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Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka Dan Jarak Jauh Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/ptjj.v20i2.839.2019


During Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has been implemented as a strategic solution by many universities to prevent the spread of the Covid-19. This new teaching learning practice has encouraged researchers to conduct a survey of student readiness and satisfaction with the online learning services. This study aims to uncover two strategic issues including factors that influence student readiness and satisfaction and the level of student readiness and satisfaction dealing with online learning services. This research employs quantitative research methods using online surveys and involving all students who were actively registered in 2019 and 2020 both UT and non-UT students who participated in online learning services. Samples, however, were taken from all respondents covering western, central, and eastern Indonesia. It was discovered that structurally, supporting aspects contribute around 37%, prospect aspects 25%, benefit aspects 23%, and constraint aspects 11%, towards a dimension of the formation of participants' online learning perceptions. The findings show that participants have quite different views on supporting aspects, benefits, or prospects of online learning from the aspects of constraints. The relationship among the three distribution groups of variable categories shows three quite different positions in terms of participants' perceptions on online learning, namely accepting, moderate or opposing positions. Their opinion on online learning programs, during the Covid-19 outbreak, participants differed in their opposing positions on the one hand and moderate positions on the other, especially regarding costs, trends, and prices of devices/supporting equipment for online learning participants.
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jurnalsocius.v10i2.11871


Tujuan dilaksanakannya Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini adalah pemahaman guru terkait penelitian Tindakan kelas menjadi lebih meningkat sehingga guru nanti dengan mudah membuat penelitian sederhana yang terjadi di dalam kelasnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini adalah 1) Metode ceramah; penyajian  materi pelajaran  yang dilakukan  oleh  Narasumber  dengan  penuturan  atau penjelasan  secara   langsung   dihadapan peserta  workshop. 2) Metode Diskusi; cara penyampaian suatu materi pelajaran melalui sarana pertukaran pikiran untuk memecahkan persoalan yang dihadapi. 3) Pemberian Tugas, secara berkelompok, peserta menganalisis secara kualitatif contoh proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang diberikan oleh narasumber kemudian secara berkelompok peserta berlatih membuat proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Hasil pelaksanaan Pengabdian Pada masyarakat ini adalah Hasil Penilaian Ketercapaian Program dari jumlah peserta 25 guru memberikan tanggapan positif sebanyak 100% yang memiliki nilai penambahan keilmuan guru di Kecamatan Labuan Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten. Sedang kepuasan mitra kerjasama yaitu PGRI Kecamatan Labuan terhadap pelaksanaan PkM dosen FKIP Universitas Terbuka menyatakan 100% menyatakan sangat puas dan bernilai tinggi dalam rangka mengembangan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam hal ini adalah guru sebagai pengajar di Kecamatan Labuan.
Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan inovasi bagi guru-guru SD pada pembelajaran muatan IPS melalui pengembangan media pembelajaran King Ludo berbasis kurikulum 2013 di Kota Tangerang Selatan Ajat Sudrajat; Ojat Darojat; Iwan Iwan; Syaeful Mikdar; Sri Sumiyati; Ary Purwantiningsih; Sardjiyo Sardjiyo; Irzan Tahar
Journal Civics and Social Studies Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Call Paper Vol 4 no 2 Desember 2020
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/civicos.v4i2.933


Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa mata pelajaran IPS di SD perlu dicarikan suatu solusi agar pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan dapat memberikan hasil optimal. Salah satu solusinya adalah dengan menerapkan suatu media pembelajaran yang dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang nyaman bagi siswa. Media pembelajaran sebagai wahana untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar, sebagai alat komunikasi guna mengefektifkan proses belajar mengajar, salah satu media pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dalam pembelajaran adalah media pembelajaran bermain King Ludo. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu dengan pendekatan kolaboratif antara pengusul dengan mitra. Pendekatan ini perlu dilakukan agar pelaksanakan kegiatan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan tidak ada halangan yang bersifat teknis. Reid (2004) mengemukakan bahwa collaborative learning memiliki lima tahapan, yaitu: 1)  Engagement.  2) Exploration.  3) Transformation. 4) Presentation. 5) Reflection. Pembahasan King Ludo adalah model yang menggunakan  papan catur dimainkan oleh 4 orang siswa, semua siswa bermain games memainkan bidak-bidak dari start sampai finish. King ludo ini adalah suatu games yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran IPS SD. Media King Ludo terdiri dari papan catur, bidak, dadu, gelas, dan kotak soal. Hasil Penilaian Ketercapaian Program dari jumlah peserta 30 orang menyatakan bahwa 100% memiliki kebermanfaatan yang sangat signifikan dalam rangka untuk menambah pengetahuan para guru yang berada di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Sedang kepuasan mitra terhadap pelaksanaan PkM dosen ini menyatakan 97.2% menyatakan sangat puas hal ini ditandai dengan para peserta antusias mengikuti pelatihan ini sampai waktu yang ditentukan berakhir.Kata kunci: IPS, King Ludo
Collective Organizational Engagement to Enhance Organizational Performance: Case of Indonesia Office Services Rulinawaty Rulinawaty; Ojat Darojat; Ajat Sudrajat
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) Vol 26, No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkap.66886


To increase the awareness on the role of employee engagement besides the individual analysis level and a lack of studies focused on the employee’s involvement at the level of organizational, the study aims at investigating the antecedents of COE as mediating variable to increase the organizational performance. The study was conducted for 6 months to enable a deep understanding and evaluation on organizational performance. A non-purposive sampling with purpose sampling technique deployed with multi resources respondent represented organizations method (top manager, middle managers, head department and selected employee). Data analyzed for 380 respondents with Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS 22. Statistical outputs described that the green work design, OCB Organizational Resources, and Innovative Concordance Culture highly considered as the antecedent of COE in developing the organizational performance. The findings also claimed that all hypotheses proposed are accepted. This study strengthens the relationship between the COE and HRM and Enbridge the gaps existed which is informed and extended the area of field research. In another hand, this research contributed on engagement in some ways, such as extending the study on the engagement in the level of organization and provided the solutions secondly, investigating the COE as a main mechanism of the most crucial human resources. This research also developed the antecedents of COE and also highlighted how the top management could strategically increase the performance based on the organizational resources and the leverage the collective engagement continuously pursuit the strategic organizational goals.
Augmented Reality Learning Media on Geographic Symptoms to Increase University Students' Knowledge of Geographic Science: Pro-Environmental Behaviour Ajat Sudrajat; Ojat Darojat; Sri Sumiyati; Ary Purwantiningsih; Syaeful Mikdar; Fitrah Jaya; Lisa Dwi Ningtyas
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 15, No 3 (2023): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v15i3.1858


In supporting difficult learning, innovative learning media are needed. One of the innovative learning media is augmented reality (AR). In this study, there is an AR design that is needed for the material of geographical phenomena. The method used is R D (Borg Gall, 2014). The results obtained in this study are AR designs for geographical phenomena (volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis). It is hoped that the AR design for the material on geographical phenomena in this article can be useful in applying augmented reality material for geographical phenomena in social studies for lecturers who want to develop it as a learning medium for students.
Implementation Of Youtube Channel in Distance Micro-Teaching Learning Ajat Sudrajat; Ojat Darojat; DarsiharjoUni Darsiharjo; Lisa Dwi Ningtyas
Buana Pendidikan Jurnal Fakultas Keguruan dan Pendidikan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/bp.vol19.no2.a7945


Some regions in Indonesia are still in the top, remote, and underdeveloped categories. In order to support the quality of learning that can reach all re-gions, learning videos are used through the YouTube channel. This research is an experimental study with a quasi-experimental design with the match-ing-only pretest-posttest as the experimental design. The research sample consisted of 60 students, with 30 students as the control class (the group of students who were not given the product) and 30 students as the treatment class (the group of students who were given the product). The results are that YouTube videos are still effectively used to improve students' basic abilities. It is recommended that lecturers who teach micro-teaching courses use learning videos on the YouTube channel to support improving stu-dents' micro-teaching skills.
Collective Organizational Engagement to Enhance Organizational Performance: Case of Indonesia Office Services Rulinawaty Rulinawaty; Ojat Darojat; Ajat Sudrajat
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) Vol 26, No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkap.66886


To increase the awareness on the role of employee engagement besides the individual analysis level and a lack of studies focused on the employee’s involvement at the level of organizational, the study aims at investigating the antecedents of COE as mediating variable to increase the organizational performance. The study was conducted for 6 months to enable a deep understanding and evaluation on organizational performance. A non-purposive sampling with purpose sampling technique deployed with multi resources respondent represented organizations method (top manager, middle managers, head department and selected employee). Data analyzed for 380 respondents with Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS 22. Statistical outputs described that the green work design, OCB Organizational Resources, and Innovative Concordance Culture highly considered as the antecedent of COE in developing the organizational performance. The findings also claimed that all hypotheses proposed are accepted. This study strengthens the relationship between the COE and HRM and Enbridge the gaps existed which is informed and extended the area of field research. In another hand, this research contributed on engagement in some ways, such as extending the study on the engagement in the level of organization and provided the solutions secondly, investigating the COE as a main mechanism of the most crucial human resources. This research also developed the antecedents of COE and also highlighted how the top management could strategically increase the performance based on the organizational resources and the leverage the collective engagement continuously pursuit the strategic organizational goals.