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Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Diintegrasikan dengan Teknik Pemetaan Pikiran: Pengaruhnya terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa pada Materi Sistem Imun Muhammad Ardiansyah; Khairuna Khairuna; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar
SPIZAETUS: JURNAL BIOLOGI DAN PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI Vol 3, No 3 (2022): Spizaetus: Jurnal Biologi dan Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Nipa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55241/spibio.v3i3.84


Bersumber pada hasil riset PISA serta observasi awal penelitian, kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada kajian biologi tergolong masih rendah, sehingga tidak relevan dengan tujuan utama pendidikan Abad 21. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah diintegrasikan dengan teknik pemetaan pikiran terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada materi sistem imun. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik cluster random sampling, hingga didapatkan XI MIA 1 selaku kelas eksperimen dan XI MIA 2 selaku kelas kontrol. Jenis penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian post-test control group. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes esai yang disusun berdasarkan indikator kemampuan pemecahan masalah menurut Purnamasari & Setiawan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan program SPSS versi 22. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis menggunakan independent sample t-test dan uji regresi linier sederhana menunjukkan nilai sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 ≤ 0,05 dan nilai R2 sebesar 0,914, maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Ditafsirkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah diintegrasikan dengan teknik pemetaan pikiran terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada materi sistem imun dengan pengaruh sebesar 91,4%.
Muallimuna : Jurnal Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol 8, No 2 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Studi Islam UNISKA MAB Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/muallimuna.v8i2.9341


This research aims to produce and develop thematic textbooks based on wahdatul ulum on theme 6: Human and Animal Organs, sub-theme 1: The Human Body, sub-theme 2: Organs of Humans and Animals, and sub-theme 3: How to Live Humans, Animals, and Plants in class V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and to determine the feasibility of the developed wahdatul ulum-based thematic textbooks. This development uses the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research begins with needs analysis, designing teaching materials, then developing teaching materials, then validating by experts, revising the product, after that conducting product trials (implementing) thematic textbooks based on wahdatul ulum on predetermined respondents. The total average value of the validation results from material, media, and language experts shows that thematic textbooks based on Wahdatul Ulum are very appropriate to use with an average percentage gain of 85%. At the try-out phase, two stages were carried out, namely small group tryouts of 6 students and large group tryouts of 25 students, the student response was 92.59% and gave a very good response to the wahdatul ulum-based thematic textbooks used. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that the thematic textbooks based on wahdatul ulum had been tested for validity, practicality, effectiveness and were very suitable for students to use for learning
Publisher : STKIP Pesisir Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34125/jmp.v8i1.1385


The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of vertebrate materials containing higher order thinking skills (HOTS). The type of research is research and development or R&D. This study uses a 4D model which consists of 4 stages: Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The location of the research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Seisuka. Data collection techniques used interviews, as well as questionnaires and pretest-posttest tests. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire which included 3 types, namely the media expert questionnaire, the module expert questionnaire and the student and teacher participant questionnaire. Information analysis method that is using quantitative and qualitative. In conclusion, the suitability of the material according to type is very feasible with an average score of 83% and 93%. The practicality of the material meets the very instant criteria with an average value of 93% and 90%. The material was seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test in measuring student learning activities, which were reassessed with an average N-Gain value of 0.7. On the other hand, this material was considered quite efficient in improving student learning outcomes, tested with an average score 71%. 
Development of LKPD Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning on Square and Rectangular Materials to Improve Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Elementary School Students Lisa Oktapia; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar
Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): Mathline: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/mathline.v8i3.479


Student Worksheets (LKPD) are one of the teaching materials that play an important role in the learning process. In the data structure of mathematics subjects, LKPD is CTL-based with square and rectangular shapes. This research was conducted on grade IV students of SDN 106161 Laut Dendang. Elementary school students in the fourth grade were used as research participants. This study uses an analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model. The results of this study can be seen and proven by using the Likert scale to assess the material and aspects that are still being developed, namely: a) Validity that gets a score (4.8) from media experts and (4.43) from experts in materials. b) Efficiency, i.e. obtaining a score of 3.96 from students and 4.6 from teachers. c) Fairness of use of estimated N-Gain reaches value 0.8110. The study's findings, students' enthusiasm in learning math about square and rectangular shapes should be made easier for educators and prospective teachers. In addition, this development is expected to help students gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter they are learning, thereby increasing their interest in CTL-based LKPD exercises.
Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Pada Konsep Pokok Perubahan Lingkungan Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Teladan Ujung Kubu Evi Zahara; Syarifah Widya Ulfa; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/cendikia.v3i4.2000


This study aims to determine the effect of learning using problem-based learning strategies on student learning outcomes on environmental change material at Teladan Batu Bara Madrasah Aliyah. This research is a type of quantitative research with a quasi-experimental design selected by Nonequavalent pretest posttest control group design. The research population was class X IPA Madrasah Akiyah Exemplary and the sample of this study was Class X IPA 1 with a total of 35 students as the experimental class, and X IPA 2 with a total of 35 students as the control class. The instrument in this study was in the form of a test in the form of multiple choice questions of 30 items. Data analysis of student learning outcomes using the t-test formula, also with the help of SPSS version 25 data processing. Data analysis of student learning outcomes with the results of calculating the relative learning outcomes shows that the experimental class using problem-based learning strategies is higher than the control class. The prerequisite test proved that the data were normally distributed and homogeneous. The results of simple linear regression test calculations show sig < 0.005, 0.000 problems < 0.05, this means that there is an influence from the problem- based learning system on student learning outcomes. The conclusions in this study explain that there is an effect of using problem-based learning strategies on student learning outcomes.
Pendampingan Belajar dalam Kefasihan Membaca Al-Qur’an melalui Bimbingan Les Mengaji Maghrib bagi Anak-Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di Desa Karang Tengah Serdang Bedagai Nurdiana Siregar; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar; Intan Nuraini; Khoirul Bariah Rambe; Laila Qadaria; Wapiatul Khairiah
Maktabatun: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Maktabatun: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Publisher : Prodi Perpustakaan dan Sains Informasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In this community service, there is a problem in reading the Qur'an, namely the lack of understanding of tajweed and not being able to distinguish makhorijul letters in elementary school-age children in Karang Tengah Village, Serdang Bedagai. The solution offered by the community service team is to provide assistance for children who have difficulty reading the Qur'an. The purpose of mentoring is so that elementary school children are fluent in reading the Qur'an. In Islam, learning the Qur'an is an obligation that must be carried out and developed for every individual Muslim, because it will be directly related to worship such as prayer, hajj and prayer. The method of implementing the mentoring is by using the tutoring method which is carried out regularly at the end of the maghrib prayer. Mentoring is carried out by 4 mentors as many as 4 elementary school-age children. In the mentoring activities, the experience gained by these children is getting tajweed material, hearing the correct pronunciation of the hijaiyah letters, practicing applying tajweed and makhorijul letters when reading the Qur'an and answering questions from the mentor related to the material that has been taught. The recitation tutoring activities at maghrib time have succeeded in making the children of Karang Tengah Village, Serdang Bedagai, 85% more fluent in reading the Qur'an.
Analisis Faktor Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Siswa Pada Materi Penyajian Data Di MIS TPI Sei Bamban Kec. Batang Serangan Kab. Langkat Sepnita Nurma Wardhani; Salim Salim; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar
Mandub : Jurnal Politik, Sosial, Hukum dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): SEPTEMBER : Mandub: Jurnal Politik, Sosial, Hukum dan Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/mandub.v1i3.422


This study aims to describe students' difficulties in learning mathematics in mathematics subject data presentation material in class V MIS TPI SEI BAMBAN. The goal is: 1.To find out the difficulties experienced by students in learning mathematics in the material for presenting data at MIS TPI SEI BAMBAN, 2.To find out the factors that cause students to have difficulty learning mathematics in the material for presenting data at MIS TPI SEI BAMBAN 3.For find what efforts were made in overcoming students' learning difficulties in Mathematics in the Data Presentation material at MIS TPI SEI BAMBAN Kec. Batang Serangan Kab. Langkat. This study used qualitative research methods. The techniques used to collect data are observation, interviews, and documentation. The conclusion from the results of this study namely : 1.Types of learning difficulties experienced by students, namely difficulties in understanding formulas, multiplication, division and in data presentation material, namely in line charts. 2.Then the factors that cause student learning difficulties consist of internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include attitudes in students and external factors, namely factors from outside the student's self. 3.Efforts made by the teacher, namely motivating students, learning in a fun way and increasing practice questions.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (Project Based Learning) Terhadap Kreativitas Siswa Pada Materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia Kelas XI SMA/MA Febby Erna Sari Lubis; Indayana Febriani Tanjung; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar
Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Vol 1 No 5 (2023): Oktober : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Pratama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/pendekar.v1i5.396


The project learning model involves students to collaborate, solve problems by stimulating their imagination and creativity to complete a project. This study aims to determine the effect of the project-based learning model on student creativity in the human reproductive system material for class XI SMA/MA. The research method used in this study uses a quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental. The data analysis used is data prerequisite test and hypothesis testing which includes independent sample t test. The research population was all students of class XI MIA at MAS PAB 1 Sampali. The sampling technique uses total sampling. The results of the study with the independent sample t test showed that tcount was worth 4,459 and ttable 1,66 so that it showed tcount > tttable where Ha was accepted which concluded that there was an influence of Project Based Learning Models on Student Creativity in Reproductive System Material Human Class XI SMA / MA.
Kesulitan Siswa Kelas 3 Dalam Pemecahan Soal Cerita Matematika Materi Bangun Datar Di Sekolah MIN 9 Medan July Antika; Rustam Rustam; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar
Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Vol 1 No 5 (2023): Oktober : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Pratama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/pendekar.v1i5.403


The research that has been carried out is entitled "Difficulties of Grade 3 Students in Solving Math Story Problems on Flat Shape Material at MIN 9 Medan School" with the background that students at this school have problems with solving math word problems. Among them are students not being able to determine what things they have to do first in solving story problems, the accuracy of matching objects and the ability of students to draw conclusions from the work done by students and relate it to the initial problem to be solved. This study aims to determine the ability of grade 3 students in solving word problems, the completion stage, and identify the difficulties experienced by grade 3 students at MIN 9 Medan. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach. The sampling technique is based on the criteria set by the researcher. The informants in this study were all 30 grade 3 students at MIN 9 Medan. Retrieval of research data used in this thesis, namely interviews. The data processing tool in this study is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that: 1) Students' difficulties in solving word problems at the understanding stage were difficulties in identifying the question keywords, students' difficulties at the planning stage were difficulties in transforming the question sentences into mathematical models, students' difficulties at the plan implementation stage were difficult calculations influenced by the students' ability in multiplication and division as well as mastery of the concept of measurement material, the difficulty of calculating is characterized by calculation errors made by students, the difficulty at the review stage is in the form of difficulty writing concluding sentences, 2) The factors causing the difficulties experienced by students consist of four causal factors namely personal factors of students, factors of giving assistance, factors of mastery of concepts and factors of student perceptions, 3) Efforts that can be made by the teacher to reduce student difficulties, namely identifying problems with difficulties experienced by students, making story questions using communicative language, increasing practice questions stories, implementing cooperative learning, contextual learning, providing individual guidance, providing motivation and rewards and using learning media.
PENDAMPINGAN BELAJAR PERKALIAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE JARIMATIKA BAGI SISWA KELAS V SDN 106194 Nurdiana Siregar; Lailatun Nur Kamalia Siregar; Husna Ibrahim; Arwita Putri; Zulfa Zakiyyah; Ririn Indriani; Rinanti Ito Pohan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62411/ja.v7i1.1750


Pelaksanaan pendampingan belajar ini dilatarbelakangi karena adanya kesulitan pada sebagian siswa kelas V SDN 106194  dalam operasi perkalian 8 dan 9, oleh karena itu untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan penerapan metode jarimatika. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode ceramah disertai dengan memberikan tes kepada siswa. Hal tersebut dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan sehingga siswa mampu memahami konsep perkalian dan dapat menggunakan jarinya untuk menghitung perkalian  8 dan 9, dari kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan selama 3 hari secara terus-menerus dari 11 siswa ada 9 orang siswa yang sudah mampu menerapkan jarimatika, dengan kata lain 82% siswa sudah paham cara menggunakan jarimatika untuk menghitung perkalian bilangan 8 dan 9.Kata Kunci: Pendampingan belajar, Perkalian, Jarimatika.