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Perbedaan Tingkat Kecemasan Antara Pria Yang Bekerja Shift dan Non shift Di PT Tyfountex Kartasura Sukoharjo Reeza, Mohammad Idzham; Indro N, I. G. B; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Background: Industrialization nowadays is a major source of anxiety among shift workers men and non shift workers men. The aim of this research is to acknowledge the anxiety level differences between shift workers men and non shift workers men. Methods: This study is an observational analytic cross sectional approach. The research sample was 20 men who are working during shift hours and 20 men who are working during non shift hours. The research instrument was used for L-scale of the MMPI and TMAS. Data analyzed by t test. Results: The results showed an average score of TMAS in shift workers men: 28,5 while in non shift workers men: 28,7. This data is not significant with slightly differences: (t: 0,079, p: 0,937). Conclusions: Researchers conclude there are no differences in anxiety level among men who are working during shift hours and non shift hours. Keywords: Anxiety, Shift Workers Men, Non Shift Workers Men
Hubungan Frekuensi Bangkitan dengan Skor Kualitas Hidup pada Penderita Epilepsi Umum di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Dewayani, Fillisita Chandramalina; Mirawati, Diah Kurnia; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Background: Epilepsy is a chronic neurology disease. When epilepsy was not well-controlled, it could cause so many effects such as decreasing quality of life score. The aim of this study was to find out the relation between seizure frequency and quality of life score of general epileptic patients in Dr. Moewardi hospital. Methods: This was an observational study with analytic cross-sectional approach conducted from July to August 2012 at Neurology Department of Dr. Moewardi hospital. Samples were taken by purposive sampling after selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The frequency of seizure was recorded by medical record. The quality of life was assessed by QOLIE-31 questionnaire. Score of seizure frequency and quality of life were analyzed with one-way ANOVA models by SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Results: There were 30 samples consist of 13 women and 17 men. The average of quality of life total score in high seizure frequency was 59.56 ± 4.71, medium seizure frequency was 78.32 ± 2.20, and seizure free was 83.40 ± 2.34. There was a negative relationship between seizure frequency and quality of life score on patients with general epilepsy. Analysis by one-way ANOVA/Kruskal Wallis showed a statistically significant relationship (p < 0.05) for total score component and the other seven components. Conclusion: Patients with higher seizure frequency had lower quality of life score. Keywords: seizure frequency, quality of  life score, general epilepsy  
Hubungan antara Kecemasan dengan Frekuensi Bangkitan pada Penderita Epilepsi Parsial di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Anggraeni, Lucia Pancani; Mirawati, Diah Kurnia; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Background : Anxiety is a psychological disorder that involves dysregulation of the nervous system Therefore, anxiety could affected seizure’s threshold in people with epilepsy indirectly. The aim of this study was to know an association between anxiety and seizure frequency of partial epileptic patients in hospitals Dr. Moewardi. Methods: This was an observational study with analytic cross sectional approach. Samples were taken by purposive sampling after selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data were obtained by using of TMAS anxiety scale, interviewed seizures frequency in last one month, and the patients medical record. Analysis of anxiety and seizures frequency’s score used linear regression models by SPSS 17.0 for windows Results: There were 31 samples consisted of 10 women and 21 men. Result showed a significant positive relation between anxiety and seizure frequency of partial epileptic patients in hospitals Dr. Moewardi (p < 0.05, CI 95% = 0.06 - 0.037). Linear regression analysis test showed an equation that Y= a + bX = -1.174 + 0.218 X. It meaned that the seizure frequency would rise  -1.174 + 0.218 X unit for every inrcreasing of anxiety level. Conclusion: Patients with higher level of anxiety have had more often seizure attack. Keywords: Partial epileptic patients, anxiety, frequency of seizure 
Hubungan Anemia Dengan Hipotermia Pada Neonatus Di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Ardiningsih, .; Hidayah, Dwi; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Background: Based on data from Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (2007), one of the causes of death in the first 24 hours of life is hypothermia. Hypothermia is caused by the reduction of heat production. The production of heat in of neonates are strongly associated with the supply of oxygen. Anemia is body’s condition with haemoglobin levels below normal score according to age and gender. The oxygen supply to tissues is reduced if haemoglobin level is decreased, causing the reduction of heat production. The aim of this research is to know about the association between anemia and hypothermia on neonates. Methods: This is an observational analytic research with cross sectional design. This research was done in RSUD Dr.Moewardi. The samples were the neonates who were treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) of neonates in RSUD Dr.Moewardi on the 3rd until 15th of March 2013. Dependent variable was hypothermia, and the independent variable was anemia. The neonates’ haemoglobin levels were measured then the neonates’ temperature were observerd every 3 hours for 24 jam. The data were analyzed using fisher test, because the requirements of chi-square test were not met. Result: The results from fisher test were p = 0,225. Conclusion: The analysis showed there was not association between anemia and hypothermia in this research. Keyword: anemia, hypothermia, neonates
Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Program Jaminan Persalinan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sedayu 1 Kabupaten Bantul Putra, Vidi Aditya Pamori Wibowo; Hartanto, Rifai; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Background: Mass Labor Assurance (known as Jampersal) is a new program, it caused lack of knowledge in the people’s society from rural area. Based on data from Bantul Regency Health Department in 2011 there were 8,5 infant mortality per 1000 birth, and maternal mortality rate was 111,2 per 100.000 birth. Maternal mortality rate in Bantul Regencyincreased 29,1 per 100.000 birth compared with maternal mortality rate in 2010, while labor woman mortality rate was 82,1 per 100.000 birth (Bantul Regency Statistic Department, 2010). It was interesting, because on January 1st 2011 Mass Labor Assurance or Jampersal began to be implemented in every Indonesia region, meanwhile maternal mortality rate in Sedayu District of Bantul Regencyincreased. Methods: This research wasusing quasi experimental with pretest and posttestcontrol group design approaching study. Samplesin this researchwere mothers from Puskesmas Sedayu 1 of Bantul Regency working area. Samples were taken with rule of thumbs, divided by 2 groups consist of control group and treatment group.Total samples were 100 mothers, divided into control group and treatment group. The data was collected by quesioner test before and after the counseling Results: The knowledge difference about Jampersal in treatment and control group is count 14.94 with significant level 0.000 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Counselingwas increasing the mother’s knowledge level about Mass Labor Assurance (Jampersal) programs. Keywords: counseling, knowledge, labor assurance 
Perbedaan Efektivitas antara Sterilisasi Dialyzer secara Manual dan Otomatis di Rumah Sakit DR.Moewardi Nindita, Dezca; Hudiyono, .; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Nexus Biomedika Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

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Background: Dialyzer is a critical medical equipment having high risk of microorganism contamination. Because of economical reason, dialyzer reuse is performed as first choice in Indonesia. The making of dialyzer reuse starts from rinsing, priming test and sterilization itself. Sterilization method of dialyzer that has been carried out in Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi is manual and automatic sterilization. Method: This was an observational study using cross sectional design. Samples taken by consecutive sampling technique were collected from the last rinsing of NaCl right before the dialyzer was used. This NaCl samples were collected from dialyzer which were sterilized manually and automatically, each, 15 samples. The difference of posistive growth of bacteria cultures of both methods was analyzed by Chi square test, while the difference of the number of colony forming unit was analyzed by independent T test. Result: Fifteen samples of the last rinsing of NaCl from dialyzer sterilized manually showed there were 10 samples positive contaminated and 5 samples negative. While from dialyzer sterilized automatically showed there were 8 samples positive contaminated and 7 samples negative. All positive samples were contaminated by positive Gram bacteria. The statistical analyses showed no significant difference of both based on quality (p = 0.456) and quantity (p = 156). Conclusion: There was bacterial contamination as many as 10 samples (66.6%) of dialyzer which was sterilized manually and 8 samples (53.3%) of dialyzer which was sterilized automatically. There was no significant difference statistically on the effectiveness between manual and automatic sterilization. Keywords: dialyzer reuse, manual sterilization, automatic sterilization.
Health promotion in clean and healthy behavior programs in traditional markets Adnani, Hariza; Subiyanto, AA.; Hanim, Diffah; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences (IRJMIS) Vol 5 No 4: July 2018
Publisher : IJCU

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Health Promotion in Clean and Healthy behavior program is a behavior that can be affected by attitudes, subjective norms, intentions and behaviors. The purpose of this study is to application attitude, subjective norms, intentions, and behavior clean and healthy by using Theory of Reasoned Action. This research type was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional. Research location was in Imogiri traditional market in Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia. The sampling technique was accidental sampling. Data collection techniques were questionnaire and observation sheet. Data analysis used Amos 24. Attitudes affected the intention; Attitude effect on Behavioral Beliefs; Subjective norms affect Outcome Evaluations; The intention affected the intention of disposing of; The intention affected the intention of utilizing latrines; The intention affected the intention of not smoking in the market; intention affected the intention to wash hands with soap; Clean and healthy life behavior has an effect on non-smoking behavior in the market; Clean and healthy life behavior has an effect on hand washing behavior with soap.
Pengaruh Pendidikan Gizi Terhadap Tingkat Kepatuhan Minum Tablet Fe Dan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester II Di Kabupaten Wonosobo Prihantina Utami, Okbrinta Wulandari; Prasodjo, JB; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Gizi Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Latar belakang: Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan cakupan ibu hamil mendapat tablet Fe rendah yang paling umum adalah kekurangan zat besi sehingga terjadi penurunan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil. Rendahnya pendidikan gizi menyebabkan rendahnya pengetahuan tentang informasi kesehatan yang membentuk perilaku dapat mempengaruhi ketidakpatuhan dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe dan zat gizi yang baik.Metode: menggunakan penelitian quasi eksperimen. Populasi penelitian yaitu 66 ibu hamil dengan sampel menggunakan random sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 66 ibu hamil trimester II. Analisis data menggunakan paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test dan chi-square.Hasil: Tidak terdapat pengaruh pendidikan gizi terhadap karakteristik usia (p=0,107), gravida (p=0,647), pendidikan terakhir ibu hamil (p=0,246) dan pendapatan suami (p=0,291). Pengaruh pendidikan gizi terhadap pekerjaan ibu hamil (p=0,002).Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan gizi tanpa media power point dan leaflet terhadap tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,004). Sedangkan tidak ada pengaruh pendidikan gizi terhadap tingkat kepatuhan minum tablet fe (0,161) dan kadar hemoglobin (p=0,536). Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan gizi dengan media power point dan leaflet terhadap tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,017), tingkat kepatuhan minum tablet fe (p=0,000) dan kadar hemoglobin (p=0,002). Terdapat perbedaan pendidikan gizi media power point dan leaflet serta tanpa media power point dan leaflet terhadap tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,027), tingkat kepatuhan minum tablet fe (p=0,010), kadar hemoglobin (p=0,000) setelah perlakuan. Terdapat pengaruh tingkat kepatuhan minum tablet fe terhadap kadar hemoglobin (p=0,001).Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh pendidikan gizi dengan media power point dan leaflet atau tanpa media power point dan leaflet terhadap tingkat kepatuhan minum tablet fe, kadar hemoglobin dan tingkat pengetahuan. Tidak terdapat pengaruh pendidikan gizi terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok kontrol. Terdapat perbedaan pendidikan gizi dengan media power point dan leaflet serta tanpa media power point dan leaflet terhadap tingkat kepatuhan minum tablet fe, kadar hemoglobin dan tingkat pengetahuan setelah perlakuan. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan gizi, pengetahuan, kepatuhan minum tablet fe, hemoglobin
Hubungan Status Gizi, Pendidikan Ibu Dan Suku Bangsa Dengan Perkembangan Kognitif Dan Motorik Pada Anak Balita Di Kecamatan Kalipuro Kabupaten Banyuwangi Widiyawati, Agatha; Murti, Bhisma; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Gizi Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Indonesia merupakan Negara berkembang yang masih menghadapi masalah gizi antara lain kekurangan energi protein, gangguan akibat kekurangan iodium, anemia gizi besi, dan kekurangan vitamin A. Perkembangan anak balita adalah segala perubahan yang terjadi pada anak balita dilihat dari berbagai aspek antara lain aspek motorik, emosi, kognitif, dan psikososial (bagaimana anak balita berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara status gizi dengan perkembangan kognitif dan motorik, setelah mengontrol pengaruh faktor perancu pendidikan ibu dan suku bangsa.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah anak balita berumur 1-5 tahun yang tinggal di wilayah Puskesmas Klatak, Kecamatan Kalipuro dan dilakukan di Posyandu setempat. Sebanyak 104 subjek penelitian dipilih dengan menggunakan metode fixed-exposure sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data primer diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner. Status gizi anak balita diketahui melalui pemeriksaan antropometri secara langsung. Pengukuran perkembangan kognitif dan motorik anak balita dilakukan menggunakan formulir kuesioner pra skrining perkembangan (KPSP) dan formulir tes daya dengar (TDD) yang dikeluarkan oleh KEMENKES Republik Indonesia 2010. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi logistik ganda dan diolah dengan SPSS 18.0 for Windows.Hasil Penelitian: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi anak balita dengan perkembangan kognitif (OR=3,11; CI 95% 1,17sd 8,26; p=0,023), sedangkan perkembangan motorik secara statistik tidak signifikan (OR=1,48; CI 95% 0,55 sd 3,98; p=0,438).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara status gizi anak balita dengan perkembangan kognitif, terdapat hubungan tidak signifikan antara status gizi anak balita dengan perkembangan motorik, setelah mengontrol pengaruh pendidikan ibu dan suku bangsa sebagai faktor perancu.  Kata kunci :  Status Gizi, Pendidikan Ibu, Suku Bangsa, Perkembangan Kognitif dan Motorik
The Effectiveness of Mosquito Breeding Site Eradication and Role of Wiggler Controller toward Countermeasure Effort of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Klaten, Central Java Pradana, Riska Chandra; Dharmawan, Ruben; Sulaeman, Endang Sutisna
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Countermeasure of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is more prioritizing in preventive activities such as implementing mosquito breeding site eradication or PSN through 3M plus by involving the society and facilitating the establishment of wiggler controllers or Jumantik. Role of wiggler controllers is very important especially in initial vigilance system moreover in the outbreaks of DHF because of their function in monitoring the wigglers’ position and hampering the initial development of DHF transmitter vector. The activeness of wiggler controllers in monitoring their environment is expected to decrease the number of DHF cases. This study was aimed to investigate analyzing the effectiveness of mosquito breeding site eradication and the roles of wiggler controllers or Jumantik in prevention and countermeasure efforts of DHF.Subject and Methods: This was a qualitative study with case design. This was conducted in Juwiring, Ngawen, North Klaten community health center in Klaten, Central Java were selected by Purposive Sampling. The data was collected with observation, document analysis, and in-depth interview. The data validity included a triangulation, methodological triangulation, and theory triangulation. The data was analyzed with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing the conclusion were included in the data analysis of this research.Results: Several obstacle factors were people’s behavior which was not routinely doing the eradication of mosquito breeding site or PSN, lack of knowledge about PSN, lack of health workers especially in PSN program and the role of public figure was not maximum yet. Those could be seen from the outcome of PSN program which was divided by the output of PSN. Morbidity rate of DHF and mortality rate of DHF in Klaten District were still high and did not achieve the national target yet. Then, people’s knowledge about PSN program was quite good, people’s behavior was also good especially to the implementation of PSN program although some of them behaved poorly, their reliance and trust were good especially to the implementation of PSN program, then, there were no contradictions between society values and PSN Program. Health facilities and infrastructures were adequate to perform individual health effort in promotive, preventive, curative, or rehabilitative which were done by the government, regency government, or the society especially to encourage the implementation of PSN program. Amount of health officers for the implementation of PSN Program was not ideal yet, especially for Epidemiology officers and Health Promotion officers. Public and government supports were quite good in the implementation of PSN Program. Attitude and behavior of public figures, religious leaders, and also health officers were quite good. Although some of public figures did not give their full support. Government policy in encouraging the implementation of PSN Program itself was quite good. That was proven by publishing Region Regulation No. 03 of 2010 and Regent Regulation No. 05 of 2013 about prevention and disease control from animal sources, but its implementations were not maximum and binding yet. The role of wiggler controllers in decreasing the rate of DHF cases could be optimized by specific commitment from the policy makers, started from the highest to the lowest in order to build better initial vigilance system. Operational fund for the wiggler controllers (Jumantik) in Klaten District was not ideal yet, so, commonly they spent their own money for the operational fund when they did their job.Conclusion: The effectiveness of PSN Program in Klaten District to overcome DHF was effective enough. The role of predisposition factor toward mosquito breeding site eradication or PSN in order to overcome DHF in Klaten District was became the booster of the implementation of mosquito breeding site eradication program (PSN). Enabling Factors are enormously important in implementing the PSN Program in the public. The encourage factor on PSN program was not maximum yet, especially in the implementation of Region Regulations and Regent Regulations particularly about Prevention and Disease Control from Animal Source. The roles of wiggler controllers in the countermeasure of DHF in Klaten District was very important especially for the initial vigilance of DHF because its functions were used to monitor their existences and also hamper the initial development of DHF transmitter vectorKey words: mosquito breeding site eradication, DHF, the role of wiggler controllersCorrespondence : Riska Chandra Pradana. Dr. R Soeprapto Cepu Hospital. Email: pradanachan@gmail.comJournal of Epidemiology and Public Health (2016), 1(1): 37-48
Co-Authors . Ardiningsih . Hudiyono Agatha Widiyawati, Agatha Agustin, Roviana Nurda Andarwati, Dwi Astuti Dian Angga Ferdianto Anom Dwi Prakoso Aprilia, Nafi?ah Ardian, Kukuh Argyo Demartoto, Argyo Arief Suryono Ariwati, Valentina Dili Bhisma Murti Chasanah, Eka Siti Dewayanti, Nurmala Dezca Nindita Diah Kurnia Mirawati Didik Gunawan Tamtomo Didik Tamtomo, Didik Diffah Hanim Doloh, Nureesa Dono Indarto Dwi Hidayah Ernawati Ernawati Erynda, Revina Fiandany Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Fillisita Chandramalina Dewayani Fuad, Lu’luatul Hariza Adnani Harsono Salimo Hastuti, Heni Heni Rusmitasari Hidayah, Siti Shafridha I. G. B Indro N Imtichan, Septian Najib Indita, Wiwen Inggar Ratna Kusuma Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti Ismiana, Baiq Holisatul Jayanti, Nicky Danur Jayanti, Nur JB Prasodjo Karina Cibro, Adeyle Datna Kumala, Yovita Eka Ratna Lestary, Dewy Indah Lucia Pancani Anggraeni Marwandi, David Mohammad Idzham Reeza Monica, Windhy Nunuk Suryani Nurul Wahidah Oepomo, Tedjo Danudjo Pamungkasari, Ety Poncorini Pangestuti, Restu Pawito Pawito Pradana, Riska Chandra Prasetya, Hanung Pratama, Tegar Wahyu Yudha Prihantina Utami, Okbrinta Wulandari Purwati - Rahardjo, Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Setyo Sri Rahmasari, Putri Rifai Hartanto Robbihi, Hilmiy Ila Rosadi, Wahyuni Rosalina, Sintya RUBEN DHARMAWAN Salamah, Siti Nafi'atus Sari, Ambar Seha, Harinto Nur Sri Hartini Sringatin, Sringatin Subiyanto, AA. Sulistyo, Siwi Anggraini Sunarta, Elfania Arumma Tia Martha Pundati, Tia Martha Uki Retno Budihastuti Vidi Aditya Pamori Wibowo Putra Vitri Widyaningsih Yeni Tri Utami yulia lanti retno dewi Yuliani, Istri Yuni Fitriani, Yuni Zakiyah, Nisaus Zulaikah, Rahayu