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The Behavior Of Adolescent Reproductive Health Facility Utilization Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari; Tarsikah Tarsikah; Gita Kostania
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan INTEREST: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Volume 10 Number 2 Year 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v0i0.375


Background: Adolescence is the starting point of the human life cycle in preparing for a healthy reproductive process. Guidance and information that is not true at this time can oftaffectect the future of adolescents. Most adolescents don’t use Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) services (57%), quite a lot of adolescents (46.3%) use internet technology in accessing the information on ARH (Sampulawa & Mubarokah, 2015). Based on the above background, the researcher wants to explore the behavior of using ARH facilities in the city of Malang. Methods: Descriptive research method with cross-sectional approach, with population, are all teenagers in the city of Malang. The research sample was taken using the purposive sampling technique, obtained a suitable sample of 200 adolescents from April to June 2021. The inclusion criteria of this study were unmarried and willing to be research respondents. Collecting data using a questionnaire via a google form. Descriptive analysis technique, presented in the frequency distribution. Results: The majority of respondents have never received correct knowledge about reproductive health (89.6%), with the majority of information sources obtained from schools (80%) and mass media (45.5%). Respondents used mass media to access information on reproductive health from the internet (87.5%) and books (51.5%). In using gadgets, respondents use them for 5-10 hours a day (53.5%), but only occasionally use them to find information about reproductive health (50.5%). Respondents stated that the use of mass media as a source of information about reproductive health can help in maintaining health (96.5%). Conclusion: Internet-based health education about adolescent reproductive health is needed because it is easy and simple, and the content is interesting to read. It can be used as an alternative media for reproductive health learning.
Deskripsi Kecemasan Ibu Menyusui di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Anistia Khoirul Muaffa; Jenny J.S Sondakh; Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari
Jurnal Bidan Komunitas Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Departemen Kebidanan, vFakultas Farmasi dan Kesehatan, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33085/jbk.v5i2.5097


Latar belakang: Kondisi psikologis seperti stres, cemas, maupun depresi pasca partum akan membawa berbagai macam dampak negatif jika tidak dilakukan asuhan yang tepat secara holistik. Di masa pandemi COVID-19 kondisi kesehatan mentalpun juga terdampak, masalah psikologis di masa pandemi COVID-19 juga dapat terjadi pada ibu nifas dan ibu menyusui. Tujuan: untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kecemasan yang dialami ibu menyusui selama pandemi COVID-19. Metode: penelitian deskriptif menggunakan pedekatan survey. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 24 orang yang terdaftar di PMB Siti Hanik, Str.Keb, Malang, Jawa Timur. Survey dilakukan secara daring (dalam jaringan) menggunakan google form. Hasil:  24 orang responden yang dapat mengisi kuesioner online sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Berdasrkan penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa seluruh ibu nifas dan menyusui di PMB Siti Hanik, STr.Keb mengalami kecemasan. Sebagian besar (75%) mengalami kecemasan sedang, 4 orang mengalami kecemasan berat (16,7%), dan 2 dengan kecemasan ringan (8,3%). Kesimpulan: Adanya gejala kecemasan pada ibu nifas dan menyusui selama pandemi COVID-19 menunjukkan bahwa perlu adanya pendampingan dari petugas kesehatan mengenai kesehatan mental ibu menyusui di masa pandemi COVID-19.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Kader Terhadap Kemandirian Dalam Penatalaksanaan Perdarahan Dalam Kehamilan Suprapti Suprapti; Didien Ika Setyarini; Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari
Malang Journal of Midwifery (MAJORY) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): MAJORY
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang & IBI Ranting Pendidikan Kota Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/majory.v4i1.3100


Maternal mortality is still a challenge for the health system in Indonesia, one of the causes is bleeding during pregnancy as a result of the 3 Late (3 T) namely: late in making a decision/diagnosing, being late in getting to the referral place and being late in getting treatment. Detection of 3T bleeding in pregnant women can be done by anyone, including cadres as the spearhead in assisting pregnant women because of their presence in the community. This study aimed to analyse the competence of cadres in detecting and managing bleeding pregnant women according to their duties in the community to prevent 3T, one of which is animation media for bleeding pregnant women. The research design was a pre-experimental design using a quasi-experimental design using a pre-test-post-test design descriptive statistical analysis with a cross-sectional approach, a sample of 60 cadres who met the inclusion criteria (30 Parangargo and 30 Sidorahayu) in the working area of ??the Wagir Public Health Center, Malang Regency. The results of the pre-test-post-test between the control group and the treatment group showed the independence of cadres in the treatment of bleeding to perform 3T (p-value <0.001) and an increase in independence towards independence in treatment with the use of animation media between the control and treatment groups (p-value 0.001), with the acceptance of H1, an animation method that can provide a deeper understanding of the differences in blood flow, the color that occurs in early or late pregnancy, so that cadres in management are related to preventing 3 T according to the role of cadres in the community by escorting them to the location health services/ report to the regional midwife. Keywords: Cadre Competence, Management of Pregnancy Hemorrhagic
Perilaku Ibu Hamil Dalam Pelaksanaan P4K Berhubungan Dengan Kesiapan Ibu Hamil Menghadapi Komplikasi Miftakhul Jannah; Desy Dwi Cahyani; Reni Wahyu Triningsih; Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari
Malang Journal of Midwifery (MAJORY) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): MAJORY
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang & IBI Ranting Pendidikan Kota Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/majory.v2i2.2114


One of the efforts to prevent delays in handling complications is the birth planning and complications prevention program (P4K). If every pregnant woman implements P4K, it is hoped that if complications occur in her pregnancy, she will be able to handle it as early as possible. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the behavior of pregnant women in implementing P4K and the readiness of pregnant women to face complications in the Kedok Village, the working area of ??Puskesmas Turen. This study used a correlational study design with a cross-sectional approach, a population of 45 pregnant women, and the sampling using simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 40 pregnant women who had met the inclusion criteria, namely pregnant women who had received an explanation about P4K and already had P4K stickers, willing to be respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire on the behavior of pregnant women in implementing P4K and a questionnaire on the readiness of pregnant women to face complications. Data analysis used the chi-square test with a significance level of ? 0.05. The results showed a relationship between the behavior of pregnant women in implementing P4K and the readiness of pregnant women to face complications (p-value <0.001). Pregnant women can carry out P4K as an effort to increase the readiness of pregnant women in facing possible complications. Keywords: Pregnant Mother Behavior, P4K, Readiness, Complications
Gerakan Masyarakat Peduli Remaja (GEMPAR) di Desa Petungsewu, Dau, Kabupaten Malang Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari; Rita Yulifah
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Juli - September
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1080.647 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v3i3.1068


Adolescence is the starting point of the human life cycle in preparing for a healthy reproductive process. Based on RPJMN 2016 data for East Java, it was found that problems related to adolescents include knowledge of Adolescent Reproductive Health (KRR) in East Java which is still low, this is indicated by the Adolescent Knowledge Index about KRR is still low at 55.3%. The Community Service, which was held in Petungsewu Village, Dau District, aims to increase adolescent knowledge about reproductive health, increase cadre knowledge about youth KMS and be skilled in carrying out youth posyandu activities. The method used in this activity is the provision of education using ppt media, videos and booklets. The participants were 20 youths and 10 youth cadres. The activity continued with the implementation of the Youth Posyandu. The results of educational activities showed that the level of knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health increased from 35% to 75% with good knowledge and cadres were able to carry out Youth Posyandu with assistance. ABSTRAK Remaja merupakan titik awal siklus kehidupan manusia dalam mempersiapkan proses reproduksi yang sehat. Berdasarkan data RPJMN 2016 Jawa Timur menemukan problematika yang berhubungan dengan remaja antara lain pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (KRR) di Jatim masih rendah, hal ini ditandai dengan Indeks Pengetahuan Remaja tentang KRR masih rendah yaitu sebesar 55,3%. Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di Desa Petungsewu Kecamatan Dau ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi, meningkatkan pengetahuan kader tentang KMS remaja dan terampil dalam melaksanakan kegiatan posyandu remaja. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemberian edukasi menggunakan media ppt, video dan booklet. Peserta adalah remaja sejumlah 20 remaja dan 10 kader remaja. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan Posyandu Remaja. Hasil kegiatan edukasi menunjukan tingkat pengetahuan remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi meningkat dari 35% menjadi 75% berpengetahuan baik dan kader mampu melaksanakan posyandu remaja dengan pendampingan.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi (JUKANTI) Edisi Nopember 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Informatika, Universitas Citra Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37792/jukanti.v5i2.773


ABSTRAK Penggunaan media konvensional pada kegiatan edukasi kesehatan prakonsepsi, memiliki banyak kendala antara lain keterbatasan waktu catin, tidak memfasilitasi audience dalam skala besar serta tidak menfasilitasi diskusi interaktif antara dua belah pihak. Pembuatan media edukasi harus menyesuaikan karakteristik sasaran, diakses tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu serta sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Tujuan penelitian: menganalisis permasalahan dan potensi, dan analisis kebutuhan edukasi perawatan pra konsepsi pada catin atau wanita usia subur yang merencanakan kehamilan sehat. Metode: jenis penelitian pengembangan khususnya langkah pertama yaitu : analisa masalah dan kebutuhan. Populasi catin di KUA Malang dan bidan pelaksana KB KR IBI Malang. Sampel 101 catin dan 10 bidan yang ditetapkan secara purposive sampling. Analisa data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil studi pendahuluan didapatkan data calon pengantin menggunakan laptop atau smart phone > 3 jam perhari untuk mengakses media social, informasi kesehatan yang dicari adalah kesehatan perempuan dan kehamilan sehat, tenaga kesehatan merupakan sumber infromasi selain media social, dan ragu akan kebenaran informasi yang didapat dari internet. Provider menyatakan kendala dalam melakukan edukasi: kurangnya interaksi karena keterbatasan waktu. Catin dan provider menyetujui jika dilakukan inovasi media edukasi berbasis digital. Berdasarkan data tersebut, penelitian tahap pertama ini bisa dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan media edukasi digital yang dikelola oleh tenaga kesehatan dan menfasiliatsi kebutuhan informasi untuk menyiapkan kehamilan sehat. ABSTRACT The use of conventional media in preconception health education activities has many obstacles, including limited time for the bride, not facilitating large-scale audiences and not facilitating interactive discussions. The manufacture of educational media must adapt to the characteristics of the target, be accessed without being limited by space and time and in line with the development of information technology. Research objectives: analyzing problems and potentials, needs analysis, pre-conception care education for bridge or women of childbearing age who are planning a healthy pregnancy. Method: type of development research, the first step, namely: analysis of problems and needs. The population of bridge at KUA Malang and midwives IBI Malang. A sample of 101 brides and 10 midwives were determined by purposive sampling. Qualitative descriptive data analysis. The results of the preliminary study obtained data that the bride use a laptop or smart phone > 3 hours per day to access social media, the health information sought is women's health and healthy pregnancy, health workers are a source of information other than social media, and doubt the truth of the information obtained from the internet. The provider stated the obstacle in education: lack of interaction due to time constraints. The bride-to-be and the provider agree that digital-based educational media innovation is carried out. Based on these data, this first phase of research can be continued with the creation of digital educational media managed by health workers and facilitate information needs to prepare for a healthy pregnancy.
Hubungan Siklus Menstruasi dengan Perilaku Pembatasan Asupan Kalori pada Mahasiswi di Kota Malang Anindya Hapsari; Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari; Dian Mawarni; Tika Dwi Tama
JURNAL ILMIAH OBSGIN : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kebidanan & Kandungan P-ISSN : 1979-3340 e-ISSN : 2685-7987 Vol 14 No 4 (2022): EDISI SPESIAL
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/job.v14i4.866


Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan beralihnya pembelajaran luring menjadi daring, dimana pembelajaran daring meningkatkan prevalensi obesitas pada mahasiswi. Kekurangpercayaan diri akibat obesitas atau kegemukan membuat sebagian mahasiswi berperilaku mengurangi asupan kalori yang dapat mempengaruhi siklus menstruasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku pembatasan asupan kalori dengan siklus menstruasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada 142 sampel mahasiswi FIK UM menggunakan instrumen kuesioner. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis menggunakan Uji Spearman menemukan tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku pembatasan asupan kalori dengan siklus menstruasi (p>0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku pembatasan asupan kalori terhadap keteraturan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswi
Effectiveness of Kemangi (Ocimum basilicum) Leaf Methanol Extract against Candida albicans Colonies Tarsikah Tarsikah; Erni Dwi Widyana; Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari
Publisher : Research and Community Service Unit, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/infokes.Vol20.Iss2.870


Candida species, for women are the foremost common cause of parasitic contaminations. Candida species affect contamination in 75% of women and at slightest 6-9% of women involvement repetitive vulvovaginal candidiasis. Candida albicans (CA) accounts for 85-95% of yeast strains separated from the vagina. The treatment which has been administered for candida infections is antifungal drugs such as clotrimazole and fluconazole. When applied topically, synthetic antifungal drugs cause allergic reactions, resistance, and a burning sensation. It is necessary to conduct research on plant-based herbal medicine as an alternative treatment. Kemangi, also recognized as Ocimum Basilicum (OB), is a plant native to Indonesia which has medicinal properties. The objective of this study is to examine how effective OB methanol extract is against CA colonies. The study was performed at Brawijaya University's Microbiology Laboratory in Malang. The experimental laboratories with Posttest Only Control Group Design were employed in this study, with four repetitions of OB concentrations of 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35% against CA colonies. One-way ANOVA was utilized as the hypothesis test, with a significance level of 0.05. The results demonstrated that OB extract with a concentration of 15% was able to inhibit the growth of CA colonies. In the OB extract with a concentration of 35%, no CA colony growth was revealed. One-way ANOVA test obtained p 0.000 <0.05. Conclusion OB owns adequacy in restraining the development of CA organism with negligible murdering rate at a concentration of 35%.  Research required to be performed to identify the antifungal potential of OB extract in vivo.
Determinants Factors of Pre-Eclampsia Incidence Sri Rahayu; Endah Kamila Mas&#039;udah; Lisa Purbawaning Wulandari
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 9, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v9i3.ART.p379-386


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one indicator in describing the welfare of society in a country. MMR in Indonesia in 2020 has increased compared to 2019. In 2019, MMR in East Java Province reached 89.81 per 100,000 live births. This figure will increase in 2020 to 98.39 per 100,000 live births. An important issue in Malang Regency related to maternal and child health is the high MMR. Preeclampsia is the 3rd largest case along with cases of infection and postpartum bleeding. The purpose of this research was to see a description of the determinants associated with the incidence of preeclampsia and to find the most dominant determinants causing preeclampsia in Kanjuruhan Hospital, Malang Regency. The type of the research was descriptive with a documentation study approach from the medical records of RSUD Kanjuruhan Malang. The analysis technique used descriptive analysis. The results of the research showed that the age data of most of the pregnant women were in high risk age (more than 35 years) as many as 28 mothers (56%), the distance between pregnancies in pregnant women with preeclampsia was mostly more than 2 years (64%), the highest parity of women with preeclampsia was multipara (68%), most of the women had never had an abortion (72%) and the gestational age of most women with preeclampsia was term (76%). Factors that determine the incidence of preeclampsia are age, gestation interval, parity and gestational age. Further research is needed to determine other factors that cause preeclampsia.
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery Vol 8 No 2 (2022): SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery
Publisher : AIPKIND (Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36749/seajom.v8i2.182


The Visits of pregnant women are one of the important indicators for pregnant women during pregnancy. Regular ANC visits can detect early complications during pregnancy, so they can be treated early. Husband's knowledge and husband’s support for regular ANC visits, even during the Covid-19 pandemic, is very important to encourage pregnant women to regularly attend ANC visits. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between husband's knowledge and support and visits by pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic. The design used is an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. A sample of 30 respondents with total sampling technique. The research instrument was the husband's knowledge and support questionnaire for the regularity of ANC visits by looking at the mother's MCH handbook. The research results obtained that knowledge is included in the good category, namely as many as 12 respondents (40%). Husband support, half of respondent which did not support, namely as many as 16 respondents (53.3%). Part of the regularity of visiting pregnant women is irregular, namely 17 respondents (56.7%). The results of data analysis using Spearman correlation rho value of r 0.020 with significance (p value) = 0.05. Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between knowledge and regularity of visiting pregnant women during the Covid 19 pandemic. It is hoped that husbands need to increase their knowledge and support to motivate pregnant women to visit ANC even during the Covid-19 pandemic