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Leading commodity analysis of capture fisheries in Karimunjawa National Park Ririn Irnawati; Domu Simbolon; Budi Wiryawan; Bambang Murdianto; Tri Wiji Nurani
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 1, No 1 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jpk.v1i1.840


The leading fish commodities is a kind of fish which most in demand, has high value, expected to provide a highly income compared with other types, and also giving contribution in developing capture fishery that based on efficiency concept for achieving comparative and competitive commodity in facing of trading globalization. Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) inhabited mostly by fisherman. Its area surrounds by 111.625 ha as waters. Fishing zone is dedicated for traditional fisheries. Therefore the capture fisheries in KNP should be adjusted to accommodate conservancy and utilization objectives. This research will try to answer the question about leading fish commodity which will be developed and have big contribution to economic of Karimunjawa archipelago Jepara regency Central Java province. The objective of this study is to analyze leading fish commodity in capture fishery which can increase fisherman’s prosperity in KNP. Selection of leading fish product was conducted by implementing comparative performance index. The criteria used in the research are production’s location quotient (LQ) value of fish production, LQ value of price, market demand, and fish position on food chain. The result showed that the leading fish commodity of capture fisheries in KNP are trevallies, yellow tail, and grouper. It is recommended that the government and fisherman in KNP should priority to catch fish commodity, by developing environmantal friendly fishing gears to support the sustainability of fish resources and their habitat.capture fisheries, Karimunjawa National Park, leading commodity
The Economic Benefits of Karimunjawa National Park Ririn Irnawati; Domu Simbolon; Budy Wiryawan; Bambang Murdiyanto; Tri Wiji Nurani
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 2, No 2 (2012)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jpk.v2i2.25


Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) inhabited mostly by fishery household, surrounds by 111.625 ha of waters. Protected area such as national park can essentially provide benefits for the survival of humans and other ecosystems. Economic valuation studies as one of the basic management becomes extremely important to be done to understand the extent of KNP provide benefit either directly or indirectly. These benefits should be assessed in economic value that management policy input can be done comprehensively. The objective of the research is to to assessing the economic benefit of KNP. Value of the economic benefits of KNP is Rp 53 Billion. Fishing activities contribute to the value of Rp. 30, 51 M (57.52%), tourism activities Rp. 11.28 M (21.26%) and ecosystem Rp. 11.26 M (21.22%).These value is benefit value and also opportunity cost if KNP ecosystem damage, the minimum economic loses to be borne by society.Keyword: economic valuation, Karimunjawa National Park
Fishing Season of Large Pelagic Fish in Lempasing Coastal Fishing Port Lampung Province Setia Agustina; Ririn Irnawati; Adi Susanto
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 6, No 1 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jpk.v6i1.1055


Large pelagic fish is one of a major fish that were caught by fishermen inLempasing Coastal Fishing Port. The large pelagic fish, landed in LempasingCoastal Fishing Port, are little tuna, king mackerel, great barracuda, needle fish,and trevally. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of productivityof large pelagic fish and to predicts large pelagic fishing season in LempasingCoastal Fishing Port. The study was conducted in March-July 2015. The methodwas descriptive method. The results showed that the level of productivity of largepelagic fish in Lempasing Coastal Fishing Port tend to fluctuate each year. Thehighest productivity occurred in 2010 amounted to 30.67 kg/trip and lowestproductivity occurred in 2011 amounted to 12.96 kg/trip. The peak fishing seasonof little tuna occur in August with index value 176.76%. The peak fishing seasonof king mackerel occur in Mei with index value 176.93%. The peak fishing seasonof great barracuda occur in March with index value 136.14%. The peak fishingseason of needle fish occur in December with index value 184.54%. The peakfishing season of trevally occur in December with index value 156.54%.
RANCANG BANGUN TUNGKU BIOMASSA MESIN PENGERING RUMPUT LAUT KAPASITAS 600 KILOGRAM PER PROSES [Design of Biomass Furnace for Seaweed Drying Machine with Capacity of 600 Kilograms per Process] Dhimas Satria; Ririn Irnawati; Sirajuddin -; Sakinah Haryati; Adi Susanto; Imron Rosyadi; Moch Maulana Rizky Wicaksono
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistem Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pangan & Agroindustri (Fatepa) Universitas Mataram dan Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian (PERTETA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (724.736 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jrpb.v5i2.57


Drying of seaweed in Indonesia, especially in Lontar village, Serang still using manual and traditional way. Manual drying in the rainy season often results in farmers often failing to dry out the harvested. Using an artificial dryer on the market adds considerable production costs because it uses petroleum, gas and electric energi. Therefore, it takes a cost-effective artificial drier, so the final task is to make the seawater biomass fireplace furnace. The research methodology used is the design method of Pahl and Beitz with QFD. The result of this research is this biomass furnace fueled rice husk. Furnace dimension 700 mm x 700 mm x 1200 mm and combustion chamber 600 mm x 650 mm x 1000 mm, the volume of the combustion chamber 0.39 m3 and the volume of hot air space used 0.141229 m3, wall combustion chamber as heat exchangers using materials mild steel with 1.9 m2 surface area and wall thickness of 4 cm and air delivered fan with 4053.6 CMH capacities. Keywords: Pahl and Beitz, QFD, seaweed, biomass furnace ABSTRAK Pengeringan rumput laut di Indonesia, khususnya di desa Lontar Kabupaten Serang masih menggunakan cara manual dan tradisional. Pengeringan secara manual pada musim hujan sering mengakibatkan petani sering gagal mengeringkan hasil. Menggunakan pengering buatan yang ada dipasaran menambahkan biaya produksi yang cukup besar karena menggunakan energi minyak bumi, gas dan enargi listrik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengering buatan yang hemat biaya, maka dari itu tugas akhir ini membuat tungku biomassa mesin pengering rumput laut . Metodologi penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode perancangan Pahl and Beitz dengan QFD. Hasil penelitian adalah tungku biomassa ini berbahan bakar sekam padi. Tungku berdimensi 700 mm x 700 mm x 1200 mm dan ruang bakar berdimensi 600 mm x 650 mm x 1000 mm, volume ruang bakar 0,39 m3 dan volume ruang udara panas yang dipakai 0,141229 m3, dinding ruang bakar sebagai penukar kalor menggunakan material mild steel dengan luas permukaan 1,9 m2 dan tebal dinding 4 cm serta udara yang dihantarkan kipas dengan kapasita 4053,6 CMH. Kata kunci: Pahl and Beitz, QFD, rumput laut, tungku biomassa