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Journal : Jurnal Mantik

Designing Information System Evaluation Of Lecturer Teaching Activities As An Implementation Of Internal Quality Guarantee System In The Unas Information System Study Program: Designing Information System Evaluation Of Lecturer Teaching Activities As An Implementation Of Internal Quality Guarantee System In The Unas Information System Study Program Zaman, M Alwi Saepul; Andryana, Septi; Komalasari, Ratih Titi
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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As technology advances fast and offers many conveniences. for humanity to complete good work in the fields of life, business and education. Quality Assurance Unit Unit Penjaminan Mutu (UPM) of Nationa University (UNAS) Information System Programas part of the Quality Assurance Agency Badan Penjaminan Mutu (BPM). UNAS to guarantee the safety activities of lecturers in the UNAS information system study program, in order to guarantee the quality of education. The implementation of an ongoing monitoring process requires a computerized system, with the hope to improve the quality and strengths in the evaluation process of improving lecturer competence. The evaluation process is still manual. The use of this manual system has not been maximized, and this concerns evaluation results that are prone to human error, such as incorrect data entry, the evaluation process and results are relatively longer. Storing information needed to improve lecturers' quality assurance is always late. therefore, an information system is needed that is expected to help the quality assurance unit (UPM). UNAS information system study program. In the data processing supported by the lecturer. The author wants to discuss web-based systems using the PHP framework namely Code Igniter (CI v.3) and MySQL DBMS. By using the method of SDLC design waterfall (waterfall) and system testing using the black-box method.
E-Voting Application Security Using Web-Based Cryptography RSA type: E-Voting Application Security Using Web-Based Cryptography RSA type Istiarati Ayustina Anjaswari; Septi Andryana; Aris Gunaryati
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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In 2017 we held the election of the chairman of the Youth South Manggarai in a conventional way, Which were displayed many members who did not came.There are many causes that are still unused ballots and the results of the voting are calculated Relatively long Also have a risk in the results of voting. With the existence of such contradictions, then to Utilize technology has been developed that makes the Electronic Voting author system.However application, the public did not trust e-voting, there will be manipulation of the results approved by each candidate. For that reason, the system can guarantee results of voting using RSA security, public key and private key to approve when you do the voting. Built using the method with waterfall SDLC. The validation test results concluded that the system is valid. Algorithm testing is done by the user entering the first odd value of 15 and the second odd value of 13 getting the value of m 168 and public key 169 from the calculation of the FPB the which is Relatively prime to m. If the public key is inputted Correctly then the user can vote.The voting results show that candidate # 2 has 32 votes, the candidate 1 has 20 votes and the others is non-voters.
Comparative Analysis Of AHP With TOPSIS In The selection Of New Student Majors At The Universitas Nasional: Comparative Analysis Of AHP With TOPSIS In The selection Of New Student Majors At The Universitas Nasional Febfiyana Febfiyana; Septi Andryana; Deny Hidayatullah
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Every year high school graduates / equivalent have the desire to continue Reviews their education to a higher level one of them at the National University roomates study has many programs but there are some obstacles faced by graduates that are still not knowing what programs are Appropriate study. With this the researcher Utilizes a decision support system designed by applying the Technique for Order Preference by Similary to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is then roomates Compared to the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. So the results of system design are Able to help in finding and Determining the Appropriate study program. The results of the comparison based on the level of suitability are 10:12% for the AHP method and 98.84% for the TOPSIS method.
Product Selection Decision Support System Insurance For Prospective Customers using AHP and TOPSIS: Product Selection Decision Support System Insurance For Prospective Customers using AHP and TOPSIS Ridwan Baharudin; Septi Andryana; Sari Ningsih
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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In determining the insurance product common problems faced by insurance agents and prospective customers, namely the length of the process of determining customers' products and a lack of understanding of the products offered. It required a system that could be used by an insurance agent in the product selection process in accordance with the criteria of the prospective customer. This study aimed to design a decision support system for the selection of insurance products by using AHP and TOPSIS. The system is built to produce perangkingan insurance products according to the criteria of the prospective customer, ie, age, income, purpose, sex, smoking, and menika status. CMS system accuracy testing is done by comparing the output of the system by manual calculation process which is known there are differences in the results.
Implementation of Expert System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer With Web-Based Methods Chaining Forward: Implementation of Expert System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer With Web-Based Methods Chaining Forward Diana Caniago; Septi Andryana; Aris Gunaryati
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Breast cancer will be easier to overcome if it is known as early as possible to the importance of self-awareness to perform a routine inspection of BSE. The study presented aims to design a web-based application in the health field in the early detection of breast cancer. Penelian expert system method on this is to use forward chaining to represents the rule and reasoning into a coherent system based on physical symptoms entered. In this system also gets a percentage probability of 72.7%, so it can be quite good. In addition the system can produce two outputs in the form of possibility, the output is both benign and malignant.
Expert System For Autism Prediction in Children With Web-Based Forward Chaining Method: Expert System For Autism Prediction in Children With Web-Based Forward Chaining Method Topan Yulianto; Septi Andryana; Aris Gunaryati
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Autism is one of the categories of children with special needs, namely brain nerve development disorders that affect the ability to communicate and interact socially. Autism is divided into 5 types: Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Perspective Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD). This research was conducted to predict the type of autism that occurs in children using a web-based expert system with the method of forward chaining, using data collected through various sources about autism. The data will be implemented into the system, so the system can provide information about the types of autism that exist, as well as the symptoms experienced by each type of autism. This system will also be able to diagnose patients by giving a number of questions to the symptoms that occur then providing appropriate treatment solutions through various therapies.
Smart - MiLan: Administrative Systems and Services at the Faculty of Communication and Information Technology: Smart - MiLan: Administrative Systems and Services at the Faculty of Communication and Information Technology Ahmad Fahreza; Septi Andryana; Ratih Titi Komalasari
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Mastery of information technology in this era has become a necessity. Information technology becomes a tool in communicating and adding knowledge in this globalization and information age era. More specifically for institutions, including the need to expedite the work of service administration, one example is administrative administration in filing letters. The speed of data processing and delivery of information has a very important role for Administration. Processing large amounts of data requires a tool that has a high level of calculation speed and data delivery. With the application of this information system can help the FTKI in managing incoming and outgoing mail and assist in archiving and reporting.
Development of Android-based New Student Admission Application at National University: Development of Android-based New Student Admission Application at National University Muhamad Afriyan Kahfi; Septi Andryana; Aris Gunaryati
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Admission registration for new students will be entered or commonly known as PPMB is a route of years in every private and public university every year. Various information about the PPMB also published from: various media, among others: sources in various web campuses, as well as the following info about the registration, schedule and test location as well as information about graduation or absence. Many of the info also often forced students to always see the PPMB sites, if missed then: will always remain in the information about obtaining the latest information about PPMB. Therefore, the need to build an Android-based PPMB application into a proper alternative and with PHP programming language with PostgreSQL and Waterfall method is also a good choice. The research conducted in this phase is based on gradual, namely: the need for analysis, designing and design of the system, implement the system and also test the system. According to the test tests that have been conducted, it can be seen that: a PPMB application with the Android base could be used as an intermediary list for the new students. Other things from the analysis of the making of PPMB are also able to become intermediaries new information about the information registration with real-time so that the candidates from students have the convenience of getting the latest information on the PPMB site.
National University Online Radio Using Shoutcast in Radio Laboratory Work Unit: National University Online Radio Using Shoutcast in Radio Laboratory Work Unit Rafli Ramadhan Gunawan; Septi Andryana; Aris Gunaryati
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Today's technological developments, where work can take advantage of existing technologies. Radio is a sound-shaped source of information and nowadays radio has evolved so that it can be accessed through the Internet with streaming media. Streaming radio is not a new technology, but this streaming app is widely implemented by many people. There is a lack of physical radio media among the limited range of broadcasts in an area, limited reach due to weak transmitter frequencies in the area. From the limited range it gives birth to an idea to be able to listen to your favorite radio broadcast anytime and anywhere by utilizing the development of Internet technology as a technique in data compression. In addition, the development of Radio Streaming Media in Indonesia has experienced an increase in which Radio Streaming users from time to time are increasing including application on campus-both public and private campuses. Based on the background that has been outlined, the author will build a Streaming Radio system on the campus of the National University with the Shoutcast method. The results are done by some testers that 93% of online radios can provide up-to-date information, media chats and media requests for listeners and online radios can be accessed well by various users using Internet media via desktop or mobile phone.
P Android-Based Monitoring and Control of Electricity Consumption: Android-Based Monitoring and Control of Electricity Consumption Rahmat Azyad Samallo; Septi Andryana; Ratih Titi Komala Sari
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.Vol4.2020.783.pp962-968


The purpose of this study is to create a system of "Monitoring and Control of Electricity Based on Android" where electricity is now an important part of people's daily lives and the community cannot be far from electricity because daily needs require electricity. There are bad habits of the people in using unnecessary and excessive electricity such as always turning on lights, fans, TVs and others when not at home so that electricity bills become expensive and uncontrolled. Monitoring and controlling electricity is one way to help the efficiency of the budget incurred due to unnecessary electricity usage. By using the Android Electric Monitoring and Control can be done remotely that can move the relay that is in the NodeMCU module ESP8266 so that electricity can be controlled with the system to be created and users no longer need to worry about electricity costs and forgetfulness to turn off the electricity that lights up because it can monitored via Android.
Co-Authors Achmad Riyadi Aditya Pratama Aditya Pratama Adryan Syahputra Agung Sembiring Agus Iskandar Ahmad Fahreza Akbar Mulia Ardiansyah Alam Supriyadi Albaar Rubhasy Aldisa, Rima Tamara Aldjawad, Mohamad Ali, Muhammad Rifqi Alma Bryan Fitri Finika Andrianingsih Andrianingsih Angga Pradihta Anna Thasyia Puspita Aprilia Tika Rahayu Apriliani Wulandari Arif Setyo Pambudi Aris Gunaryat Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati Aris Gunaryati, Aris Avicienna Adhi Narendro Purnomo Azharandi, Nadhif badriawan sukma Bagus Tegar Dwi Irianto Bagus Widiyanto Bayu Setyawan Ben Rahman Bimo Anggoro Seno Bimo Salasa Putra Budi Dwi Kurniawan Caniago, Diana Defrimont Era Deny Hidayatullah Deny Hidayatullah Dewantoro, Danang Dhani Farhansyah Diana Caniago Dicky Pradana Abdulrahman Julianto Dion R A Mamisala Dwi Yulian Rizki Saputra Eri Mardiani Farhany, Nadia Muis Fauziah Fauziah Febfiyana Febfiyana Fegie Yoanti Wattimena Fendy Sulistyo Finika, Alma Bryan Fitri Freddy Artadima Silaban Ghifari Yusuf Abdillah Gio Fandi H Nainggolan Guntur Wicaksono Gusti Karnawan Haris Amanullah Ina Agustina Ira Diana Sholihati Ira Diana Sholihati irfan muttaqim Istiarati Ayustina Anjaswari Jhovie Afriyany Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Krisna Ruliyanto Lukman Medriavin Silalahi M Alwi Saepul Zaman Mahendra, Wahyu Eka Maurizka Zahra Devita Mikhael Kristian Misria Attanggo Mochamad Naufal Shofy Mohamad Aldjawad Mohamad Didit Supriyadi Muhamad Afriyan Kahfi Muhammad Ikbal Muhammad Ikbal Muhammad Reza Akbar Muhammad Rifqi Ali Muhammad Taufiq Ismail Mursyid Salim Nadhif Azharandi Nadia Aulia Nadia Muis Farhany Nadila, Tika Aenun Naif Farhan Naqiyah, Shofy Navita Putri Purwanti Nur Hayati Nur Widya Pratiwi Nur, Ridwan Pramesti Sifa Aisya Nuha Pratiwi, Ridha Puspita, Anna Thasyia Putra, Ricky Syah Rafli Ramadhan Gunawan RAHAYU, FAJAR Rahmat Azyad Samallo Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari Ratih Titi Komala Sari, Ratih Titi Komala Ratih Titi Komalasari Rehan Aria Khalif Reni Koibur Resa Wahyu Adi Pujianto Ricky Syah Putra Ridha Pratiwi Ridwan Baharudin Ridwan Nur Rifqi Firmansyah Rifqi Zulfikar Rima Tamara Aldisa Rima Tamara Aldisa Rivan Wahyuda Riyadi, Achmad Rizal Maulana Yusuf Effendi Rizki Insani Maulana Ryan maulana Sari Ningsih Selamet Kurniawan Setia Sri Anggraeni Setiawan, Muhammad Afif Setiyo Budiyanto Sholihati, Ira Diana Shynta Octavia Sita Widad Muqsithoh Supriyadi, Alam Supriyadi, Mohamad Didit Syahbani Farhan Syahputra, Adryan Tasya Khaerani Janubiya Teguh Riyono Adi Tika Aenun Nadila Topan Yulianto Ucuk Darusalam Wafiqah Setyawati Wahyuni Wahyu Eka Mahendra Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Winarsih Yuda Aji Pramukti Yusril Adam Mahendra Yusuf Effendi, Rizal Maulana Zaman, M Alwi Saepul