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MAX PLUS ALGEBRA FOR DYNAMIC ANALYSIS SYSTEM OF TRANSPORT NETWORK (Case Study of Trans Hulontalangi Gorontalo City Transport) ., Nurwan; Yahya, Lailany
Sainstek Vol 6, No 4, 2011
Publisher : Jurnal Sainstek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.811 KB)


Petri nets and max plus algebra are a subclass of Discrete Event Systems (SED) that can determined and analyze the various properties of a system. Public transport is a very important community needs in urban life. Trans Hulontalangi bus is one of the transportation networks in the city of Gorontalo, held to address the problem of transport and reduce congestion. In this research constructed Petri net of transport lines trans Hulontalangi Gorontalo City, then conducted the study in the form max plus algebra. Number of place and transition of the Petri net is obtained respectively 14. Max plus algebra model is x(k +1) = Ax(k) , with ( ) 1 2 14 x(k) = x (k), x (k), , x (k) ' , and n n A Re .
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1095.342 KB) | DOI: 10.24912/jbmi.v1i1.1876


The widespread use of smartphones is still not comparable to the features contained therein. In fact, many useful things can be explored by utilizing the features available in smartphone devices, both for educational, community or entrepreneurial activities. Moreover, each smartphone is equipped with internet connection capability that can help users socialize and build a wider network. Having an internet connection on a smartphone and a personal laptop allows us to manage various activities more easily. The comfort internet provides causes internet users to increase over time. The purpose of this activity where teachers utilize personal smartphones and laptops in teaching is SMART Teacher. The definition of SMART in the SMART Teacher in this activity is SMART (Strategi Menghasilkan Alat belajaR berbasis Teknologi). While the use of personal smartphones and laptops for the community, especially for home industry or craft groups is the SMART Society. The definition of SMART in the SMART Society in this activity is SMART (Strategi Membangun wirausahA keReaTif). The method used in this activity is training / workshops and mentoring. The results of the training / workshop and mentoring activities are that teachers are able to utilize smartphones well in learning activities so that Smart Teachers are realized, and household industry groups, craft groups, or novice entrepreneurs are able to use smartphones to improve business for the realization of Smart SocietyABSTRAK: Penggunaan smartphone yang marak di masyarakat masih tidak sebanding dengan fitur-fitur yang terdapat didalamnya. Sejatinya, banyak hal bermanfaat yang dapat dieksplorasi dengan memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam perangkat smartphone, baik untuk kegiatan pendidikan maupun untuk kegiatan kemasyarakatan atau kewirausahaan. Terlebih lagi, setiap smartphone dilengkapi dengan fasilitas internet yang dapat membantu pengguna dalam bersosialisasi dan membangun jaringan yang lebih luas. Adanya koneksi internet pada smartphone dan melalui laptop pribadi memungkinkan mengelola berbagai macam kegiatan dengan lebih mudah. Kemudahan yang dapat diperoleh melalui internet menyebabkan pengguna internet selalu meningkat setiap saat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pemanfaatan smartphone dan laptop pribadi bagi guru dalam pembelajaran adalah SMART Teacher. Definisi SMART pada SMART Teacher yang diusung dalam kegiatan ini adalah SMART (Strategi Menghasilkan Alat belajaR berbasis Teknologi). Sedangkan kegiatan pemanfaatan smartphone dan laptop pribadi bagi masyarakat khususnya kalangan industri rumah tangga atau kelompok kerajinan adalah SMART Society. Definisi SMART pada SMART Society yang diusung dalam kegiatan ini adalah SMART (Strategi Membangun wirausahA keReaTif). Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan/workshop dan pendampingan. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan/workshop dan pendampingan adalah guru mampu memanfaatkan smartphone dengan baik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sehingga Smart Teacher terwujud dan kelompok industri rumah tangga, kelompok pengrajin atau wirausaha pemula mampu memanfaatkan smartphone untuk membangun wirausaha sehingga Smart Society terwujud.
TRANSFORMASI Vol 4 No 2 (2020): TRANSFORMASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika
Publisher : Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/tr.v4i2.950


Penelitian ini membahas tentang model diskrit eko-epidemiologi. Model eko-epidemiologi adalah gabungan dari ilmu ekologi dan epidemiologi yang membahas tentang interaksi antara predator, prey rentan, dan prey terinfeksi menggunakan fungsi respon Holling tipe I dan pertumbuhan prey rentan mengunakan fungsi logistik untuk membatasi pertumbuhan yang berlebihan pada prey rentan.Model diskrit eko-epidemiologi diperoleh dengan mendiskritisasikan model eko-epidemiologi menggunakan metode Euler. Dari model diskrit tersebut diperoleh 5 titik kesetimbangan, yaitu titik kesetimbangan E0 dimana semua populasi mengalami kepunahan, titik kesetimbangan E1 ketika terjadi kepunahan pada populasi prey terinfeksi dan predator, titik kesetimbangan E2 ketika terjadi kepunahan pada populasi prey terinfeksi, titik kesetimbangan E3 ketika terjadi kepunahan pada populasi predator, dan titik kesetimbangan E4 ketika semua populasi hidup berdampingan. Berdasarkan hasil analisisnya, selalu tidak stabil, hal ini disebabkan oleh nilai eigen yang diperoleh pada persamaan linierisasi model di sekitar titik-titik ekuilibrium tersebut, nilai mutlaknya selalu besar satu. Untuk E1, E2, E3, dan E4 kestabilan titik-titik kesetimbanganditentukan oleh suatau syarat dan kondisi tertentu.
Goodwin Model with Clustering Workers' Skills in Indonesian Economic Cycle Mahmud, Sri Lestari; Resmawan, Resmawan; Ismail, Sumarno; Nurwan, Nurwan; Taki, Febriani
CAUCHY Vol 7, No 2 (2022): CAUCHY: Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi (May 2022) (Issue in Progress)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ca.v7i2.13458


The economic model which deals with the economic cycle is Goodwin's Model. It presents the relationship between the employment rate and wage shares. In this study, the modification model was made, taking into three types of workers, namely high, medium, and low-skilled workers. Studies of the model are conducted by determining the equilibrium point and its stability analysis. Furthermore, a numerical simulation is given to see which model satisfies the ideal of Goodwin‘s model cycle prediction by using Indonesian data from 2000 to 2020. In the end, an investigation into the effects of reducing the wage gap between the three types of workers was conducted. The results showed two equilibrium points, namely The Equilibrium Point without Employment Rate and The Wages Share (T1) and the Existence Equilibrium Point of Employment Rate and Wages Share (T2). T1 achieves a stable node condition when ScQd+pi+et while T2 reaches a stable center condition when ScQd+pi+et. The simulation showed Goodwin's model of high- and low-skilled workers produced the ideal of Goodwin model cycle predictions, whereas Goodwin's model of medium-skilled workers and the entire economy (capitalist) didn’t produce the ideal of Goodwin model cycle predictions. Eventually, the effects of reducing the wage gap make the economy unstable.
Bilangan terhubung titik pelangi pada graf bunga (Wm,Kn) dan graf Oleander (Orn) Taha, Dennynatalis; Nurwan, Nurwan; Nasib, Salmun K.; Yahya, Nisky Imansyah
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Vol 10 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ujm.v10i1.41247


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari bilangan terhubung titik pelangi. Misalkan G=(V(G),E(G)) adalah Graf Terhubung tak-trivial. Graf G dikatakan terhubung titik pelangi jika antara setiap dua titik pada suatu lintasan memiliki warna yang berbeda. Rainbow Vertex Connection pada graf G yang terhubung (Rvc(G) merupakan minimum warna yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat graf G terhubung titik pelangi. Pada penelitian ini membahas tentang bilangan terhubung titik pelangi (Rvc(G) pada Graf Bunga (Wm,Kn) dan Graf Oleander (Orn) . Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian maka diperoleh rvc(Wm,Kn)=2 jika m=3 dan m=4 dan n>=3, rvc(Wm,Kn)=3 jika m=5. rvc(Orn)=diam-1 jika n=3,n=4 dan n=5, rvc(Orn)=diam-1 jika n=6
Euler : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, Sains dan Teknologi EULER: Volume 9 Issue 1 June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/euler.v9i1.10539


This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe students' critical thinking abilities carried out by online learning. This research was conducted in class VIII SMP Negeri Widyakrama involving 23 students as research subjects. Data collection was obtained from validated essay test instruments. The test instrument was used to collect data on students' mathematical critical thinking abilities with indicators (a) problem identification (b) analysis, (c) synthesis, and (d) drawing conclusions. The results showed that students' critical thinking abilities implemented through online learning at Widyakrama State Middle School were in the medium category. This is shown based on the classification of critical thinking abilities of 23 respondents. There are only 5 students who are in the high category, 14 students are in the medium category, and 4 other students are in a low category.
Implementation of Dijkstra Algorithm and Welch-Powell Algorithm for Optimal Solution of Campus Bus Transportation Nurwan Nurwan; Widya Eka Pranata; Muhamad Rezky Friesta Payu; Nisky Imansyah Yahya
Jurnal Matematika MANTIK Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/mantik.2021.7.1.31-40


This research deals with applying the Dijkstra algorithm and Welch-Powell algorithm to on-campus bus transportation problems. This research aims to determine the optimal solution of campus bus transportation routes in the shortest routes and schedules. In determining the fastest way, each intersection represented as a node, and the path described as the sides. The shortest path obtained V1 - V2 - V5 - V8 - V9 - V10 - V13 - V16. In determining the optimal schedule, the number of buses represents the vertices, and the time expresses the side that connects each node. The optimal program of the bus starts from 06.30 am to 5.00 pm. Every bus gets four sessions of departure and four sessions return with travel time each session is 60 minutes.
Menentukan Waktu Optimal untuk Pembuatan Kerajinan Sulaman Karawo Menggunakan Aljabar Max-Plus Lailany Yahya; Nurwan Nurwan; Resmawan Resmawan
Vygotsky : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Vygotsky: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.179 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/voj.v4i1.442


Kerajinan Karawo merupakan salah satu kerajinan khas Gorontalo. Proses pembuatannya membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama, mulai dari penyediaan bahan baku dan alat, pembuatan atau persiapan motif, pemotongan, pengaturan motif, mencabut benang, menyulam, merawang/ penenunan dan penyelesaian akhir. Dalam penelitian ini, metode aljabar max-plus digunakan untuk menentukan waktu optimal dalam membuat kerajinan sulaman karawo. Aktivitas pembuatan kerajinan sulaman karawo didesain dalam diagram kemudian ditransformasi dalam matriks max-plus. Berdasarkan matriks  diperoleh , hal ini menggambarkan bahwa waktu optimum pembuatan kerajinan sulaman karawo adalah 34,5 hari.
Nonpreemptive Goal Programing Method in Optimization Nurse Scheduling by Considering Education Level Fitriani Utina; Lailany Yahya; Nurwan Nurwan
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 22 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jid.v22i2.16939


Nurse scheduling is one of the problems that often arise in hospital management systems. Head of ICU room and nurse to cooperate in making good nurse scheduling for the creation of optimal service. In this paper, we study a hospital nurse schedule design by considering the level of nurse education and the provision of holidays. Nurses with undergraduate education (S1) Nurses become leaders on every shift and are accompanied by nurses with diploma education (D3). The scheduling model in this study using the nonpreemptive goal programming method and LINGO 11.0 software. The preparation of the schedule of nurses assigned to this method can optimize the need for efficient nurses per shift based on education level. The data in the research was obtained by collecting administrative data at Aloei Saboe Gorontalo hospital. The data used are the published schedule by the head of the ICU room. In making a nurse schedule, there are limitations to consider such ashospital regulation. The results of the study obtained an optimal solution in the form of meeting all the desired obstacles. Computational results shows that nurse scheduling using the nonpreemptive goal programming method and LINGO 11.0 software better than the schedule created manually. Every shift is a maximum of one leader with an undergraduate education (S1) background and accompanied by a nurse with a diploma education (D3) background. Keywords: scheduling, goal programming, nonpreemptive goal programming.
Jurnal Edukasi dan Sains Matematika (JES-MAT) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Edukasi dan Sains Matematika (JES-MAT)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.872 KB) | DOI: 10.25134/jes-mat.v%vi%i.3517


Penjadwalan adalah kegiatan untuk menentukan waktu yang dibutuhkan dan urutan kegiatan serta menentukan waktu proyek dapat diselesaikan. Aljabar Max-plus merupakan salah satu metode yang bisa digunakan dalam menyelesaikan masalah penjadwalan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui model Aljabar Max-plus dalam pembangunan perumahan dan waktu optimum dalam menyelesaikan proyek pembangunan perumahan. solusi optimal waktu dalam pembangunan perumahan. Penelitian menggunakan metode Analisis data dengan menggunakan studi literatur dan pengumpulan data. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan data primer. Adapun prosdur dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengambil data pembangunan peumahan, membuat alur petri net, mencari model Aljabar Max-plus, membuat matriks Aljabar Max-plus, mengolah data, dan mencari jalur kritis. Hasil penelitian diperoleh waktu optimal meggunakan analisis model Aljabar Max-plus yaitu selama 62 hari.