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Sanitasi, Higiene Perorangan, dan Pencemaran Tanah oleh Cacing pada Kecacingan pada Anak di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang, Provinsi nusa Tenggara Timur Sinaga, Eni; Wanti, Wanti; Kusmiyati, Kusmiyati
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung

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Abstrak Penyakit kecacingan banyak ditemukan di daerah dengan kelembaban tinggi terutama pada kelompok masyarakat dengan higiene perorangan dan sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi sanitasi, higiene perorangan, pencemaran tanah oleh cacing dengan kejadian kecacingan pada anak umur 1 – 5 tahun di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional study dilakukan pada Mei- November 2012. Sampel penelitian 50 anak usia 1–5 tahun sebanyak 50 orang yang diambil secara random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi kuadrat (X2) dengan program statistical product and service solution (SPSS). Prevalensi kecacingan pada anak usia 1-5tahun di Kelurahan Liliba adalah 38%. Hasil Uji chi kuadrat menunjukkan hanya ada satu variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kecacingan di Liliba yaitu higiene perorangan (p=0,005). Variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kecacingan pada anak 1 – 5 tahun di Liliba yaitu kondisi sarana air bersih (p=0,07), kondisi jamban (p=0,128), dan pencemaran tanah oleh cacing (p=0,309). Penelitian ini membuktikan ada hubungan bermakna antara higiene perorangan dan kejadian kecacingan, sehingga diharapkan orangtua lebih memperhatikan higiene perorangan anaknya seperti memotong kuku, mencuci tangan setelah bermain dan sebelum makan, mencuci tangan setelah buang air besar dan memberikan alas kaki saat bermain. Dinkes Kota dan Puskesmas khususnya secara periodic setiap 6 bulan sekali diharapkan melakukan tindakan pencegahan dan penanggulangan kecacingan dengan penyuluhan dan pemberian obat cacing kepada anak usia 1 – 5 tahun. Kata kunci: Higiene perorangan, kecacingan, kondisi lingkungan Sanitation, Personal Hygiene, and Helminth Contamination of Helminth infectionin Children at Liliba Subdistrict, Oebobo Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province Abstract Helminth infection was found especially in the area with high humidity and in the community with bad personal higiene and inadequate sanitation. The objective of this study is to describe the relation between sanitation, personal hygiene, helminth contamination in the soil and helminth infection in children 1 – 5 years old in Liliba subdistrict Oebobo Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This was an observational study with cross sectional approach was done on May to November 2012. A systematic random sampling  of 50 children  1 – 5 years old involved in this study. Analysis using statistical product and servicesolution (SPSS) program ver 17 was done with chi square (X2). The results showed that the prevalence of helminth infection on children 1 – 5 years old was 38%. One variable showed significant relationship with helminth infection is personal hygiene with p=0.005 while the availability of clean water, sanitation and soil contamination showed no significant relationship with p=0.07; p=0.128 and p=0.309 respectivelly. The study emphasized the need for personal hygiene that encouraged parents to help children exercise personal hygiene better. Several activities such as nail cutting, washing hands after playing and before eating, washing hands after defecating and using sandals for feet protections need to be promoted. Local Health department need to prevent the infection by promoting healthy living and distribute preventive drug especially for children 1-5 years old. Key words: Helminth infection, personal hygiene, sanitation, children. 
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.052 KB) | DOI: 10.31965/infokes.v11i2.27


Food is needed for our body as energy source. Food also as source of food borne diseases if it is untreatment well. Here, food handler is important to keep the food higyene. This research aim is to describe the hand washing habit, hand washing facility and the present of E. coli at the food handler’s hands in Oebobo Primary Health Center. This discriptive research use cros sectional study with 50 restorants as samples, and 50 food handler, also 50 hand washing facility as unit sample. This research find only 30% food handler washed their hands more than 10 time a day, and almost always using soap when they did it. Many food handlers wash their hands incorrectly. Many restorant just have 1 hand washing facility, 62% the location separate between staf and consumen, only 58% with run water. This research also find there is E. coli at 16% food handlers’s hand.
Expression of Catalase and Malondialdehyde Levels in Silicon Dioxyde-exposed Lung Tissue of Mice Treated with Moringa oleifera Leaves Extract Kusmiyati, Kusmiyati; Keman, Soedjajadi; Amin, Muhammad; Suwarno, Suwarno
Health Notions Vol 2 No 3 (2018): March 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Silica particle such as silicon dioxide (SiO2), is considered as a hazardous and cytotoxic particle. Silica particle exposure leads to oxidative stress in lung tissue. Moringa oleifera is a plant with potential antioxidant compounds. Therefore the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of M. oleifera leaves extract (MLE) on expression of catalase enzyme and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in lung tissue of mice exposed to silica particles. This study was an experimental study with randomized posttest-only control group design using 30 male Balb/c strain mice, 8-10 weeks of age, 20-30 g body weight (BW), which were randomly divided into five groups. Group 1 was the negative control group, group 2 was exposed to SiO2 particle and set as the positive control group, group 3 was treated with MLE 2 mg/20 g BW, group 4 was treated with MLE 5 mg/20 g BW, and group 5 was treated with MLE 8 mg/20 g BW. After 90 days, mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the lung tissues were examined.  Study results showed that expression of catalase in lung tissues of MLE-treated group was higher than that of positive control group, but not statistically significant. There was a significant difference of MDA level in lung tissue among groups. MDA level of groups treated with MLE 2 mg/20 g BW and 5 mg/20 g BW was lower than that of control group, while group treated with MLE 8 mg/20 g BW showed higher MDA level than control group (One Way ANOVA, p<0.05). It is concluded that administration of MLE indicates to prevent SiO2 inducedoxidative stress in lung tissue of Balb/c mice.    Keywords: Antioxidant, Catalase, Malondialdehyde, Moringa oleifera, Silicon dioxyde 
Pengaruh Paparan Pencemar Udara Terhadap Stres Oksidatif: Sistematik Review Kusmiyati Kusmiyati; Norma Tiku Kambuno; Pius Selasa; Ferry William Frangky Waangsir
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 20, No 3 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.20.3.628-636


Pencemaran udara mempengaruhi kualitas lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat.  Pencemar udara dapat menyebabkan perubahan molekul dalam tubuh sebagai penanda dini gangguan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran tentang pengaruh pencemar udara terhadap stres oksidatif. Jenis penelitian adalah sistematik review dari artikel penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Apri-Mei 2021. Pencarian literature dilakukan melalui data base Science Direct pada periode publikasi 2017-2021.  Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah “air pollutant” OR “oxidative stress” AND “air pollution” OR “oxidative stress”.   Artikel yang diperoleh menggunakan kata kunci dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi selanjutnya dilakukan penilaian kelayakan menggunakan The JBI Critical Appraisal.  Dari menilaian kelayakan diperoleh 15 artikel dari data base Science Direct yang selanjutnya ditelaah. Hasil pdari penelusuran literature diketahui jenis pencemar udara antara lain PM2,5, NO2, Ozon, partikulat, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, dan CO, PM udara ambien, abu vulkanik, bahan bakar dan sebagainya. Paparan polutan udara dapat menyebabkan stress oksidatif dalam berbagai penanda antara lain peningkatan produksi spesies oksigen reaktif, penurunan antioksidan, 8-OHDG.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa pajanan pencemar udara menyebabkan perubahan pada penanda biologis stress oksidatif yang merupakan indikasi dini adanya gangguan kesehatan sebagai dampak dari pencemar udara.  Perlu upaya pengendalian pencemaran udara agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif pada manusia.ABSTRACTAir pollution had an impact on environmental quality and public health. Air pollutants could cause molecular changes in the body as an early marker of health problems. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the effect of air pollutants on oxidative stress. This study was a systematic review of previous research articles. The research was carried out in April-May 2021. The literature search was carried out through the Science Direct database in the 2017-2021 publication period. The keywords used were “air pollutant” OR “oxidative stress” AND “air pollution” OR “oxidative stress”. Articles obtained using keywords and meeting the inclusion criteria were then assessed for feasibility using The JBI Critical Appraisal. From the feasibility assessment, 15 articles were obtained which were then reviewed. The results of a literature search showed that the types of air pollutants include PM2.5, NO2, Ozone, particulates, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, and CO, ambient air PM, volcanic ash, fuel and so on. Exposure to air pollutants caused oxidative stress in various markers, including increased production of reactive oxygen species, decreased antioxidants, 8-OHDG. The conclusion of this study is that exposure to air pollutants causes changes in biological markers of oxidative stress which is an early indication of health problems as a result of air pollutants. Efforts are needed to control air pollution so that it does not have a negative impact on humans.
The Knowledge on HIV/AIDS among High School Student and University Student in Kupang Municipality 2011 Wanti Wanti; Kusmiyati Kusmiyati; B Widyaningrum
Jurnal LINK Vol 8, No 2 (2012): Mei 2012
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4034.669 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/link.v8i2.297


Sanitasi, Higiene Perorangan, dan Pencemaran Tanah oleh Cacing pada Kecacingan pada Anak di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Eni Sinaga; Wanti Wanti; Kusmiyati Kusmiyati
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3308.852 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v2i1.1529


Penyakit kecacingan banyak ditemukan di daerah dengan kelembaban tinggi terutama pada kelompok masyarakat dengan higiene perorangan dan sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi sanitasi, higiene perorangan, pencemaran tanah oleh cacing dengan kejadian kecacingan pada anak usia 1–5 tahun di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional study dilakukan pada Mei–November 2012. Sampel penelitian 50 anak usia 1–5 tahun sebanyak 50 orang yang diambil secara random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi kuadrat (X2) dengan program statistical product and service solution (SPSS). Prevalensi kecacingan pada anak usia 1-5tahun di Kelurahan Liliba adalah 38%. Hasil Uji chi kuadrat menunjukkan hanya ada satu variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kecacingan di Liliba yaitu higiene perorangan (p=0,005). Variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kecacingan pada anak 1–5 tahun di Liliba yaitu kondisi sarana air bersih (p=0,07), kondisi jamban (p=0,128), dan pencemaran tanah oleh cacing (p=0,309). Penelitian ini membuktikan ada hubungan bermakna antara higiene perorangan dan kejadian kecacingan, sehingga diharapkan orangtua lebih memperhatikan higiene perorangan anaknya seperti memotong kuku, mencuci tangan setelah bermain dan sebelum makan, mencuci tangan setelah buang air besar dan memberikan alas kaki saat bermain. Dinkes Kota dan Puskesmas khususnya secara periodic setiap 6 bulan sekali diharapkan melakukan tindakan pencegahan dan penanggulangan kecacingan dengan penyuluhan dan pemberian obat cacing kepada anak usia 1–5 tahun. SANITATION, PERSONAL HYGIENE, AND HELMINTH CONTAMINATION OF HELMINTH INFECTION IN CHILDREN AT LILIBA SUBDISTRICT, OEBOBO KUPANG, EAST NUSA TENGGARA PROVINCEHelminth infection was found especially in the area with high humidity and in the community with bad personal higiene and inadequate sanitation. The objective of this study is to describe the relation between sanitation, personal hygiene, helminth contamination in the soil and helminth infection in children 1–5 years old in Liliba subdistrict Oebobo Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This was an observational study with cross sectional approach was done on May to November 2012. A systematic random sampling of 50 children 1–5 years old involved in this study. Analysis using statistical product and servicesolution (SPSS) program ver. 17 was done with chi square (X2). The results showed that the prevalence of helminth infection on children 1–5 years old was 38%. One variable showed significant relationship with helminth infection is personal hygiene with p=0.005 while the availability of clean water, sanitation and soil contamination showed no significant relationship with p=0.07; p=0.128 and p=0.309 respectivelly. The study emphasized the need for personal hygiene that encouraged parents to help children exercise personal hygiene better. Several activities such as nail cutting, washing hands after playing and before eating, washing hands after defecating and using sandals for feet protections need to be promoted. Local Health department need to prevent the infection by promoting healthy living and distribute preventive drug especially for children 1–5 years old.
Publisher : Bina Sehat Press. Departement Research and Community Engagement Bina Sehat PPNI Institute of Health Science, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.683 KB) | DOI: 10.29082/IJNMS/2019/Vol3/Iss3/183


The silica dust is widely distributed on earth’s surface resulting from various activities. This mineral may result in lung damage initially presenting changes of many compounds in biological systems. Silica exposure on lung tissues triggers reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, influences endogenous antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase), and release of inflammatory mediators (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α). These biomarkers are developed as marker of silica exposure effect in the body. It is concluded that development of biomarkers is warranted for early detection of silica exposure-induced health problems in order to prevent its progression into serious diseases.
Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Tannins and Saponins Contents in Moringa Oleifera Leaves Kusmiyati Kusmiyati; Ety Rahmawati; Ferry William Frangky Waangsir; Pius Selasa
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i1.832


Various studies have shown that Moringa oleifera leaves have benefits in preventing disease. It also has the potential to solve environmental problems as mosquito larvasides. This is presumably because Moringa leaves contain potentially beneficial compounds. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the content of bioactive compounds in Moringa oleifera leaf extract qualitatively and quantitatively. This study was an descriptive study. The study was conducted in Kupang East Nusa Tenggara at September 2019. Moringa leaf extraction was carried out using maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. The identification of compounds was qualitatively carried out using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) methods, while quantitative using spectrophotometric methods. Data was analyzed descriptively to describe the content of flavonoid, tannin, alkaloid, saponin. Study results showed that Moringa leaf extract had flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin and saponin components which were measured qualitatively. Quantitative measurement results showed that Moringa leaves have compounds Total alkaloid Equivalent Quinine 0,3% b/b, Total Flavonoid Equivalent Quercetin17,40 % b/b, Tannin Total Equivalent Tannic Acid 14,68 % b/b, Saponin 7,41% b/b. It is concluded that Moringa oleifera leaf extract has compounds that are beneficial for many things, both in disease prevention, larvasides and other benefits.
Publisher : Research and Community Service Unit, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.052 KB)


Food is needed for our body as energy source. Food also as source of food borne diseases if it is untreatment well. Here, food handler is important to keep the food higyene. This research aim is to describe the hand washing habit, hand washing facility and the present of E. coli at the food handler’s hands in Oebobo Primary Health Center. This discriptive research use cros sectional study with 50 restorants as samples, and 50 food handler, also 50 hand washing facility as unit sample. This research find only 30% food handler washed their hands more than 10 time a day, and almost always using soap when they did it. Many food handlers wash their hands incorrectly. Many restorant just have 1 hand washing facility, 62% the location separate between staf and consumen, only 58% with run water. This research also find there is E. coli at 16% food handlers’s hand.
Pendampingan Umkm Kelompok Tani Kelor ”Sejahtera Bersama” Wanti Wanti; Ragu Harming Kristina; Kusmiyati Kusmiyati; Irfan Irfan; Ferry WF Waangsir; Indhira Shagti; Christina Rosanty Nenotek; Yurissetiowati Yurissetiowati
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 12 (2022): Volume 5 No 12 Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i12.8151


ABSTRAK Wilayah NTT merupakah wilayah yang banyak ditumbuhi oleh tanaman tropis salah satunya adalah kelor. Pohon kelor memunyai banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan oleh karena itu pohon ini mempunyai nama lain sebagai pohon ajaib. Pemerintah Propinsi NTT membuka lahan untuk budidaya kelor sampai dengan menghasilkan produk seperti bubuk kelor, teh kelor dan kopi kelor. Namun usaha tersebut mengalami banyak kendala di lapangan sampai dengan proses pengepakan serta uji standar mutu Produk yang dihasilkan oleh karena itu dibutuhkan kerjasama dari banyak pihak untuk memberikan support sistem terhadap kebijakan pemerintah tersebut. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pendampingan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor. Metode pengabdian masyarakat yang digunakan adalah memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor terhadap 6 peserta di Desa Otan Kecamatan Semau Kabupaten Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur pada tanggal 03 Juli – 04 Juli 2021. Hasil kegitaan ini diambil menggunakan penilaian pre test dan post test. Pada aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra terdapat perubahan yang signifikan bahwa seluruhnya dari peserta memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor. Kesimpulan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta tentang pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pendampingan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor. Kata Kunci: Pendampingan, Kelor, UMKM  ABSTRACT The NTT region is an area that is overgrown by tropical plants, one of which is Moringa. Moringa tree has many benefits for health, therefore this tree has another name as a magic tree. The NTT Provincial Government opened land for the cultivation of Moringa to produce products such as Moringa powder, Moringa tea and Moringa coffee. However, the business encountered many obstacles in the field, up to the packaging process and testing of product quality standards, therefore cooperation from many parties was needed to provide system support for the government's policy. The purpose of this community service is to provide training in hygienic food management and assistance in the development of various types of moringa-based food products. The community service method used is to provide training and assistance on hygienic food management and the development of various types of moringa-based food products to 6 participants in Otan Village, Semau District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province on 03 July – 04 July 2021. The results of this activity taken using pre-test and post-test assessments. In the aspect of knowledge and skills of partners, there was a significant change that all of the participants had good knowledge of hygienic food management and the development of various types of moringa-based food products. The conclusion is that there is an increase in participants' knowledge and skills about hygienic food management and assistance in the development of various types of moringa-based food products. Keywords: Mentoring, Moringa, UMKM