya cerna pati atau meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan nasi putih. Kombinasi 3 dan 0 g (C1), 2 dan 1 g (C2), 1 dan 2 g (C3), atau 0 dan 3 g masing-masing untuk kunyit dan kayu manis digunakan untuk memasak nasi putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kunyit dan kayu manis untuk memasak nasi tidak mempengaruhi daya cerna pati, aktivitas antioksidan, dan kadar total penolik nasi tetapi mempengaruhi penerimaan konsumen terhadap nasi. Formula terbaik adalah kombinasi antara 2 g kunyit dan 1 g kayu manis (C2) dimana nasi yang dimasak dengan tambahan campuran ini memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: tingkat hidrolisis pati 3,99 kali, aktivitas antioksidan 42.,03%, kadar total penol 117.,18 ppm (GAE), dan oleh konsumen dianggap layak sebagai makanan pokok. Kesimpulannya adalah nasi yang dimasak dengan formula C2 memiliki respon glikemik yang tidak berbeda dengan nasi biasa.Glycemic Response and Antioxidant Activity of Raice Cooked with Combination of Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp). AbstractReducing of starch digestibility of the rice is one of promising strategies to reduce hyperglycemic effect of the rice. Some research indicate turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp) reduced starch digestibility due to their phenolic content. This research was aimed to study whether turmeric, cinnamon and their combination have potentiality to reduce starch digestibility or increase antioxidant activity of white rice. Combination of 3 and 0 g (C1), 2 and 1 g (C2), 1 and 2 g (C3), 0 and 3 g turmeric and cinnamon were used for cooking white rice. The results showed that the addition of turmeric and cinnamon for cooking of rice had no effect on the level of starch hydrolysis, antioxidant activity and phenolic content of rice but significantly affected the consumer acceptance of the rice. The best formula was combination of 2 g of turmeric and 1 g of cinnamon (C2) where the rice cooked by adding this formula had characteristics as follows= starch hydrolysis level was 3,.989 fold, antioxidant activity was 42.03%, total phenol was 117.18 ppm (GAE). Consumers considered that the rice was suitable for staple food. However, no. difference on the glycemic respons was found. As conclusion, addition of turmeric, cinnamon or their combination for cooking of rice was unable to decrease starch digestibility and increase antioxidant activity of the rice.••••
Respon Glikemik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Nasi Yang Dimasak Menggunakan Campuran Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn.) dan kayu Manis (Cinnammum sp) Samsu Udayana Nurdin; Yofita Sulfiana Sundari; Novita Herdiana; Fibra Nurainy; Asep Sukohar
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Indonesian Food Technologists

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17728/jatp.2681


Penurunan daya cerna pati nasi merupakan cara yang menjanjikan untuk menurunkan efek hiperglikemia nasi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn)  dan kayu manis (Cinnamomum sp) dapat menurunkan daya cerna pati karena kandungan senyawa penoliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah kunyit, kayu manis atau kombinasinya memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan daya cerna pati atau meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan nasi putih. Kombinasi 3 dan 0 g (C1), 2 dan 1 g (C2), 1 dan 2 g (C3), atau 0 dan 3 g masing-masing untuk kunyit dan kayu manis digunakan untuk memasak nasi putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kunyit dan kayu manis untuk memasak nasi tidak mempengaruhi daya cerna pati, aktivitas antioksidan, dan kadar total penolik nasi tetapi mempengaruhi penerimaan konsumen terhadap nasi. Formula terbaik adalah kombinasi antara 2 g kunyit dan 1 g kayu manis (C2) dimana nasi yang dimasak dengan tambahan campuran ini memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: tingkat hidrolisis pati 3,99 kali, aktivitas antioksidan 42.,03%, kadar total penol 117.,18 ppm (GAE), dan oleh konsumen dianggap layak sebagai makanan pokok. Kesimpulannya adalah nasi yang dimasak dengan formula C2 memiliki respon glikemik yang tidak berbeda dengan nasi biasa.Glycemic Response and Antioxidant Activity of Raice Cooked with Combination of Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp). AbstractReducing of starch digestibility of the rice is one of promising strategies to reduce hyperglycemic effect of the rice. Some research indicate turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp) reduced starch digestibility due to their phenolic content. This research was aimed to study whether turmeric, cinnamon and their combination have potentiality to reduce starch digestibility or increase antioxidant activity of white rice. Combination of 3 and 0 g (C1), 2 and 1 g (C2), 1 and 2 g (C3), 0 and 3 g turmeric and cinnamon were used for cooking white rice. The results showed that the addition of turmeric and cinnamon for cooking of rice had no effect on the level of starch hydrolysis, antioxidant activity and phenolic content of rice but significantly affected the consumer acceptance of the rice. The best formula was combination of 2 g of turmeric and 1 g of cinnamon (C2) where the rice cooked by adding this formula had characteristics as follows= starch hydrolysis level was 3,.989 fold, antioxidant activity was 42.03%, total phenol was 117.18 ppm (GAE). Consumers considered that the rice was suitable for staple food. However, no. difference on the glycemic respons was found. As conclusion, addition of turmeric, cinnamon or their combination for cooking of rice was unable to decrease starch digestibility and increase antioxidant activity of the rice.••••