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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health) Vol 4, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Kes Mas FKM UAD Januari 2010
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.302 KB)


Background:  Tuberculosis (TB) is chronic communicable disease that caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis. Nowadays, TB still becomes an important health problem. In Indonesia, every year there are 1,3 million children under 15 years old have infected M. tuberculosis and 450.000 children died because of TB. Based on the age-based diagnose report, a percentage of TB patients on child group (0-14 years old) in year 2009 at BP4 Purwokerto was equal 26,42%. This condition was  probably happened due to any contact inside a house with adult TB sufferers. The objective of this research is to find out the association between the contact history of TB and the occurrence of pulmonary TB on a child group at BP4 Purwokerto.Method : This was an observational analytic research with cases control approach. The numbers of samples are 76 children divided into 38 cases and 38 controls. Cases were children patients who were 0-14 years old, clinically diagnosed as TB sufferer and confirmed by the result of x-ray test that showed sugestif description at BP4 Purwokerto. Controls were children patients who were 0-14 years old, clinically diagnosed as not TB sufferer and confirmed by the result of x-ray test that not showed sugestif description at BP4 Purwokerto. Data were analyzed by using the methods of univariate, bivariate (Chi-Square test and Mantel Haenszel test).Result :  The result of this research showed that the contact history of TB had a significant association with the occurrence of pulmonary TB on child group at BP4 Purwokerto without influenced by economic status, BCG scar status and availability of smoker inside a house (P = 0,001; OR = 6,378; 95%CI 2,151-18,918). To prevent the occurrence of pulmonary TB on a child, parents should keep away their children from direct contact with adult TB sufferers trough separating them temporarilly.Keywords : History of contact TB, Pulmonary TB on child Bibliography : 76 (1961-2010)
Malaria Community Health Workers in Eliminating Malaria in Banyumas Regency Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani Sri; Nurlaela, Sri; Octaviana, Devi; Kusnanto, Hari; Murhandarwati, Elsa Herdiana
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 1 (2016): JURNAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT (KEMAS) JULY 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v12i1.4030


Banyumas has not reached the elimination of malaria yet. One of the efforts is done by community empowerment by establishing malaria Community Health Workers (CHWs/JMD). JMD are people who conduct the discovery and medication of malaria in Active Case Detection (ACD). The research aims at describing JMDs attitude and knowledge towards the malaria elimination in Banyumas Regency in 2015. Quantitative research with cross sectional design was performed in the study. There were 15 JMDs spreading across in 7 public health centers/Puskesmas. The results show that most of JMDs were male with primary education background. They are mostly employed and do not join any training within 3 years. The average age of JMDs is 48.4 years old although there are some workers who are over 65 years old. 33.3% of JMDs are in low-medium categories, and there are 26.7% JMDs who have negative attitude to malaria. All JMDs have less skill such as not to do home visits as scheduled, not to do periodic reports, not to send blood preparations immediately and unstandardized of the blood preparation.
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2010): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.46 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v4i1.1101


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is chronic communicable disease that caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis. Nowadays, TB still becomes an important health problem. In Indonesia, every year there are 1,3 million children under 15 years old have infected M. tuberculosis and 450.000 children died because of TB. Based on the age-based diagnose report, a percentage of TB patients on child group (0-14 years old) in year 2009 at BP4 Purwokerto was equal 26,42%. This condition was probably happened due to any contact inside a house with adult TB sufferers. The objective of this research is to find out the association between the contact history of TB and the occurrence of pulmonary TB on a child group at BP4 Purwokerto.Method : This was an observational analytic research with cases control approach. The numbers of samples are 76 children divided into 38 cases and 38 controls. Cases were children patients who were 0-14 years old, clinically diagnosed as TB sufferer and confirmed by the result of x-ray test that showed sugestif description at BP4 Purwokerto. Controls were children patients who were 0-14 years old, clinically diagnosed as not TB sufferer and confirmed by the result of x-ray test that not showed sugestif description at BP4 Purwokerto. Data were analyzed by using the methods of univariate, bivariate (Chi-Square test and Mantel Haenszel test).Result : The result of this research showed that the contact history of TB had a significant association with the occurrence of pulmonary TB on child group at BP4 Purwokerto without influenced by economic status, BCG scar status and availability of smoker inside a house (P = 0,001; OR = 6,378; 95%CI 2,151-18,918). To prevent the occurrence of pulmonary TB on a child, parents should keep away their children from direct contact with adult TB sufferers trough separating them temporarilly.Keywords : History of contact TB, Pulmonary TB on child Bibliography : 76 (1961-2010
Analysis of Malaria Incidence in Banyumas Using Spacial-Temporal Approach Supriyanto, Supriyanto; Nurhayati, Nunung; Sri Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v13i1.7602


Malaria still becomes a public health problem in Indonesia although has declined the last decades. The incidences of malaria in Banyumas shows unstable transmission and still risk of epidemic . Thus, the spatial and temporal distribution is required as part of efforts towards the elimination of malaria in Banyumas. Temporal spatial statistical methods is used to identify a group of malaria incidence at the district level. Purely spatial clusters of malaria incidence from 2004 to 2015 shows that the disease is not distributed randomly in the study area. A total of nine districts of high risk is determined by analysis of Moran’s I. The analysis showed that by the Moran’s I test, there is spatial autocorrelation found in the percentage malaria incidence from 2004 to 2015 in Banyumas. The use of the model can provide a means to detect the spatial distribution, temporal, and spatiotemporal malaria, as well as to identify areas of high risk of malaria. This research may help in prioritizing resources on high-risk areas for malaria control in the future and towards the elimination of malaria in Banyumas.
Analisis Spatial Malaria di Ekosistem Perbukitan Menoreh: Studi Kasus Malaria Bulan Septmeber-Desember 2015 Sri Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani; Murhandarwati, Elsa Herdiana; Kusnanto, Hari
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1051.734 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v12i2.10828


Background: Malaria is still becoming a public health problem in Indonesia. Menoreh Hills shows as one of the areas with endemic malaria in Java Island which has not been able to achieve the elimination target by 2015. Menoreh Hills is a cross-border administrative area, Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Special Region Province which has its own authority in financial management and budget allocation for malaria control. Furthermore, spatial analysis is very beneficial in controlling malaria, presenting geographic distribution of the disease, testing whether malaria is randomly distributed, evaluating the statistical significance of the disease cluster and showing as an early detection of outbreaks. Method: It applied an observational study with cross sectional spatial analysis design to observe the spreading, grouping pattern and the correlation between house distance to mosquito breeding and population density. The samples collected were 138 malaria cases and 138 controls. It required measurement of the coordinates to the house with GPS, identified breeding spots for mosquitoes around the house and collected the date data of malaria diagnosed in District Health Services. The location of the study covered 3 sub-districts as Malaria endemic areas namely Kaligesing, Bagelen and Kokap Sub-districs. Analysis of the data was conducted through ArcGIS, SaTScan dan Geoda softwares. Results: The malaria spreading in September-December 2015 was dominated in Kaligesing Sub-district of Purworejo Regency. Malaria cases were more common in areas with low density of population. The buffering analysis discovered that malaria patients were living near to the mosquito breeding (river, springs, and puddle). It was identified that there was 1 primary cluster and 2 secondary clusters which covered 3 districts at research location. Conclusion: The results of spatial analysis present that there is an incident of local malaria transmission in Menoreh hills. It requires an integrated malaria control program in Menoreh hills.
Malaria Community Health Workers in Eliminating Malaria in Banyumas Regency Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani Sri; Nurlaela, Sri; Octaviana, Devi; Kusnanto, Hari; Murhandarwati, Elsa Herdiana
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v12i1.4030


Banyumas has not reached the elimination of malaria yet. One of the efforts is done by community empowerment by establishing malaria Community Health Workers (CHWs/JMD). JMD are people who conduct the discovery and medication of malaria in Active Case Detection (ACD). The research aims at describing JMDs attitude and knowledge towards the malaria elimination in Banyumas Regency in 2015. Quantitative research with cross sectional design was performed in the study. There were 15 JMDs spreading across in 7 public health centers/Puskesmas. The results show that most of JMDs were male with primary education background. They are mostly employed and do not join any training within 3 years. The average age of JMDs is 48.4 years old although there are some workers who are over 65 years old. 33.3% of JMDs are in low-medium categories, and there are 26.7% JMDs who have negative attitude to malaria. All JMDs have less skill such as not to do home visits as scheduled, not to do periodic reports, not to send blood preparations immediately and unstandardized of the blood preparation.
Analisis Spatial Malaria di Ekosistem Perbukitan Menoreh: Studi Kasus Malaria Bulan Septmeber-Desember 2015 Sri Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani; Murhandarwati, Elsa Herdiana; Kusnanto, Hari
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1051.734 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v12i2.10828


Background: Malaria is still becoming a public health problem in Indonesia. Menoreh Hills shows as one of the areas with endemic malaria in Java Island which has not been able to achieve the elimination target by 2015. Menoreh Hills is a cross-border administrative area, Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Special Region Province which has its own authority in financial management and budget allocation for malaria control. Furthermore, spatial analysis is very beneficial in controlling malaria, presenting geographic distribution of the disease, testing whether malaria is randomly distributed, evaluating the statistical significance of the disease cluster and showing as an early detection of outbreaks. Method: It applied an observational study with cross sectional spatial analysis design to observe the spreading, grouping pattern and the correlation between house distance to mosquito breeding and population density. The samples collected were 138 malaria cases and 138 controls. It required measurement of the coordinates to the house with GPS, identified breeding spots for mosquitoes around the house and collected the date data of malaria diagnosed in District Health Services. The location of the study covered 3 sub-districts as Malaria endemic areas namely Kaligesing, Bagelen and Kokap Sub-districs. Analysis of the data was conducted through ArcGIS, SaTScan dan Geoda softwares. Results: The malaria spreading in September-December 2015 was dominated in Kaligesing Sub-district of Purworejo Regency. Malaria cases were more common in areas with low density of population. The buffering analysis discovered that malaria patients were living near to the mosquito breeding (river, springs, and puddle). It was identified that there was 1 primary cluster and 2 secondary clusters which covered 3 districts at research location. Conclusion: The results of spatial analysis present that there is an incident of local malaria transmission in Menoreh hills. It requires an integrated malaria control program in Menoreh hills.
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2008): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7218.941 KB)


Children under five years are risk group of infectious diseases and their health condition. Nutritional status in people in some area is determining by growth status especially related with childen under five years nutritional status. The aim of this research is to analize the influence of infectious disease and environtmental factors toward children under five years nutritional status in hte district of Banyumas. It is case control study design with retrospective approach with 69 children under five as sample. It used observational by using structured questionare to collecting the data from mother as research subject. Research variables such as children under five years nutrition status, infectious diseases, energy and protein consumption level, environmental level, environmental factors, sosio culture. Data is analyzed with univariate, bivariate and multivariate by using logistic regression. Research result showed that variable statistically signification influenced children under five nutritional status were energy consumption level, housing ventilation and housing cleaness. The effort to increase nutrional status among children under five years need a comprehensip program including increasing children under five consumption, healthy housing and increasing knowledge of mother about nutrition and health.
FAKTOR PREDIKSI HASIL UJI TUBERKULIN POSITIF ANAK SD DI KABUPATEN CILACAP TAHUN 2008 Nurlaela, Sri; Purnamasari, Dyah Umiyarni; Kusumawati, Erna; Sri Rejeki, Dwi Sarwani; Rahardjo, Setiyowati
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2010): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6366.392 KB)


TB of children in community show of TB case's proportion which will occur in the future.Besides, TB of children 's distribution could be  the indicator of the ongoing transmission of TB in the community. This study conducted to explore the prediction factor of positive tuberculin tedt which were children's characteristic (age, gender), parent's characteristic (parent's education ,parent's occupation) and household size. A case control study held in primary school children attending class I-IV (8-13 years age) in Kabupaten Cilacap from September - Desember  2008. Sample divided in two group, there are 109 case 109 control. School children two had result of tuberculin test ? 10 mm, respectively, were considered as a case. Control were school children who have result of tuberculin test 0-9 mm, selected by proportional random sampling. Informations about children's  results of tuberculin test were obtained from secondary data of tuberculin data survey which held on center Java. Primary data obtained by interviewing of school children. Logistic regression demonsrtated prediction factors of positive tuberculin test were BCG scar (p value = 0,049, OR= 0,432, 95% CI = 0,250-0,753) and age (p value= 0,003, OR= 0,434, 95% CI= 0,187 - 0,996).
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 6 No 3 (2014): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.477 KB)


ABSTRACT The number of thalassaemia patients in  Banyumas regency continues to increas every year. Indonesian Thalassaemia Foundation or YTI (Yayasan Thalassaemia Indonesia) in Banyumas records that from 2009 until 2012  the number of patients increase from 44 to 235 patients. Prevention is necessary to decrease the number of thalassaemia patients by health volunteer?s role as an enabling factor to change public behavior. It will happen if only the health volunteer has the sufficient level of knowledge, especially about thalassaemia. This research to determine about factors related to health volunteer?s level of knowledge about thalassaemia in Sumbang district  Banyumas regency. This research is an analytic research with cross sectional design. The population of this research is all of health volunteers (76 people) in Kecamatan Sumbang. The sample is 30 health volunteers that selected with purposive sampling method. The data that used a primer data that collected by questionnaire and analyzed in univariate and bivariate analysis with chi square test. Based on bivariate analysis result, there are a relation between interest (p=0,014) and being active as a health volunteer (p=0,034) with the level of knowledge about thalassaemia. There are no relation between age, education, occupation, income, experience, information exposure and period of service with the level of knowledge about thalassaemia. Suggestion for health volunteers is active disseminating information to the public about thalassaemia. Key words                : Health Volunteer, Knowledge, Thalassaemia  Kesmasindo, Volume 6, (3) Januari 2014, Hal. 194-206