Joshita Djajadisastra, Joshita
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia

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JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 4, No 4 (2009)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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The leaf of Nerium oleander has an antibacterial activity toward some microorganisms and empirically had been used to solve the acne problem. The anti acne formulation should not make the acne worse because of mistaken to choose the dosage form. In this study the gel formulation (has no oil content makes the acne worse) was chosen containing the dried leaf extract of Nerium oleander in 97% alcohol and varying respectively carbomer, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose and sodium alginate as a gelling agent. The efficacy test was confirmed by the extract antibacterial activity test upon Propionibacterium acnes bacterium causing acne, and the gel formula evaluation test was done by physical stability test including organoleptical test (color and odor), pH, viscosity stored in low temperature of 40C, room temperature of 280C, and high temperature of 400C, cycling test and mechanical test. The results showed that carbomer gel has better physical stability than sodium CMC or sodium alginate gel. ABSTRAK Daun Nerium oleander mempunyai aktifitas antibakteri terhadap beberapa mikroba dan secara empiris telah digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah jerawat. Formula yang layak untuk dibuat menjadi sediaan anti jerawat seyogyanya tidak memperburuk gangguan jerawat itu sendiri karena pemilihan bentuk sediaan yang tidak tepat. Bentuk sediaan gel dipilih karena tidak mengandung bahan minyak yang akan memperburuk jerawat. Formulasi sediaan gel untuk mengatasi jerawat ini mengandung ekstrak Nerium oleander dalam etanol 97% yang telah dikeringkan, sedangkan untuk basis gelnya dicoba bahan karbomer, Natrium CMC, dan Na alginate. Penilaian keberhasilan untuk pemastian manfaat dilakukan dengan uji aktifitas ekstrak terhadap bakteri Propionibacterium acnes penyebab jerawat, sedang terhadap keberhasilan formula dilakukan uji kestabilan fisik sediaan gel yang meliputi uji organoleptik (warna, bau), pH, dan viskositas selama masa penyimpanan dalam suhu rendah (4oC), suhu kamar (28oC) dan suhu tinggi (40oC). Dilakukan juga cycling test dan uji mekanik terhadap sediaan gel tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa gel berbasis karbomer memiliki kestabilan fisik yang lebih baik daripada gel berbasis Natrium CMC maupun Natrium alginat.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 4, No 4 (2009)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v4i4.30


The leaf of Nerium oleander has an antibacterial activity toward some microorganisms and empirically had been used to solve the acne problem. The anti acne formulation should not make the acne worse because of mistaken to choose the dosage form. In this study the gel formulation (has no oil content makes the acne worse) was chosen containing the dried leaf extract of Nerium oleander in 97% alcohol and varying respectively carbomer, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose and sodium alginate as a gelling agent. The efficacy test was confirmed by the extract antibacterial activity test upon Propionibacterium acnes bacterium causing acne, and the gel formula evaluation test was done by physical stability test including organoleptical test (color and odor), pH, viscosity stored in low temperature of 40C, room temperature of 280C, and high temperature of 400C, cycling test and mechanical test. The results showed that carbomer gel has better physical stability than sodium CMC or sodium alginate gel. ABSTRAK Daun Nerium oleander mempunyai aktifitas antibakteri terhadap beberapa mikroba dan secara empiris telah digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah jerawat. Formula yang layak untuk dibuat menjadi sediaan anti jerawat seyogyanya tidak memperburuk gangguan jerawat itu sendiri karena pemilihan bentuk sediaan yang tidak tepat. Bentuk sediaan gel dipilih karena tidak mengandung bahan minyak yang akan memperburuk jerawat. Formulasi sediaan gel untuk mengatasi jerawat ini mengandung ekstrak Nerium oleander dalam etanol 97% yang telah dikeringkan, sedangkan untuk basis gelnya dicoba bahan karbomer, Natrium CMC, dan Na alginate. Penilaian keberhasilan untuk pemastian manfaat dilakukan dengan uji aktifitas ekstrak terhadap bakteri Propionibacterium acnes penyebab jerawat, sedang terhadap keberhasilan formula dilakukan uji kestabilan fisik sediaan gel yang meliputi uji organoleptik (warna, bau), pH, dan viskositas selama masa penyimpanan dalam suhu rendah (4oC), suhu kamar (28oC) dan suhu tinggi (40oC). Dilakukan juga cycling test dan uji mekanik terhadap sediaan gel tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa gel berbasis karbomer memiliki kestabilan fisik yang lebih baik daripada gel berbasis Natrium CMC maupun Natrium alginat.
Karakterisik Granul Dan Tablet Propranolol Hidroklorida Dengan Metode Granulasi Peleburan Nugrahani, Ilma; Rahmat, Hasan; Djajadisastra, Joshita
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The effect of carnauba wax consentration to pharmacotechnical characteristics on the granules and tablets that made by hot melt granulation method have been studied. Fomula I? V with composition : 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% w/w carnauba wax, propranolol hydrochloride 60 mg/tablet, and lactose to the 340 mg was mixed and melted, and than sieved to the mesh 16 siever. The granules were evaluated and lubricated by 1% magnesium stearat and 2% talcum. Then it were compressed into tablet which each weight was 350 mg and the tablets were evaluated. The results showed that hot melt granulatin form granules and tablets that acceptable pharmacotechnical properties.
Perbandingan Pelepasan Propranolol Hidroklorida Dari Matriks Kitosan, Etil Selulosa (EC) Dan Hidroksi Propil Metil Selulosa (HPMC) Sutriyo, Sutriyo; Djajadisastra, Joshita; Indah, Rosari
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 2, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Chitosan is a polycatonic biopolymer that can form gel in acidic environment so that can be used as a hydrophilic matrix in controlled release drug delivery system. In this research, propranolol hydrochloride controlled release granule was made in chitosan matrix. Granules were made by wet granulation method with variety of matrices, i.e. chitosan, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and ethyl cellulose (EC). HPMC and EC were used as a comparing matrix. The release rates of propranolol HCl from matrix were determined by using dissolution apparatus type I with 50 rpm stirring rotation in acidic media of pH 1,2 and base media of pH 7,5 for 8 hours. Sample was taken at certain time and the samples were analyzed by spectrophotometer. The result showed that the release of propranolol hydrochloride from chitosan matrix was the slowest compared to the other matrices.
Formulasi dan Uji Kestabilan Fisik Suspensi Topikal yang Mengandung Ekstrak Nerii Folium sebagai Antibakteri dalam Sediaan Anti Jerawat Djajadisastra, Joshita; Munim, Abdul; Hidayah, Octaviarini
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 4, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Nerium oleander is one of the plants that can be developed to be a herbal medicine because the leaf extract has an antibacterial activity against some microorganisms and empirically had been used to solve the acne problem. The anti acne formulation should not make the acne worse because of mistaken to choose the dosage form. The suspension dosage form (has no oil content makes the acne worse) containing the dried leaf extract of Nerium oleander in 97% alcohol was chosen to be formulated by varying respectively carbomer, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose and tragacanth as a suspending agent. The concentration of Nerii folium extract in the suspension was based on the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration of the extract against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus. The evaluation of the formula was done by physical stability test including organoleptic test (color and odor), pH, volume of sedimentation, mean particle diameter size, viscosity stored in low temperature of 4oC, room tperature of 28oC, and high temperature of 40oC, cycling test and mechanical test.The results showed that suspension with sodium carboxy methyl cellulose as the suspending agent has better physical stability than carbomer or tragacanth.
Pembuatan dan Mikroenkapsulasi Ekstrak Etanol Biji Jinten Hitam Pahit (Nigella sativa Linn.) Sugindro, Sugindro; Mardliyati, Etik; Djajadisastra, Joshita
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 5, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The aim of this study is to convert Nigella sativa black seed extract from liquid phase into solid phase by microencapsulation using spray drying method. The benefits hoped from this research are obtaining the dry extract to be formulated into pharmaceutical variable dosage forms in order to increase the usefulness and variability products of Nigella sativa black seed extract. The spray drying method was done by adding Nigella sativa black extract into the gum arabic and maltodextrin solution. The evaluation of microencapsulated extract is including drug content, encapsulation efficiency, flow properties, compressibility, angle of repose, moisture content, particel size distribu-tion and microstructure of microcapsules. The result showed that microencapsula-tion of Nigella sativa black seed extract can be produced by spray drying method. The highest microencapsulation efficiency is at the coating solution concentration of 20% (gum arabic : maltodextrin = 50 : 50) and Nigella sativa black extract percentage of 30%.
Pembuatan Mikroemulsi Dari Minyak Buah Merah Jufri, Mahdi; Djajadisastra, Joshita; Maya, Ledy
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 6, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus) is a natural product typicaly from Papua used as a medication for some disease, as a food supplement, and for beauty skin care. But this advantages are not supported by an appropriate dosage form. Oils are difficult to dissolve in GIT and difficult to penetrate the human skin, slower the absorption then. Microemulsion is a dispersion system which can help to solve the problems by enhanc-ing the oil solubility in GIT and the oil penetration through the skin. The objective of this study is to formulate a clear and stabile microemulsion. Microemulsion will be physically evaluated for 2 months. The material composition is 5% glycerin and 15% sorbitol as the cosolvent, and 20% , 30%, and 40% tween -20 as the surfactants. The result showed that formula of 40% tween-20 gave a good microemulsion which is physically stable as long as 2 months stored at room temperature.
Pembuatan Niosom Berbasis Maltodekstrin DE 5-10 Dari Pati Singkong (Manihot utilissima) Jufri, Mahdi; Anwar, Effionora; Djajadisastra, Joshita
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Niosomes are non ionic surfactant vesicles that have potential application in the delivery of hydrophobic or amphilic drugs. We developed proniosomes, a dry formulation using a maltodextrin as a carrier coated with non ionic surfactant, which can be used to produce niosomes within a minutes by addition of hot water followed by agitation. A novel method is reported here for rapid preparation of proniosomes with wide range of surfactant loading. Maltodextrin DE 5-10 was hidrolyzed from tapioca starch using Thermamyl L 120 da Novo at 85ºC. The result from SEM analyses shown that proniosomes appear very similar to the maltodextrin, but the surface was more smooth. Niosome suspensions which was observed under the optical microscopy and particle size analyzer were evaluated as drug carrier using ibuprofen as a model. The result provide an indication of maltodextrin DE 5-10 from tapioca starch are potentialy carrier in the proniosome preparation which can be used for producing niosomes.
Pemanfaatan Maltodekstrin Pati Terigu Sebagai Eksipien Dalam Formula Sediaan Tablet dan Niosom Anwar, Effionora; Djajadisastra, Joshita; Yanuar, Arry; Bahtiar, Anton
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The Use of Maltodextrin from Wheat Starch as an Exipient in Formula Tablet and Niosom dosage form. Wheat starch normally can be used as a tablet filler only, because the flow rate and binding capacity are not good enough. The wheat starch should be treated as follows : protein and amine free Bogasari wheat flour starch were hydrolyzed by α-amylase enzyme (Liquezym EX®) at variable temperature and time incubation to produce maltodextrin with different Dextrose Equivalent (DE) value. The maltodextrin could be used as tablet binder on wet granulation, tablet filler and binder on direct compress, a proniosom carrier to prepare niosom, a tablet filler, binder and disintegrator on direct compress tablet, a sugar coated tablet material. All of the product used active compound as amodel and the quality were evaluated according to the 4thed. of Indonesian Pharmacopeae and other valid references. The result shows that maltodextrin DE 1–5 could be used as a tablet binder which was processed by wet granulation on 2-5% concentration, as a tablet binder and filler which was processed by direct compress on 30-35%; maltodextrin DE 10-15 could be used as a proniosom carrier then continued to niosom preparation with surfactant composition of 2 mmol (1 mmol for span 60 and 1 mmol for cholesterol). The surfactant and drug concentration of 100 mmol/lt and 5 mmol/lt subsequently was proved to loading the drug as much as 81.28%. Maltodextrin DE 15-20 could be used as a tablet filler, binder and disintegrator at 84%, and starch hydrolyzed of DE 35-40 as a sugar coating which was more economical than sugar.
Mikroenkapsulasi Propanolol Hidroklorida Dengan Penyalut Etil Selulosa Menggunakan Metoda Penguapan Pelarut Sutriyo, Sutriyo; Djajadisastra, Joshita; Novitasari, Adilla
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Propranolol hydrochloride is antihypertension agent that has a short biological half life of 2-6 hours. Microcapsules of propranolol hydrochloride are prepared by solvent evaporation method using ethylcellulose as a wall material with the drug-polymer ratio 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 for sustained release oral delivery. The microcapsules were then evaluated by particle size distribution analysis, shape and morphology (SEM), drug content, and dissolution studies. In vitro dissolution was studied using the dissolution apparatus II (paddle) with chloride buffer (pH 1,2) dan phosphate buffer (pH 6,8) medium. The drug-polymer ratio have an important influence on drug release from microcapsules where the increase of polymer cause the higher drug release inhibition.