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Journal : Jurnal Teknik Mesin

Rancang Bangun Konstruksi Rangka Dan Bak Penampung Alat Penyapu Jalan Muhammad Ziyad; Aidil Zamri; Zulhendri Zulhendri
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 11 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

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At this time in the process of sweeping the road still using traditional tools by janitors, for example broom sticks. One of the technologies that began to develop was the Street Sweeper machine. This Street Sweeper is a tool to help alleviate the work of janitors in terms of road sweeping. Sweeping the highway using the Street Sweeper is one of the main steps to accelerate the process of sweeping the highway with rapid traffic flow. The working principle of this machine is by utilizing thrust from humans, by means of a machine being pushed and directed to the garbage scattered on the road. Therefore it is very appropriate to use Street Sweeper to sweep the road compared to using manual tools because it can save work time
Pengaruh Tinggi Air Masuk Dan Diameter Pipa Outlet Terhadap Tinggi Air Keluar Pompa Hidram Zulhendri Zulhendri; Yuliarman Yuliarman; Menhendry Menhendry; Nota Effiandi; Putri Adeliza
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 12 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

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The pump is a device that can lift water from a lower height to a higher place, but because there are many pumps in the market that use electricity as a power plant and the selling price is quite high for rural communities, an appropriate pump is needed and cheap. Hydram pump is one alternative, where the workings of this tool can raise the water to a higher place with energy or power that comes from the water itself. Making Hydram pumps itself is relatively inexpensive, simple and durable. Hydram pumps are very popular because they work without using energy, so it is suitable for use in villages that do not have electricity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the height of the incoming water and the diameter of the outlet pipe on the height of the outlet water at the hydram pump. In this study the height of the incoming water was varied as high as 0.5m, 1m and 1.5m while the diameter of the aoutlaet pipe was varied by 0.5inc, ¾ inc and 1 inc. From this experiment it was found that the height of the incoming water and the diameter of the outlet pipe significantly influence the height of the outgoing water, of the two factors most influential on the height of the outgoing water is the height of the incoming water
Penerapan Quality Control pada Souvenir Logo PNP dengan Metode Box Plot dan Six Sigma Menhendry Menhendry; Alfian Alfian; Elvis Adril; Junaidi Junaidi; Zulhendri Zulhendri
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jtm.14.2.674


The quality of a product determines the level of market demand. This paper discusses the determination of the quality level of plastic molding with the sigma level method which uses the Box Plot to determine the desired quality limit. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of quality of product using statistics. The object of this research is to determine the weight variation of the souvenir of PNP logo with a weight indicator. The experiment were carried out on 200 samples taken at random.Then each sample is numbered from 1 to 200. Each sample is weighed carefully. The results obtained were processed using a box plot to obtain the numbered of rejected samples from 200 samples that were weighed. The result of data processing obtained 19 reject products from 200 products tested. From this data there are 9,5% of products that do not meet the desired specifications. Furthermore, the sigma level is determined from the results of data processing using a box plot. DPMO of 9.5% is 95000 Defects per Milion Opportunities. The result of determining the sigma level is 2.8 Sigma.