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Jurnal Ecosolum Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/ecosolum.v10i2.18832


Abstract Fulfilment of nutrients in the land must be cultivated by increasing the physical and biological properties of the soil so that the presence of nutrients in the ground will be more maintained. The application of technology often used in land use efforts is mostly only focused on chemical fertilization activities. One alternative to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers is to use liquid organic fertilizer (POC) in thitonia and calotropis plant extracts and cow urine. This study aims to obtain a combination of plant extracts that can increase the growth and yield of maize plants and the best blend of biourin and plant extracts in suppressing pests and diseases in maize. The research was carried out on the land of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University (Eksfarm), Makassar City, South Sulawesi, from September to December 2019. The research was arranged using a split-plot design with the first factor as the main plot. The application consisted of 4 levels namely without spraying (K), a combination of bio urine, tithonia extract, calotropis extract, pineapple MOL (B1), bio urine, tithonia extract, calotropis extract (B2) and bio urine (B3) with each application dose of 40 ml/1 liter of water. The second factor as a sub-plot was the spraying interval at the age of 14 DAS which consisted of 3 levels, namely without application, once a week, once in two weeks. The results showed that the application of biourin could increase the growth rate and yield of corn plants. The combination of biourin with plant extracts had a significant effect on the level of pest attack that attacked the leaves and cobs of corn plants and the best interaction between the intervals of application of biourin in increasing the productivity of spraying plants per two weeks.     Keywords: Biourine, Spodoptera litura, Tithonia, Calotropis, Pest attack rate
MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS BAWANG MERAH MELALUI PENGGUNAAN BIJI SEBAGAI BIBIT Elkawakib Syam'un; Amir Yassi; Muhammad Jayadi; Sylvia Sjam; Fachirah Ulfa; . Zainal
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 2 NO. 2 MEI 2017
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v2i2.2162


Bawang merah salah satu komoditas sayuran penting yang banyak dibutuhkan masyarakat sebagai bumbu penyedap masakan. Kebutuhan dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan beragamnya produk olahan. Ketersediaannya yang langka menimbulkan keresahan di tengah masyarakat dan mempengaruhi inflasi secara nasional. Sebagai komoditas penting maka pemerintah mencanangkan produksi nasional bawang merah sebesar 1.410.847 ton. Untuk mencapai produksi tersebut dibutuhkan benih sebanyak 155.556 ton umbi bibit dan biji bibit (True shallot seed) sebanyak 28.590. Selama ini, biaya usahatani bawang merah khususnya dari bibit dapat mencapai 60% dari total biaya produksi dengan mutu bibit yang kurang memenuhi syarat agronomi. Karena bibit diperoleh dari umbi yang diseleksi dari hasil panen umbi untuk konsumsi. Semestinya produksi untuk bibit berbeda cara pe-nanganannya dengan produksi untuk konsumsi. Perbanyakan tanaman bawang merah dengan umbi memiliki kekurangan di antraanya biayanya mahal karena dibutuhkan bibit dalam jumlah besar (1,0-1,5 ton/ha), mudah rusak dan umur simpannya singkat (kurang 3 bulan) serta mengalami masa dormansi. Sedangkan keuntungan menggunakan biji adalah biaya produksinya rendah karena dibutuhkan 5-6 kg/ha, hemat biaya transportasi bibit,  umur simpan lebih lama (2 tahun), ukuran umbi  lebih besar, dan produksinya lebih tinggi. Penggunaan biji untuk bibit bawang merah merupakan alternatif dalam membudidayakan bawang merah lebih murah dengan produktivitas yang tinggi.   Kata Kunci, Bawang merah, biji untuk bibit, dan umbi untuk bibit.
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 3 NO. 1 OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v3i1.2984


Sayuran merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam pemenuhan gizi masyarakat dan mempunyai nilai ekonomis.  Desa Benteng Alla adalah salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Baroko Kabupaten Enrekang yang merupakan salah satu penghasil sayuran terbesar di Sulawesi Selatan dan membudidayakan sayuran dengan teknologi konvensional dengan dengan penggunaan pestisida sintetik yang tinggi antara 1 sampai 2 kali per minggu. Dari hasil wawancara sebelumnya diketahui petani belum memahami dan mengetahui alternatif pengganti pestisida sintetik padahal di desa tersebut terdapat beberapa sumber biopestisida nabati. Masalahnya petani tidak mengenal tanaman sebagai sumber biopestisida nabati dan tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara membuat dan mengaplikasikannya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diperlukan pengenalan bahan alami tanaman lokal disekitar pertanaman petani sebagai sumber biopestisida untuk dapat dimanfaatkan dalam upaya pengendalian hama dan penyakit pada tanaman sayuran. Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengenalan, pemahaman, dan pengetahuan tentang tanaman lokal sebagai biopestisida yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam budidaya sayuran petani untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida sintetik. Ada lima jenis tanaman lokal yang didapatkan antara lain: Toona sureni, Ageratum conyzoides, Chromalaena odorata, Tithonia diversifolia, dan Tagetes erecta.Kata kunci: Tanaman lokal, biopestisida nabati, sayuran organik.
PROSES PRODUKSI SAYUR ORGANIK Sylvia Sjam; Vien Sartika Dewi; Ade Rosmana
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 5 NO. 1 OKTOBER 2019
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v5i1.9694


Pertanian organik sebagai suatu solusi dalam sistem budidaya pertanian dengan menggunakan bahan alami dan tanpa menggunakan bahan kimia sintetis. Inovasi teknologi  yang  diterapkan dalam  sistem budidaya organik adalah dengan teknologi ramah lingkungan mulai dari perlakuan benih (seed treatment) dengan bahan alami bioaktif tanaman, pemanfaatan mikroorganisme dan bahan alami bioaktif tanaman untuk pembuatan pupuk organik (pupuk padat dan cair), pengendalian hama dan penyakit dan pengelolaan pertanaman. Kata Kunci: Sayur, organik, pupuk organik, bahan bioaktif tanaman
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 6 NO. 1 OKTOBER 2020
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v6i1.11906


Cherry tomatoes have an economic advantage compared to other tomatoes, namely their high and stable selling price. Organic cherry tomato production without synthetic chemical residues is one of the farming activities that can be carried out or managed to increase income sources. The biggest problem in almost all vegetable crop centers that grow tomatoes in South Sulawesi is the high application of synthetic chemical compounds including synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. At the center, no one has produced organic tomatoes even though the demand is high, so the cherry tomatoes are imported from outside South Sulawesi. The above phenomenon shows that there is a need for efforts to develop and plant organic cherry tomatoes through a business unit. This opportunity is very good because the market, especially supermarkets in South Sulawesi, is still lacking in organic cherry tomatoes and tomatoes are also needed in restaurants. The long-term goal is to create a technology-based business unit that comes from several studies. The technological innovation that will be applied is an organic cultivation system, which is environmentally friendly technology starting from a seed treatment with formulations that have been obtained from natural ingredients, the use of microorganisms and natural bioactive plant materials for the manufacture of organic fertilizers (solid and liquid fertilizers), and controlling pests and diseases (plant pests) with extracts of natural bioactive plant materials (NBPM). Trying to make an effort to produce organic cherry tomatoes more commercially so that it is expected to be a profitable entrepreneur. Activities start from the selection of raw materials, the planting process to the production process using environmentally friendly technologies without synthetic chemical intake in accordance with SNI standards using a planting schedule for sustainable production. ABSTRAK Tomat cherry memiliki keunggulan ekonomis dibandingkan dengan tomat lain, yaitu harga jualnya yang tinggi dan stabil. Produksi tomat cherry organik tanpa residu kimia sintetik merupakan salah satu aktivitas usaha tani yang dapat dilakukan atau dikelola untuk meningkatkan sumber pendapatan. Masalah yang terbesar pada hampir semua sentra-sentra tanaman sayuran yang menanam tomat yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan adalah tingginya aplikasi senyawa kimia sintetik termasuk pupuk dan pestisida sintetik. Pada sentra tersebut juga belum ada yang meproduksi tomat organik padahal permintaan tinggi sehingga tomat cherry didatangkan dari luar Sulawesi Selatan. Fenomena di atas menunjukkan bahwa perlunya upaya pengembangan dan penanaman tomat cherry organik melalui suatu unit usaha. Peluang ini sangat baik karena dipasaran terutama disupermarket yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan masih sangat kurang tomat cherry organik dan juga tomat ini dibutuhkan di restoran-restoran.Tujuan jangka panjang adalah untuk menciptakan unit usaha berbasis pada tehnologi yang berasal dari beberapa penelitian. Inovasi teknologi yang akan diterapkan adalah sistem budidaya secara organik adalah tehnologi ramah lingkungan mulai dari perlakuan benih (seed treatmen) dengan formulasi yang telah didapatkan yang berasal dari bahan alami, pemanfaatan mikroorganisme dan bahan alami bioaktif tanaman untuk pembuatan pupuk organik (pupuk padat dan cair), dan pengendalian hama dan penyakit (organisme pengganggu tanaman) dengan ekstrak bahan alami bioaktif tanaman (BABT). Produksi tomat cherry organik diusahakan lebih komersil sehingga diharapkan sebagai wirausaha yang bemanfaat. Kegiatan dimulai dari pemilihan bahan baku, proses penanaman sampai proses produksi dengan menggunakan tehnoloi ramah lingkungan tanpa asupan kimia sintetik sesuai dengan standar SNI dengan menggunakan jadwal tanam untuk kesinambungan produksi.
Pengujian Ekstrak Tumbuhan Vitex trifolia L., Acorus colomus L., dan Andropogon nardus L. terhadap Hama Pasca Panen Araecerus fasciculatus De Geer (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) pada Biji Kakao SYLVIA SJAM; MELINA MELINA; SULAEHA THAMRIN
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2010): April
Publisher : Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.905 KB) | DOI: 10.5994/jei.7.1.1


Araecerus fasciculatus (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) is a primary pest mostly found in cocoa bean storage. Controlling A. fascuculatus is highly necessary, as this action would also reduce infestation of secondary pests. Utilization of natural materials as bait or trap is one applicable method to lessen damage and loss during storage. Vitex trifolia L., Acorus colomus L., and Andropogon nardus L are plant species that posess insecticidal properties that can be used to control post harvest pests. Materials used in this experiment are leaves of V. trifolia, rhizome of A. colomus and leaves of A. nardus. The three types of materials are blended and sieved with 300 mesh until finely broken up for make powder formulation. As much as 1 g of powder extract was taken then mixed with additional substract (water + CMC + saw dusts). The mixtures were then shaped in the form of ellipse resembling cocoa beans with approximately similar weight of 0.6 g (± 20 beans). Results show that V. trifolia and A. nardus are highly repellent (90.5 % and 94.5%) to A. fasciculatus, and crhizome of A. colomus is attractant to A. fasciculatus.
The effect of artificial diet made of soybeans (Glycine max L.) on the rearing of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) Sulaeha Thamrin; Nurul Syafira Zuliana; Sylvia Sjam; Melina Melina
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jhptt.222109-115


Spodoptera frugiperda is a novel invasive pest of maize crops. Therefore, studies on this pest are limited. Research on the use of artificial diets in S. frugiperda larvae rearing is essential to facilitate the provision of test larva stocks for lab-scale study purposes. The aim of this research was to figure out the effect of an artificial diet from soybeans as a protein source on S. frugiperda rearing. The parameters observed in this research were larval-stage longevity, larval survival rate, pupa size, sex ratio, pupal-stage longevity, pupal survival rate, fecundity, and nutritional index. The results showed that an artificial diet with soybeans had a significant effect on sex ratio, pupal survival rate, relative consumption rate (RCR) 4.89 g/g/day (4th instar); 1.99 g/g/day (5th instar), approximate digestibility (AD) 98.39% (4th instar); 95.45% (5th instar), and fecundity, but it did not have any significant effect on larval-stage longevity, larval survival rate, pupa size, pupal-stage longevity, the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) 3.68% (4th instar); 7.84% (5th instar), and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) 3.76% (4th instar); 8.27% (5th instar). Artificial diet-based soybean was highly potential to be used in S. frugiperda rearing.
Abundance of arthropod in the various intensity of pesticide applied on shallots crop Local Palu Kasman Jaya; Ratnawati; Sylvia Sjam; Ade Rosmana; Untung Surapati Tresnaputra; Sri Sudewi
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jhptt.12233-40


Excessive use of pesticides confers several ecological and environmental consequences. In this research, we evaluated arthropod occurrence on shallot crops in Palu Valley, Central Sulawesi as an impact of pesticide application in different frequencies. Almost all farmers used synthetic pesticides for controlling pests and diseases where 46.7%, 43.3%, 10.0% of them applied in high, moderate, and low frequency, respectively. By comparing to the last application, the first reduced arthropod diversity index, evenness index, and abundance by 13.8%, 6.7%, and 70.6%, while the second by 7.3%, 2.3%, and 33.5%, respectively. Analysis of the dynamic abundance of pests and natural enemies in seven weeks observation indicated that the pests abundance at low and moderate levels was no different. Whereas predator abundance at low frequency was significantly different with moderate and high rate and between the last two not distinct and the presence of parasitoids was not observed at all, it means the natural enemies were susceptible to pesticides. These data showed the negative impact of pesticides application to arthropods including pests resistance and natural enemies lost; therefore it is necessary to minimize the use of pesticides and integrated pests.
Microbial Isolation Derived from Pineapple Extract and Its Application on Cocoa Pod Rot Disease, Phytophthora palmivora Sylvia Sjam; Ade Rosmana; Danial Rahim; Vien Sartika Dewi; Untung Surapati
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 30 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v30i1.196


Cocoa pod rot, caused by Phytophthora palmivora,is one of the most important diseases in cocoa farm of Indonesia. Yield losses due to the disease were estimated in the range of 33–99%. Pod rot disease could be controlled using antagonistic fungi, Trichodermasp. and Gliocladiumsp., isolated from pineapple extract. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the two microbes derived from pineapple extract in suppressing the cocoa pod rot disease. The research was conducted at the Plant Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University and Cocoa Plantation of Pattalassang II Farmers Group, Pattalassang Village, District of Bantaeng, South Sulawesi from May to September 2012. The results indicated that two species of antagonistic fungi, Trichodermasp. and Gliocladiumsp. were dominant in pineapples extract. The mixture of both of microbes showed the ability to suppress the development of pod rot disease on cocoa plantation. Key worlds: cocoa pod rod, Phytophthora palmivora, Trichoderma sp., Gliocladium sp.