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AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 34, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya and Indonesian Agronomic Assossiation

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A field experiment was conducted at the Research Station of Brawijaya University from April to August 2009.  An augmented, randomized complete block design with seven blocks was utilized with seven parental clones as standard treatments and seven half-sib families as augmented treatments. Each block consisted of seven parental clones plus one randomly assigned family of half-sibs. In addition, the first block contained 29 accessions, the 2nd block had 120, the 3rd block had 194, the 4th block had 45, the 5th block had 28, the 6th block had 186, and the 7th block had 108. Ten cuttings of each parental clone was planted in each block, along with a single plant of each accession at a spacing of 75 cm in the row and 100 cm between the rows. There were five improved clones identified with high protein content and high yield. Broad-sense heritability and genetic advance of storage root weight, storage root number, percentage dry matter and protein content were high, whereas vegetative biomass and harvest index were low. The results showed that storage root weight, storage root number, percentage dry matter and protein content could be used as the basis for a crop improvement program in sweet potato.   Keywords: broad sense heritability, expected genetic advance, improved clones, high yied, protein content, sweet potato  
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 37, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya and Indonesian Agronomic Assossiation

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This study aimed to classify the types of sweet potato based on the ratio of total dry matter of roots to vine (R/V) in order to make the option available in integrating the crop-livestock systems. Seventeen sweet potato cultivars were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications applied at two locations, Malang and Blitar. Each cultivar planted in plot measures 2.5 m x 5 m in Malang and 3.0 m x 5 m in Blitar, and each consists of four rows with a spacing of 25 cm in rows. All cultivars gave a dose of 250 kg NPK fertilizer (15-15-15)/ha twice, one-third of dose given at planting and the remainder in a month after planting. Plants were harvested at four months after planting. Fresh weight and dry weight of storage root, fresh weight and dry weight of vines, harvest index, and the ratio R/V are determined.  There was different performance of 17 cultivars planted at two locations. Cultivars planted in Malang were classified into four types, namely forage, which consists of three cultivars among 17 cultivars, low dual-purpose (3 cultivars), high dual-purpose (7 cultivars), and low root production (4 cultivars); while cultivars planted in Blitar turned into the forage type. Keywords: dual-purpose, root/vine ratio, sweet potato
UJIDAYA HASIL PENDAHULUAN KLON-KLON UBIJALAR (Ipomoea Batatas L.) BERDAGING UNGU Hidayat, Fariz Nur; Lestari, Sri Umi; Indawan, Edyson
Fakultas Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Selection to be implemented on the ground tuber yield entrisol Wringinsongo Village Tumpang subdistrict Malang. Randomized block design MK II, 2014. Materials studied as much as 40 purple sweet potato clones, divided into three blocks, and each block planted three varieties (check). Each clone planted 20 plants by bunds. Phonska fertilized gived with a dose of 300 kg / ha. Characters are observed are the number and weight of tuber by mound, tuber dry matter content, color of skin, flesh, the uniformity of the shape and size of the tuber. Selection purposes is to obtain clones of sweet potato varieties with the above results Antin 3 and have high anthocyanin score >5. Chosen 12 clones with the tuber yield 24.38 to 33.75 kg / ridges (from 19.50 to 27.00 t / ha), namely RIS 10053-01, 10233-01 RIS, MSU 10001-08, 10003-54 MSU, MSU 10010-50, 10010-80 MSU, MSU 10017-02, 10018-39 MSU, MSU 10021-26, MSU 10025-29, 10031-12 MSU and MSU 10031-16. Retrieved 4 clones were selected with high anthocyanin levels are RIS 10233-01 (U6 dark), MSU 10001-08 (U7 very dark), MSU 10010-50 (U6 dark), and MSU 10018-39 (U6 dark). Seleksi untuk hasil umbi dilaksanakan pada tanah entrisol Desa Wringinsongo Kecamatan Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok MK II 2014. Bahan yang diteliti sebanyak 40 klon ubijalar ungu, dibagi menjadi tiga blok dan masing-masing blok ditanam tiga varietas pembanding (cek). Setiap klon ditanam 20 tanaman per guludan.Pertanaman dipupuk Phonska dengan dosis 300 kg/ha. Karakter yang diamati adalah jumlah dan bobot umbi per guludan,kadar bahan kering umbi, warna kulit, daging, serta keseragaman bentuk dan ukuran umbi. Tujuan seleksi adalah untuk mendapatkan klon-klon ubijalar dengan hasil di atas varietas Antin 3 dan memiliki skor antosianin tinggi >5.Terpilih 12 klon dengan hasil umbi 24,38?33,75 kg/guludan (19,50?27,00 t/ha) yaitu RIS 10053-01, RIS 10233-01, MSU 10001-08, MSU 10003-54, MSU 10010-50, MSU 10010-80, MSU 10017-02, MSU 10018-39, MSU 10021-26, MSU 10025-29, MSU 10031-12, dan MSU 10031-16. Diperoleh 4 klon yang terpilih dengan level antosianin tinggi adalah RIS 10233-01 (U6 gelap), MSU 10001-08 (U7 sangat gelap) ,MSU 10010-50 (U6 gelap), dan MSU 10018-39 (U6 gelap).
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 34, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v34i3.67


A field experiment was conducted at the Research Station of Brawijaya University from April to August 2009.  An augmented, randomized complete block design with seven blocks was utilized with seven parental clones as standard treatments and seven half-sib families as augmented treatments. Each block consisted of seven parental clones plus one randomly assigned family of half-sibs. In addition, the first block contained 29 accessions, the 2nd block had 120, the 3rd block had 194, the 4th block had 45, the 5th block had 28, the 6th block had 186, and the 7th block had 108. Ten cuttings of each parental clone was planted in each block, along with a single plant of each accession at a spacing of 75 cm in the row and 100 cm between the rows. There were five improved clones identified with high protein content and high yield. Broad-sense heritability and genetic advance of storage root weight, storage root number, percentage dry matter and protein content were high, whereas vegetative biomass and harvest index were low. The results showed that storage root weight, storage root number, percentage dry matter and protein content could be used as the basis for a crop improvement program in sweet potato.   Keywords: broad sense heritability, expected genetic advance, improved clones, high yied, protein content, sweet potato  
PERKECAMBAHAN BENIH KARET (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) AKIBAT SKARIFIKASI DAN PERENDAMAN Mangardi -; Sri Umi Lestari; Sutoyo -
Publikasi Informasi Pertanian Vol 17, No 1 (2021): JURNAL PIPER
Publisher : Universitas Kapuas Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51826/piper.v17i1.513


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh skarifikasi dan perendaman benihterhadap perkecambahan benih karet. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca UniversitasTribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang, dari Maret-April 2019. Rancangan yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah rancangan petak terbagi (RPT) yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertamaadalah skarifikasi sebagai petak utama yang terdiri dari 2 taraf, yaitu tanpa skarifikasi (S0) danskarifikasi (S1). Faktor kedua adalah perendaman sebagai anak petak yang terdiri dari 3 taraf,yaitu tanpa perendaman (P0); perendaman 12 jam (P1) dan perendaman 24 jam (P2). Data yangdiperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA, apabila ada pengaruh nyata atau sangat nyata makadilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT) 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaskarifikasi mampu meningkatkan persentase perkecambahan sampai dengan 12,25% dan kecepatanberkecambah 2,31%KN/etmal. Perendaman selama 24 jam (P2) mampu meningkatkan persentaseperkecambahan 10,32% dan kecepatan berkecambah 1,96%KN/etmal. Interaksi antara skarifikasidan perendaman 12 jam (S1P1) merupakan perlakuan yang optimal terhadap perkecambahanbenih karet, namun tingkat perkecambahan yang dicapai tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuanperendaman selama 24 tanpa skarifikasi (S0P2).
Analisis Keragaman Genetik dan Kekerabatan Genotipe Ubi Jalar Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi Sri Umi Lestari; Reza Prakoso Dwi Julianto
Buletin Palawija Vol 18, No 2 (2020): Buletin Palawija Vol 18 No 2, 2020
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/bulpa.v18n2.2020.p113-122


Ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) merupakan komoditas sumber karbohidrat setelah padi, jagung dan ubi kayu. Saat ini produktivitas ubi jalar nasional hanya sebesar 13,51 t/ha, lebih rendah dibandingkan  hasil penelitian yang mencapai 35 t/ha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi karakter morfologi beberapa genotipe ubi jalar dan menganalisis jarak genetik genotipe-genotipe berdasarkan karakter kuantitatif. Hasil analisis kekerabatan dari 13 genotipe ubi jalar berkelompok pada 2 klaster (A dan B). Kemiripan antargenotipe didasarkan pada jarak Euclidean; terdapat dua kelompok genotipe yang memiliki nilai kemiripan tertinggi yaitu Beta 2--22 dengan Jago-OP-28, dan Beta 2--12 dengan Beta 2--15. Sepuluh variabel pengamatan yang mempengaruhi keragaman 13 genotipe tereduksi ke dalam empat komponen utama dengan nilai keragaman kumulatif sebesar 91,1%. Hasil analisis biplot dari 10 variabel pengamatan dengan menghilangkan empat variabel yang mempunyai vektor pendek mampu meningkatkan keragaman dari 59,7% menjadi 92,1%.
Buletin Palawija Vol 15, No 2 (2017): Buletin Palawija Vol 15 No 2, 2017
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/bulpa.v15n2.2017.p78-86


Hidden Hunger is a major health problem for the world populations, especially in developing countries. Sweet potato is one of the main staple crops to be enriched with micro nutrient content through biofortification program, to overcome the Hidden Hunger. The study aim was evaluated the offspring performance of the controlled crosses between the parent for the enrichment of micro nutrient content with other high yielding clones. A number of hybrid genotypes (297) scattered in 8 families of half sibs were evaluated by weight of storage root and vines, estimated of storage root and vines yields per hectare, and its micronutrient content (Fe and Zn). Augmented Randomized Block Design with 8 replicate blocks was applied for this trial. In each block is also planted parent clones as control cultivars. The results showed that cultivar test performance on all observed parameters was different to control cultivars, as well as among the cultivars test were also statistically different. This allows obtaining the selection of genotype based on storage root weight/plant and its micronutrient content. Among the 297 genotypes evaluated available of 140 genotypes had storage root yields ≥ 0.5 kg/plant and 6 of them had storage root weight of ≥ 1.5 kg/plant. Based on storage root weight and micro nutrient content selected 6 genotypes with the storage root weight range between 0.598 - 1.631 kg/plant and Fe and Zn content respectively ranged from 95 to 618 mg Fe/kg and 10-12 mg Zn/kg based on dry weight basis.
Pemberian Biochar Jengkok Tembakau untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Ubijalar pada Lahan Kering Sub-Optimal Edyson Indawan; Sri Umi Lestari; Nurita Thiasari
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands Vol. 8 No. 1 (2019): JLSO
Publisher : Research Center for Sub-optimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (641.227 KB) | DOI: 10.33230/JLSO.8.1.2019.284


Indawan et al, 2019. Increasing Sweet Potato Yield on Biochar Amendment Application on Sub-Optimal Dry Land. JLSO 8(1):47-56. Biochar is a soil amendment that can improve soil fertility, increase crop yield and can reduce contamination. This study aim to evaluate the sweet potato response to biochar application from tobacco industry waste. The combination of cultivar and dose of biochar implemented using a Split Plot Experiment Design with three replications. The cultivars placed 0n main plots and biochar doses on sub-plots. The thirteen cultivars covering 7 varieties (Kuningan Putih, Beta 1, Beta 2, Kuningan Merah, Sari, Boko, and Jago) plus six accession from Unitri and Brawijaya University collections (BIS OP-61-OP-22 , 73-6 / 2, 73 OP-8, BIS OP-61, 73 OP-5, and BIS OP-61-♀-29). The biochar dose used was B0 (0 t / ha) and B1 (5 t / ha). The experimental unit is measuring 5 m x 0.6 m, consisting of single row and planted with a spacing of 25 cm in row or 20 cuttings/row). The storage root numbers, storage root weight, % dry matter, Harvest Index (HI) and yields estimation are ditermined. The results showed that sweet potato cultivars gave a significant response to biochar application on fresh storage root weight, dry storage root weight, biomass dry weight, HI and storage root yields, but no interaction between cultivars and biochar doses. Storage root yield range of 8 - 21 t / ha without biochar and 10 - 23 t / ha with biochar 5 t / ha, except for Beta 1 and Boko. The use of biochar of 5 t / ha can increase storage root yields ranging from 8 - 45%.
Alteration agronomic traits performance of sweet potato cultivars from drylands to paddy fields Sri Umi Lestari; Amir Hamzah; Reza Prakoso Dwi Julianto
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 6, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2019.063.1763


This study aimed to evaluate changes in agronomic performances of some sweet potato cultivars planted in the rain-fed dry land and paddy fields. Completely randomized block design with three replications on a single factor of 12 sweet potato cultivars was done in two locations. The first location is the rain-fed dry land that formerly planted corn; located in Jatikerto, Kromengan District, and second is an irrigated paddy field that previously planted with rice, located in Wringinsongo, Tumpang District, Malang Regency. All cultivars that planted in both locations were applied to packaged standard cultivation technology for sweet potato. The parameters observed were storage root weight and vines weight (kg/plant), storage root yields and vines yield (t/ha), harvest index (%) and root/shoot ratio to describe the efficiency level of dry matter translocation to storage root. The results showed that there was a change of agronomic performance in sweet potato cultivars that planted between on the dry land and paddy fields, especially for storage root weight, storage root yield (t/ha) and root/shoot ratio. Changes in the sweet potato cultivation in the dry land to paddy fields are shown by an increase in storage root yields ranging from 2-4 times or reach 206 - 417%.
Sweet potato response to biochar application on sub-optimal dry land Edyson Indawan; Sri Umi Lestari; Nurita Thiasari
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.575 KB) | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2018.052.1133


This trial was aimed to evaluate the performance of sweet potato cultivars on biochar application. The treatments were carried out using a Split-plot Design with three replications. The cultivars were placed on main plots and biochar doses were on sub-plots. The thirteen cultivars consisted of seven varieties and six accessions from Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University and Brawijaya University collections. The applied biochar doses were B0 (0 t/ha) and B1 (5 t/ha). The experimental unit measuring of 5 m x 0.6 m consisted of single row and planted with a spacing of 25 cm in row or 20 cuttings/row. The storage root weight, % dry matter, storage root dry weight, dry weight of biomass, harvest index and yield estimation were determined. The results showed that the sweet potato cultivars gave a significant response to the biochar application on fresh storage root weight, storage root dry weight, biomass dry weight, harvest index and storage root yields, but no interaction between cultivars and biochar doses. Storage root yield ranged from 8 to 21 t/ha without biochar and from 10 to 23 t/ha with 5 t biochar /ha, except for Beta 1 and Boko. The use of 5 t biochar /ha increased storage root yields that ranged from 8 to 45%.