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Peran Kualitas Jasa dan Kepuasan Nasabah Terhadap Kesetiaan Nasabah Serta Minat Untuk Berpindah Bank Catharina Clara
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Sosial Ekonomi dan Psikologi
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (845.648 KB)


With so many banks in the banking system in Indonesia then certainlycompetition between banks is getting fierce. Each bank must inevitably createa superior quality of service compared to competitors so as to satisfycustomers who ultimately result in customer loyalty or intention to switchbanks considering the cost of bank switching (switching cost) is low. On theother hand banks must also comply with the guidelines of Bank Indonesia andthe Financial Services Authority (FSA/ OJK). Based on this phenomenon thenexamined whether the perceived quality of the customer in this case is relatedto the bank customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as affect the desire orinterest to switch banks. So the research problems are: 1) How does thequality of services and customer satisfaction bank and 2) What is the impactof customer satisfaction to customer loyalty and switch intention. Thisresearch is a survey conducted in Palembang to the people who are customersof banks in Palembang. Linear regression model used to measure therelationship between variables. To answer the first question, the independentvariables of service quality (with 3 sub-variables: customer expectation,perceived quality, perceived value) regressed multiple with customersatisfaction. Meanwhile, to answer the second question, simple regressionused to measure effect of customer satisfaction with customer loyalty andswitch intention. The test results show that the reliability and validity ofresearch instrument is already showing good reliability and validity. Similarlyresult with the classical assumption test. The influence of the quality ofservices measured using subvariable Customer Expectation, PerceivedQuality and Perceived Value, to the customer satisfaction showed significancefor the variable Perceived Quality. Customer satisfaction on customer loyaltysignificantly positive effect. Customer satisfaction against switch intentionalso significant but positive influence. Overall, these models haven‟t predictthe dependent variable properly.
Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Bidang Ketrampilan Public Speaking dan Penyusunan Program Kerja Kebidelan Seminari Palembang T.A. 2017/2018 Catharina Clara; Anselmus Inharjanto; Paskalina Widiastuti Ratnaningsih; Ega Leovani; Ira Irzawati
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Pendidikan, Humaniora dan Agama
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.291 KB)


Student organization is part of the formation at St. Paul’s MinorSeminary in Palembang, South Sumatra. Seminary’s new studentorganization committee has been assigned with various tasks related tothe vision of 4Ss (i.e. Sanctitas or Sanctity, Sanitas or Health, Scientiaor Science, and Socialitas or Communal Life). The aim of thisleadership training of public speaking skills and work programmeplanning for internal student organization of St. Paul Minor Seminary,Palembang in academic year 2017/2018 is to increase leadershipability of Seminary students (or seminarians) especially in selfmanagementand as internal student organisation committee bothpublic speaking and work programme planning. The methods usedwere lecture and group practice. This activity was conducted in twodays. The first day activities were discussing basic leadershipmanagement and public speaking continued with group practice. Thesecond day activity was introduction to work program planningcontinued with real practice in groups. The analysis result ofquestionnaire reveals that the respondents’ opinions dealing withtraining activities in leadership, self-management, public speaking,and work programme planning demonstrate that the average score isin the agree and strongly agree scales. This fact indicates that theactivity is beneficial for the seminarians. It facilitates the seminariansto improve their abilities related to leadership, public speaking andwork programme planning.
Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas Volume 6, Nomor 2, Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas katolik Musi Charitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32524/jamc.v6i2.755


The initial process of face-to-face learning that occurs at the beginning of the school year requires adequate preparation both physically and mentally for students. Not infrequently the initial process causes stress and eventually triggers conflict, both between individuals and groups. On the other hand, learning must continue and the competency of the predetermined subject does not experience problems in being delivered. The purpose of this PKM activity is to integrate 2 materials in one flow of activity: stress management with one of the lessons, namely English. Activities are scheduled in 4 meetings with seminary students in Rethorica A and B classes as participants. Total participants were 33 people. The results of the activity showed positive results and responses from all participants which were shown from the pretest and posttest scores and the feedback questionnaire. The experience of learning contextual English and awareness of the causes and effects of stress can provide meaningful input from the learning process and self-management for prospective priests.
Promosi dan Mutasi Dalam Perkembangan Karir Ega Leovani; Catharina Clara
Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi Vol 29 No 2 (2022): Vol. 29 No. 2 EDISI SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Stikubank

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/jbe.v29i2.9042


Mutations and promotions are things that often occur in a company environment. Position transfers and promotions are intended to be able to provide encouragement to employees to be able to contribute in the form of good performance expected by the organization and can improve the abilities, skills, skills and knowledge of employees which will later be utilized in fulfilling the career development needs of employees. Job transfer and promotion programs can be carried out in all forms and sizes of organizations including a university. XYZ University has several times conducted transfer and promotion programs. In this study, we will see whether transfers and promotions have an influence on employee career development in XYZ University. The sample taken is employees who have received mutations or promotions with a total of 68 people. From the results of data processing, it is proven that there is an effect of Position Mutation and Job Promotion on the career development of employees in XYZ University.
Celebrity Endorsements And Its Brand Love On Purchase Intention At E-Marketplace Catharina Clara
Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 27 No. 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jm.v27i1.1078


Advertised brands are frequently endorsed by a variety of well-known public figures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of celebrities and brand ambassadors on purchase intentions in the e-commerce marketplace. The method employed is an online survey sent to Indonesian fans via direct message on the Instagram official account that posts collaboration ads between the e-commerce marketplace and brand ambassador. To assess the effect of variables, a structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS software was used. The study's findings explain the impact of celebrity endorsement and brand love on brand ambassadors purchasing interest, particularly on online shopping sites. Although celebrity endorsement as an exogenous variable is insignificant, all factors of celebrity endorsement show a significant confirmatory factor analysis. Purchase intention is positively influenced by brand passion and affection. This study's marketing implications for related parties are presented.
Dimensions of Omnichannel Retail Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Catharina - Clara
Journal of International Conference Proceedings Vol 6, No 2 (2023): 2023 ICPM Bandung Proceeding
Publisher : AIBPM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32535/jicp.v6i2.2348


The shift in consumer shopping from offline to online, and then to a hybrid of the two, combining the benefits of each to overcome the disadvantages of both. This study focuses on the dimensions of omnichannel retail quality. The emphasis is on analyzing consumer behavior in offline, online, and combined omnichannel retail channels. The rapid growth of this retail channel is due in part to the ease and security of payment, though there are still those who use the cash-on-delivery system. The methods employed include a review of the literature on omnichannel research articles, consumer surveys, and data documentation on business phenomena. SEM was used to examine the relationship between IOC, VOC, CS, and CL. The software used is Smart PLS 4. The goal of path modeling, particularly reflective models such as PLS, is to estimate the variance of endogenous constructs, as a result from their respective manifest variables. The findings of this study can be used to test OC intensity and OC shopping value in providing consumers with shopping experiences that result in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Relevant marketing implications and future research are advised.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 4 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i4.16127


Abstrak: Kegiatan abdimas yang dilakukan pada Seminari St. Paulus Palembang ini menyasar para seminaris kelas Rethorica yang nantinya akan melanjutkan Pendidikan pada level perguruan tinggi membutuhkan persiapan diri yang baik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu para seminaris dalam mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi perubahan pembelajaran dari tingkat SMA ke pergguruan tinggi yang memerlukan sikap yang tepat. Persiapan yang harus dilakukan meliputi persiapan untuk dapat mengatur diri agar dapat menjalani kuliah dengan baik dan menyelesaikan kuliah tepat waktu. Manajemen waktu membantu seminaris untuk mengatur diri agar dapat menggunakan waktu secara efektif dan efisien. Manajemen perubahan akan membekali seminaris untuk mengambil sikap yang tepat dalam situasi yang akan berubah dengan tuntutan yang juga berubah. Pretest dan posttest dilakukan guna mengukur pemahaman siswa seminaris mengenai materi yang disampaikan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, menunjukan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan para seminaris mengenai manajemen waktu dengan peningkatan rerata sebesar 13,59% dan manajemen perubahan sebesar 1,36%.Abstract: This activities carried out at the Seminary of St. Paulus Palembang is targeting Rethorica class seminarians who will later continue their education at the tertiary level, requiring good preparation. This activity aims to assist seminarians in preparing themselves to face changes in learning from high school to university level that require the right attitude. Preparations that must be made include preparing to be able to organize yourself so that you can go through college well and finish college on time. Time management helps seminarians to organize themselves in order to use time effectively and efficiently. Change management will equip seminarians to take the right attitude in changing situations with changing demands. Pretest and posttest were conducted to measure seminary students' understanding of the material presented. Based on the results of data processing, it shows that there is an increase in seminarians' knowledge regarding time management with an average increase of 13,59% and change management of 1,36%.
Peran Kualitas Jasa dan Kepuasan Nasabah Terhadap Kesetiaan Nasabah Serta Minat Untuk Berpindah Bank Catharina Clara
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Sosial Ekonomi dan Psikologi
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


With so many banks in the banking system in Indonesia then certainlycompetition between banks is getting fierce. Each bank must inevitably createa superior quality of service compared to competitors so as to satisfycustomers who ultimately result in customer loyalty or intention to switchbanks considering the cost of bank switching (switching cost) is low. On theother hand banks must also comply with the guidelines of Bank Indonesia andthe Financial Services Authority (FSA/ OJK). Based on this phenomenon thenexamined whether the perceived quality of the customer in this case is relatedto the bank customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as affect the desire orinterest to switch banks. So the research problems are: 1) How does thequality of services and customer satisfaction bank and 2) What is the impactof customer satisfaction to customer loyalty and switch intention. Thisresearch is a survey conducted in Palembang to the people who are customersof banks in Palembang. Linear regression model used to measure therelationship between variables. To answer the first question, the independentvariables of service quality (with 3 sub-variables: customer expectation,perceived quality, perceived value) regressed multiple with customersatisfaction. Meanwhile, to answer the second question, simple regressionused to measure effect of customer satisfaction with customer loyalty andswitch intention. The test results show that the reliability and validity ofresearch instrument is already showing good reliability and validity. Similarlyresult with the classical assumption test. The influence of the quality ofservices measured using subvariable Customer Expectation, PerceivedQuality and Perceived Value, to the customer satisfaction showed significancefor the variable Perceived Quality. Customer satisfaction on customer loyaltysignificantly positive effect. Customer satisfaction against switch intentionalso significant but positive influence. Overall, these models haven?t predictthe dependent variable properly.
Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Bidang Ketrampilan Public Speaking dan Penyusunan Program Kerja Kebidelan Seminari Palembang T.A. 2017/2018 Catharina Clara; Anselmus Inharjanto; Paskalina Widiastuti Ratnaningsih; Ega Leovani; Ira Irzawati
Prosiding University Research Colloquium Proceeding of The 7th University Research Colloquium 2018: Bidang Pendidikan, Humaniora dan Agama
Publisher : Konsorsium Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah (PTMA) Koordinator Wilayah Jawa Tengah - DIY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Student organization is part of the formation at St. Paul’s MinorSeminary in Palembang, South Sumatra. Seminary’s new studentorganization committee has been assigned with various tasks related tothe vision of 4Ss (i.e. Sanctitas or Sanctity, Sanitas or Health, Scientiaor Science, and Socialitas or Communal Life). The aim of thisleadership training of public speaking skills and work programmeplanning for internal student organization of St. Paul Minor Seminary,Palembang in academic year 2017/2018 is to increase leadershipability of Seminary students (or seminarians) especially in selfmanagementand as internal student organisation committee bothpublic speaking and work programme planning. The methods usedwere lecture and group practice. This activity was conducted in twodays. The first day activities were discussing basic leadershipmanagement and public speaking continued with group practice. Thesecond day activity was introduction to work program planningcontinued with real practice in groups. The analysis result ofquestionnaire reveals that the respondents’ opinions dealing withtraining activities in leadership, self-management, public speaking,and work programme planning demonstrate that the average score isin the agree and strongly agree scales. This fact indicates that theactivity is beneficial for the seminarians. It facilitates the seminariansto improve their abilities related to leadership, public speaking andwork programme planning.