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“Green Marketing”An Analysis of Strategy Approach, Challenges, and Opportunities for Business (Study Literature Review) Helena Louise Panggabean; Sutrisno; Josua Panatap Soehaditama; Wenny Desty Febrian; Lira Agusinta; Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v2i4.3947


The purpose of this article is to provide literature for a comprehensive understanding of eco-friendly and sustainable marketing in addition to the questions at hand. This qualitative study used a mini-review approach to achieve our research objectives. The green marketing mini-evaluation was done by reading and analyzing dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles. The first table contains information about the title of the article, author, publisher and year of publication The results of this study with proof and true corroboration that the concept of green marketing has been used in various business organizations with various gaps and phenomena.
Analysis of Work-Life Balance and Resilience: For Support Employee Performance in Logistics Company Primadi Candra Susanto; Josua Panatap Soehaditama; Wenny Desty Febrian; Bekti Setiadi; Rachmat Pramukty
International Journal of Integrative Sciences Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): May, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijis.v2i5.4186


The aim of this scholarly paper is to establish and strengthen the current research outcomes pertaining to the variables examined in this scientific manuscript. The research methodology used is qualitative, using a mini-review of journal articles related to variables, and this will be completed later in this study.  A metric table will be displayed to display scientific articles from various journals in Table 1 and Table 2.  The results of research in this scientific article from the objectives of existing research then the findings by researchers related to the use of variables in this scientific article are proven, true, and strong with the results of research, and also there are several studies from the findings of researchers also related to objects, namely logistics, so in this scientific article the proof is true, strong, and can be used as a basis for further research. There are several variables that are found as gaps to be used in future research by other researchers in the description of scientific articles found and described in this scientific article
Strategy Increasing Performance Employee: Analysis Implementation Knowledge Management, Career Development, Team Work & Employee Engagement Wenny Desty Febrian; Nuraeni; Didin Sjarifudin; Bekti Setiadi; Supardi
Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): June 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijba.v3i3.3969


The purpose of this research is to find gaps between variables from previous research and to find relationships between variables, to improve employee performance which is supported by several main factors. This study uses a literature review study to review several variables whose articles have been published in international journals, the findings of this study are that there are variables that are significant to the dependent variable and some are not significant, the framework created can be said to be novel because there has never been any research with the framework created by the research team.
Analysis of Work Environment, Attitude, Coaching, and Servant Leadership on Job Satisfaction Mediated by Career Development (Literature Review Study) Wenny Desty Febrian; Indra Sani
Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijba.v3i4.5031


The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that cause the achievement of good management performance, this study uses a literature review from google scholar, ScienceDirect, and Emerald to review relevant previous articles, and supporting factors that are suspected as factors that can achieve management performance include Work Environment, Attitude, Coaching, and Servant Leadership, Career Development, the findings of this study are several variables that do not affect the dependent variable. The gaps found in previous research are the basis for this research and this research can answer these gaps in the conclusion.
Pengenalan Teknis Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Dan Bimbingan Teknis Penerbitan Artikel Pada Jurnal Sinta Bagi Guru-Guru Madrasah Di Pinggiran Kota Wenny Desty Febrian; Mumu Muzayyin Maq; Sa'diyah Sa'diyah; Syamsu Rijal; Eka Selvi Handayani
Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Journal Of Human And Education (JAHE)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jh.v3i2.184


Keberhasilan kegiatan PKM ini difokuskan pada pemahaman yang kuat mengenai pentingnya pengetahuan yang handal mengenai penulisan artikel ilmiah bagi para guru, serta strategi teknis untuk mempublikasikannya di jurnal terindeks SINTA. Upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menulis artikel ilmiah dijalankan melalui program pengabdian masyarakat oleh tim PKM. Tim ini memberikan panduan tentang penulisan artikel ilmiah dan memberikan pendampingan teknis kepada para guru, yang bertujuan untuk membantu mereka menghasilkan penelitian yang bisa dipublikasikan di jurnal yang terindeks di SINTA.Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan PKM dilaksanakan melalui metode pelatihan yang mencakup presentasi serta penjelasan terkait teknik penulisan artikel ilmiah, serta panduan teknis tentang cara mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah di jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang terindeks. Kegiatan ini diadakan secara langsung (offline) dan diikuti oleh 25 guru dari madrasah yang berada di pinggiran kota. Hasil dari program pengabdian ini telah berhasil mencapai sasaran yang telah direncanakan. Tidak hanya itu, lebih dari 80% guru yang berasal dari wilayah pinggiran kota turut serta dalam kegiatan PKM ini. Respons yang sangat positif diberikan oleh para guru terhadap program ini, yang membuat semangat mereka membara untuk terlibat dalam penelitian. Beberapa di antara mereka bahkan berkomitmen untuk menjalankan penelitian sebagai bagian dari usaha mereka dalam mencapai kenaikan pangkat. Selain itu, semangat mereka untuk menerbitkan artikel ilmiah secara independen di jurnal terindeks SINTA juga sangat besar.
Systematic Literature Review: Implementation of Talent Management for Crewing in Shipping Companies to Organizational Sustainability Wenny Desty Febrian; Indra Sani
Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijba.v3i5.5792


This article aims to provide an explanation of scientific articles the results that have been by providing a qualitative graphical picture. An organized literature review is a component of the research methodology used in this scientific article. During the literature review, a number of relevant scientific articles are selected, excavated, and reviewed. The size of the study was determined by scores using the PICO framework (population/problem, intervention, comparison). The three scientific articles that support this article provide an illustration that the existing implementation of the findings of the above article is true even though only a few articles provide a finding that is directly related to the relationship of this article result. This article provides a treasure and additional reference for other researchers and for future development can be done.
Analysis of Green Intellectuals, Environmentally Friendly and Green Competitive Behaviors on the Advantages of Green Motivation at PT Dian Daya Dinamika Wenny Desty Febrian; Yanthy Herawaty Purnama; Indra Sani
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): October 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijatss.v1i2.617


In today's industrial world, the environment functions as a resource for the survival and sustainability of industrial activities themselves as well as a place to live or stand. Companies such as PT Dian Daya Dinamika, as well as the community and government, are paying attention and taking serious action on these environmental issues. Regarding the state of the environment and depleting of natural resources, the company has made a significant contribution. which got worse. Businesses should encourage green production in their operations, but a green environment does not necessarily require zero pollution. This research aims to examine the behavior of environmentally friendly employees towards green motivation. To achieve green competitive advantage (Y), manufacturing companies need green intellectual (X1) and environmentally friendly behavior (X2) in their operations as well as green motivation (X3). This research uses a literature review method. The output was submitted to an international journal, namely Copernicus
Analysis of Employee Behavior, Environmentally Friendly Intellectuals, and the Advantages of Green Motivation Towards Green Innovation in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Tourism Office Wenny Desty Febrian; Ibnu Haris Nasution
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): October 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijatss.v1i2.618


At this time, tourism is the most interesting thing for local and international tourists to visit. The world of tourism was not running due to the impact of Covid 19 in the previous 2 years, but now tourism has become the main attraction after the Covid 19 period has passed. Of course, each region has different attractions in terms of tourism. DKI Jakarta Province has interesting attractions to visit, there are many small islands that are beautiful to the eye, and attractive as a place to relieve fatigue. Therefore, it needs to be supported by environmentally friendly employee behavior, environmentally friendly intellectuals, and superior green motivation, which aims to increase green innovation in this place. The aim of this research is to examine the influence between environmentally friendly employee behavior and green innovation, examine the influence between green intellectuals and green innovation, and examine the influence between green competitive advantage and green innovation. On this occasion, the researcher wants to see the extent of the influence of the employee behavior variable (X1 ), friendly intellectuals (X2), and the superiority of green motivation (X3) towards green innovation (Y) in DKI Jakarta Province. This research method is a literature review that compares several existing theories with previous research. The output of this research was submitted to an international journal, namely Copernicus  
Socialization of Prevention Patterns of Wild Racing and Suppressing the Number of Traffic Accidents Ryan Firdiansyah Suryawan; Kamsariaty; Wenny Desty Febrian
Asian Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 11 (2023): November 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajcs.v2i11.6803


The results of this socialization is to provide education to teenagers about the impact of illegal racing activities which are very dangerous for themselves and other drivers. This socialization report can be a reference for creating patterns to prevent illegal racing and traffic accidents. It was found that the role of parents can shape children's personal, commendable attitudes so that they do not violate the law. The aim of the results of this socialization is to educate teenagers about the dangers of illegal racing which can lead to traffic accidents. The method used is community service outreach to communities around areas prone to illegal racing. The results are very useful for evaluating the behavior of teenagers who carry out these negative activities.