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Penerapan Teori Belajar Kognitif Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Tingkat SMP di SIT Bina Insan Batang Kuis Muhammad Alpin Hascan; Suyadi Suyadi
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.562 KB) | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v5i2.1548


Abstract: The theory of learning in the world of education is many in number, one that is often and commonly used especially in Indonesia is the theory of cognitive learning. Cognitive theory is one of the other theories that are quite effective in its application. This study aims to examine the application of cognitive learning theory in PAI subjects at junior high school at Bina Insan Batang Kuis Integrated Islamic School. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that is studied through library studies. The results of this study showed that cognitive learning theory is effective to be applied in junior high school SDIT Bina Insan. Such effectiveness must be supported by the creativity of educators by using strategies, methods and media so that cognitive learning theories can be applied in accordance with expectations. Keywords: Theory, Cognitivism, Applications, Learning Abstrak: Teori belajar dalam dunia pendidikan banyak jumlahnya, salah satu yang sering dan lazim digunakan khususnya di Indonesia adalah teori belajar kognitif. Teori tersebut merupakan satu diantara teori-teori lain yang cukup efektif dalam aplikasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan teori belajar kognitif pada mata pelajaran PAI tingkat SMP di Sekolah Islam Terpadu Bina Insan Batang Kuis. Penenlitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang dikaji melalui studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teori belajar kognitif efektif untuk diterapkan di sekolah SDIT Bina Insan tingkat SMP. Efektivitas tersebut harus didukung dengan kreativitas pendidik dengan menggunakan strategi, metode dan media agar teori belajar kognitif dapat diaplikasikan sesuai dengan harapan. Kata kunci: Teori, Kognitif, Aplikasi, Pembelajaran
JURNAL ILMIAH EDUNOMIKA Vol 1, No 02 (2017): EDUNOMIKA, Vol. 01, No. 02, Agustus 2017
Publisher : ITB AAS INDONESIA Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/jie.v1i02.150


Penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan judul Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Sejarah Melalui Strategi Cooperative Learning Teknik Jigsaw  Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Tawangsari Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat, keaktifan dan prestasi belajar peserta didik terhadap mata pelajaran sejarah khususnya materi perkembangan masyarakat dan kebudayaan di Indonesia yang bercorak Islam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Tawangsari Sukoharjo. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Sumber data penelitian meliputi: informan, tempat dan peristiwa, dan dokumen. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi langsung, tes dan mencatat dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif (cooperative learning) teknik jigsaw dapat meningkatkan minat, keaktifan dan prestasi belajar siswa mata pelajaran sejarah dari rata-rata nilai 75,44 dengan ketuntasan belajar 79,41%  pada siklus I menjadi 79,56 dengan ketuntasan belajar 97,06 pada siklus II.Kata kunci: prestasi belajar, strategi cooperative learning, teknik jigsaw
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 11, No 1 (2013): Medan Makna
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/mm.v11i1.823


Abstract :Sastra bandingan (Comparative literature) is a part of the domain or clumps of subjects in the field of literary expertise. This subject has long existed at the college as part of a study or a critical review of the literature. With a variety of approaches, research or study comparative literature today need to adjust to the times. Although still reviewing literary texts, but comparative literature still has to advance current methods. Comparative literature not only compare the intertextual literatur, but also to compare literary texts with nothing happening or are out of text and literary form. In this way, the study of comparative literature may be an attempt to maintain the existence of a national literature and local literature of siege and invasion of world literatur. Learning approach can be adapted to the curriculum-based Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (INQF) newly implemented government.Keywords : comparative literature, local literature, national literature, literary learningAbstrak :Sastra bandingan merupakan bagian dalam ranah atau rumpun mata kuliah keahlian di bidang kesastraan. Mata kuliah ini sudah lama ada pada perguruan tinggi sebagai bagian dari kajian atau telaah kritis terhadap karya sastra. Dengan berbagai pendekatan, penelitian atau kajian sastra bandingan saat ini harus mengalami penyesuaian terhadap perkembangan zaman. Meski tetap mengkaji teks-teks sastra, namun sastra bandingan tetap harus mengedepankan metode terkini. Sastra bandingan tidak hanya membandingkan antarteks sastra, tetapi juga membandingkan teks sastra dengan apa-apa yang terjadi atau terdapat di luar teks dan bentuk sastra. Dengan begini, maka pembelajaran sastra bandingan dapat menjadi satu upaya untuk mempertahankan keberadaan sastra nasional dan sastra lokal dari kepungan dan serbuan sastra dunia. Pendekatan pembelajarannya bisa disesuaikan dengan kurikulum berbasis Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) yang baru diterapkan pemerintah.Kata kunci : sastra bandingan, sastra lokal, sastra nasional, pembelajaran sastra
Peran Orang Jawa dan Cina dalam Keruangan Kota Medan (Sebuah Studi Antropologi dalam Pengembangan dan Penataan Kota Medan) Suyadi Suyadi
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 5, No 1 (2008): Medan Makna
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/mm.v5i1.806


Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik sampling. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peran orang Jawa dan Cina dalam keruangan kota Medan.Peran atau partisipasi warga dalam governance adalah keterlibatan warga dalam pembuatan keputusan mengenai penggunaan sumber daya publik dan pemecahan masalah publik untuk pembangunan daerahnya.Peran warga yang tecermin dalam sistem pengetahuan dan teknologi serta kebudayaan lokal pada masyarakat Jawa dan Cina masih mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai adat, seperti melakukan prinsip-prinsip konservasi, manajemen, dan eksploitasi sumber daya alam, ekonomi, dan sosial. Hal ini tampak jelas pada perilaku masyarakat yang memiliki rasa hormat begitu tinggi terhadap struktur ruang publik yang menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupannya.Kebudayaan Jawa dan Cina merupakan nilai-nilai kebudayaan nenek moyang orang Jawa dan Cina pada zamannya masing-masing. Kebudayaan itu sendiri sebenarnya tidak semua statis tetapi berubah menurut kondisi zaman yang memberikan tantangan yang berbeda pula, namun ada nilai-nilai luhur yang perlu dilestarikan dan tentu ada yang sudah tidak relevan dengan perkembangan zaman. Kondisi ini adalah suatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari atau dibendung, bahwa dari waktu ke waktu, lamban atau cepat, kebudayaan satu suku bangsa akan mengalami perubahan, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan ruang-ruang publik.Kata Kunci: keruangan kota, antropologi sosial
RUU Kebahasaan dan Pemertahanan Bahasa (Suatu Tinjauan Sosiologis) Suyadi Suyadi
MEDAN MAKNA: Jurnal Ilmu Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Medan Makna
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/mm.v4i1.836


Abstrak :Pemerintah saat ini tengah menyiapkan RUU Kebahasaan. Draf RUU-nya pun menggelinding ke permukaan. Berbagai tanggapan mewarnai perangkat hukum formal kebahasaan ini. Sebagai alat komunikasi sosial pula, peranan bahasa sangat menentukan kebertahanan suatu bangsa. Karena itu, pendekatan sosiologi diharapkan mampu membuka tabir ideologi kebahasaan sebagai bentuk pemertahanan bahasa itu sendiri.KATA KUNCI : RUU, pemertahanan bahasa, sosiologi
Analisis Kuat Lentur Nominal Balok Komposit Menggunakan Program Berbasis Android Rifki Ananda Saputro; Suyadi Suyadi; Ahmad Zakaria
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Edisi September 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Composite beam is a combination of concrete and steel profiles. Nominal flexural strengthanalysis of composite cross-section can be calculated manually, but it takes a long time or are notefficient when calculating the nominal flexural strength analysis of composite beams. In this study,it can be a formulation of the problem is how to apply the analysis to the nominal flexural strengthcomposite into android-based programs. The purpose of this study in this thesis is to simplify thecalculation of the nominal flexural strength analysis of composite beams using android basedapplication program. Object-based research to create a program that profiles IWF android withconcrete (composite beam).In the implementation of this study using two methods: the method of literature study (study oftheory) and methods of software development (analysis, design, coding, and testing).This program has been tested with manual calculations that show the results accordingly. Fromthe test results indicate that the ease of use of program-based program that android is moresimple and easy to use in the field.Keywords: composite beam, android, nominal flexural strength analysis
PARAMUROBI: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Paramurobi: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UNSIQ Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/paramurobi.v5i2.3434


This research is motivated by the multilevel intellect proposed by Ibn Sina and the tendency of Islamic education in heart management so that it pays less attention to reason education. Some people think that the mind is not in the brain but the soul. This research is included in library research, with a qualitative approach. The results showed that Ibn Sina divided the mind into four levels (1) Al-'Aql al-hayulani; (2) Al-'Aql bi Al-Malakah; (3) Al-'Aql bi Al-Fi'l; and (4) Al-'Aql Al-Mustafad. Furthermore, the Qur'an mentions the basic word of mind ('aql) in the form of fi'il with a total of 49 mentions, one of which uses the past form and 48 others use the present form. This shows that Islam really cares about the role of reason in human life, both as a leader on earth and as a servant of Allah. Based on neuroscience, the location responsible for reasoning is in the brain, which is divided in parts and performs different functions. The relevance to Islamic education is that it should be able to take advantage of all the potential that exists in students, namely in the form of mind, heart, and body, so that students can develop their potential without sacrificing one of them. The research concludes that human reason must be used as much as possible to innovate and create new things that lead to happiness in this world and the hereafter.
The Use of Direct Method in Teaching Speaking to Grade Eight MTs Negeri 2 Kota Jambi in the Academic Year 2019/2020 Damairi Damairi; Suyadi Suyadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 3 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i3.2957


This article investigates how the teacher use direct method in teaching speaking, how the students encountered speaking, and found out how the students performed their activeness and creativeness on speaking activities by using direct method. This research was classroom action research (CAR) which used research design of the spiral model by Kemmis and Teggart (1988). It consisted of four Phases in one cycle; they are Planning, acting, observation and reflecting. This reserach contained three cycles in which each cycle consisted three meetings. The first of which was to find if any problems and difficulties face by the students and then made some revisions. The second cycle was to implement the revised plan and find out if still any problems. In the teaching and learning hoffully in the third cycle the students and the teacher did not find any difficulties faced the students anymore during the teaching and learning activilties. While we are teaching and learning process followed the steps direct method. They are showing some pictures to students, asking some questions to students. Answering some questions from teacher and asking some questions to their friend or their teacher. The subject of the study is the students of class 8E MTs Negeri 2 Kota Jambi. The data were collected based on the teacher’s note and students’ diaries supported by recording in each meeting on each cycle. The result showed that the teacher used direct method in teaching speaking by following five steps of direct method: showing the pictures, asking questions, answering the questions, asking questions by students and answering their friends‘ questions. The teacher designed some activities, done by students adjusted to the five steps in direct method and the activities made students more active and creative and involved in the learning process. The students also followed all the scenerios of learning process and they were more active and creative during teaching and learning process. However, the students still faced difficulties to make creative answering and questioning. The teacher made some revisions in each cycle. The class atmospieres showed that alive, all of studentts active to speak to ask and aswering questions in their group based on the pictures showed.
Novel Mutations in The Coding Region of The Third Exon of Myostatin (MSTN) Gene in Madura Cattle irida novianti; Rafika Febriani Putri; Doni Herviyanto; Ahmad Furqon; Wike Andre Septian; Kuswati Kuswati; suyadi suyadi
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol. 33 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiip.2023.033.01.08


Molecular information using gene variants could support livestock selection to improve livestock productivity. This study aimed to identify the variants in part of the MSTN gene (part of the third exon coding region), a gene known for its significant effect on muscle growth. DNA was isolated from 95 Madura cattle blood samples collected in Pamekasan, Madura. PCR was used to amplify to MSTN region in part of the third exon, and one-way sequencing was conducted to obtain the sequence from the amplified product. Six SNPs were identified. Four SNPs were novel mutations, and the other two SNPs were recorded in the Ensembl database (rs466598800 and rs211583837). Among the identified novel mutations, one mutation in c.1301G/T caused a stop codon for the TT genotype cattle. However, no cattle carried the TT genotype. Three other mutations in c.1324, c.1373, and c.1399 were missense mutations that change the amino acids Q311L, A318P, and L335B, respectively. Most of the cattle had heterozygote genotypes for all the identified SNPs. It could also be noted that there were sequence differences in the part of the third exon identified between Madura cattle and Zebu cattle (by Tantia et al., 2006).
How Financial Ratios Affect Company Efficiency Robert Alex Serang; Azizah Fitriani; Ahmad Sururi Afif; Suyadi Suyadi
SEIKO : Journal of Management & Business Vol 6, No 1 (2023): January - Juny
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana STIE Amkop Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37531/sejaman.v6i1.4036


The subject of this investigation is a manufacturing firm that is publicly traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The goal of this research is to investigate and assess the impact of leverage (DER), liquidity (CR), and profitability (ROA) on firm efficiency. (TATTOO). The sample count is a total of 18 manufacturing companies obtained through the purposive sampling technique. This study employs a causality study design. A descriptive quantitative study was used in the research, and the data was analyzed using multiple linear regression methods. This study's findings suggest that: 1) DER has a negative and significant effect on TATO, 2) CR has a non-significant positive effect on TATO, and 3) ROA has a positive and significant effect on TATO. Keywords: Company Efficiency; leverage; Liquidity.