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Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan (JPMIT)

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Peningkatan Dan Pemeliharaan Irigasi Di Desa Lupia Kecamatan Kabangka Kabupaten Muna Ahmad Syarif Sukri; La Welendo; Maskur Kimsan; Nasrul Nasrul; Fitriah Fitriah; Ridwan Syah Nuhun; Baso Mursidi; Adris A. Putra; Siti Nurjanah Ahmad
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Vokasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jpmit.v4i1.26428


The Lupia Village irrigation network was formed in 1981 through farmer groups from the results of non-governmental organizations. Currently the government has given attention and assistance both through the village fund budget and central government funding assistance, however, there is still a need for program sustainability from related parties. The results of the identification were carried out, namely that there were still few people who did not understand about the more effective use of irrigation water, so that there was always a crop failure where other plots of rice fields had excess water while the farthest plots did not get water. The area of land used by the community is currently around + 35 hectares, but the available land and the potential to be used as rice fields are around + 90 hectares, so that what has not been functioned as rice fields is about + 55 hectares. Seeing this condition, it is very potential to be developed to be able to increase the production of rice fields in Lupia Village, from this potential, the Lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering, Halu Oleo University as part of the Tridarma of Higher Education, carries out community service activities through the transfer of knowledge so that the community can develop, increase production, and improve community welfare, especially the residents of Lupia Village, Kabangka District, Muna Regency. The methods used are socialization, technical guidance, training on procedures for implementing technical irrigation canal development so that water is not wasted and can be fully utilized by farming communities. The expected result is that the community can increase the yield of lowland rice production. Seeing the potential of Lupia Village in Kabangka District, it is hoped that the program can be carried out continuously so that it can increase income and a better standard of living for its people.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan Vol 5, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Vokasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jpmit.v5i1.40170


Community service is a form of higher education tri dharma, namely a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, Halu Oleo University which was held in Kabangka village, Muna Regency. Kabangka Village is a potential area and sufficient natural resources, in this case the spring tourism potential (Fotuno Sangia) which is often visited by local and even foreign tourists, agricultural land is very fertile, but road access to the village needs serious attention from all parties. . Community service aims to contribute in the form of knowledge about infrastructure development to improve the welfare of the community in Kabangka Village, Muna Regency. The process of implementing this service is a technique of implementing infrastructure and outreach to the farming community and the local village government. The Community Partnership Program is carried out by involving the community in the kabangka village of Muna Regency. The methods used in community service are sample provide, direct and face-to-face discussions with the community, and field applications in infrastructure development oriented to improving village roads. The results of the implementation of community service contribute to product work on infrastructure development, especially the improvement of village roads as access to community mobility movements to support economic, social, educational, and other activities. The community has a fairly good response and high enthusiasm for the program carried out by the lecturer team.  
PENDAMPINGAN SURVEY DAN ASESSMENT KERUSAKAN DRAINASE PADA SISI JALAN BELIMBING DAN JALAN DURIAN KELURAHAN ANDUONOHU-KOTA KENDARI Ahmad Syarif Sukri; La Ode Muhamad Nurrakhmad Arsyad; Siti Nurjanah Ahmad; Nasrul Nasrul; Muh. Thahir Azikin; Sulha Sulha; Try Sugiyarto Soepariyanto
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan Vol 5, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Vokasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jpmit.v5i1.43161


Kondisi ruas jalan Belimbing dan jalan Durian di Kelurahan Anduonohohu secara keseluruhan berada di daerah dataran dekat dengan lapangan dan perumahan, kondisi drainasenya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan setempat seperti aliran drainase, topografi, kondisi tanah, kondisi material dan kondisi beban kendaraan yang melintasi ruas jalan tersebut. Drainase jalan yang baik harus mampu mengatur debit air yang masuk kedalam saluran, sehingga laju air dapat terkendali. Untuk mengendalikan air saluran samping jalan, kemiringan melintang dan memanjang sangat berpengaruh. penampang memanjang dari saluran drainase air dapat diatur pendistribusian air dan kemana arah air dibuang. Kemudian saluran samping berfungsi untuk menampung debit air untuk didistribusikan. Tujuan dari Pendampingan survei dan assessment ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan drainase (saluran samping) di sepanjang Jalan Belimbing dan jalan Durian Kelurahan Anduonohu, juga untuk mengkaji sistem pembuangan air hujan dan air limbah masyarakat yang langsung masuk ke drainase samping jalan untuk menunjang pengembangan kebijakan tata kelola sistem drainase yang bersih dan berkesinambungan serta merekomendasikan sistem Pengelolaan dan bangunan/konstruksi drainase yang kuat, berfungsi dengan baik efektif dan efisien. Pendampingan ini menghasilkan data survey kerusakan drainase dan assessment pada sisi ruas jalan Belimbing dan jalan Durian Kelurahan Anduonohu dengan dimensi saluran drainase yang tidak seragam, konstruksi bangunan tidak sesuai dengan standar SNI dan Dep PU, kemiringan saluran drainase tidak sesuai lagi karena banyak terdapat sedimen kemudian Saluran drainase sebagian besar tersumbat yang cukup parah akibat sampah dan sedimen serta saluran drainase dibawah trotoar yang tidak memiliki inlet sehingga air menggenangi pada badan jalan.