Muhammad Asyroful Mujib
Department Of Geography Education, Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember, East Java, 68121, Indonesia

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STUDY OF FERTILITY, MORTALITY, AND MIGRATION IN POPULATION PROJECTION IN NGAWI REGENCY Chachan Gusti Rawa; Elan Artono Nurdin; Era Iswara Pangastuti; Muhammad Asyroful Mujib

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Ngawi Regency is the westernmost district in East Java province which is directly adjacent to Central Java province. In terms of population in Ngawi Regency, the demographic criteria include size, structure, population distribution, which can change with birth, death, and migration. The absolute population continues to increase, although on the other hand, the growth rate tends to decrease as a result of population policies, either directly or indirectly. The Ngawi Regency area will be able to see its population projection after knowing the fertility, mortality, and migration data which is then overlaid. The purpose of this study is to examine how fertility, mortality, and migration are in population projections in Ngawi Regency.
ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE PATHEK BEACH TOURISM AREA Muhammad Zaid Nuriyanto; Sri Astutik; Bejo Apriyanto; Elan Artono Nurdin; Muhammad Asyroful Mujib

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The purpose of the study was to analyze the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourist area of Pathek Beach, Gelung Village, Panaurakan District, Situbondo Regency. The method used by researchers in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the Pathek Beach tourist area experienced a major impact from the covid-19 pandemic. Tourist visits from this tourist area have decreased drastically by up to 50%. The economy of the community around the Pathek Beach area, especially the traders, experienced a 50-75% decline in turnover during the pandemic.
Assessment of Flood Hazard Mapping Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and GIS: Application in Kencong District, Jember Regency, Indonesia Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Bejo Apriyanto; Fahmi Arif Kurnianto; Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan; Elan Artono Nurdin; Era Iswara Pangastuti; Sri Astutik
Geosfera Indonesia Vol 6 No 3 (2021): GEOSFERA INDONESIA
Publisher : Department of Geography Education, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/geosi.v6i3.21668


Flood is one of the most frequent hydrometeorological disasters which leads in economic losses. The first step in flood disaster mitigation efforts is mapping vulnerable areas. Kencong District frequently affected by the annual flooding event. This study aims to assess flood hazard mapping by integrating the AHP method and Geographic Information System. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach through the correlation matrix of the AHP model for each physical environmental factor. These factors include slope, altitude, distance from the river, soil type, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), and Curvature. Furthermore, with the Geographic Information System (GIS), the weighted overlay stage was carried out to obtain the results of flood-prone areas. Based on the AHP analysis, the most significant factors in determining flood-prone areas were the distance from rivers, slopes, and TWI. The results of flood-prone areas mapping were divided into five classes: from deficient 0.02%, low 4.26%, medium 37.11%, high 51.89%, and very high 6.72%. Validation of GIS mapping results with data in the field has an AUC value of 84%, which indicates that the prediction of the AHP-GIS model is perfect in flood-prone areas mapping in the Kencong District. The integration of AHP method and Geographic Information System in flood hazard assessment were able to produce a model to evaluate the spatial distribution of flood-prone areas. Keywords : Flood Hazard Mapping; Multi-criteria decision analysis; AHP Model; GIS; Jember Copyright (c) 2021 Geosfera Indonesia and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International License
Evaluasi Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Air Sungai Menggunakan Pendekatan Metode Neraca Massa Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan; Bejo Apriyanto; Sri Astutik; Anik Nur Khasanah
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 21, No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.21.2.152-161


Latar belakang: Sungai Bedadung merupakan sungai utama di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Bedadung yang mengalir di tengah wilayah perkotaan dan berpotensi mengalami pencemaran akibat aktifitas manusia melalui pembuangan limbah domestik, industri, dan pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air sungai dan daya tampung beban pencemaran air di Sungai Bedadung Hulu.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis korelasional dan metode neraca massa. Teknik pengambilan sampel kualitas air dengan cara grab sampling pada delapan segmen yang terdiri dari 8 sampel sumber nirtitik (non-point source) dan 1 sampel titik (point source) pada kondisi debit rendah di musim kemarau. Parameter yang diuji adalah kualitas fisika air yaitu suhu, pH, Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL) dan Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), serta kualitas kimiawi air yaitu Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), dan Dissolved Oxygen (DO).Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh parameter kualitas air Sungai bedadung hulu berdasarkan analisis metode neraca massa memiliki nilai yang tidak melebihi standar baku mutu kualitas air kelas II Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 22 Tahun 2021. Beban Pencemaran Aktual (BPA) untuk kualitas kimiawi air yaitu BOD, COD, dan DO masing-masing sebesar 651,10 kg/hari; 80009,47 kg/hari; dan 3091,70 kg/hari.Simpulan: Nilai Beban Pencemaran Aktual (BPA) ketiga parameter berada di bawah batas Beban Pencemaran Maksimum (BPM) sehingga masih memiliki selisih daya tampung untuk dapat menerima beban pencemaran. Upaya pengelolaan air limbah dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan masih diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air di Sungai Bedadung hulu. ABSTRACT Title: Evaluation of River Water Pollution Load Capacity Using Mass Balance Method ApproachBackground: The Bedadung River is the main river in the Bedadung watershed that flows in the middle of urban areas and can experience pollution due to human activities through domestic, industrial, and agricultural waste disposal. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of river water quality and load capacity of water pollution in the Upper Bedadung River.Method: This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with correlational analysis and mass balance methods. The water quality sampling technique was taken through grab sampling on eight segments consisting of 8 non-point source samples and 1 point source sample at low discharge conditions in the dry season. The parameters tested were the physical quality of water, namely temperature, pH, Electrical Conductivity (DHL) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), as well as the chemical quality of water, namely Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO).Result: The results showed that all the water quality parameters of the upstream Bedadung River based on the mass balance method analysis had a value that did not exceed the class II water quality standards of the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021. Actual Pollution Load (BPA) for the chemical quality of water, namely BOD, COD, and DO each of 651.10 kg/day; 80009.47 kg/day; and 3091.70 kg/day.Conclusion: The BPA value of the three parameters is below the Maximum Pollution Load (BPM) limit so that it still has a difference in the capacity to accept the pollution load. Efforts to manage wastewater and preserve the environment are still needed to improve water quality in the upstream Bedadung River.
Tingkat Kemacetan dan Realita Transportasi di Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Kecamatan Sumbersari, Jember Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Ahmad Farhan Alfani; Fahrudi Akhwan Ikhsan
SOSEARCH : Social Science Educational Research Vol 1 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Unesa

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Pertumbuhan penduduk yang cepat akan menuntut kebutuhan transportasi seperti jumlah kendaraan dan kondisi jalan yang memadai. Kondisi jalan yang tidak sesuai dengan jumlah kendaraan yang semakin meningkat akan menyebabkan permasalahan transportasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyebab masalah transportasi di jalan Letjen Suprapto, Kabupaten Jember dalam rangka mendukung mobilitas sekuler para pekerja dari wilayah selatan Jember. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode observasi dengan pengamatan dan perhitungan jumlah kendaraan yang menuju kota pada pagi, siang, dan sore hari saat hari kerja, yaitu pada pukul 06:30-07:30 pagi, 13:00-14:00 siang, dan 16:30-17:30 sore selama 1 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kendaraan yang masuk ke kota Jember lebih banyak saat pagi hari dibandingkan waktu lainnya. Jenis kendaraan yang paling banyak melintas di Jalan Letjen Suprapto adalah Sepeda motor dengan persentase 90% dari semua jenis kendaraan, dan dalam waktu satu jam rata-rata terdapat 4205 sepeda motor yang berpotensi tinggi terjadi kecelakaan. Pada siang hari jumlah kendaraan kembali stabil dan tidak berpotensi macet. Selanjutnya pada sore hari jumlah kendaraan meningkat kembali dikarenakan mobilitas para pekerja yang kembali ke desa mereka pada sore hari. Tiga pilar aksi penting yang perlu segera diwujudkan untuk mengatasi kemacetan dan permasalahan tranportasi adalah pengembangan fasilitas transportasi umum yang memadai, peningkatan rasio jalan, dan membatasi jumlah kendaraan pribadi pengguna.
Business Innovation for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Jember Sri Kantun; Retna Ngesti Sedyati Sedyati; Tiara Tiara; Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Jefri Rieski Triyanto; Sukidin Sukidin; Anna Widayani
BRILIANT: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Volume 7 Nomor 3, Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.641 KB) | DOI: 10.28926/briliant.v7i3.1020


Along with the rapid development of MSMEs, it requires business actors to innovate. Innovating is carried out according to the needs and tastes of today's consumers. Hundreds of MSMEs in Jember can still survive running their businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic, so they should be used as examples of best practices for other MSMEs in Indonesia. One of the products that are currently superior is souvenirs from Jember Regency. This study aims to identify and examine business innovations carried out by the souvenir center of Jember Regency.
Analisis dan Pemetaan Tingkat Pencemaran Air Sungai Pada Sub DAS Bedadung Tengah Kabupaten Jember Era Iswara Pangastuti; Elan Artono Nurdin; Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Ahmad Farhan Alfani; Vika Aurely Nalurita; Diana Fatmawati
JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Geography Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpig.v7i2.7191


Abstrak: Peningkatan aktivitas manusia di sekitar Sungai Sub DAS Bedadung Tengah mendorong akumulasi jumlah limbah yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas air sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memetakan tingkat pencemaran air sungai berdasarkan konsentrasi parameter Fisika dan Kimia pada Sub DAS Bedadung Tengah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 8 lokasi yang dibagi dalam 8 segmen di sungai utama. Pengukuran tingkat pencemaran air sungai dilakukan secara insitu untuk parameter Fisika, pengambilan sampel dilakukan untuk analisis laboratorium pada parameter Kimia. Teknik analisis data yaitu dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 PKAPPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi disemua parameter sesuai dengan kriteria baku mutu air kelas II, namun konsentrasi BOD pada lokasi 1 tidak sesuai dengan kriteria baku mutu air kelas II. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh adanya pencemaran limbah pabrik yang langsung di buang ke sungai. Nilai beban pencemaran selalu meningkat ketika menuju hilir. Meskipun sungai masih dalam kondisi tercemar ringan namun pemerintah tetap perlu memberlakukan peraturan yang tegas terutama di daerah segmen 1 yang sudah tidak sesuai dengan kriteria baku mutu. Abstract: The increase in human activities around the Bedadung sub-watershed is encouraging the accumulation of the amount of waste which has an impact on decreasing the quality of river water. This study aims to analyze and map the level of river water pollution based on the concentration of physical and chemical parameters in the middle Bedadung watershed. The method used is descriptive with a quantitative approach, sampling was carried out at 8 locations and divided into 8 segments in the main river. Measurement of river water pollution levels is carried out in situ for physical parameters, sampling is carried out for laboratory analysis on chemical parameters. Data analysis techniques, namely the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 PKAPPA. The results showed that the concentration in all parameters was following the criteria for class II water quality standards, but the BOD concentration at location 1 did not match the criteria for class II water quality standards. This is due to the pollution of factory waste which is directly disposed of into the river. The value of the pollution load always increases when going downstream. Even though the river is still in a lightly polluted condition, the government still needs to enforce strict regulations, especially in segment 1 areas that are no longer following the quality standard criteria.
Analisis dan Pemetaan Tingkat Pencemaran Air Sungai Pada Sub DAS Bedadung Tengah Kabupaten Jember Era Iswara Pangastuti; Elan Artono Nurdin; Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Ahmad Farhan Alfani; Vika Aurely Nalurita; Diana Fatmawati
JPIG (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Geografi) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Geography Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpig.v7i2.7191


Abstrak: Peningkatan aktivitas manusia di sekitar Sungai Sub DAS Bedadung Tengah mendorong akumulasi jumlah limbah yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas air sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memetakan tingkat pencemaran air sungai berdasarkan konsentrasi parameter Fisika dan Kimia pada Sub DAS Bedadung Tengah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 8 lokasi yang dibagi dalam 8 segmen di sungai utama. Pengukuran tingkat pencemaran air sungai dilakukan secara insitu untuk parameter Fisika, pengambilan sampel dilakukan untuk analisis laboratorium pada parameter Kimia. Teknik analisis data yaitu dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 PKAPPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi disemua parameter sesuai dengan kriteria baku mutu air kelas II, namun konsentrasi BOD pada lokasi 1 tidak sesuai dengan kriteria baku mutu air kelas II. Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh adanya pencemaran limbah pabrik yang langsung di buang ke sungai. Nilai beban pencemaran selalu meningkat ketika menuju hilir. Meskipun sungai masih dalam kondisi tercemar ringan namun pemerintah tetap perlu memberlakukan peraturan yang tegas terutama di daerah segmen 1 yang sudah tidak sesuai dengan kriteria baku mutu. Abstract: The increase in human activities around the Bedadung sub-watershed is encouraging the accumulation of the amount of waste which has an impact on decreasing the quality of river water. This study aims to analyze and map the level of river water pollution based on the concentration of physical and chemical parameters in the middle Bedadung watershed. The method used is descriptive with a quantitative approach, sampling was carried out at 8 locations and divided into 8 segments in the main river. Measurement of river water pollution levels is carried out in situ for physical parameters, sampling is carried out for laboratory analysis on chemical parameters. Data analysis techniques, namely the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 PKAPPA. The results showed that the concentration in all parameters was following the criteria for class II water quality standards, but the BOD concentration at location 1 did not match the criteria for class II water quality standards. This is due to the pollution of factory waste which is directly disposed of into the river. The value of the pollution load always increases when going downstream. Even though the river is still in a lightly polluted condition, the government still needs to enforce strict regulations, especially in segment 1 areas that are no longer following the quality standard criteria.
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Google Earth Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial Siswa SMA Agus Santoso; Muhammad Asyroful Mujib; Sri Astutik
Geodika: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu dan Pendidikan Geografi Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/geodika.v6i2.5998


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan mengenai rendahnya kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh media pembelajaran geografi berbasis Google Earth terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimen semu. Indikator kemampuan berpikir spasial meliputi: comparison (kondisi dan koneksi spasial), aura (spatial aura atau zona pengaruh objek ke sekitarnya), region, hirarchy, transition, analogy, pattern, dan association (korelasi). Data yang diperoleh melalui tes kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan media pembelajaran geografi berbasis Google Earth berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa, dengan hasil uji T-Test yang meninjukkan sig.2-tailed 0,000. Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran geografi berbasis Google Earth mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir siswa, yang dibuktikan dengan kelas eksperimen memiliki skor Gain yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol, yaitu 0,7 dan 0,43, dengan selisih skor Gain sebesar 0,23. Kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan Google Earth mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan.
International Journal of Geography, Social, and Multicultural Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : S2 Pendidikan Geografi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/ijgsme.v1n1.p49-57


Mount Merapi In 2010 was the biggest eruption that ever happened to Mount Merapi. Judging from the number of fatalities in this eruption, it reached 277 people and material losses were estimated at 4.5 trillion which resulted in the cessation of access to transportation links. This study aims to determine the impact felt by the community on the construction of the Sabo Bronggang Dam. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. Interviews were conducted by asking the surrounding community about the Sabo Bronggang Dam for the construction of the dam, then comparing before and after the existence of this dam, how was the impact felt, was it effective in dealing with cold lava floods, and whether there is any effectiveness in overcoming cold lava floods, and whether there are any additional developments to provide a sense of security in the awareness of disaster mitigation efforts. From the results of the study, it was stated that the surrounding community felt safe when at any time there was another eruption of the Sabo Bronggang Dam, besides that it could also be used as an attractive destination to visit because of its natural beauty