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An Evaluation of Halal Tourism Program in East Lombok Regency Using Kirkpatrick’s Model Fithry, Syawalina; Anwar, Syafri
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Volume 2 Number 1
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (580.575 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v2i1.115


This research was aimed to describe an evaluation of Halal Tourism program in East Lombok Regency, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia. This study was a program evaluation research which employed Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model (Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Result) and descriptive qualitative approach. Instruments of data collection were interview guideline, observation guideline, document review, and questionnaire. The data was analysis by using Miles and Huberman’s model which consisted of data display, data reduction, and conclusion drawing/verification. The result of this research showed that the reaction of Government Tourism Office and local community in East Lombok Regency towards Halal Tourism program was at moderate category (75.46%); community’s reaction towards the learning and carrying capacity of Halal tourism program was at moderate category (75.17 %); community’s knowledge of Halal Tourism scored 82.93 %; management system, both operational and administrative, scored 70.62 %; and Community’s reaction towards the aspects of Halal Tourism program scored 79.03%. The effectiveness of Halal Tourism program according to community’s reaction towards facility aspects scored 65.52 or was at moderate category. Moreover, the result from questionnaire revealed that 91.67% of participants thought that the knowledge they obtained in Halal Tourism program was less practical.
Learning Model Development Using Moodle E-Learning Software By Implementing Borg And Gall Method Yudie, Muhardi; Anwar, Syafri; Rukun, Kasman; -, Jasrial
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2017: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 3
Publisher : Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB)

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This research is based on the vastness of Indonesia territory consisting of islands and uneven distribution of population to state education need to follow the development and technological progress which has changed the paradigm of the concept of learning that is conventional.Currently in the midst of technological advances required variations of methods that provide more opportunities for teachers and students to learn independently by utilizing various sources. Teaching and Learning Process is required by utilizing technological elements and utilizing wider learning resources by not abandoning the conventional pattern of direct guidance from the teacher. LESSON LEARNING AND LEARNING TEACHING to the global world today that has meaning in the learning pattern that contains elements of mixed, combined or combined patterns with other patterns to improve the quality of learning to improve. This concept is often also termed by mixing between e-learning with the conventional so-called blended e-learning. Based on the purpose of this study to produce Learning Device Development model by Using Moodle E-Learning Software in Operating System I Course at STMIK Hang Tuah Pekanbaru which valid, practical, and effective.This research is a research development (Reserch and Development) by using Borg and Gall design. The subject of this research is the second semester student (two) Information System Study Program and Informatics Engineering Study Program STMIK Hang Tuah Pekanbaru.The result of this research is the creation of learning tools that are valid, practical, and effective for the course of Operating System I at STMIK Hang Tuah Pekanbaru which is able to improve students creativity abilities in accordance with validation results from the validators. Keywords : Blended Learning, Blended elearning, Elearning, Workplace learning
Improvement of Activity and Social Science Learning Outcomes through Teams Game Tournament Using Crossword Puzzle Ismayenti Ismayenti; Syafri Anwar; Khairani Khairani
International Conferences on Educational, Social Sciences and Technology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/20181117


This research was motivated by low activity and learning outcomes of social science sat IX.1 class in SMP Negeri 3 Sungai Geringging. Therefore it was necessary to improve learning, . The purpose of this study was to improved the activity and learning outcomes of social science through cooperative learning model, type teams game tournament by using crossword puzzle on the achievement of nineth grade students in SMP Negeri Sungai Geringging, semester 1 academic 2017/2018. The method used wasclassroom action research. The research procedure was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Data collection techniques such as observation and formative tests (cognitive). Data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results was found the average percentage of the students activity in cycle 1 was 63.8% , in increased to 90.5% (very active). the average score was 73.9 in cycle 1, with percentage 65.7% or 23 students completed, the average score in cycle 2 79,3 with percentage 88,6% or 31 students completed
Developing an Authentic Project-Based Assessment Model on Sociology Learning of Senior High School Students Ike Sylvia; Syafri Anwar; Khairani Khairani
International Conferences on Educational, Social Sciences and Technology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/2018159


This article aims to describe an authentic project-based assessment model in improving students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Sociology learning. This study used a mix-method design that applied ADDIE procedural to gain valid and reliable outcomes. Data collection used multiple techniques involving guided-interviews, survey, validity test, item instrument sheet, HOTS multiple questions with students' elicitation and observation sheet. The study results revealed that: (1) A characteristic of the authentic project-based assessment modelrefers toextensive assessments such as performance, attitude, presentation, product, project, and comprehension. Both performance and attitude assessments used during the project assessment. (2) An implementation of the authentic project-based assessment model is valid and reliable after givingan experimental treatmentin the class of X IIS SMAN 1 Padang that related to cognitive, affective and skills area. (3) An authentic project-based assessment model increased students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) regarding critical thinking and problem-solving aspects, communication skill aspects, creativity and innovation aspects, and collaboration aspects.
School management in improving quality education in SMA Nurul Ilmi Padangsidimpuan Sufyarma Marsidin; Syafri Anwar; Dunia Siagian; Kasman Rukun
International Conferences on Educational, Social Sciences and Technology
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/2018146


The school management can mean everything pertaining to the management of the educational process to achieve the stated goals, both short-term goals, medium, or long-term goals. The purpose of term goal of this research was to determine the school management to improve the quality of education, to include: (1) Planning school programs; (2) The implementation of school programs and (3) Barriers faced. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Subjects were principals, supervisors and teachers in primary schools Boarding School Jar Pidie district. Research results found: (1) planning school programs, (2) The implementation of school programs, and (3) Barriers in planning school programs. It is expected that supervisors in order to direct and supervise principals in improving the quality of education on school program planning, program implementation and obstacles faced by appropriate, effective and efficient so that the quality of education in the schools can be improved.
The Mapping of Disaster Readiness of SSB (The Disaster Ready Schools) in The Coastal Area of Padang City, Indonesia Anwar, Syafri
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

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The purpose of this research was to identify the level of readiness of SSB (the Disaster Ready Schools) in the coastal area of Padang City especially in the red zone area in facing the disaster, especially earthquake and tsunami. Some variables of SSB are: the school community knowledge about the disaster, the disaster response skills, the school policies/SOP, the emergency response plans, and the resource mobilization. This research was descriptive research using observation, interviews and questionnaires in data collection. The data were analyzed using the percentage formula to determine the tendency of respondents. The research population was the SSB in the red zone area. The samples were determined by using purposive sampling technique to choose the schools and proportional random sampling technique to choose the respondents. The results of the research are: 1). the school community knowledge about the disaster tends to be good (3.1), 2). the disaster response skills tend to be good (3.2). 3). not all schools have the good school policies/SOP, 4). In general, no schools have the emergency response plans/the resource mobilization. Based on the calculation of the indicators achievement level, it can be concluded that the readiness of SSB in the coastal area of Padang City especially in the red zone area in facing the disaster is still low. It is proved by only a limited number of SSB that have good readiness. The research recommends: a need of serious disaster mitigation efforts on the part of policy makers. The efforts must be done according to program and continuously. In the attempts given,a variety of innovative activities should be done, such as doing the socialization and disaster response simulation periodically, the celebration of the disaster day, the celebration of the earth day, the celebration of the environmental day, and the empowerment of community (especially schools community), as well as the provision of facilities and infrastructure.
Disaster Mitigation of Mount Sinabung in Karo District, North Sumatra Province Barlian, Eri; Dewata, Indang; Umar, Iswandi; Muchtar, Bustari; Anwar, Syafri
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education (SJDGGE)
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.049 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v3i2 - 1.287


The volcanic eruption of Mount Sinabung has caused the loss of human lives. Hence, for minimizing losses, disaster mitigation is needed. The purpose of this study is to determine the policy directives in mitigating volcanic eruptions of Mount Sinabung. The method to determine the volcano hazard area is the assessment method using geographic information system techniques. Indicators in determining the hazard level are slope, soil type, geology, landform, vegetation, and land use. As for determining the policy directive, this study used the AHP method. The results show that 45 percent of the area is a high risk of the volcano hazard area. From the research, the appropriate policy directive for mitigation is relocating the area further from the volcano.
Assembling Discovery Learning Model of Learning to Increase Activity and Results of Learning Geography in Class X Mipa 1 SMAN 3 Padang Panjang Zulhendri, Zulhendri; Anwar, Syafri
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education (SJDGGE)
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (111.01 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v4i1.323


Discovery method is a component of educational practices that include teaching methods that promote active learning, the orientation in process, directing his own, find your own and reflective, Use of discovery learning, wants to change the conditions of passive learning to active and creative, learning teacher oriented to student oriented, and change the ekspository mode students only receive information from the student's teacher Discovery mode to find information themselves. The learning result is the ability of the students after receiving a learning experience. With action research methods class through two cycles of data obtained an increase in the results of class X MIPA 1 SMAN 3 Padang Panjang, amounting to 29 students from the mean value approximately 52% of students scoring above the clasical minimal value, and 48% of students are below the clasical minimal value, bethe average value approximately 86% of students scoring above the clasical minimal value, and 14% of students are below the clasical minimal value, learning discovery in learning geography will increase the activity of students in learning, both of individually and classical. Increased activity of students in learning makes students more enthusiastic about learning and will improve student learning outcomes.
Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Autentik Berbasis Pendekatan Authentic Inquiry Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi di Sekolah Menengah Atas Ike Sylvia; Syafri Anwar; Khairani Khairani
SOCIUS Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Socius: Journal of Sociology Research and Education, Universitas Negeri Pa
Publisher : Labor Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/scs.v6i2.162


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil penelitian pengembangan instrumen penilaian autentik berbasis pendekatan authentic inquiry learning untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, kolaboarsi, komunikasi, berpikir kreatif dan inovatif, dan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa pada pembelajaran sosiologi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian R & D, prosedur pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Instrumen penilaian autentik yang dikembangkan terdiri dari: instrumen penilaian kognitif (soal tes), penilaian sikap (spiritual dan sosial) berupa instrumen penilaian diri dan teman sejawat, penilaian keterampilan (penilaian kinerja, proyek), pedoman observasi diskusi kelas dan kunjungan lapangan. Validitas instrumen diukur melalui validasi ahli Kelayakan instrumen dianalisis menggunakan formula V Aiken, serta menggunakan koefisien reliabilitas alpha untuk menguji reliabilitas instrument, efektifitas produk pengembangan dilakukan ujicoba kepada guru dan siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Padang semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 yang terdiri dari 35 siswa. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan temuan berikut: (1) Instrumen Penilaian Autentik yang dikembangkasn telah sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan instrumen pembelajaran, (2) Instrumen penilaian autentik berbasis authentic inquiry learning valid dan dapat diandalkan untuk mengukur aspek kognitif, afektif, dan keterampilan siswa, (3) Hasil penilaian autentik terhadap proses dan hasil belajar siswa membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran sosiologi menggunakan pendekatan authentic inquiry learning dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, kolaborasi, komunikasi, berpikir kreatif dan inovatif, serta berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. Dengan demikian, instrumen ini dapat didorong untuk diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran Sosiologi di tingkat sekolah menengah atas untuk mengetahui perkembangan aspek afektif, kognitif, keterampilan siswa, serta memberikan feedback untuk peningkatan mutu pembelajaran.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nagari Siaga Bencana Banjir Di Nagari Pangkalan Kecamatan Pangkalan Kabupaten Limapuluhkota Syafri Anwar; Khairani Khairani; Dilla Angraina
Jurnal Georafflesia: Artikel Ilmiah Pendidikan Geografi Vol 2 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, S.H

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This devotion aims to make Nagari Nagari Pangkalan District Pangkalan District Limapuluhkota, become Nagari Disaster Alert, so that the Nagari Pangkalan tough and standby if sudden floods occur and the impact is not too big. The low knowledge and awareness of the flood and environmental awareness caused by the priority of the economic interests, so that many people do land clearing, including around the Maek River. Yet with the opening of land that is not balanced with environmental conditions, then there is rain with a great intensity, then the area becomes an area prone to flood disaster. This proved two consecutive years (2016 and 2017) floods that exceed 1 meter so that the impact on all facilities and infrastructure including agriculture and plantations owned by Nagari Pangkalan community. Therefore, the community service team has conducted workshops and counseling to representatives from various levels of society, so as to increase the knowledge and spirit of the community to make their Nagari Disaster Alert. The next plan of the devotion team will be to carry out the Focus Group Discussion to discuss the findings and findings of the workshop and counseling.