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Journal : Cendekia: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan

Hubungan Komunikasi Guru Dengan Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Di SMAN 1 Rao Utara Dian Martini; Yulia Rahman; Jasmienti Jasmienti; Januar Januar
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/cendikia.v3i4.1987


The aim of this research is to understand the relationship between teacher communication and students’ emotional intelligence in PAI subjects at SMAN 1 Rao Utara. This research was motivated by the low emotional intelligence of students. As a type of research, the author uses correlation research, which is a way to determine the closeness of a relationship between two or more variables which is explained by the magnitude of the correlation coefficient. The population of this research is all students of SMAN 1 Rao Utara, totaling 196 students and a sample of 49 students. The data collection technique for this research is a questionnaire. The results of research condected at SMAN 1 Rao Utara show that there is a relationship between teacher communication and students’ emotional intelligence in PAI subjects of 76.2% 23.8% the influence of other factors, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between teachers. Communication and emotional intelligence of students. Emotional intelligence of students majoring in PAI at SMAN 1 Rao Utara. Improving teacher communication, namely the ability to perfect teacher communication skills by making changes suvh as attending seminars, reading lots of magazines, studying independently, researching one’s own potential and abilities, participating in various trainings to develop skills, abilities and attitudes related to a teacher’s career and educating students. For ein and to intelligence, namely by knowing their own emotions, controlling their own emotions, encouranging themselves, knowing other people’s emotions and building good relationships.
Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan pada Siswa di SMPN 1 Bukittinggi Arsil Arsil; Alimir Alimir; Jasmienti Jasmienti; Hamdi Abdul Karim
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/cendikia.v3i4.2067


Environmentally Caring Character is an attitude and action that always strives to prevent damage to the surrounding natural environment, and develops efforts to repair natural damage that has occurred. Based on initial observations, the facts that the author found in the field are that there are still some students whose character is still far from what was expected, even though they have received PAI learning at school, such as there are still some students who like to throw rubbish carelessly, there are still some students who damage facilities. At school, there are still some students who are reluctant to be involved in cleaning the school environment and there are still some students who lack awareness in maintaining and maintaining gardens at school. The aim of this research is to determine the efforts of Islamic Religious Education teachers in forming environmentally caring character in class VIII students at SMPN 1 Bukittinggi and to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in forming environmentally caring character in class VIII students at SMPN 1 Bukittinggi. The research in this thesis uses qualitative research. This research is descriptive qualitative field research as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the people and behavior being observed. Based on the results of this research, it was found that the efforts of Islamic Religious Education teachers in forming students' environmentally caring character at SMPN 1 Bukittinggi were carried out in various ways, starting from the school principal's efforts in providing support and appreciation to students and parents, teachers' efforts in synchronizing learning materials with the character of caring for the environment, reminding students when someone behaves that does not reflect concern for the environment and modeling and providing an example to students. Supporting factors in the character education process at SMP N 1 Bukittinggi are good, namely the presence of pre-school experience, the existence of good learning motivation, the existence of students' attitudes and habits in learning, the teacher has the ability to deliver the material and can adapt it to the needs of the students, the teacher has high enthusiasm. in teaching. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor: the bad habits of some students from home who are brought into the classroom, thus affecting other students.
Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Siswa Memilih Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Dan Tahfidz di SMPN 4 Kecamatan Bukit Barisan Kabupaten 50 Kota Sestika Susanti; Supriadi Supriadi; Deswalantri Deswalantri; Jasmienti Jasmienti
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/cendikia.v3i4.2083


This research is based on problems regarding students who are less interested in participating in extracurricular activities, students in the process of participating in extracurricular activities are less enthusiastic about following directions, and lack the ability to focus. With this, the problem can be formulated from this, namely what are the factors that influence students' interest in choosing extracurricular activities at SMPN 4 Bukit Barisan District. The aim of this research is to reveal the factors that influence students' interest in choosing scout and tahfidz extracurricular activities at SMPN 4, Bukit Barisan District, 50 City District. This type of research uses field research which is descriptive quantitative using factorial analysis. The key informants were class VII students and class VIII students, as well as supervising teachers in extracurricular activities. To collect data, the authors conducted interviews and questionnaires (questionnaire). After the data is collected, it is processed and analyzed. The result of the research is that students' interest in choosing extracurricular activities at SMPN 4 Bukit Barisan District. Factors that influence student interest are intrinsic factors which include ability, temperament, character, physical structure, teachers, facilities, peers, habits. . The results of the analysis obtained are the matrix component values ​​for the ability variable (0.852), temperament variable (0.727), physical structure variable (0.835), teacher variable (0.849), facility variable (0.816), peer variable (0.851), parents (0.821 ), habit variables (0.812). From the results of this research it can be concluded that the variables are willingness, needs, motivation, family support, school environment. So the researcher concludes that the most dominant factor influencing students' interest in choosing extracurricular activities is the factor that has the highest value, namely ability variable (0.852). This shows that most students' interest in choosing extracurricular activities is influenced by the students' own abilities, so teachers should always arouse students' interest in choosing extracurricular activities through developing the factors that influence them in each extracurricular activity, especially the students' abilities.