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Strategi Pemerintah Kabupaten Wonogiri Dalam Mengembangkan Sentra Agroindustri Brem Putih Harisudin, Mohd.; Wijianto, Arip; Widiyanto, Widiyanto
Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Strategi  Pemerintah  Kabupaten  Wonogiri  dalam  Mengembangkan Sentra Agroindustri Brem Putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan Menganalisis keragaan sentra agroindustri  brem  putih  di  Kabupaten  Wonogiri,  Mengidentifikasi  kondisi  lingkungan internal dan eksternal, Menentukan alternatif strategi dan Menentukan prioritas strategi yang paling tepat diterapkan Pemerintah Kabupaten Wonogiri    dalam mengembangkan sentra  agroindustri  brem  putih.  Penelitian  ini  merupakan  penelitian  deskriptif  analitik dengan menggunakan data primer dan skunder. Data primer untuk menjelaskan keragaan agroindustri brem putih, faktor strategis dan alternative strategi dan penetapan strategi melalui  survey,  observasi  dan  focus  group  discussion.  Data  sekunder  berupa  data monografi dan potensi perekonomian Kabupaten Wonogiri. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah matriks SWOT dan Matriks QSP.  Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Keragaan sentra agroindustri brem putih di Kabupaten Wonogiri adalah rata-rata penerimaan setiap  pengusaha  brem  putih  pada  bulan  mei  2011  sebesar  Rp  17.634.375,-;  biaya  yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp 16.103.678,- dan pendapatannya sebesar Rp 1.530.697,-. Faktor- faktor strategis Kekuatan  adalah Mudahnya melakukan pertukaran informasi, Mudahnya melakukan penjualan produk, Pengalaman berusaha yang lama dan Keterampilan tenaga kerja. Faktor Strategis kelemahan adalah: Para pengusaha kurang inovatif, upaya promosi kurang,  kepingan  brem  putih  tidak  menarik,  kemasan  kurang  menarik,  sentra  belum dikelola  dengan  baik,  Faktor  strategis  peluang  adalah  permintaan  pasar  yang  tinggi, berkembangnya   layanan   pemasok   bahan   baku,   terdapatnya   komunitas   agen/bakul, keberpihakan kebijakan pemerintah, perkembangan teknologi pengolahan pangan, perkembangan teknologi informasi. Faktor strategis ancaman adalah fluktuasi harga bahan baku, inovasi produk pesaing sejenis, hadirnya produk substitusi, kebijakan pemerintah yang kurang  terintegrasi, cerahnya sinar    matahari/cuaca. Prioritas strategi yang direkomendasikan  agar  pengembangan  sentra  agroindustri  brem  putih  di  Kabupaten Wonogiri  dapat  berjalan  efektif  adalah  Memperbaiki  kebersamaan  diantara  pengusaha untuk meningkatkan inovasi guna meningkatkan keuntungan.
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Vol 27, No 2 (2012): October
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2113.864 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/carakatani.v27i2.14274


Farmer dependence at district Banyudono regency Boyolali fertilizer use an-organic in agriculture cultivation day after day becoming more tall. While this region has potential enough tall for organic fertilizer maker, especially fertilizer bokashi. Straw and livestock dirt upon which fertilizer maker bokashi available enough overflow at this area. Rice production at village Denggungan, Ketaon, Bangak, Batan, and Ngaru-aru belong to low. One of the low cause rice productivity at five this villages more go down it power supports tune towards plants cultivation that caused by chemical fertilizer use continually. Method that used in this dedication training and assistance. Farmer group that taken in this dedication activity group with biggest member total and has broad tune at each village. Ability to make fertilizer bokashi self this is supposed can change farmer behavior to change from chemical fertilizer to organic fertilizer. Result that achieved in this dedication: (a) do fertilizer maker training bokashi towards farmer contact and successful farer at five villages concerned, (b) do continuation training in each farmer group, (c) a large part entrant has applied fertilizer bokashi in the agriculture tune. Obstacle that met in this dedication: (a) brown rice pest attack very great cause farmer fails harvest. This matter causes farmer doesn’t has straw and husk upon which standard fertilizer maker bokashi, (b) internal resistance: farmer aversion to a little strive to make fertilizer bokashi, because in such a way long coddled with fertilizer that live to wear. To overcome obstacles dedication team plans to continually do assistance and resuscitation to farmer about organic fertilizer applications urgency in their agriculture tune. Besides functioned to watch over agriculture tune fertility, organic fertilizer application can decrease pest attack and disease likes rice pest attack that cause farmer fails harvest until thrice MT.
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Vol 31, No 2 (2016): October
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.787 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/carakatani.v31i2.11948


This research aim to analyse social economy characteristics of farmers, to analyse farmers participation, and to analyse correlation between social economy characteristics of farmers with participation of farmers in GP-PTT Soybean Plants at Kedawung District, Sragen Regency. Basic methods for this research is explanatory. Research was conducted at Kedawung District in consideration of Kedawung District is a district in Sragen regency which take part in GP-PTT Soybean Plants activity with an area of 1,000 hectare. Data analysis which used is Rank Spearman correlation aim to find out the relation of Social Economy characteristic of farmers with farmers participation in the activity of GP-PTT Soybean Plants. The sampling method that applied in this research is proportional random sampling. Numbers of respondents researched in this research are 50 respondents. Analysis to find out level of significance used t test. The social economy characteristics of farmers in this research are age, formal education, non-formal education, income, farm size, and farming experience. Participations of farmers in this research are participations in planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation, as well as the utilization of the results. The results of this research shows that there is very significance correlation between non-formal education with level of participation in planning, monitoring, and evaluation. There is a very significance correlation between farming experience with level of participation in planning.
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 44, No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.348 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v44i1.41881


This research aims to analyze the responses of farmers to the AUTP program; to analyze the factors affecting farmers’ responses to the AUTP program; and to analyze the influence of factors affecting responses to farmers’responses in the AUTP program. This research was conducted in Adimulyo Subdistrict, Kebumen Regency with the consideration of Adimuluyo Subdistrict is one of the regions that has implemented the AUTP program. This research used quantitative methods and survey technique. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. The data sources used were primary and secondary data with methods of observation, interviews, documentation and recording. The analysis method used was multiple linear regression. The results showed that the farmers’ responses to the program from the aspects of understanding, acceptance and implementation of the majority of farmers’responses were in the category of highly disagree with the program. Factors that can influence the responses of the majority were in the very low category, such as formal education, non-formal education, personal experience of rice farming, cultivated land area. Only the age factor was middle-aged, income was low, and mass media access was never. There was a significant influence between the independent variables to the dependent variable in the AUTP program. Independent variables that significantly affected were age (X ), non- formal education (X ), income (X ), personal experience of rice farming (X ), cultivated land area (X ) and mass access (X ). Other variable that didn’t significantly affected the responses of farmers in the AUTP program was formal education (X ).
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 42, No 1 (2018): May
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1424.656 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v42i1.43304


This research aimed to analyze the farmers’ perception, to analyze the factors  composing  the  farmers’  perception,  to  analyze  the  relationship  between factors composing perception and the farmers’ perception on new superior cultivars of Inpari 30 and 33, and to analyze the difference of perception between the farmers using Inpari 30 and 33 new superior cultivars and those not using them. The fundamental research method employed was a descriptive qualitative with survey technique. The research location was determined purposively. The sample was taken using  Quota  Random  Sampling,  consisting  of  60  respondents.  Data  analysis  was carried out using Spearman’s rank and Mann Whitney’s U analyses. The result of research showed that there was a very significant relationship between non-formal education and farmers’ perception on Inpari 30 and 33 new superior cultivars, at significance level of 99%. Meanwhile, age, formal education, length of time becoming farmers, land width, and land ownership factors were not correlated significantly. There was a difference of perception between the farmers and those using Inpari 30 and 33 new superior cultivars.
Sikap Petani terhadap Program Toko Tani Indonesia di Kecamatan Margoyoso Kabupaten Pati Rizqiyah, Meita Fatimatur; Padmaningrum, Dwiningtyas; Wijianto, Arip
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 44, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1135.211 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v44i2.45405


TokoTani Indonesia (TTI) is a program that aims to cut the food supply chain so the price disparity between farmers and consumers does not occur and improve farmer’s prosperity. This research aims to describe the farmer attitudes towards TTI Programme at Margoyoso District Pati Regency, individual experience, formal education, and significant others who are considered notable to farmers in TokoTani Indonesia (TTI) Programme, influences from individual experience, non-formal education, and significant others who are considered notable towards farmer’s attitudes regarding TTI programme. This research was conducted in Margoyoso District, Pati Regency. Population of this research are 604 farmers as member of Gapoktan Sido Makmur in Purwodadi Village, Tani Makmur Manunggal in Soneyan Village, and Jaya Makmur in Purwodadi Village. Sampling was determined using proportional random sampling technique of 60 farmers. Data analysis using multiple linear regression with IBM SPSS Statistic 16 program. The results showed farmers disagree with Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) program; factors that influence farmers attitude are: individual experience was included in negative category, while non- formal education and significant others were included in low category; simultaneously, all independent factors was significantly influence dependent factor, while partially factors was significantly influence are individual experience, non-formal education, and significant others.
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 23, No 1 (2008): June
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4927.588 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v23i1.43558


Extension activiry ar district Banyudono regency Boyolali cover need development to do changes, move society to do change and stabilize connection with target society. Society enableness program at Banyudono cover farmer institute capacity reinforcement, society participation enhanced in course of development, and enhanced self supporting and farmer independence. Found connection significant between extension activity with village society enableness program at Banyudono regency Boyolali
PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PROYEK PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN DI PERKOTAAN (P2KP) (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Pedan Kabupaten Kiaten) Suminah, Suminah; Anantanyu, Sapja; Wijianto, Arip
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 23, No 1 (2008): June
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v23i1.43580


This reseorch is survey which focusing in participation community in urban poorness at P2KP Program. The purpose ofthis research is to studi how Community participation in P2KP Program at Pedan Sub-District of Klaten District. Data were composed by: observation, interview technique with community, local elite, P2KP ojjicers, and stakeholders,· and studi document. Data were analysed by tabulation and statistic descriptive. The result shows that community participation in P2KP Program at Kaligawe Village in high category as according to each role because have given the contribution to attainment two from three target e. i.: (1) was establish BKM "Bina Sejahtera" in to promote development participation process by to facilitate in planning activities. The activities were decanted in PJM Pronangkis; and (2) opening in access of community services, specially poor population in Tridaya. This effort was supported by a Direct Community Fund (BLM) of P2KP and self-supporting of community.
Efektivitas Kebun Buah Cepoko sebagai Media Diseminasi Informasi Pengembangan Tanaman Hortikultura di Kota Semarang Juniarti, Hafni Amalia; Suwarto, Suwarto; Wijianto, Arip
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 45, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.894 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v45i2.43998


Kebun Buah Cepoko is one of the work units farm owned by Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD)/ Regional Technical Implementation Unit, Departement Agriculture of Semarang City Goverment. The success of farm optimization programs for the development of food crops and horticulture needs to be analyzed in effectiveness dissemination information at the development of horticultural. The purpose of the research was to (1) analyze the effectiveness of Kebun Buah Cepoko as a media dissemination information on horticultural development; (2) analyze the correlation between the level of education, frequency of communication, value economic benefits of commodities, level of cosmopolitan and agricultural information needs with the effectiveness of media dissemination of information on horticultural development; (3) analyze the comparative effectiveness of information dissemination media from the different farmer groups. This research used quantitative methods with questionnaires and interview techniques. The population was 32 horticultural farmers who visited the Kebun Buah Cepoko and received information on the development of horticultural in the December 2019 period. The sampling technique used total sampling with a total of 32 respondents. Data analysis used descriptive statistics analysis, Spearman Rank correlation analysis and Kruskal Wallis comparative analysis. The research showed that the effectiveness of Kebun Buah Cepoko as dissemination media for horticultural development information was 68.78% or in the average category. There was no significant correlation between the factors, farmers, accessing information, consisting of the level of education, frequency of communication, the value of economic benefits of commodities, cosmopolitan level and the need for agricultural information with the effectiveness of dissemination media information on horticultural plant development in Semarang City. The significance value correlation between the economic benefits of commodities with the effectiveness of dissemination media information on horticultural plant development was 0.062. There was a significant comparation of the effectiveness of dissemination media information between farmer groups. Asymp value was obtained sig 0.045.
Kemandirian Wanita Tani dalam Usaha Industri Pangan di Solo Raya Jawa Tengah Suminah Suminah; Sunarru Samsi Hariadi; Mei Tri Sundari; Arip Wijianto
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 13 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluh Pertanian Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.703 KB) | DOI: 10.25015/penyuluhan.v13i1.14795


Kemandirian wanita tani dalam usaha industri pangan membutuhkan social support dari pihak lain dan motivasi dari wanita tani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan sosial support, motivasi, dan kemandirian, (2) menganalisis pengaruh variabel dukungan sosial maupun motivasi terhadap kemandirian wanita tani dalam usaha industri pengolahan pangan. Studi dilakukan di wilayah Solo Raya, Jawa Tengah. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan teknik survey. Sampel diambil sebanyak 210 responden dengan teknik sampling acak bertahap. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan diuji pengaruhnya dengan model persamaan struktural (SEM). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat dijelaskan bahwa sebanyak 52,4% dukungan dari berbagai pihak seperti keluarga, teman, pemimpin, petugas pemberdayaan, dan instansi lain termasuk kategori sedang. Motivasi wanita tani 100% berada pada kategori tinggi, dan kemandirian wanita tani untuk melakukan usaha industri pangan 59,5% termasuk kategori tinggi. Sosial support dan motivasi secara simultan memiliki nilai determinant (R²) = 0,05. Kecilnya kontribusi sosial support dan motivasi terhadap kemandirian wanita tani dalam menjalankan usaha industri pangan, disebabkan karena bentuk dukungan sosial yang diberikan selama ini kurang tepat, sehingga kurang berdampak pada peningkatan motivasi dan kemandirian wanita tani dalam usaha indutri pangan. Dukungan sosial dan motivasi secara langsung berpengaruh significan terhadap kemandirian. Dukungan sosial secara tidak langsung memiliki pengaruh lebih besar pada kemandirian wanita tani jika dimediasi oleh motivasi.