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Jurnal Midwifery Update (MU) Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Midwifery Update (MU)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/jmu.v1i2.54


ASI merupakan gizi sangat ideal dengan komposisi seimbang akantetapi, pemberian ASI tidak selamanya dapat berjalan normal salah satunya karena bendungan air susu yaitu pembengkakan pada payudara karena peningkatan aliran vena dan limfe menurut data WHO tahun 2013 di Amerika Serikat sebanyak 87,05%. perempuan menyusui mengalami bendungan asi data SDKI tahun 2015 sebanyak 37,12% ibu nifas mengalami bendungan asi. Dari data survey awal  didapat, dari 10 orang ibu nifas  bahwa 6 orang mengalami bendungan asi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Bendungan ASI Di Klinik Kasih Ibu Deli Serdang  Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian survei analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Lokasi penelitia Klinik Kasih Ibu Deli Serdang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total population sebanyak 34 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square yaitu analisis univariat dan analisis Bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji chi square, diperoleh hasil perhitungan  pendidikan (p value = 0,004 < α = 0,05), pengetahuan (p value = 0,002 < α = 0,05), paritas (p value = 0,003 < α = 0,05), maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Kesimpulannya terdapat Pengaruh yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Bendungan ASI Di Klinik Kasih Ibu Deli Serdang  Tahun 2017. Disarankan  tenaga kesehatan untuk memberikan penyuluhan tentang kejadian bendungan ASI melalui kerjasama lintas program dengan lembaga terkait. ABSTRACTBreast milk is not always able to walk normally one of them because milk dams that is swelling in the breast due to increased venous flow and lymph velopes according to WHO data 2013 in the United States as much as 87.05%. of breastfeeding women suffered from data damages of ICI data in 2015 as much as 37.12% of postpartum women suffered dams. From preliminary survey data obtained, from 10 postpartum mothers that 6 people suffered dam ation. The purpose of research to determine Factors Associated With Breastfeeding Incidence At Deli Serdang Ibu Bersih Clinic Year 2017. Type of research analytic survey with cross sectional design. Location researcher Klinik Kasih Ibu Deli Serdang. Sampling technique is total population of 34 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square test that is univariate analysis and Bivariat analysis. The result of the research shows that the result of statistical test using chi square test, obtained the calculation of education (p value = 0,004 <α = 0,05), knowledge (p value = 0,002 <α = 0,05), parity (p value = 0,003 < = 0,05), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. In conclusion there is Influence Associated with Breastfeeding Incidence At Deli Serdang Deli Health Clinic Year 2017. Suggested health workers to provide counseling about the incidence of milk dam through cross-program cooperation with related institutions. 
IQRA`: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi (e-Journal) Vol 15, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30829/iqra.v15i2.11201


The goal of this research was to determine the role of libraries in improving the quality of education at SMA Negeri 3 Medan as a source of information and learning for students. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The study's findings indicate that the library at SMA Negeri 3 Medan serves as a cyber library to support the learning process at SMA Negeri 3 Medan by providing information to improve educational quality.
Midwifery Journal: Jurnal Kebidanan UM. Mataram Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.606 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/mj.v4i2.899


Seribu hari pertama kelahiran setiap anak merupakan masa perkembangan kecerdasan yang sangat pesat pada setiap individu sehingga masa ini disebut golden age (masa emas). Anak-anak  yang  lahir  dengan  jarak  kelahiran  3  sampai  5  tahun dengan kelahiran sebelumnya memiliki tingkat kelangsungan hidup 2,5 kali lebih tinggi dari pada mereka yang lahir dengan jarak kelahiran < 2 tahun. Anak-anak yang lahir dengan jarak kelahiran 3 tahun dengan kelahiran sebelumnya lebih sehat saat mereka dilahirkan dan memiliki kemungkinan hidup    lebih    baik   pada   setiap    pertumbuhan    dan   perkembangannya. Tujuan dari analisis ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan jarak kelahiran dengan pengasuhan tumbuh kembang anak di sumatera utara. Analisis ini menggunakan data sekunder, yaitu data dari “Survei Indikator Kinerja Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) Program Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Tahun 2017”. Survei dilaksanakan di semua kabupaten (34 kabupaten) disumatera utara.Responden adalah WUS yang memiliki anak balita dengan usia 0-4 tahun dengan jarak kelahiran anak terakhir dengan anak sebelumnya adalah 339. Hasil uji chi square diperoleh nilai sig 0.201 yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan jarak kelahiran dengan pengasuhan tumbuh kembang anak di sumatera utara. Hal ini membuktikan bahwasanya tidak ada perbedaan pengasuhan orang tua baik pada jarak kelahiran pendek maupun jarak kelahiran yang panjang. Menurut asumsi peneliti, hal ini terjadi dikarenakan orangtua tidak terlalu mementingkan pengasuhan tumbuh kembang anak yang meliputi aspek pertumbuhan fisik, aspek jiwa/metal/spiritual dan aspek sosial. Namun orangtua lebih mementingkan aspek finansial atau keuangan untuk bertahan hidup mereka. Sehingga pola asuh menjadi terabaikan. 
Jurnal Gentle Birth Vol 4, No 1 (2021): JANUARI
Publisher : Akademi Kebidanan Ika Bina

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Pendahuluan; Kelas ibu hamil merupakan salah satu kegiatan untuk memantau dan deteksi dini kesehatan ibu dan janin pada saat kehamilan. Tingginya ketidakikutsertaan pelaksanaan kelas ibu hamil trimester III sebanyak 92 ibu hamil.WHO memperkirakan setiap menit wanita meninggal karena komplikasi yang terkait dengan kehamilan dan persalinan, dengan kata lain 1.300 wanita meninggal setiap harinya atau lebih kurang 500.000 wanita meninggal setiap tahunnya. TujuanPenelitian; ini adalah untuk melihat faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan keikutsertaan pelaksanaan kelas ibu hamil di Puskesmas Desa Binjai Tahun 2019.Metode Penelitian; Jenis penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah ibu hamil trimester III yang mengikuti kelas ibu hamil sebanyak 31 orang. Sampel menggunakan total population yaitu sebanyak 31orang. Pengambilan data yaitu data primer dan sekunder dengan menggunakan data univariat dan bivariat. Hasil Penelitian; penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan responden mayoritas kurang sebanyak 14 responden (45,2%) dan minoritas baik sebanyak 7 responden (22,6%) dengan hasil uji chi-square α 0.019<0.05, dukungan keluarga yang mendukung sebanyak 14 responden (45,2%) dan yang tidak mendukung (54,8%) dengan α 0.007<0.05. Responden yang bekerja sebanyak 10 responden (32,3%) dan tidak bekerja 21 responden (67.7%) dengan α 0.023<0.05, paritas yang primigravida sebanyak 10 responden (32,3%) dan multigravida sebanyak 21 responden (67.7%) dengan α 0.023<0.05. Hal ini berarti ada hubungan pengetahuan, dukungan keluarga, pekerjaan dan paritas dengan keikutsertaan pelaksanaan kelas ibu hamil. Kesimpulan; dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan pengetahuan, dukungan keluarga, pekerjaan dan paritas dengan keikutsertaan pelaksanaan kelas ibu hamil. Peneliti menyarankan kepada tenaga kesehatan agar meningkatkan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya mengikuti kelas ibu hamil sehingga deteksi dini segera ditangani.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI & KOMUNIKASI DALAM PENDIDIKAN Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Juni - Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pendidikan
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (194.81 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jtikp.v9i1.35539


Abstrak :Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran melalui software program Macromedia Flash untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak insentif  pada materi cerita fantasi di kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Maluku Tengah. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Maluku Tengah yang berjumlah 28 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Media yang dihasilkan terdiri atas tiga bagian, yaitu pembuka (meliputi SK,KD, dan petunjuk penggunaan media), isi (meliputi menu materi, latihan, dan kuis), dan penutup (meliputi video motivasi dan biodata penulis). Media pembelajaran macromedia flash tersebut diuji cobakan kepada (1) ahli media pembelajaran dan (2) ahli materi, (3) praktisi, dan (4) siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket Ahli materi, angket Ahli media, praktisi dan angket respon Siswa, dan instrumen  indikator menyimak intensif. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, angket. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini antara lain: (1) Tahap desain, pembuatan media menggunakan aplikasi Macromedia Flash dengan bantuan aplikasi Ms. Power Point, dan (2) validasi desain, (3) revisi produk, dan (4) uji coba produk pada siswa SMP Negeri 4 Maluku Tengah di kelas VII. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang diperoleh dari angket uji ahli menunjukkan bahwa macromedia flash layak dan siap diimplementasikan. Kata Kunci: macromedia flash, menyimak intensif, siswa SMP Kelas VII Abstract : This study aims to produce learning media through the Macromedia Flash software program to improve the ability to listen to incentives on fantasy story material in class VII SMP Negeri 4 Maluku Tengah. The subjects of this study were the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Central Maluku, totaling 28 people. This study uses a development method adapted from the Borg and Gall development model. The resulting media consists of three parts, namely the opening (covering SK, KD, and instructions for using media), content (covering material menus, exercises, and quizzes), and closing (covering motivational videos and author biodata). The macromedia flash learning media was tested on (1) learning media experts and (2) material experts, (3) practitioners, and (4) students. The instruments used in this research are material expert questionnaires, media expert questionnaires, practitioner and student response questionnaires, and intensive listening indicator instruments. The method used in data collection is observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The stages carried out in this research include: (1) Design stage, making media using Macromedia Flash application with the help of Ms. Power Point, and (2) design validation, (3) product revision, and (4) product testing on students of SMP Negeri 4 Central Maluku in class VII and ready to be implemented. Keywords: macromedia flash, intensive listening, class VII junior high school students
Self Efficacy and Barriers to Smoking Cessation in Men and Women in Medan: Case Study in the Lower Class Economic Community Miskah Afriani; Asrul; Wahyuni; Makhfura Syukrillah
International Journal of Cultural and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Self-efficacy is an important factor in quitting smoking. The goal of this study was to describe the self-efficacy of quitting smoking and to investigate the factors that contribute to smoking cessation in low-income communities with pedicab drivers and traders working on the outskirts of Medan City. This study took an exploratory research approach, with data collected first through a questionnaire and then through additional interviews. The SSQ, which has been standardized in Indonesian, is used for interview guidance, and expert validity is used. The study included 39 people (32 men and 7 women) who worked as pedicab drivers and market vendors. The results showed that low self-efficacy was 15.3%, smokers with low self-efficacy had barriers to smoking cessation dominated by the mastery experience factor (56.4%). Barriers to quitting smoking are due to mastery experience, namely weak intentions and failure to learn from one's own experience. While the barriers to vicarious experience are due to the factor of seeing a peer group that remains healthy and happy because of smoking. Meanwhile, verbal persuasion is caused by a friend's invitation to women, while men are afraid of getting a bad image. Low self-efficacy was 15.3 percent, sufficient self-efficacy was 61.6 percent, and high self-efficacy was 23.1 percent, according to the findings. The mastery experience factor dominates the barriers to quitting smoking in smokers with low self-efficacy (56.4 percent ). It is hoped that the suggestions in this study will help smokers develop a strong will and a strong belief that they can quit smoking. It is also recommended that psychoeducation and counseling approaches be used to help people quit smoking.
Factors of Affecting Early Marriage on Adolescent Women in Sei Buluh Village, Sei Bamban District Asrul; Miskah Afriani; Titiadi Simamora
International Journal of Cultural and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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In terms of socio-economic, mental/psychological, and physical health, early marriage in adolescents has a negative impact on the teen's reproductive health. As a result of early marriage, women between the ages of 15 and 19 are twice as likely to die in childbirth. This is a correlational and cross-sectional approach to research. Teenagers aged 15 to 20 years who had married young were included in this study. The logistic regression test was used for the analysis. According to the study's findings, the perception of culture is the most influential factor, while promiscuity has no effect. If you find your children dating in inappropriate places, you can suggest marriage as a way of improving your economic and cultural life. Children's mental and physical health is at risk when parents marry young, according to this study.
Relationship of Mom's Knowledge About Breast Milk Feeding Patterns With Nutritional Status in Children Aged 6-24 Months at Jambur Pulau, Kec. Perbaungan in 2021 Rini Febrianti; Sulastry Pakpahan; Afrida Yelni; Selly M Pasaribu; Asrul
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Efforts to improve the health and nutritional status of infants or children through improving community behavior in feeding are an inseparable part of efforts to improve overall nutrition. Complementary foods are given from 4 months to 24 months of age. This study aims to see if there is a relationship between mother's knowledge about complementary feeding patterns with nutritional status in children aged 6-24 months in Jambur Pulau Village, Perbaungan District in 2021. This research method is an analytic survey study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers of toddlers 6-24 months who came to visit Posyandu in May-July. The sampling technique used was Total Sampling, mothers who had toddlers who came to Posyandu in July amounted to 38 people. The results of statistical analysis using SPSS with Chi-Square test. The results obtained that the majority of mothers' knowledge levels about the provision of complementary feeding were in the less category, namely 10 respondents (26.3%), the nutritional status of the majority of underweight children was 10 respondents (26.3%), based on Chi-square test at 90% confidence level obtained p value = 0.003, meaning there is a relationship. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge about complementary feeding patterns with nutritional status in children aged 6-24 months in Jambur Pulau Village, Perbaungan District in 2021. Suggestions It is hoped that mothers of toddlers can add information and knowledge about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and improving the quality of breast milk so that complementary feeding does not need to be given early.
Relationship of Mom's Knowledge About Breast Milk Feeding Patterns With Nutritional Status in Children Aged 6-24 Months at Jambur Pulau, Kec. Perbaungan in 2021 Rini Febrianti; Sulastry Pakpahan; Afrida Yelni; Selly M Pasaribu; Asrul
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.473 KB)


Efforts to improve the health and nutritional status of infants or children through improving community behavior in feeding are an inseparable part of efforts to improve overall nutrition. Complementary foods are given from 4 months to 24 months of age. This study aims to see if there is a relationship between mother's knowledge about complementary feeding patterns with nutritional status in children aged 6-24 months in Jambur Pulau Village, Perbaungan District in 2021. This research method is an analytic survey study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers of toddlers 6-24 months who came to visit Posyandu in May-July. The sampling technique used was Total Sampling, mothers who had toddlers who came to Posyandu in July amounted to 38 people. The results of statistical analysis using SPSS with Chi-Square test. The results obtained that the majority of mothers' knowledge levels about the provision of complementary feeding were in the less category, namely 10 respondents (26.3%), the nutritional status of the majority of underweight children was 10 respondents (26.3%), based on Chi-square test at 90% confidence level obtained p value = 0.003, meaning there is a relationship. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge about complementary feeding patterns with nutritional status in children aged 6-24 months in Jambur Pulau Village, Perbaungan District in 2021. Suggestions It is hoped that mothers of toddlers can add information and knowledge about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and improving the quality of breast milk so that complementary feeding does not need to be given early.
Penguatan Posyandu dalam Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Deteksi Dini Berbasis Aplikasi dan Pendampingan Wirausaha di Sumatera Utara Roni Gunawan; Arifah Devi Fitriani; Dian Maya Sari Siregar; Asrul Asrul; Dahrul Siregar; Sugito Sugito
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v7i1.3765


Reducing the stunting rate is still a national priority at this time, one of the important pillars that can be strengthened is monitoring and evaluation. One way is through early detection using the application as a monitoring medium. The implementation is the Posyandu which incidentally is the spearhead in the field, in order to strengthen the Posyandu efforts, the Posyandu needs to be supported to be economically productive and able to use the application. The method used is entrepreneurship training and application use, application use assistance, and entrepreneurial assistance. The results of this activity are able to use applications so that they are able to detect stunting toddlers early, then Posyandu has a productive business which part of the profits are used to help the operation of Posyandu