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Journal : Science Midwifery

Tuberculous Pleural Effusion in Child with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Diska Yulia Trisiana; Finny Fitry Yani
Science Midwifery Vol 9 No 2 (2021): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Tuberculosis (TB) is a world health problem, especially in developing countries. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis may occur in 25-30% of TB infected children. Immunocompromised patientsare in risk for developing TB disease, such as in malignancy. In this case, we will present pleural TB case in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a history of previous pulmonary TB. This aims to highlight the diagnostic points of pleural effusion due to malignancies or reactivation of latent infection. A 16 years old boy had been known to have an acute L2 lymphoblastic leukemia and history of pulmonary TB at 6 years old and recovered. Patient has recurrent fever, weight loss, and shortness of breath. Chest pain and decrease of breath sound at left hemithorax were found in physical examination. Chest x-ray showed left pleural effusion. Pleural tapping was performed and showed mononuclear predominant, indicated TB or malignancy. Adenosine deaminade (ADA) test was performed, it confirmed the diagnosis of TB pleural effusion. Patient received anti tuberculosis therapy plus prednisone.n Diagnosing TB in malignancies is challeingchallenging due to similarity of clinical manifestation, and patient with malignancy are in high risk for developing TB infection. ADA pleural test has a higher specificity and sensitivity in diagnosing pleural TB.
Exctraction of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children Nisa Haska Maulina; Finny Fitry Yani
Science Midwifery Vol 9 No 2 (2021): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Aspiration of foreign bodies by children can lead to serious illness and sometimes even death. It commonly ocurs in children younger than 3 years old, as they tend to put objects in their mouth. A local epidemiology study also revealed that among paediatric patients suffering from this condition, 73% were below the age of 3 years. Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This case reported a 1 years and 3 months old boy with foreign body aspiration. Bronchoscopy with rigid brochoscope was performed electively. Patient was clinically improved after the bronchoscopy.
Co-Authors Abi Andayu Adefri Wahyudi Afdal Afdal Ahmad Junaidi Ahmad Kurniawan Akbar Aidil Rahman Novesar Alfi Maido Alius Amirah Zatil Izzah Andani Eka Putra Arni Amir Arwin AP Akib Asrawati Asrawati Aumas Pabuti Bambang Supriyatno Chicy WIdya Morfi Chika Aulia Husna Darfioes Basir Darfioes Basir Darfioes Basir Darfioes Basir Darfioes Basir Darfious Basir Darmawan B. Setyanto Destri Linjani Devi Gusmaiyanto Dhyna Lidya Lestari Diana Nur Asrini Didik Hariyanto Didik Hariyanto Dini Anggini Diska Yulia Trisiana Diska Yulia Trisiana Dita Maharani Dya Mulya Lestari Edison Edison Efrida Efrida Efrida Eka Agustia Rini Elsesmita Elsesmita Erkadius Erkadius Erli Meichory Viorika Eryati Darwin Fauzar Fauzar Firman Arbi Fitrisia Amelin Gustina Lubis Gustina Lubis Hafifatul A Rahmy Hafni Bachtiar Hanifa Hanif Helmizar Hervita Yeni Husna Yetti Ied Imilda Ikhsan Marzony Imil Irsal Imran Indra Ihsan Indri Permata Rani Irhamna Yusra Irvan Medison Irvan Medison Laura Zeffira Lita Farlina Liza Fitria Machdawaty Masri Masri Marhefdison Marhefdison Muhammad Hendri Nastiti Kaswandani Nia Kurniati Nice Rachmawati Nisa Haska Maulina Novi Violona Edwar Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto Nurul Noviarisa Osharinanda Monita Rahmi Lestari Revi Riliani Ricco Azali Riki Alkamdani Rizanda Machmoed Rizanda Machmoed Rizanda Machmud Rizki Meizikri Roni Eka Sahputra Roza Erisma Roza Kurniati Russilawati, Russilawati Shinta Ayudhia Susmiati Susmiati Syahredi SA Triyanto Triyanto Utari Gustiany G Yuniar Lestari Yuniar Lestari Yusrawati Yusrawati Yusri Dianne Jurnalis