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Tadulako Law Review Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Tadulako University

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The environment is a victim of various armed conflicts that occur in some parts of the world. Such as Congo war in 1998 that create environmental damage like deployment of the HIV-AIDS virus, the extinction of national parks, wildlife poaching and the forest burning. In addition the Rwanda civil war in 1994 affected the loss of biodiversity, natural resources and population decline in rare animals such as the African Gorillas. While the former Yugoslavia war in 1991 that impact in environmental pollution of water, air and land that threaten human survival.The environment becomes a victim when the war was happend its caused the human, but on the other side, the environment can’t be separated from human life because somehow humans need the environment to. However, when the war was happend human can’t maintaining the environment even though there have been rules that regulate about the protection of the environment when the war takes place. Therefore, its necessary to analysed an environmental protection in armed conflict according to international humanitarian law.This research is discusses about how an environmental protection in armed conflict according to international humanitarian law, which aims to explain the regulations that apply to protect the environment at the armed conflict. This research uses normative law approach (literature research).The results of this study show that environmental protection in armed conflict is regulated in the conventions of international humanitarian law both from the Hague Law and the Geneva Law. In The Hague law the environmental protection is governed by the IV Hague Convention 1907of respecting the laws and customs of war and land Art 23 (g) and Art 55. In the Geneva Law an environmental protection is contained in the IV Geneva Convention 1949 Art 53 and Additional Protocol I in 1977 Art 35 (3), 54, 55, 56, 59, and Art 68. Basically both of Geneva and Hague Law against the use of weapons during the war that have an effected in environmental damage and the existence of precautions in the war on environmental protection life. Beside the Geneva and the Hague Law there are have other arrangements to protect the environment in the event of a war that is in ENMOD Convention Art 1 and 2.
Kebijakan Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Penyelundupan Benih Lobster di Provinsi Lampung Jessika, Arnelis; Sujadmiko, Bayu; Banjarani, Desia Rakhma; Herliansyah, Ardy
Administratio Vol 11 No 2 (2020): Administratio: Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Universitas Lampung

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Penyelundupan benih lobster merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang sedang marak terjadi di wilayah perairan Provinsi Lampung, hal ini diketahui berdasarkan data pada Ditreskrimsus Polda Lampung yang menunjukkan bahwa terhitung sejak Tahun 2017 hingga Tahun 2019 jumlah tindak pidana tersebut cenderung meningkat.Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada permasalahan tentang terjadinya tindak pidana penyelundupan benih lobster di Provinsi Lampung, upaya penanggulangan tindak pidana penyelundupan benih lobster di Provinsi Lampung, hambatan dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana penyelundupan benih lobster di Provinsi Lampung, dan kerangka internasional dalam pencegahan penyelundupan benih lobster. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif-empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindak pidana penyelundupan benih lobster di Provinsi Lampung terjadi karena tingginya kebutuhan lobster dari berbagai negara sedangkan di perairan Lampung memiliki potensi lobster yang cukup memadai, rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat atas dampak lingkungan, pemberian sanksi pidana kepada pelaku belum memberikan edukasi, serta pengawasan di wilayah perbatasan perairan tidak dilakukan secara optimal. Adapun upaya penanggulangan yang dilakukan adalah dengan tindakan preventif dan tindakan represif. Sedangkan yang menjadi faktor penghambat paling dominan dalam tindakan preventif adalah faktor masyarakat dan faktor kebudayaan, selanjutnya dalam tindakan represif adalah faktor perundang-undangan yang mewajibkan adanya koordinasi proses penyidikan antara penyidik kepolisian dengan PPNS dan faktor penegak hukum yakni tidak semua penyidik berpendidikan sarjana hukum serta menumpuknya beban kerja. Kerangka internasional pencegahan penyelundupan benih lobster bersumber dari ketentuan yang termuat dalam UNCLOS 1982, RMFO, CCRF, IPOA, serta RPOA.
The Application of The Sustainable Development Concept In Indonesia’s Environmental Law Nurmayani Nurmayani; Eka Deviani; Risa Mahdewi; Desia Rakhma Banjarani
Musamus Law Review Vol 4 No 1 (2021): MuLaRev
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mularev.v4i1.3949


The reality of state life places the environment in sustainable development as an integral part of the national dynamics development. Moreover, Indonesia itself has issued various policies and instruments in the development of environmental law. Therefore, the development of environmental law cannot be separated from efforts to develop environmental law in accordance with international and national concepts or principles, one of which is the concept of sustainable development. However, environmental problems in Indonesia often occur, for example, forest fires, river pollution, air pollution, garbage, etc. This can raise doubts for the Indonesian people regarding the concept of sustainable development has really been applied in environmental law regulations in Indonesia so that it is necessary to examine the application of the sustainable development concept in Indonesia’s environmental law. Based on this background, the problem discussed in this paper is how the concept and application of sustainable development are in Indonesia’s environmental law? The method used in this article is normative legal research with a library law approach. The results of the study indicate that environmental law regulations in Indonesia such as: Law Number 4 of 1982 concerning Basic Provisions for Environmental Management, Law Number 23 of 1997 concerning Environmental Management, Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, and Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, has been in accordance with the concept of sustainable development as stated in the articles in each of these laws.
The Influence of International Law in 1945 Constitution Amendments of the Republic of Indonesia Rudi Natamiharja; Algizca Rasya; Ria Wierma Putri; Desia Rakhma Banjarani
Musamus Law Review Vol 4 No 2 (2022): MuLaRev
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mularev.v4i2.3981


As a country that is active in international relations, Indonesia often creates relations about the relationship between international and national law, which also raises questions about the influence between the two. The linkages between international law and national law give rise to each other, including in the process of drafting amendments to the constitution of a country, one of which is Indonesia. This paper discusses the influence of international law in the amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The method used is normative juridical in the form of library research. The results of the research are that there is a link between national law and law that influence each other, including in the process of amending the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Although not all articles are affected by international law, at each stage of the amendment there are several articles that have a positive effect on the whole. directly or indirectly.
Illegal Fishing dalam Kajian Hukum Nasional dan Hukum Internasional: Kaitannya dengan Kejahatan Transnasional Desia Rakhma Banjarani
Kertha Patrika Vol 42 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/KP.2020.v42.i02.p04


Illegal fishing practices are transnational in nature, which are not so easy to prevent and eradicate without international cooperation. Several international treaties both in the field of international maritime and fisheries law as well as international crimes have not categorized it as a transnational crime. This article discusses regulations that cover the issue of illegal fishing according to Indonesian national law and international law and examines the urgency of countermeasuring illegal fishing as a transnational crime. This article is a normative legal research with a statutory approach that explores the relevant national and international legal instruments which analyzed using descriptive methods. The results indicated that illegal fishing has been strictly regulated both in national and international law, although international law has not categorized illegal fishing as a crime that has cross-border characteristics. Therefore, there is an urgency to countermeasuring illegal fishing through international cooperation. In terms of the implementation of Indonesian national law, until now there seems to be lack of coordination between the national government and regional governments in establishing a mechanism related to efforts to prevent and eradicate illegal ?shing. Praktik Illegal fishingbersifat transnasional yang sulit untuk dicegah dan diberantas tanpa adanya kerjasama internasional. Sejumlah perjanjian internasional baik di bidang hukum laut dan perikanan internasional maupun pidana internasional belum mengategorikan illegal fishing sebagai suatu kejahatan transnasional. Artikel ini membahas pengaturan terkait Illegal Fishing menurut hukum nasional Indonesia dan hukum internasional serta menelaah urgensi penanggulangan Illegal Fishing sebagai kejahatan transnasional.Artikel ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan yang menelusuri instrumen hukum nasional dan internasional yang relevan yang dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Illegal Fishing sudah diatur secara tegas baik dalam hukum nasional maupun hukum internasional, kendatipun kukum internasional belum mengategorikan illegal ?shing sebagai kejahatan yang memiliki karakteristik lintas batas Negara. Oleh karenanya, penanggulangan illegal fishing urgen dilakukan melalui kerjasama internasional. Dari segi implementasi hukum nasional Indonesia,hingga saat ininampaknya belum terdapat koordinasi antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah dalam menetapkan suatu mekanisme berkaitan dengan upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan illegal ?shing.
Does International Criminal Court have Jurisdiction over the Destruction of Cultural Property by the Islamic State of Irac and Syria? Bayu Sujadmiko; Desia Rakhma Banjarani; Rudi Natamiharja; Desy Churul Aini
Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal) Vol 10 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMHU.2021.v10.i02.p01


The cultural property becomes objects of destruction in armed conflicts, such as Syria and Iraq, which were carried out by ISIS squads (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). For ISIS’s actions, the ICC should judge ISIS. However, new problems will arise regarding the jurisdiction of the ICC to judge ISIS. Based on the explanation of this background, the question will arise: How are humanitarian law regulations related to protecting cultural property during armed conflict? And what is the regulation of the ICC’s jurisdiction over the protection of cultural property in armed conflict by ISIS? The research in this article is normative legal research with the statue approach. According to humanitarian law, the research results show that the regulations relating to the protection of cultural property during armed conflict are contained in the 1954 Hague Convention, Additional Protocol I and Additional Protocol II of the Geneva Conventions of 1977. The destruction of cultural property carried out by ISIS is included in war crimes, one of the Rome Statute material jurisdictions. In this case, the Rome Statute applied by the ICC has juridical power to uphold justice and punish, including war crimes committed by ISIS. For the destruction of various cultural property in Iraq and Syria, ISIS can be judge by the ICC through a referral by the UN Security Council based on the provisions stipulated in the 1998 Rome Statute.
Lampung Journal of International Law Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.793 KB) | DOI: 10.25041/lajil.v2i1.2031


Modern biotechnology products have provided considerable benefits for improving human life and well-being, both in the agriculture, food, industry and human health sectors, as well as in the environmental field. But there are concerns that modern biotechnology products, in addition to providing benefits, also have risks that have adverse impacts on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and human health. Therefore, steps need to be taken, both legally, administratively, and technology to ensure the level of biological safety. This study aims to explain and analyze the safety of Genetically Modified Organism or GMO according to international law and their implementation in Indonesia. The problem approach used in this research is normative law (library research). The data used are secondary data obtained from international, national legal regulations and literature data related to material that supports discussion of the problem. Analysis of the data used is descriptive qualitative. The results of research on food safety of Genetically Modified Organism or GMO according to international law, are regulations on food safety of genetically engineered products regulated in the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The laws and regulations governing GMO food in Indonesia are good enough because they have carried out the mandate and did not deviate from the biodiversity convention and Cartagena protocol by passing legislation regulations from the legal level to the decision level of the head of BPOM. It’s just that for rules regarding GMO food that is sold in retail, or that is not in the form of packaging, there is still no technical rules that can answer the problems in the field.
Studi Perbandingan Kelembagaan dan Yurisdiksi International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) dan the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) dengan International Criminal Court (ICC) Desia Rakhma Banjarani; Abdul Muthalib Tahar; Desy Churul Aini
Cepalo Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25041/cepalo.v1no1.1754


Pentingnya keberadaan pengadilan internasional ICTY, ICTR dan ICC dalam menangani kejahatan internasional dikarenakan pengadilan nasional dianggap tidak mampu untuk merespon kejahatan internasional. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi ketika pengadilan nasional mengalami kerusakan struktur dan sistem. Kerusakan struktur dan sistem pengadilan nasional dapat terjadi pasca suatu negara dilanda konflik yang serius seperti yang terjadi pada saat konflik di Yugoslavia dan Rwanda. Situasi seperti ini disebut sebagai ketidakmampuan (unability) suatu pengadilan nasional dalam mengadili pelaku kejahatan internasional. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas adalah tentang bagaimana proses pembentukan, yurisdiksi, dan struktur ICTY, ICTR dan ICC? Dan apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan ICTY, ICTR, dan ICC? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Proses pembentukan, pengaturan yurisdiksi dan struktur ICTY, ICTR dan ICC menunjukan: Pertama, dalam hal pembentukan ICTY, ICTR, dan ICC dilakukan melalui mekanisme yang berbeda. ICTY dan ICTR dibentuk berdasarkan resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB, sedangkan ICC dibentuk melalui konferensi internasional. Kedua, pengaturan yurisdiksi ICTY, ICTR, dan ICC terdapat perbedaan dalam ruang lingkup yurisdiksi material, yurisdiksi teritorial, yurisdiksi personal, dan yurisdiksi temporal. Ketiga, dalam hal struktur organ menunjukan bahwa ICTY dan ICTR memiliki kesamaan identik yang terdiri dari chambers, registry, dan office of prosecutors. Sementara struktur organ ICC berbeda dengan ICTY dan ICTR, dimana struktur organ ICC terdiri dari presidency divisions, registry, dan office of prosecutors.Perbandingan Statuta ICTY, Statuta ICTR, dan Statuta Roma telah memperlihatkan perbedaan dan persamaan dalam berbagai aspek. Dalam hal persamaannya: Pertama, penggunaan prosedur umum persidangan; Kedua, prosedur perlindungan hukum saat proses persidangan berlangsung; Ketiga, secara substansi ketiga statuta tidak mengatur hukuman mati dalam pemidanaan terdakwa dan hanya menerapkan hukuman penjara seumur hidup. Dalam hal perbedaannya ketentuan yang termuat dalam Statuta ICTY, Statuta ICTR dan Statuta Roma meliputi beberapa aspek yaitu struktur organ, muatan prinsip umum hukum pidana, permohonan banding, peran Dewan Keamanan PBB, prosedur penyerahan kasus, kewajiban melakukan kerjasama, pendanaan dan prosedur amandemen. Kata Kunci: ICC, ICTR, ICTY dan Perbandingan.
Cepalo Vol 3 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25041/cepalo.v3no1.1789


The work of journalists in conflict zones to convey the facts of war objectively is often life-threatening. In several international treaties, provisions regarding the protection of journalists working in conflict areas have been included, but there are some obstacles to enforcing the provisions of these international agreements. The issue to be discussed in this research is how is the protection of journalists in armed conflict based on international treaties in humanitarian law? And what about criminal liability for offenders who violate humanitarian law (war) by "killing - persecuting" war journalists?This study uses a normative legal problem approach (library law research) with a descriptive analytical type of research. The data obtained are secondary data from sources such as literature, articles and internet sites. The results showed that the protection of journalists who served during conflicts in international law was regulated in the 1907 Hague Convention, 1949 Geneva Convention, Additional Protocol I of the 1977 Geneva Convention, and the Rome Statute. In the context of criminal responsibility for perpetrators of human rights violations against journalists in this case, ISIS, there are jurisdictional obstacles set out in the Rome Statute. Nevertheless, there are still opportunities for criminal liability for human rights violations committed by ISIS against journalists, namely the existence of specific actions and steps from the UN Security Council.
Balancing Two Conflicting Perspectives on Wiretapping Act: Rights to Privacy and Law Enforcement Rudi Natamiharja; Febryani Sabatira; Desia Rakhma Banjarani; Orima Melati Davey; Ikhsan Setiawan
Al-Risalah Vol 22 No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.311 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/alrisalah.v22i1.1226


The right to privacy is part of fundamental human rights in technological advances. It is outlined under Article 12 of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights and Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Substantially, the right to privacy prohibits personal data dissemination, including wiretapping, which is considered a violation of human rights. However, applicable laws permit wiretapping when it aims to discover criminal evidence in court. Indonesia authorizes this act under Corruption Eradication Commission Law, Telecommunications Law, Corruption Crime Act, Terrorism Eradication Law, and Psychotropic Law. Unfortunately, these laws have failed to provide a standard mechanism and procedures for conducting the wiretapping act. The substantial insufficiency has made Indonesia a low-ranked country’s privacy rights protection index. This implies the government has failed in balancing the interest of privacy as individual rights and the state's interest in law enforcement. Therefore, this study aimed to examine human rights on privacy, the wiretapping act in law enforcement, and the effort to balance these two rights. It used a normative juridical approach with secondary data. The results showed that Indonesian law has shortcomings that may violate constitutional rights. Therefore, there is a need for a law that comprehensively regulates the mechanisms and detailed procedures for wiretapping.