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THE EFFECT OF TIDAL WATER ON WELL WATER QUALITY IN NORTHERN COAST ROAD: A Case Study In Ulujami Sub-District Pemalang Regency Asyifa, Adwiyah; Wibowo, Pebri Ari
Jurnal Internasional Teknik, Teknologi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 2 No 1 (2020): International Journal of Engineering, Technology and Natural Sciences
Publisher : University of Technology Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.372 KB) | DOI: 10.46923/ijets.v2i1.74


Ulujami Sub-district is one of the sub-districts in Pemalang Regency, Central Java. Ulujami Sub-district is around 2305 ha, covering 18 urban villages. The 18 villages are: Ambowetan, Blendung, Botekan, Bumirejo, Kaliprau, Kertosari, Ketapang, Limbangan, Mojo, Padek, Pagergunung, Pamutih, Pesantren, Rowosari, Samong, Sukorejo, Tasikrejo, Wiyorowetan. It’s a densely populated region. Some urban villages are located at the northern coastline of Java and along rivers, and are often hit by tidal floods. Therefore, a study on the effect of tidal water on the quality of well water at the coastline of Pemalang Regency, specifically Ulujami Sub-district, is necessary. The data required by the present study were administrative map and well water quality parameters from the Decision of the Minister of Health No.416/MenKes/Per/XI/2010. The instruments were GPS, stationary, and Water Quality Checker. The well water sampling used stratified random sampling technique. The analysis included quality test of well water in tidal flood areas. The research result showed that in general the well water quality in Ulujami Sub-district was unqualified for daily needs. However, some locations near the coast showed high salt content, so well water wasn’t recommended for drinking, especially water from dug well. The well condition in Ulujami Sub-district is generally not fit for use. Of 36 tested well water in Ulujami Sub- district, 88.89% of the wells had odorless water, and 11.11% had slightly odored water, 11.1% had salty water, 3.89% had slightly salty water, and 75% had non-salty water, 44.44% had clear water, 33.33% had slightly cloudy water, and 22.22% had cloudy water.
KEKUATAN TEKAN PAVING BLOCK DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN LIMBAH LAS ASETELIN Kurniati, Dwi; Saputro, Imam Trianggoro; Nurhidayatullah, Eka Faisal; Saputro, Cahyo Dita; Asyifa, Adwiyah
Jurnal Karkasa Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Karkasa - Desember 2021
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jkar.v7i2.417


Paving block merupakan salah satu bahan bangunan yang sering digunakan sebagai alternatif perkerasan jalan. Bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat pavingblock, terdiri dari campuran semen atau bahan perekat lainnya, air dan juga agregat. Penambahan bahan juga dilakukan untuk melakukan inovasi, maka pada penelitian ini limbah las asetelin menjadi bahan tambah atau campuran untuk pembuatan pavingblock. Bahan ini digunakan karena limbah las asetelin membuat lingkungan menjadi tercemar, sehingga dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan mampu membantu menjaga lingkungan. Pembuatan paving block dengan campuran limbah las asetelinbertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil kuat tekan dari persentase limbah yang digunakan sebesar 1%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, dan 11%. Metode yang dilakukan adalah eksperimental dengan acuan dari SNI03-0691-1996. Hasil penelitian dari pembuatan paving block dapat dilihat pada pengujian kuat tekannya menghasilkan 1% sebesar 11,14 MPa, 3% sebesar 11,26 MPa, 4% sebesar 12,42 MPa, 5% sebesar 10,80 MPa, 6% sebesar 12,49 MPa, 7% sebesar 8,41 MPa, 8% sebesar 13,19 MPa, 9% sebesar 10,29 MPa, dan 11% sebesar 12,69 MPa. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembuatan paving block dengan campuran limbah las asetelin 1%, 2%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 9%, 11% memenuhi klasifikasi kelas mutu D untuk taman dan 8% memenuhi klasifikasi kelas mutu C untuk pejalan kaki, serta sangat layak digunakan.
PERENCANAAN KONSTRUKSI SHEET PILE WALL SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PENGGANTI GRAVITY WALL(Studi Kasus Proyek Sindu Kusuma Edupark, Yogyakarta) Isti Radhista Hertiany, Adwiyah Asyifa
Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 10, No 1 (2014): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (636.239 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v10i1.4429


In the recent decade , the development of retaining wall construction keeps growing rapidly along the optimization of the use of available land. The main purpose of this construction is restrain the land so as not landslide Due to the load that it work in addition to the utilization of the space available. In this case study in sindu kusuma edupark project using construction type anchoring ground gravity wall. If the structure of gravity wall is not safe withstand the force that worked , then required alternative design construction of retaining wall of another appropriate. Construction retaining wall that can be used as alternatives is sheet-pile wall or commonly called Turap. The difference of gravity wall and turap lies in the stability analysis of construction and materials. Excess of sheet pile of this wall is the tough a lighter , the implementation of the gravity relatively quickly than wall, Suitable used for the drift the ground with a height was , the quality of construction uniform and more secured construction than manual for using prefabricated construction. From the analysis of stability gravity wall , we can conclude that when the structure receives of static load, Construction stability was not secure against overtuning , sliding , axial load , and broken foot structure but it still safe receives sliding and capacity stability fulfilled. When encumbered by dynamic loads, structure safe against bolsters, sliding, and soil bearing capacity.The Sheet pile wall selected as a substitute for wall gravity is prefabricated concrete Wika Beton , with type w-325 a 1000 - length: 8 m with a long as deep as 3 m of installing. The type of sheet pile used anchorage sheet pile of continuous type, with 10 mm in diameter and the distance is 3m. The Boards anchor used behind construction sheet-pile with 3m in long sized, make stability sheet-pile secure with SF = 2.Key word: Pile wall, Safety Factor
Pengaruh Substitusi Abu Batu (Quarry Dust) Pada Nilai CBR Laboratorium Untuk Stabilitas Subgrade Timbunan Adwiyah Asyifa; Syafi’ul Umam
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v19i1.1830


Quarry dust (dust mine) is a non-plastic materials from the rest of quarry stone crusher machine in range size are  0 - 5 mm. Production of quarry dust in Indonesia is very abundant. A stone crusher in the maximum work can be produced quarry dust up to 4 tons per hour. The use of quarry dust now is still less optimal. Its only used as a filler in the surface layer of pavement. So that , there are more innovation in use of  quarry  dust  to balance between produce and use. One uses the quarry dust  isfor soil stabilization.Soil stabilization is the engineering effort to improve the quality of the soil is not good and improve the quality of the soil that has actually been quite good.In pavement structural design, not all subgrade base having a good CBR value, it was low in CBR rate and it must be replacement, repair or soil stabilization. This  experimental study was conducted  in Soil Mechanics Laboratory Departement Civil Engineering University Technology Yogyakarta. Object research aresoil water content  and soil density to determine the optimum soil water content. This amount water will added in to mixture of stone dust (quarry dust) 0%, 5%, 10%, 15 % and 20% and this variation test will be aging for 48 hours. Results this research indicates that5% quarry dust added to the mixture will gave the optimum CBR amounted to 26.20%. That amount represents an increase of 19.01% from the design CBR native land by 22%.
Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 15, No 2 (2019): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.88 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v15i2.28568


ABSTRACTCode riverbanks are dominated by land for settlements, one of the points being the proposed establishment of rusunami, in Jetisharjo, city of Yogyakarta. Riverbanks at the location are slippery, so have many problems of structure and infrastructure. In the planning of rusunami, it is necessary to consider the location of the communal septic tank. The research use method of quantitative research. The results of soil testing are soil moisture content of 7.788%, density of 2.688, soil shear strength (Ʈ) of 0.870 kg/cm2, internal friction angle of 440, and sandy soil. The results of the shear strength testing of the land that the selected location contain subgrade, so that if it will be used as a communal septictank, it needs to be made a strong enough foundation to avoid degradation and slope failure, the construction of communal septic tanks must be made strong so that they can avoid lift by water pressure.Keywords: soil test, communal septic tank, contoured land ABSTRAKBantaran Sungai Code  didominasi lahannya untuk permukiman, salah satu titiknya menjadi usulan berdirinya rusunami, di RW 07 Kecamatan Jetisharjo, Kota Yogyakarta. Bantaran Sungai di lokasi tersebut sangat curam, sehingga dari segi struktur dan infrastruktur banyak mengalami kendala. Pada perencanaan rusunami nantinya perlu diperhitungkan titik-titik yang menjadi lokasi septic tank komunalnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil pengujian tanah sebagai berikut: kadar air tanah sebesar 7, 788%, berat jenis sebesar 2,688, kuat geser tanah (Ʈ) sebesar 0,870 kg/cm2, sudut gesek internalnya  440, dan berjenis tanah pasir. Dari hasil uji gesernya kekuatan tanahnya bahwa lokasi terpilih merupakan bekas tanah urug, sehingga apabila akan dijadikan septictank komunal perlu dibuatkan fondasi yang cukup kuat untuk menghindari  penurunan dan kelongsoran tebing, maka konstruksi septic tank komunal harus dibuat kokoh sehingga dapat terhindar dari up lift oleh tekanan air.Disarankan menggunakan septic tank moderen (fabricated).Kata kunci: uji tanah, septic tank komunal, lahan berkontur
STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN EKO-WISATA BERBASIS MASYARAKAT DI KAMPUNG WISATA REJOWINANGUN Endah Tisnawati; Dita Ayu Rani Natalia; Desrina Ratriningsih; Angling Randhiko Putro; Wiliarto Wirasmoyo; Henry P. Brotoatmodjo; Adwiyah Asyifa’
Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 15, No 1 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (622.68 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v15i1.24859


ABSTRACTCommunity-based ecotourism is one of the efforts of rural development through the tourism sector, which not only presents natural tourism resources, but also contributes to environmental conservation, and the community as the main controller in its development. Rejowinangun Tourism Village is a village with a lot of potential and began to be developed as an ecotourism area, but still has many problems, both from the environmental aspects, management aspects, to aspects of human resources, so that tourism activities in the region have not developed. Therefore, a study is needed to analyze the potentials of community-based ecotourism development in Rejowinangun Tourism Village, and to achieve these objectives, an analysis is conducted on all aspects, namely analysis on aspects of tourist objects and attractions,social aspects, management aspects, up to aspects of organizing community empowerment. In collecting data, the method used is community participatory. In this method the community is the central focus and the ultimate goal of the activity, citizen participation will increase citizens' self-esteem and the ability to be able to participate in the mission concerning the community and village. Citizen participation will foster an environment that is conducive to increasing environmental potential and community growth. Keywords: Community-Based Ecotourism, Ecotourism, Rejowinangun Tourism Village  ABSTRAKEkowisata berbasis masyarakat merupakan salah satu upaya pengembangan pedesaan melalui sektor pariwisata,  yang  tidak  hanya menyuguhkan sumber  daya  wisata  yang  masih  alami,  namun  juga  berkontibusi terhadap konservasi lingkungan, dan masyarakat  sebagai pengendali utama dalam pengembangannya. Kampung Wisata Rejowinangun  merupakan  kampung dengan banyak potensi  dan mulai  dikembangkan  sebagai  kawasan  ekowisata,  namun  masih  memiliki  banyak  permasalahan,  baik  dari aspek  lingkungan,  aspek  pengelolaan,  hingga  aspek  sumberdaya  manusia,  sehingga  aktivitas  wisata  di kawasan tersebut belum berkembang. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu kajian untuk menganalisis potensi-potensi pengembangan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat  di Kampung Wisata Rejowinangun, dan untuk  mencapai tujuan tersebut,  dilakukan  analisis  pada  semua  aspek,  yaitu  analisis  pada  aspek  objek  dan  daya  tarik  wisata,  aspek kemasyarakatan,  aspek  pengelolaan,  hingga  aspek  penyelenggaraan  pemberdayaan  masyarakat.  Dalam pengumpulan data, metode  yang  digunakan  adalah  partisipatoris masyarakat. Di dalam metode ini masyarakat adalah fokus sentral dan tujuan terakhir kegiatan, partisipasi warga akan meningkatkan harga diri warga dan kemampuan untuk dapat turut serta dalam keutusan yang menyangkut masyarakat dan kampung. Partisipasi warga dapat menumbuhkan lingkungan yang kondusif bagi peningkatan potensi lingkungan dan pertumbuhan masyarakat.Kata kunci: Ekowisata Berbasis Masyarakat, Ekowisata, Kampung Wisata Rejowinangun
Developing A Virtual Reality Application of Pathok Negoro Mosque for Digital Conservation Endang Setyawati; Adwiyah Asyifa; Hendro Trieddiantoro Putro; Mohammad Ischak
Journal of Architectural Design and Urbanism Vol 2, No 1 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.436 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jadu.v2i1.5517


In the last decades, new technologies have been developed and used for digital conservation. Nowadays, virtual reality is becoming an instrument applicable to many areas of science and visual communication. Pathok Negoro Mosque is one of the Javanese Islamic mosque buildings that was built in the 1700s. The building of this mosque still exists. Pathok Negoro Mosque several times has changed the shape and architecture of the building. The mosque was established during the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I, has an extraordinary concept and philosophy. This project was an archiving physical space so they can be digitally preserved. In this paper, we will present the process of the VR app making also describe the benefits and challenges associated with this approach. The method was by research and development by prototyping the building in 3D model, then providing virtual tours in different place and times. This paper will discuss the VR issue focusing on several hardware devices and software platforms for digital content management. This case study allowing a better understanding of masjid pathok negoro history and atmosphere. The analyzed of virtual experience proved to be advantageous in delivering tangible and intangible information.
Perancangan Automatic Drying Machine Dengan Metode Rasional Ferida Yuamita; Adwiyah Asyifa; Ari Sugiharto
Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31001/tekinfo.v10i2.1498


Effectiveness is the goal in a system. To achieve this, it is necessary to carry out continuous development. Likewise, what is done in small industries in Pasangsari village, Windusari district, Magelang regency. The abundance of cassava in this area makes the community required to innovate in terms of cassava processing. One of the speakers processes cassava into rengginang. By processing it into rengginang, the cassava has a longer life because it is stored in a dry state. In addition, selling cassava that has been processed into rengginang has greater added value in terms of selling price. The problem in this study is the effectiveness of the tool because it still uses conventional methods where the drying process is still dependent on sunlight, while erratic weather conditions become a barrier in the drying process. The purpose of this research is to design a tool with a temperature control system so that the effectiveness of the tool manufacturing process can be achieved. Keywords: automatic drying machine, design, production, cassava, rational methods
Jurnal Karkasa Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Karkasa - Juli 2022
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jkar.v8i1.464


Banjir merupakan bencana alam yang seringkali terjadi di musim penghujan yang merebak di berbagai Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia Sungai Banjarsari, yang terletak di Kecamatan Gabus, Kabupaten Pati merupakan sungai dengan Panjang Sub-DAS 32,63 km, dengan luas 62,84 km2. Metode perhitungan debit banjir rancangan pada Sub-DAS Banjarsari menggunakan metode Hidrograf Satuan Sintetis (HSS) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) dengan menggunakan data curah hujan dari BBWS (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai) Pemali-Juwana, Hasil analisis perhitungan debit banjir rancangan menggunakan Metode HSS SCS menghasilkan debit banjir rancangan sebesar 54,125 m³/detik untuk kala ulang 2 tahun, 94,774 m³/detik untuk kala ulang 5 tahun, 124,338 m³/detik untuk kala ulang 10 tahun, 153,778 m³/detik untuk kala ulang 20 tahun, 192,323 m³/detik untuk kala ulang 50 tahun, dan 224,286 m³/detik untuk kala ulang 100 tahun.
Jurnal Karkasa Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Karkasa - Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Saint Paul Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32531/jkar.v8i2.562


Sungai Tenggang merupakan bagian dari sistem drainase Kota Semarang. Sungai Tenggang tidak terlepas dari masalah banjir. Masalah utama penyebab luapan Kali Tenggang dan banjir di Kota Semarang adalah curah hujan yang cukup tinggi di Wilayah Kota Semarang dan elevasi muka air pada penampang sungai meningkat. Dalam hal ini akan dilakukan analisis kenaikan muka air banjir sungai dengan menggunakan software HEC-RAS 4.1.0. Metode Nakayasu HSS digunakan untuk menghitung debit banjir yang dirancang, dan memberikan hubungan antara parameter aliran dan waktu. Parameter ini bisa berupa kedalaman aliran atau debit aliran. Dalam analisis hidrolik, program HEC-RAS 4.1.0 digunakan untuk memodelkan penampang melintang sungai. Hasil perhitungan debit banjir rencana Sungai Tenggang menggunakan metode HSS Nakayasu menghasilkan debit banjir maksimum sebesar 303.715 m3/detik periode 2 tahun; 356.318 m3/detik, untuk jangka waktu 5 tahun; 386.651 m3/detik; 421.348 m3/detik, selama 10 tahun; 445.047 m3/detik, selama 25 tahun; dan 467.190 m3/detik periode 100 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan banjir dengan menggunakan software HEC-RAS, terdapat debit air yang tinggi akibat luapan dari Kali Tenggang Semarang. Di STA 1800 terjadi elevasi muka air yang cukup tinggi yaitu 4,5 m, dan untuk STA 2000 terjadi elevasi muka air yang sangat tinggi yaitu 5 m.