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Social interactions of Sand Miners in Laosu Village, Bondoala Sub District, Konawe District Salahuddin, Salahuddin; Daud, L; Sulmiyatin, Sulmiyatin
Jurnal Ilmiah Membangun Desa dan Pertanian Vol 5, No 6 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness Halu Oleo University Kendari Southeast Sulawesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37149/jimdp.v5i6.11100


This study aimed to determine the social interaction of sand miners in the Laosu Village Bondoala Sub District Konawe District. The research sample consisted of 15 sand miners. The descriptive analysis was used to conduct this research—descriptive techniques for social interaction of sand miners in cooperation and competition, using the interval formula. This study indicated that social interaction with sand miners in collaboration and mutual help from fellow miners knew that the sand is the high category. At the same time, social interaction with sand miners in terms of individual competition and competition for the position and the role of the sand miners fall into the low category. Then social interaction sand miners in the form of a personal conflict of sand miners and social class antagonism sand miners in the deficient category.
Study on Physical Quality of Milk of Peranakan Ettawa Goat using Different Pasteurization Methods Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Najmah Ali; Marsudi Marsudi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.961 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/jitp.v4i3.1227


Goat milk is a liquid medium having a very complete composition, but it can not last long when stored at room temperature. Milk stored at room temperature can be easily spoiled if it does not receive special treatment such as pasteurization. The purpose of this study was to obtain the right temperature and time in the processing of pasteurized milk. The experiment was carried out according to  completely randomized design consisted of 3 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments of this research were the method of pasteurization , i.e. A1 = LTLT (Low Temperature Long Time, temperature of 65oC for 30 minutes) A2 = HTST (High Temperature Short Time, temperature of 75oC for 30 seconds) and A3 = Pasteurization UHT (temperature of 81oC for 30 minutes). The observed parameters were color, smell, taste, gravity weight, pH, acidity and the reductase score. The results of the study  showed that different pasteurization methods had no significant effects (P>0.05) on the color, smell and taste of the goat milk, but significantly affected  (P <0.05) gravity weight and lactic acid percentage. Similarly, the treatments did not have significant effects (P>0.05) on the reductase score of pasteurized goat milk.
KARAKTERISTIK FISIK DAN KIMIA AIR DADIH (WHEY) DANGKE DENGAN LEVEL ENZIM PAPAIN YANG BERBEDA (Chemical and Physical Properties of Dangke Whey Using Different Levels of Papain Enzyme) Sulmiyati Sulmiyati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.31 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/jitp.v5i2.3082


Dangke is a typical food from South Sulawesi, especially in Enrekang made from casein milk with a clotting enzyme papain from papaya. The study was conducted to determine the propertys of whey the waste products dangke and designed in accordance with the completely randomized design 3 treatments provision papain enzyme solution 10-2 at concentration of 0.5%; 1%; and 1.5% with 5 replications. Parameters measured pH, production of curd, whey percentage, percentage of lactic acid, lactose content, protein content. The results showed that the addition of papain enzyme solution did a signifcant effect (P <0.05) on physical propertys of whey and no signifcant effect (P> 0.05) on the chemical propertys of whey. The best results with the use of papain enzyme solution 10-2 at concentration of 1%.
Pengaruh Injeksi Selenium dan Vitamin E pada Ayam Petelur Fase Molting (force molting) terhadap Performa Produksi Nur Saidah Said; Sulmiyati Sulmiyati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 6, No 1 (2019): JITRO, Januari
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.186 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v6i1.5616


ABSTRAKMolting merupakan kejadian alami, tetapi ini dapat dilakukan secara buatan yang disebut dengan force molting. Pada saat ayam petelur mengalami fase molting maka tingkat stres menjadi tinggi. Setelah force molting, yaitu ketika bulu baru sudah tumbuh, ayam akan kembali bertelur meski jumlah produksinya tidak setinggi masa bertelur normal.Selenium dengan kombinasi vitamin E memperbaiki stres dan daya tahan terhadap penyakit sebagai hasilnya performa produksi dan reproduksi meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh injeksi Selenium dan Vitamin E pada ayam petelur fase molting (force molting) terhadap performa produksi. Hewan coba yang digunakan adalah ayam petelur strain isa brown berumur 80 minggu sebanyak 80 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 4 perlakuan dengan 20 ulangan yaitu P0 (0,3 ml PBS), P1 (0,3 ml), P2 (0,6 ml) dan P3 (0,9 ml). Injeksi selenium dan vitamin E menggunakan obat Introvit-E-Selen (Sodium-selenite 0.5 mg/ml dan tocopherol acetate 50.0 mg/ml) pada saat dilakukannya force molting.Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur konsumsi pakan,berat telur dankonversi pakan sebagai variabel performa produksi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Analisis Sidik Ragam dan jika perlakuan berpengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan P2 (0,6 ml Introvit-E-Selen) memiliki pengaruh terhadap nilai konsumsi pakan, berat telur dan konversi pakan dengan rataan nilai 97,35±7,77a, 69,66±3,79a dan 1,40±0,13a. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian injeksi selenium dan vitamin E pada ayam petelur fase molting (force molting) memberi pengaruh yang nyata terhadap performa produksi.Kata kunci: force molting, performa produksi, selenium, vitamin EABSTRACT               Molting is a natural occurrence, but this can be induced artificially using the method called force molting. When laying hens experience molting phase, the stress level becomes high. After force molting, new feathers will grow and the chicken will lay eggs even though the production is not as high as the normal laying period. Selenium with a combination of vitamin E improves resistance to stress and diseases as a result of increased production and reproductive performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Selenium and Vitamin E injection on laying hens in force molting phase on production performance. The experiment used 80 hens of 80 weeks old Isa brown strain layers which were divided into 4 treatments with 20 replications; P0 (0.3 ml PBS), P1 (0.3 ml), P2 (0.6 ml) and P3 (0.9 ml). Type of injection used was Introvit-E-Selen (Sodium-selenite 0.5 mg/ml and tocopherol acetate 50.0 mg/ml) at force molting. The study was conducted by measuring feed consumption, egg weight and feed conversion for production performance variables. The data obtained were analyzed by Analysis of Variance, if the treatment was significant, then followed by Duncan test. The results showed that treatment P2 (0.6 ml Introvit-E-Selen) affected feed consumption, egg weight and feed conversion by average of 97.35 ± 7.77a, 69.66 ± 3.79a, and 1.40 ± 0.13a, respectively. This study concluded that injection of selenium and vitamin E in laying hens at molting (force molting) phase had a significant effect on production performance.Keywords: force molting, vitamin E, selenium, production performance
Karakteristik Dangke Susu Kerbau dengan Penambahan Crude Papain Kering Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Nur Saidah Said
agriTECH Vol 38, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.519 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.24331


Dangke is traditional food from Enrekang, South Sulawesi, which is made from coagulated  buffalo milk or cow milk protein by using crude papain.  There is limited information about characteristics of dangke from buffalo milk than those from cow milk. The characteristics of dangke is affected by the addition of crude papain. This study was aimed to explore the effect of crude papain addition to curd dangke production,  percentage of whey and taste of dangke from buffalo milk. This study was conducted by using complete randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. Treatments consist of the addition of crude papain in different concentration:  0.5%;  1%;  1.5% and 2.0%.  This study howed that curd dangke production range was 41.38- 52.20; pH range was 6.92- 6.96; lactic acid percentage range is 0.15-0.70;  curd dangke's colour range was 1.35 (white)- 1.50 (white);  smell range was 2.50 (mild dangke' smell)- 3.55 (mild dangke' smell);  taste range was 2.10 (bitter)- 4.60 (not bitter) and preference level range was 2.00 (dislike)- 3.90 (like). This study revealed that the best quality of dangke from buffalo milk was derived from treatments with addition of 1% crude papain. Physicochemistry characteristics from our dangke: curd dangke production was 43.94%;  whey percentage was 51.14;  pH was 6.96;  lactic acid percentage was 0.15.  Organoleptic characteristics: curd dangke's colour was 1.45 (white), smell was 2.55 (mild dangke' smell), taste was 4.10 (slightly bitter)  and preference level was 3.55 (like).
Physicochemical, Microbiology, and Sensory Characterization of Goat Milk Kefir in Various Incubation Time Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Nur Saidah Said; Deka Uli Fahrodi; Ratmawati Malaka; Fatma Fatma
Buletin Peternakan Vol 43, No 3 (2019): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 43 (3) AUGUST 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v43i3.37217


This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of goat milk kefir based on the incubation time variations on physicochemical, microbial and organoleptic. The method used was an experimental method using a Completely Randomized Design with 3 various incubation time which were for 12 hours, 18 hours and 24 hours with five replications. Parameters measured were physicochemical characteristics (pH, lactic acid concentration, and ethanol content), microbial characteristics which as the total number of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) colonies and the organoleptic characteristics were color, aroma, taste and favorability level towards goat milk kefir. Physicochemical and microbial data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) while the organoleptic data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the incubation time gave significantly difference effect (P<0.05) on the pH, lactic acid concentration, the total number of LAB goat milk kefir and did not significant effect on the ethanol content. The organoleptic results showed that the incubation time didn’t significant effect on color and aroma, however gave significant affects on the tastes and favorability towards goat milk kefir. It can be concluded that the best incubation time was 24 hours. The physicochemical characteristics showed the pH value at 4.16±0.089; lactic acid concentration at 0.24±0.039%; ethanol content at 0.75±0.044%. The microbiology characteristics, the total number of Lactic Acid Bacteria at 1,24x107±0,008 CFU/ml. The characteristic of organoleptic color at 3.95 (white); aroma at 4.10 (kefir scent); taste at 4.25 (poor acid) and favorability at 4.15 (like).
Pemberian Whey-Dangke dalam Air Minum Menekan Kadar Kolesterol, Trigliserida dan Lipoprotein Darah Ayam Broiler Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Ratmawati Malaka
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 18 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.362 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2017.18.2.257


Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan whey dangke terhadap kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, LDL (low density lipoprotein), HDL (high density lipoprotein), VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) darah ayam broiler dan mengukur konsentrasi pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum yang diberikan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan enam perlakuan pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum dengan empat ulangan. Konsentrasi P0 adalah kelompok kontrol 0%; P1=pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 10%; P2 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 20%; P3 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 30%; P4 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 40%; dan P5 = pemberian whey dangke dengan konsentrasi 50%. Pemberian whey dangke pada ayam broiler strain cobb SR 707 dilakukan selama 15 hari (umur 20–35 hari). Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, LDL, HDL, dan VLDL darah ayam broiler. Data dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam, dan jika menunjukkan pengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) terhadap parameter kolesterol, trigliserida, dan lipoprotein. Namun, terlihat kecenderungan penurunan kadar kolesterol seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi pemberian whey dangke. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil uji in vivo menunjukkan pemberian whey dangke dalam air minum pada ayam broiler pada konsentrasi 50% memperlihatkan penurunan kadar kolesterol hingga 15%. Abstract The purposes of research is to determine the effect of whey dangke against cholesterol levels, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, and VLDL broiler blood and measuring the concentration of whey dangke in water provided. The research was conducted using a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications. P0 is the control group 0%; P1 = whey dangke added with a concentration of 10%; P2 = whey dangke added with a concentration of 20%; P3 = whey dangke added with a concentration of 30%; P4 = whey dangke added with a concentration of 40%; and P5 = whey dangke added with a concentration of 50%. The sample in this research is the broiler cobb strain SR 707. Variable measured in this study were lower cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (low density lipoprotein), HDL (high density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) blood broiler.Each variable were determined after 15 days post treatment. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, and if it shows the real effect followed by Least Significant Difference Test. The results showed that administration of whey dangke in water does not provide significant effect (P> 0.05) on the variable of cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoprotein, but it looks downward trend in cholesterol levels along with increased concentration of whey dangke. It can be concluded that in vivo test results demonstrate that administration of whey dangke in water for broilers at concentrations of 50% showed a decrease in cholesterol levels up to 15%.
Perbandingan Kualitas Fisiokimia Kefir Susu Kambing dengan Kefir Susu Sapi (COMPARISON OF PHYSIOCHEMICAL QUALITY OF GOAT MILK KEFIR WITH COW MILK KEFIR) Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Nur Saidah Said; Deka Uli Fahrodi; Ratmawati Malaka; Fatma Fatma
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 19 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (88.023 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2018.19.2.263


Kefir is one of the fermented beverages which has a distinctive taste from other fermented milk products. Based on the results of several studies concluded that one that affects the quality of kefir is the milk of being used for. The purpose of this study was to examine the comparison of physiochemical quality of kefir made from goat’s milk and cow’s milk. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two treatments and five replications using different milk which was goat’s milk and cow’s milk. Parameters measured were the weight gain of kefir grain (PBBK), ethanol content, the percentage of lactic acid and pH of kefir. The data obtained were analyzed by using the Analysis of Variance and if the treatment was significantly different, then the test continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that kefir produced with different types of milk showed a significant effect (P <0.05) on pH parameters, lactic acid percentage, and ethanol content, but no significant effect (P>0.05) on the value of PBBK. It can be concluded that the best kefir made of goat milk has characteristics: pH value 3.89, the percentage of lactic acid 0.14; PBBK 26.61%; and 0.72% ethanol content.
Upaya Pembinaan Masyarakat Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Susu Kambing Pasteurisasi (Suke) pada Kelompok Tani di Desa Lambanan, Kecamatan Balanipa, Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat Sri Gustina; Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Magfrah Magfrah; Marsudi Marsudi
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 2, No 1 (2016): September
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.32 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.22227


Problems faced by the society in Lambanan village are the lack of knowledge and skills of farmers in managing the maintenance goat, the unability of utilizing and processing goat milk and most societies work as goat breeder and farmer. Purpose of this community dedication is to provide skills and the knowledge for the farmers in the Lambanan village about techniques and milking ways as well as handling and processing milk of goat. Method used is partisipative elucidation followed by demonstration and practice. Te training activities which are conducted on 25—26 June 2016 in main hall of Lambanan village ofce, began with in-class learning about maintenance management, handling, processing and marketing management the goat of PE, then followed by demonstrating outside about technique of milking and processing milk of goat pasteurization. Te products of pasteurized goat milk were packaged in glass that was commercialized with label Suke. Te conclusion of this activity shows that the training activities looked very enthusiastic to join this training and actively ask about goat milk processing.
Pengolahan Briket Bio-Arang Berbahan Dasar Kotoran Kambing dan Cangkang Kemiri di Desa Galung Lombok Kecamatan Tinambung, Polewali Mandar Sulmiyati Sulmiyati; Nur Saidah Said
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 3, No 1 (2017): September
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1668.376 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.25529


The problems faced by farmers in Galung Lombok Village is knowledge in the in the processing of goat livestock manure and waste of hazelnut shell. The solution that can be offered is waste treatment into bio-charcoal briquettes. The community engagement is to introduce community or partners of Community Partnership Program (CPP) in processing livestock manure and agricultural waste into charcoal briquettes as an alternative solution to the problems faced by society and become an alternative business potential that can be developed by farmers. The methods applied in overcoming these problems are through interactive counseling, training with the demonstration of bio-charcoal briquette processing, guidance and mentoring into ready to market products. The results of the dedication activities were held on 13-14 May 2017 at the meeting hall of Siamasei Farmer Group of Galung Lombok Village, Tinambung, Polewali Mandar. This activity is carried out by conducting participatory counseling coupled with demonstrations of processed briquettes from goat manure and hazelnut shell, packaging, and testing of briquette quality. The conclusion that goat livestock manure can be processed into bio-charcoal briquettes through seven stages: drying of raw materials, refining, reducing and filtering, adhesive mixing, printing, drying and packaging. The quality of briquettes produced,the moisture content of 5.58%, ash content of 23.93%, volatile matter of 35.16%, fixed carbon of 35.33%, and calories 4,563 cal/gr.