Azizahwati Azizahwati, Azizahwati
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Journal : Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (PSR)

Analisis Zat Warna Sintetik Terlarang Untuk Makanan Yang Beredar Di Pasaran Azizahwati, Azizahwati; Kurniadi, Maryati; Hidayati, Heidi
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 4, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The use of synthetic food colorants is increasing because of its advantages. However, it is found that not all food colorants which are sold in the market are safe to be consumed. The purpose of this research was to identify synthetic food colorant samples which are sold in market and to find out whether they contain safe food colorants or not. Extraction did not need to be done on samples. Analysis was done using color reaction and paper chromatography. Densitometry was done to support the identification result. The result of this research showed that 10 out of 31 samples that were tested contain synthetic food colorants that must not be used for food. The ten samples were seven red colorants (three samples containing Merah K4, the two others containing Rhodamine B, and two samples containing Scarlet GN), one orange colorant (containing Orange G), one yellow colorant (containing Metanil Yellow) and one chocolate colorant (containing Chocolate Brown FB).
Efek Hepatoprotektif Infus Daun Sukun (Artocarpus altilis (Park) Fsb) Terhadap Kerusakan Hati Tikus yang Diinduksi dengan Karbon Tetraklorida K.J, Wahyu Atmaja; Sari, Santi Purna; Azizahwati, Azizahwati
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Breadfruit leaves (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) are used as traditional medicine in treatment of liver diseases. This study aimed to figure out the hepatoprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in male albino rats. The study used 25 male albino rats of Sprague-Dawley strain, which were divided randomly into five groups. Group I (normal control group) and group II (carbon tetrachloride-induced control group) only received 0,5% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) solution. Group III-V received different dose of breadfruit leaves infusion for seven days respectively, which were 13,5 g/kgBW (dose 1), 27 g/kg BW (dose 2) and 54 g/kg BW (dose 3). On 7th day, all groups, excepted the normal group, were induced by 0,4 ml/kgBW dose of carbon tetrachloride perorally two hours after the last breadfruit leaves infusion given. Parameters of liver damage were estimated by measuring the activity of plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT), the concentration of lipid peroxide in liver, and the concentration of lipid peroxide in plasma. The results of ANOVA (p<0,05) demonstrated that breadfruit leaves infusion at a dose of 54 g/kgBW (dose 3) consumed for seven days respectively before 0,4 ml/kgBW dose of carbon tetrachloride-induced had hepatoprotective effect estimated by the activity of plasma ALT and the concentration of lipid peroxide in liver.
Analisis Kandungan Ion Flourida pada Sampel Air Tanah dan Air PAM Secara Spektrofotometri Astriningrum, Yodifta; Suryadi, Herman; Azizahwati, Azizahwati
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 7, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Fluoride ion is one of the compounds that are known to have benefits in the prevention of dental caries when used in certain concentrations, but also hasnegative effects that may cause the occurrence of dental and bone fluorosis when the intake was in excessive concentration. One of the fluoride intakes comes fromwater that is consumed. The aim of this research was to identify and measurefluoride ion levels in groundwater and piped water that used as drinking water consumption in the community. Measurement of fluoride ion concentration isdone by using visible spectrophotometry at the maximum wavelength of 586 nmusing the sodium 2-parasulfophenylazo 1,8-dihydroxy-naphthalene-3,6disulfonate (SPADNS)-zirconil acid reagent. This method was optimized by thesearch of range of absorption which stable for 10 minutes after reagent addition.The limit of detection, limit of quantitation, and coefficient of variation forfluoride ion were 0.0452 mg/L, 0.1506 mg/L, and 0,63%, respectively. While therecovery of fluoride ion in sample were in the range of 90,50-102,04%. The measurement results of the samples showed levels of fluoride ions in groundwaterand piped water varied between 0.05 to 0.78 mg/L. This range was still within allowed levels according the rules of Indonesian health ministers No.492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010 where the maximum allowable fluoride concentration is 1.5 mg/L.
Uji Penghambatan Tirosinase dan Stabilitas Fisik Sediaan Krim Pemutih yang Mengandung Ekstrak Kulit Batang Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Juwita, Ninin Kartika; Djajadisastra, Joshita; Azizahwati, Azizahwati
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The cortex of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) contains some flavonoids which have activity as tyrosinase inhibitors. This compound can inhibit the oxidation of l-tyrosine and levodopa in the mechanism of melanogenesis. The extract of jackfruit cortex formulated into creams differentiated by the extract concentration of 1,5% and 2,0%. Physical stability test was conducted with storing the creams at three different temperatures, 7 ± 2°, 27 ± 2°, and 40±2°C respectively. Centrifugal tests and cycling test was also performed on both cream. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity measurement was done by in vitro studies with measuring dopachrome. The result showed that both of formulations which stored at 40±2°C and centrifugated at 3800 rpm for 5 hours were not stable. The result of tyrosinase inhibiton activity measurement of creams containing extract of 1,5% and 2,0 % were 10,64% and 11,34%, respectively. Tyrosinase inhibition activity of creams decreased after two month stored. Tyrosinase inhibition activity of cream containing 1,5%extract decreased into 6,93%, and cream containing 2,0%extract decreased into 7,74%. The decreasing of tyrosinase inhibition activity is caused by the small amount of antioxidant is not enough to prevent oxidation of active ingredient.
Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Ekstrak Air Akar Kucing (Acalypha indica Linn.) dengan Ekstrak Etanol 70% Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Tikus Putih Saputri, Anita Ayu Dwi Ajie; Amin, Juheini; Azizahwati, Azizahwati
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 8, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Hyperuricemia treatment can be given roots of Acalypha indica Linn. Combined with red ginger plant (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) as anti-inflammatory drug. This study aimed to examine the effect of aqueous extract the roots of Acalypha indica Linn. with 70%ethanol extract of rhizome of Red Ginger from the decrease in blood uric acid levels of male rats made hiperurisemia by potassium oxonate. There were 35 male white rats of Sprague Dawley strain weighing 180 g to 200 gs were divided into seven groups. Three groups were given a combination of extract, consist of a fixed dose 5.4 g/200 g bb of Acalypha indica L. was combined with varied dose of red ginger, respectively 14 mg/200 g bb, 28 mg/200 g bb, and 56 mg / 200 g bb suspended with 0.5% CMC solution. Another groups consisted of a single dosage 5.4 g/200 g bb comparative of Acalypha indica Linn, allopurinol comparison, control induction, and normal controls were administered orally for eight days.Measurement of uric acid levels in blood plasma by enzymatic colorimetric method on UV-VIS spectrophotometer with a wavelength 520 nm. The results showed that the combination 5.4 g/200 g aqueous extract the root of Acalypha indica Linn with 56 mg/200 g red ginger might decrease uric acid levels equivalent to allopurinol and normal controls.
Efek Nefroprotektif Infus Daun Sukun (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) Pada Tikus Jantan yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida Cahyaningsih, Rianti Adi; Azizahwati, Azizahwati; Kusmana, Dadang
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Renal dysfunction can be caused by several factors, including hypertension, urinary tract obstruction, autoimmune disorders, urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, consumption of drugs that affect nephrotoxic and antibiotic from aminoglycoside class. Breadfruit leaves (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fsb.) is a traditional plant that hasbeen used empirically to treat kidney diseases. The research has been done to figure out the nephroprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion on white male rats strain Sprague-Dawley previously induced by carbon tetrachloride. There were 25 rats which were divided randomly into five groups. Group I which was the normal control group received CMC 0,5%. Group II which was the carbon tetrachloride control group was induced with carbon tetrachloride that was dissolved in the coconut oil 0,4 mL/kg bw rat. Group III, IV and V were administered doses of infusion 13,5 g/kg bw/day; 27 g/kg bw/day and 54 g/kg bw/day for 7 days. Two hours later, the animals were given carbon tetrachloride induction. At the 8th day, the blood was collected from the orbital sinus and then the rats were performed a surgery to collect the kidney. The urea and creatinine plasma level measurement has been done by colorimetric method and histology of kidney was observed. One way ANOVA (α=0,1) of the study showed that nephroprotective effect of breadfruit leaves infusion were significantly different among groups and dose of 54 g/kg bw/day has the best nephroprotective effect.
Pengaruh Pemberian Infusa Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) Terhadap Glibenklamid Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus Putih Jantan yang Dibuat Diabetes Sari, Santi Purna; Azizahwati, Azizahwati; Ratimanjari, Diandra Andina
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Many diabetics perform self-medication with antidiabetic herbs and synthetic drugs with the aim to obtain a synergistic or additive effects without informing their primary physician, such as the use of creat and glibenclamide. This research was carried out to know the impact of creat herb infusion on glibenclamide in bwering blood glucose levels on diabetic male albino rats. This study used 24 male Sparague-Lawley rats, which are divided into 6 groups, normal control and diabetic control were given 0,5% CMC solution I ml/200 g bw of rat, glibenclamide control were given glibenclamide suspension 0,9 mg/200 g bw of rat, creat control were given creat herb infusion 50 mg/200 g bw of rat, and 2 interaction groups were given creat herb infusion in 2 variant doses (50 and 100 mg/ 200 g bw of rat) and glibenclamide suspension 0,9 mg/200 g bw of rat, each of them were administrated orally. All of groups were induced with alloxan 32 mg/ 200 g bw of rat except normal control. Blood glucose was measured by 0-toluidine method at 2 hours and 4 hours after administration. The result showed that the creat herb infusion at 100 mg/200 g bw gave significant impact on glibenclamide in lowering blood glucose levels week after administration.
Uji Penghambatan Aktivitas alfa-glukosidase Ekstrak dan Fraksi Daun Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. Widihasputri, Rieka; Elya, Berna; Azizahwati, Azizahwati
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic dysfunction disease showed by hyperglicemia and abnormality of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins metabolism. It is known can be cured with a-glucosidase inhibitor. Previous experiment reported that methanol extract from leaves of Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. has a strong inhibitory activity of a-glucosidase (IC50 = 2,18 mikrogram/mL). The aim of this experiment was to know about the most active extract and fraction of inhibitory activity of a-glycosidase and also the chemical compounds from those most active extract and fraction. Extraction is done by using multilevel maceration (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol). Inhibitory activity of a-glucosidase tested with microplate reader at 405 nm wavelength. As standard, we used carbose (IC50=38.37 gg/mL). Methanol extract has the strongest inhibitory activity of a-glucosidase as shown the highest inhibitor percentage (89.53%). It is identified the chemical compounds and fracinationed by flash column chromatography. Fractination produced 15 combined fractions. Combined fractions which more than 200 mg tested to know their inhibitory activity of a-glucosidase. Result showed that the most active fraction is the 8th (IC50=40.77 gg/mL) with a competitive inhibitor mechanism to a-glycosidase. Chemical compounds that is found in the methanol extract and 8th fraction of Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. leaves are flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, fenol and alkaloids.
Skrining Fitokimia dan Uji Penghambatan Aktivitas alfa-glukosidase pada Ekstrak Etanol dari Beberapa Tanaman yang Digunakan sebagai Obat Antidiabetes Munim, Abdul; Azizahwati, Azizahwati; Andriani, Ayu
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglicemia and associated with abnormalities in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolisms. Patients with DM in the world continue to increase along with population growths. Starting from this condition, searching for sources of DM treatment is always performed. One therapy of DM is a-glucosidase inhibitor. a-Glucosidase is an enzyme that can break down a complex carbohydrate into simple sugar. lhe inhibiton of this enzyme can retard the rate of carbohydrate digestion resulting in a delay in glucose absorption. The purpose of this studywas to identify the content of chemical compound and to test the a-glucosidase inhibitory activity in ethanolic extracts of some plants used as antidiabetic. a-Glucosidase inhibitory activity test carried out by spectrophotometric method. The simplisia powder was extracted by reflux using 80% ethanol. Based on a-glucosidase inhibitory activity test, all the plant extracts were active in inhibiting a-glucosidase. lhe three most active extracts were Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaetern bark extract, Saccharum offcinarum root extract, and Persea americana Mill. bark extract with IC50 of 5.16, 10.35 and 10.83 ppm, respectively. They contain glycoside, tannin, and saponin. The test results of the kinetics enzyme inhibition showed that Randu bark extract had competitive inhibitory activity.
Uji Penghambatan Aktivitas alfa-glukosidase Ekstrak dan Fraksi Daun Antidesma montanum Blume Nofiantini, Nofiantini; Elya, Berna; Azizahwati, Azizahwati
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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alpha-Glucosidase inhibitor has known to be a therapeutic agent for diabetes mellitus (DM) treatment, especially type 2 DM. Based on previous studies. There are various plants that have the effect of inhibiting the activity of a-glucosidase, one of which is garu leaves (Antidesma montanum Blume). This research aimed to get the fraction which had the highest Il-glucosidase inhibiting activity from ethanol extract of garu leaves and identify the chemical compounds from the most active fraction. Simplisia powder was extracted by maseration using 80% ethanol then fractionated using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. Inhibitory activity test was performed by measuring absorbance of p-nitrophenol, which produced by reaction between Il-glucosidase and p-nitrophenyl-u-l)-glucopyranoside, using microplate reader at 405 nm. The result showed that ethyl acetate fraction have the best Il-glucosidase inhibitory activity with IC50 values 138.38 ppm. The test of enzyme kinetics showed that ethyl acetate fraction inhibited competitively. The phytochemical screening showed that ethyl acetate fraction of garu leaves contained glycosides, tannins, and terpenes.